• Published 29th Dec 2015
  • 1,305 Views, 27 Comments

Let the Magic be Doubled! - GreyPon3

Trixie's life is just fine the way it is. She doesn't need anypony's help?

  • ...

Chapter 3 A Magic Morning

Third Pony

Trixie stretched out in her bed expecting her head and hooves to bump the walls in the cramped cubbyhole her sleeping mat was in. She was surprised by all the space she had around her. The thick, warm blanket was not the thin and wet one she expected. She slowly opened her eyes, hoping this wasn't a dream. She began looking around the spacious room and remembered where she was. This was Twilight Sparkle's palace. The home of her nemesis. No, her new friend. Last night, she bared herself to Twilight more than she ever had to anypony. It felt... good.

Trixie thought back over the events that happened after she went to bed. Twilight heard Trixie cry out during the night and entered her room. She found her weeping under the covers and offered a shoulder to cry on. Trixie had her recurring nightmare and was terrified. She held Trixie and rubbed a hoof on her back as she continued to cry. Trixie told her, “You've been the only pony to show me any kindness for a long time.” Twilight held Trixie until she fell asleep then tucked her into the covers. Trixie slept well after that and didn't remember her nightmare so vividly. Maybe the old mare's tale was true, she thought: 'If you share your nightmare with somepony, it helps make it go away'.

A gentle rapping at the door broke her reverie. It had to be the only other occupant of the palace, Twilight. Trixie crawled to the edge of the bed and placed her hooves on the shiny, smooth floor. She walked to the door and opened it to see Twilight there.

“Good morning. I hope you slept well.” Trixie nodded. “Great! I have breakfast ready for us in the kitchen.”

Trixie followed Twilight to the kitchen and sat on the cushion that was indicated to her. Twilight began levitating plates of waffles and fresh fruit to the table. “What would you like to drink?” she asked.

“Another orange juice would be nice,” Trixie replied.

“I have to start my mornings with a cup of coffee. I've had three,” said a wide eyed Twilight as she poured the orange juice.

Trixie rolled her eyes, “Gee, I would have never guessed.”

Twilight smiled at her then began eating her breakfast, “Sooo, I thought about what you asked me last night.” Trixie stopped chewing and looked at Twilight. “So what you're wanting to do is learn magic that can be used to make your show more 'spellbinding'?"

Trixie rolled her eyes and groaned at the obvious pun.

“Too early in the morning?”

“Too much coffee,” offered Trixie as she began eating again.

“But seriously, we need to discuss what kinds of magic you want to learn. We need to get an idea of what your show will be like and plan the magic accordingly. How much magic do you know?” asked Twilight.

Trixie stopped chewing and frowned. She looked away as she swallowed the lump that her waffle had become. She looked back at Twilight, “Could we... discuss this after breakfast?”

Twilight smiled at her, “That's okay. We can go to my study later.”

Trixie ate the rest of her meal in silence.

They finished their breakfast and Twilight levitated the dishes to the sink. Twilight led Trixie upstairs to her study. They went in and sat on each end of the couch in front of the fireplace. Twilight used her magic to stoke the fire and added a log. Soon there was a warming fire burning. “Most of the palace is heated from the ground. I'm glad this room has a fireplace. It makes it feel cosy. Sooo... how much magic do you know?”

Trixie looked away from Twilight and bit her lip. She was embarrassed by the fact that she didn't know that much magic and had relied on illusion and deception during her magic shows. She really didn't want to say but she knew Twilight would find out eventually. She looked back at Twilight and then to the floor, “I... don't really know that much. My show was based on trickery and bravado. That's why... I boasted so much.”

Twilight looked at Trixie and understood how much courage it took for her to admit that. She reached out her hoof and took up Trixie's hoof. Trixie looked at Twilight and saw compassion in her expression. Her heart felt lighter with that admission even if her ego was bruised.

“Well... what school did you go to and what training did you take?” asked Twilight.

“When I was a filly, they did the standard unicorn magic potential tests on me. My parents were told I had a high potential to be a great magic user and they put in an application for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.” Trixie smiled at that memory. “I studied there for almost two years. My father worked for the Canterlot government and had a good income.” Trixie began frowning and her her eyes welled up. “He died in an accident, one day, on the way to work.” Tears were falling down her cheeks. Twilight moved closer to Trixie and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “My mother didn't work and we only had my fathers insurance and savings to live on. We had to move to a smaller apartment. There weren't enough bits for tuition at the school so I was enrolled in public school. The school there only taught basic unicorn magic.” Trixie began to sob into her hooves because of her next memory and Twilight rubbed her hoof on Trixie's back. “My mother missed my father so badly that she took to drinking to ease her pain. It got so bad that she wouldn't get out of bed for days. One morning, I was hungry and I couldn't wake her up.” Trixie sobbed deeply before she continued. “I went to the building manager and told him I was hungry and couldn't wake my mother. He looked in at her and contacted Foal Protective Services. My case worker told me she had died.” Trixie pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed inconsolably. Twilight pulled Trixie to her and held her several minutes until her tears slowed. She sniffled before she continued, “I was put in an orphanage run by the Merciful Sisters of Celestia. I was there for two years before I was adopted by an earth pony couple. The school where they lived didn't teach any unicorn magic so all the magic I ever learned was from my time at Celestia's school or on my own.”

