• Published 29th Dec 2015
  • 1,305 Views, 27 Comments

Let the Magic be Doubled! - GreyPon3

Trixie's life is just fine the way it is. She doesn't need anypony's help?

  • ...

Chapter 2 The Magic is Humble

Third Pony

The dark evening and cold rain suited Trixie's mood. Her hat and cape were soaked through and the cold water was giving her chills. The roof of her caravan leaked and she had been just about as wet and cold inside it as she was now. As she walked down the muddy lane between the buildings of Ponyville, she could see her destination just ahead, Twilight Sparkle's library.

As she approached the library, she was shocked when she saw the condition it was in. The tree appeared to have been completely burned out. Had Twilight been inside during the fire? Was she still alive? Had she missed her chance to apologise? She looked at the Ponyville skyline and saw Twilight's cutie mark shining dimly in the evening gloom. Was it a memorial to Twilight? She walked between the buildings of town in the direction of the glowing mark and saw a crystal tree. She was confused. Was this Twilight's new home?

Trixie started walking towards the crystal tree not sure what to expect when she got there. Second thoughts about what she was here for began flooding her mind. She stopped and closed her eyes then sighed. Her resolve to do what she set out for was beginning to waver. NO! Her course of action had been determined and she wasn't going to back out, now. She continued walking in the muddy lane until she was standing at the palace steps. She looked up then climbed the gold coloured steps to the broad yellow doors. She hesitated before she lifted a trembling hoof and gave the door three raps.

Trixie waited in the rain for several moments then saw the doors swing open. Twilight Sparkle was framed by light from behind the palace doors making Trixie think she looked like an angel for a moment. Twilight saw Trixie standing in the cold rain and felt a little apprehensive about what she might want but the despondent look in her eyes made her speak, “Trixie! Come in, you're soaked!” She stepped aside and Trixie slowly entered the palace lobby. “Get out of that wet cape and follow me upstairs where it's warm.”

Trixie levitated her cape and hat off and Twilight took them and levitated them to a closet. Twilight led Trixie up the stairs to her personal study. Twilight indicated the couch in front of the comforting heat from the fireplace, “Please, sit while I make some hot cider. Would you like some cinnamon in yours?” Trixie nodded slowly. Twilight prepared their drinks and came back to the couch levitating two cups of the hot cinnamon spiced cider. Trixie used her magic to take one as Twilight sat at the opposite end of the couch. Twilight nervously grinned and asked, “Uhm, to what do I owe this visit?”

Trixie closed her eyes as she sipped her steaming cider. She felt it warming her cold and empty insides. She held her cup in her lap and took a breath as she began speaking calmly, “The Great and...,” she sighed. “Trix..,” she sighed again then bit her lip and said slowly, “I'm not going to do that with you. I came to apologise to you for what I did when I had the Alicorn Amulet. I'm not going to excuse what I did because of being under its influence. When I left Ponyville the first time, I felt humiliated and embarrassed. I'd been shown for what I was: a self-aggrandising fraud. My caravan was gone along with everything I had. I wasn't looking for revenge when I heard about the amulet. I worked hard at whatever jobs I could get until I had enough bits to buy it.” Tears began welling in her eyes. “All I wanted to do was prove to you that my magic was as strong as yours but the amulet fed me on revenge and hatred. It made me become power hungry and I couldn't stop.” She began crying as she spoke, “I didn't mean to hurt anypony. I'm sorry. I didn't want to enslave the town or work ponies to exhaustion. She was sobbing as she continued, “ I'm so, so sorry! Please, forgive me! Please, tell me that you put that accursed amulet some place safe so no pony has to suffer because of it.” Twilight nodded and Trixie felt relieved. “Thank you. You don't know the power of that... horrible thing.”

Trixie wiped her eyes and calmed herself then sipped her cider and continued, “I left Ponyville feeling humiliated again but I realised it was my own fault. I was only thinking about myself and not what I could have done to improve my magic. I tried to go back to doing shows... but no ponies wanted to see me. They cursed me and ran me off. I've been wallowing in self pity and haven't done any shows or even been around any ponies since then. I was depressed and hiding in the Whitetail Woods.” She closed her eyes and began shivering, “Then... he came. He was a giant monster. I don't even know how he found me but he did.” Tears began welling anew in her eyes. “He grabbed me and I could feel him sucking the magic from me.” Tears began falling down her cheeks. “I tried to stop him but there was nothing I could do. I could feel him inside my mind pulling all of my magic out.” Trixie began sobbing. “It hurt so much and I felt so... violated. When he was done, he threw me to the ground like so much rubbish and left.” She looked down at her lap as tears continued to fall from her cheeks. “Afterwards, I could hardly move, or eat, or do anything. I had no magic at all. All I wanted to do was hide in my caravan.”

“One day, my magic came back but I began having nightmares every night about what he did. He was attacking me again and I heard you laughing in the background. I know you wouldn't hurt me but I've always been jealous of you. Everything seems to come to you so easily while I have to work so hard,” said Trixie, through her tears. “I haven't slept well, eaten much or even used much magic in weeks. All I did was sit huddled in a corner, crying, trying to forget.” Twilight reached over and pulled her into a hug. She held Trixie as she cried herself out.

Trixie sat up and composed herself then got on her knees in front of Twilight, “Please, Princess Twilight Sparkle, would you be willing to teach me the magic I never learned? I want to use real magic in my shows. I want to be a quality entertainer, a real showmare. I don't want to die as some has been, two bit, side show wannabe.” She stayed there with her eyes closed and her head bowed down as her tears continued.

Twilight pulled Trixie back onto the couch then sat next to her to consider what she had said, “Let me think about it tonight. Do you have a place to stay here in town?” Trixie shook her head. “You can't go back out in this weather. The pegasus weather team is going to make it rain all night and into tomorrow. There are plenty of extra bedrooms in this place. You can stay until the weather improves.”

Trixie bowed her head, “Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Please, just call me Twilight.” Trixie's stomach growled loudly making Twilight raise her eyebrows, “You need something to eat. Follow me to the kitchen.” They walked down the hall and entered the vast kitchen. “There's this huge kitchen and just me and Spike living here. There's enough food in the pantry to last for months.” She opened the large refrigerator, “Would you like a lettuce and cucumber sandwich with some orange juice?”

Trixie nodded, “Yes, please.”

Twilight made two sandwiches and poured two glasses of orange juice. She levitated them to a small table and sat on a cushion, “Please, join me. Spike makes most of the food and I usually eat here. No sense taking it to that large dining room to eat.” Trixie sat on an adjacent cushion and began devouring her sandwich.

When they finished their meal, Trixie asked Twilight, “Where is your dragon friend? I thought he would have opened the door earlier.”

“He's staying with some friends, tonight.” A serious look crossed Twilight's face. “I hope they don't get into trouble, again.”

“Is that what happened to your library?”

Twilight looked sad as she told Trixie what happened, “No, it was destroyed by a red centaur that absorbed the magic of all the ponies in Equestria. He escaped from Tartarus when Cerberus got loose. His name was Lord Tyrek.

Trixie began breathing heavily and visibly stiffened, “That was... his name?” Her stomach began to knot as she thought back to what he had done to her. She began trembling as she tried to hold back her tears.

Twilight put a hoof on Trixie's shoulder and pulled her close, “Yes. He's been resealed in Tartarus so he'll never escape again.”

Trixie enjoyed the warmth of Twilight's hug as her shuddering slowly subsided. She rested her head on Twilight's shoulder.

“After he stole everypony's magic, he went after the magic of the princesses. They gave me their magic to hide from him but he found out I had it. We fought and he destroyed the library trying to kill me.” Twilight's eyes welled up and Trixie sat up to put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “He used my friends as hostages and made me give up my magic to save them but it was our friendship that ultimately defeated him. The Tree of Harmony returned the stolen magic back to the all ponies of Equestria.” Twilight wiped her eyes, “It's late. We should go to bed.” Twilight led Trixie to one of the bedrooms near hers, “You can use this one. The bathroom is over there,” she indicated a door in the hall.

“Thank you, Prin... Twilight,” said Trixie as she entered her room. She closed the door behind her and looked the room over. The furnishings and trimmings were elegant and the bed was big enough for five ponies to sleep in. Never in her life had she imagined she would sleep in a room this splendid. She closed her eyes and smiled. 'I hope my luck is changing at last.'


First Pony

It's dark and raining and I'm cold and soaking wet. This foul weather just suits my mood. My hat and cape are soaked and the cold is giving me chills. I should have stayed in my caravan but the leaking roof made me just about as wet and miserable inside. This muddy road has stretched on for miles and my hooves are freezing. At least I'm in the middle of Ponyville, now, and I can see her library.

What happened! It looks like the tree the library was in has been completely burnt out. Was Twilight inside when it burned? Is she still alive? Have I missed my chance to apologise to her? What about her cutie mark that I saw over the town? There it is shining dimly in the gloomy night. Is it a memorial to Twilight? I have to see what it is. It looks like a crystal tree. This is so strange. Is this Twilight's new home?