Twilight had tears in her eyes. “That's so sad. Hearing that makes me feel ashamed for what I thought of you before.”

Trixie wiped her eyes, “That's okay, Twilight. I wasn't in a good place then. I used my lies to make me feel better, to cover for the fact I'm such a weak magic user. I started bulling ponies to build up my self esteem. I was horrible.”

“You're here now, Trixie, and you've asked for help,” said Twilight “It takes a pretty big pony to do that. You had to have serious magical potential or you would have never been accepted to Celestia's school. We need to start testing your magical limits and begin a course of remedial magic.”

“Remedial magic? Isn't that like magic kindergarten?” asked Trixie.

Twilight thought back to her past and a small smile crossed her face. “No. We need to see what spells you do know and then strengthen them and then teach you new spells that rely on them. The ability to use magic effectively is built up in layers but you have to have a solid foundation of common basic spells to build from.”

A look of understanding spread across Trixie's face, “So that older spells can work automatically with newer spells?”

“Exactly!” said Twilight. “That way you don't have to concentrate on what base spells you need when you begin combining them.”

A happy look of understanding spread across Trixie's face.

“We'll start the testing and formal lessons later because I have to go to Canterlot, today. I'll be back this afternoon. I'll set out some basic magic books for you to read while I'm gone.”

Twilight examined her collection of basic magic books and selected some of the less foalish ones for Trixie. She didn't want to insult her with too simple a book. She levitated them to the small table at the end of the couch, “You can read these in here, if you like.”

“Thank you. I think I will,” replied Trixie.

“Feel free to raid the kitchen for lunch. Well... Got to fly,” Twilight left for Canterlot.

Trixie levitated the top book from the stack and settled into the couch for a comfortable morning of reading basic magic theory.


First Pony

A nice stretch would feel good before I get out of bed. Why haven't my head and hooves bumped the walls of the cubbyhole my mattress is in? There's so much room! This thick, warm blanket isn't my thin wet one. I hope this isn't a dream when I open my eyes. This room has so much space! I remember where I am. This is Twilight Sparkle's palace. The home of my nemesis. No, my new friend. Last night, I told more about myself to Twilight than I ever have to anypony. It felt... good to tell her.

What was it that happened after I went to bed? Twilight came in and found me cowering under the covers, crying. I must have had that horrible nightmare again. She held me and rubbed my back as I cried. I told her, 'You've been the only pony to show me any kindness for a long time.' She must have held me until I fell asleep. I don't remember my nightmare so vividly. Maybe the old mare's tale is true: 'If you share your nightmare with somepony, it helps make it go away'.

There's somepony knocking at the door. It must be Twilight. This bed is so large, I'm going to have to crawl over to the edge of it. The floor is so smooth and shiny. It is Twilight at the door.

“Good morning. I hope you slept well.” I nod my head. “Great! I have breakfast ready for us in the kitchen.”

I follow Twilight to the kitchen and sit on the cushion that she indicated to me. She's levitating plates of waffles and fresh fruit to the table.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Another orange juice would be nice,” I answer.

“I have to start my mornings with a cup of coffee. I've had three.”

I noticed her eyes seemed a bit wide as she was pouring the orange juice. I roll my eyes, “Gee, I would have never guessed.”

Twilight smiled at me then began eating her breakfast.

“Sooo, I thought about what you asked me last night.”

I stop chewing my waffle and look at her.

“So what you're wanting to do is learn magic that can be used to make your show more 'spellbinding'?"

I roll my eyes and groan at the obvious pun.

She looked at me,

“Too early in the morning?”

“Too much coffee.”

“But seriously, we need to discuss what kinds of magic you want to learn. We need to get an idea of what your show will be like and plan the magic accordingly. How much magic do you know?”

I stopped chewing the waffle in my mouth as it now tastes like cardboard. I turn my head away from her as I swallow the lump my waffle became. I look back at her, “Could we... discuss this after breakfast?”

Twilight is smiling at me.