I have to see if Twilight is there. What will I do when I get there? I... I can't take the next step. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. It's a good thing it's raining; I wouldn't want anypony to see me crying like this. I... can't do this. NO! I've already made my decision and I'm not backing out. Just one hoof in front of the other. Just climb the steps to the doors. There, I'm standing at the doors. Her doors. Now just lift a hoof and knock. Just take your hoof and knock. It's just the cold making my hoof shake. One, two, three. There! Now it's up to her.

Will she open the doors at night? The doors are opening. The light from inside is bright and making my eyes sting. I thought her little dragon assistant would open the door but... it's her! It's Twilight! The light surrounding her makes her look... angelic. The look on her face tells me she doesn't trust my motivation for being here; I can't blame her. She's looking at me and... her expression is changing. It... looks like... concern... for me.

“Trixie! Come in, you're soaked!”

She's stepped aside and is waiting... on me. Move hooves, she's waiting on us. I can't believe I'm going inside her palace! One hoof in front of the other. It's dry and warm and smells homelike, inside.

“Get out of that wet cape and follow me upstairs where it's warm.”

She must have seen me shiver. It's not the cold that's causing it.

I levitate my wet cape and hat off and she takes them in her telekinetic field. I can feel her magic aura touching mine as she takes my cape and hat and hangs them in a closet. It felt so... soft and silky. Not at all what I would have expected. She's leading me up the grand staircase. I wonder what room she's taking me to? The room is warm and dimly lit, she has books everywhere, a desk, a couch and personal mementos. This must be her personal study. She's pointing a hoof at the couch in front of the flickering fireplace. I'll sit at the end. It feels so warm.

“Please, sit while I make us some hot cider. Would you like some cinnamon in yours?”

I nod my head to her. I watch her making the cider for us. Her horn is glowing and she's doing multiple spells at once. It doesn't look like it's even taking any effort on her part. She comes back to the couch levitating the mugs of cider. I use my magic to take one of the mugs from her. I can feel my aura brush against hers again. It still feels soft, silky. I wonder what mine feels like to her? Probably like a thistle. She sits at the other end of the couch. There's a smile on her face but it looks... nervous.

“Umm, to what do I owe this visit?”

The cider smells so good. My eyes close as I take a sip of the steaming cider. It tastes and feels so good warming me inside and putting something in my stomach. I'm going to hold this warm mug in my lap as I answer her. Take a breath and relax. “The Great and,” Sigh. That's not what I want to say. “Trix...,” Sigh. That's not it, either. Stop chewing your lip and just say it. “I'm not going to do that with you. I came to apologise to you for what I did when I had the Alicorn Amulet. I'm not going to excuse what I did because of being under it's influence.” Remembering that makes my skin crawl. “When I left Ponyville the first time, I felt humiliated and embarrassed.” And so ashamed. “I'd been shown for what I was; a self-aggrandising fraud. My caravan was gone along with everything I had. I wasn't looking for revenge when I heard about the amulet. I worked hard at whatever jobs I could get until I had enough bits to buy it.” I worked my hooves to the bone. I feel tears in my eyes. “All I wanted to do was prove to you that my magic was as strong as yours but the amulet fed me on revenge and hatred. It made me become power hungry and I couldn't stop.” The memory of that makes my stomach hurt. I can't help crying. “I didn't mean to hurt anypony. I'm sorry. I didn't want to enslave the town or work ponies to exhaustion.” I'm bawling my eyes out. “I'm so, so sorry! Please, forgive me!” What happened to... it? “Please, tell me that you put that accursed amulet some place safe so no pony has to suffer because of it.” She's nodding her head. Good. “Thank you. You don't know the power of that... horrible thing.” And I hope you never do.

Calm down, Trixie and wipe your eyes. I need another sip of cider. “I left Ponyville feeling humiliated again but I realised it was my own fault. I was only thinking about myself and not what I could have done to improve my magic.” I should have stayed and asked... you. “I tried to go back to doing shows... but no ponies wanted to see me. They cursed me and ran me off. I've been wallowing in self pity and haven't done any shows or even been around any ponies since then. I was depressed and hiding in the Whitetail Woods.” Where I was alone and thought I was safe. If I close my eyes tightly, I won't see him again; he still makes me shiver! “Then... he came. He was a giant monster. I don't even know how he found me but he did.” The tears are coming back whether I want them or not. “He grabbed me and I could feel him sucking the magic from me.” I... can't hold them anymore. “I tried to stop him but there was nothing I could do. I could feel him inside my mind pulling all of my magic out.” I'm crying like a foal in front of her but I don't care anymore. “It hurt so much and I felt so... violated. When he was done, he threw me to the ground like so much rubbish and left.” I can't look her in the eyes crying like this. Just look down. “Afterwards, I could hardly move, or eat, or do anything. I had no magic at all. All I wanted to do was hide in my caravan.” And die.

Get it together, Trixie. “One day my magic came back but I began having nightmares every night about what he did.” I couldn't make them stop. “He was attacking me again and I heard you laughing in the background. I know you wouldn't hurt me but I've always been jealous of you. Everything seems to come to you so easily while I have to work so hard.” The tears are coming back. “I haven't slept well, eaten much or even used much magic in weeks. All I did was sit huddled in a corner, crying, trying to forget.” And I never will!

What's she doing? She's... hugging me. I'm crying on her shoulder like such a silly little filly. She's warm and soft and... I hope she never lets go.

Okay, Trixie, sit up, you're in front of a Princess of Equestria. Compose yourself, wipe your face and do what you came here for. Get on your knees in front of her. “Please, Princess Twilight Sparkle, would you be willing to teach me the magic I never learned? I want to use real magic in my shows. I want to be a quality entertainer, a real showmare. I don't want to die as some has been, two bit, side show wannabe.” I don't want her to see me crying again. I'll just stay here, looking at the floor.

Wait! She's lifting me back to the couch. She's sitting next to me. She's just, looking at me.

“Let me think about it tonight. Do you have a place to stay in town?”

I shake my head. Not too many ponies in this town would have anything to do with me.

“You can't go back out in this weather. The pegasus weather team is going to make it rain all night and into tomorrow. There are plenty of extra bedrooms in this place. You can stay until the weather improves.”

She's going to let me stay? After everything I did and said before, she offers me a place to stay instead of turning me out? I had so misjudged her. I honour her and her position by bowing my head. “Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Please, just call me Twilight.”

She says that to me like we're already friends. That mug of cider gave my stomach courage to let itself be known. She heard that; her eyebrows went up.

“You need something to eat. Follow me to the kitchen.”

I haven't had any real food in days. I've been eating grass and boiled pine cones. I learned to do that years ago to supplement my meagre meals. Look at this kitchen! It's almost as big as the house I grew up in.

“There's this huge kitchen and just me and Spike living here. There's enough food in the pantry to last for months.”

She opened a door on a refrigerator almost the size of my caravan.

“Would you like a lettuce and cucumber sandwich with some orange juice?”

I nod. “Yes, please.” Eating from Twilight's rubbish bin would be a banquet.

She made sandwiches for both of us and poured two glasses of orange juice. She levitated them to a small table and sat on a cushion. She's pointing to an adjacent cushion.

“Please, join me. Spike makes most of the food and I usually eat here. No sense taking it to that large dining room to eat.”

I sit next to her and begin devouring my sandwich. It's amazing how good something this simple can taste when you haven't had a real meal in weeks. We finished eating, I was done well before her. I feel a little embarrassed. “Where is your dragon friend? I thought he would have opened the door earlier.”

“He's staying with some friends, tonight.”

She has a serious look on her face.

“I hope they don't get into trouble, again.”

Did they burn down her library? “Is that what happened to your library?”

The look on her face is so sad.

“No, it was destroyed by a red centaur that absorbed the magic of all the ponies in Equestria. He escaped from Tartarus when Cerberus got loose. His name was Lord Tyrek.”

My breathing feels laboured and I feel so tense, “That was... his name?” My stomach feels like it's knotting up. I don't want to remember what he did to me. I'm shaking but I don't want to cry again. She's put her hoof on my shoulder and pulled me close to her.

“Yes. He's been resealed in Tartarus so he'll never escape again.”

She feels so warm again. Her hug is helping make my shakes go away. It feels so comfortable with my head on her shoulder.

“After he stole everypony's magic, he went after the magic of the princesses. They gave me their magic to hide from him but he found out I had it. We fought and he destroyed the library trying to kill me.”

She looks sad again and has tears now. Sit up and offer her a hoof.

“He used my friends as hostages and made me give up my magic to save them but it was our friendship that ultimately defeated him. The Tree of Harmony returned the stolen magic back to the all ponies of Equestria.”

She's wiping her eyes.

“It's late. We should go to bed.”

She's taking me to where the bedrooms are in the palace. She brought me to a room near hers.

“You can use this one. The bathroom is over there.”

She's indicating a door to me with her hoof.

As I entered the bedroom I said, “Thank you, Prin...Twilight.” I almost forgot she wanted me to call her that. I closed the door and look around at this room. Everything in the room is so elegant! Just like her. This bed would sleep five ponies easily. I never imagined the day where I would sleep in room as splendid as this. I close my eyes and feel a smile on my face as I wish: 'I hope my luck is changing at last.'

Author's Note:

What Tyrek did to Trixie seems to have dramatically changed her. Maybe now she'll get the friendship and training she's been needing.