“That's okay. We can go to my study later.”

I eat the rest of my meal in silence. I can feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach.

We finish our breakfast and Twilight is levitating the dishes to the sink. I follow Twilight back upstairs to her study. We go in and sit on each end of the couch in front of the fireplace. Twilight uses her magic to stoke the fire and add a log. Now there is a warming fire burning.

“Most of the palace is heated from the ground. I'm glad this room has a fireplace. It makes it feel cosy. Sooo... how much magic do you know?”

I really don't want to answer that so I look away and bite my lip to stay quiet. It's so embarrassing how little magic I do know. Most of my shows were based on illusion and deception. I don't want to tell her but... she'll find out eventually. I look back at her but I can't look her in the eyes, so the floor will do. “I... don't really know that much. My show was based on trickery and bravado. That's why... I boasted so much.”

The look on her face isn't the smirk I was expecting. The little smile she has looks like she understood how much courage it took for me to admit that. She's such a good pony for not making fun of me. She's taking my hoof into hers. The look on her face is so compassionate. I feel so much better even if I hated admitting what I said.

“Well... what school did you go to and what training did you take?”

“When I was a filly, they did the standard unicorn magic potential tests on me. My parents were told I had a high potential to be a great magic user and they put in an application for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.” They were so proud of me. “I studied there for almost two years. My father worked for the Canterlot government and had a good income.” I wish I didn't have this memory; I feel tears coming on. “He died in an accident one day on the way to work.” I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. It's nice that Twilight moved closer to me and placed her hoof on my shoulder. I think I can continue. “My mother didn't work and we only had my fathers insurance and savings to live on. We had to move to a smaller apartment. There weren't enough bits for tuition at the school so I was enrolled in public school. The school there only taught basic unicorn magic.” I hate this next memory. I'm crying so hard. I don't want her to see me sobbing like this. She's rubbing my back. I can do this, now. “My mother missed my father so badly that she took to drinking to ease her pain. It got so bad that she wouldn't get out of bed for days. One morning, I was hungry and I couldn't wake her up.” This hurts so much! “I went to the building manager and told him I was hungry and couldn't wake my mother. He looked in at her and contacted Foal Protective Services. My case worker told me she had died.” I MISS HER SO MUCH! Mommy!... I'm curling into a ball as the tears are just pouring out. I can't get them to stop. Twilight's warm hug feels so comforting to me. She's letting me cry this out... I don't know how much time has passed. I sniffle my nose and feel better. “I was put in an orphanage run by the Merciful Sisters of Celestia. I was there for two years before I was adopted by an earth pony couple. The school where they lived didn't teach any unicorn magic so all the magic I ever learned was from my time at Celestia's school or on my own.”

Twilight has tears in her eyes.

“That's so sad. Hearing that makes me feel ashamed for what I thought of you before.”

I wipe the tears from my eyes. “That's okay, Twilight. I wasn't in a good place then. I used my lies to make me feel better, to cover for the fact I'm such a weak magic user. I started bulling ponies to build up my self esteem. I was horrible.”

“You're here now, Trixie, and you've asked for help. It takes a pretty big pony to do that.”

She's giving me such a beautiful smile.

“You had to have serious magical potential or you would have never been accepted to Celestia's school. We need to start testing your magical limits and begin a course of remedial magic.”

Did I just hear right? “Remedial magic? Isn't that like magic kindergarten?” She has this look on her face like she's thinking about some inside joke.

“No. We need to see what basic spells you know and then strengthen them and then teach you new spells that rely on them. The ability to use magic effectively is built up in layers but you have to have a solid foundation of common basic spells to build from.”

She's sounding like one of the school's magic professors. I wonder if she's thought of teaching at the school? Wait a minute! I think I understand what she said. “So that older spells can work automatically with newer spells?”

“Exactly! That way you don't have to concentrate on what base spells you need when you begin combining them.”

She has such a pleased look. We haven't even had a first lesson and I'm beginning to see what I've missed all these years!

“We'll start the testing and formal lessons later because I have to go to Canterlot, today. I'll be back this afternoon. I'll set out some basic magic books for you to read while I'm gone.”

She's going through her collection of books. I wonder what she's choosing? I hope it's nothing too basic. Wow, she's got quite a pile of them set on the end table.

“You can read these in here, if you like.”

“Thank you. I think I will,” I say to her.

“Feel free to raid the kitchen for lunch. Well... Got to fly.”

Let's see what this top book has to say. Hmmmmm... not too basic. Let me prop these pillows up and stretch out on the couch. Now to some serious reading.

Author's Note:

We have a glimpse into Trixie's tragic past. She's going to need so much help.