• Published 29th Dec 2015
  • 1,305 Views, 27 Comments

Let the Magic be Doubled! - GreyPon3

Trixie's life is just fine the way it is. She doesn't need anypony's help?

  • ...

Chapter 4 The Magic Begins

Third Pony

Trixie was so engrossed by the books she was reading that she had forgotten about lunch until her stomach reminded her, loudly. She bookmarked her place in the magic manual she was reading and levitated it to the couch. She was pleased with the gentle landing she was able to control.

Her search for food took her to the large pantry in the kitchen. Just as she emerged from the pantry, levitating several items she intended to make her lunch with, she heard a loud gasp and someone say, “What are YOU doing here? What have you done to Twilight?”

The sudden question surprised her and she dropped the lunch ingredients on the table. She looked around the kitchen for the owner of the voice and saw a small dragon standing near the kitchen door. “You must be Spike. I'm...”

“I know who you are. You're Trixie Lulamoon. You almost destroyed Ponyville the last time you were here. Where's Twilight? Does she know you're running around in her kitchen? I need to go find her!” Spike turned to leave but was stopped by being suspended in Trixie's pink magic aura. “Let me go! What kind of torture are you going to put me through, this time?”

Trixie levitated Spike and set him on the floor in front of her. “If you'll let me get in a word. In order: I'm not here to destroy Ponyville. She went to Canterlot. I haven't done anything to her. She told me I was free to make my own lunch. I've let you go and I don't plan on torturing you, yet.” Trixie paused for a moment, “And, I'm sorry.”

“For what?” asked Spike as he furrowed his brows.

“For what I did to you last time I was here.”

“You were under the influence of the amulet. It was controlling you.”

“I'm not going to use that as an excuse. I bought the amulet and I used it. I didn't have to put it on. It was my choice.” Trixie had a sad look cross her face. “I began doing evil things that I was so ashamed of afterwards. I'm so very sorry for what I did. Will you forgive me?”

Spike considered it for moment, “Yes, I will. One thing I've learned from Twilight and our time in Ponyville is that it's better to forgive than carry hard feelings around. Besides, I've got a thick hide; scales and all,” he smiled as he pointed to his back.

Trixie smiled, “Thank you.” She began preparing her lunch. “I'm not the same pony I was last time I was here. I made mistakes and I'm trying to improve myself. I talked to Twilight and she agreed to mentor me. Would you like to join me for lunch?”

Spike smiled and tapped the tips of his claws together, “Okay, as long as you don't make me eat asparagus. I can't stand asparagus.”

Trixie smiled at Spike, “No problem, I'm not too fond of it either.”

Trixie made sandwiches and fruit bowls for herself and Spike. While they sat at the table and ate, Trixie made some idle conversation, “So, I noticed you weren't here when I arrived last night...”

“I was at Sweet Apple Acres on a sleepover with the CMC in their club house. The rain kept us in all night,” answered Spike after he swallowed a bite of his sandwich.

Trixie rolled her eyes, “Yea, I know about that rain. What is the CMC?”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are fillies that formed a club to try to get their cutie marks. They try all kinds of things to get theirs”

Trixie rolled her eyes and grinned, “Nopony ever has the patience to wait. Even I wanted mine, NOW!” Trixie made a pouting face.

Spike and Trixie laughed and continued their conversation.

“I notice you're not speaking in the third person,” said Spike.

“Trixie started doing that for her shows.” She smiled at Spike. “I used it as a way to keep my name in ponies minds. I started getting too carried away with it, later. That's about the same time I began challenging the hecklers in my audience and feeling I was better than them. I started boasting about my abilities about then, too. Those weren't some of my better decisions. I believe my time with Twilight will make me a better pony.”

They finished eating their lunches and Spike volunteered to clean the kitchen so Trixie could get back to the books. She returned to Twilight's study and resumed her reading.


It was early afternoon when Twilight returned from her trip to Canterlot. She found Spike in the library shelving books in the fiction section. His eyes lit up as he ran over to her. “Hey, Twilight! Do you know about Trixie being here?”

Twilight set her saddle bags on a table with her magic, “Yes. I had hoped to tell you before you found out. She came here last night during the rain. She apologised to me for what she did the last time she was here. Trixie seems to have changed for the better. She wants me to tutor her in magic.”

“Does anypony else know she's here?” Spike asked nervously.

“No, and I think we should keep it that way for now. Some ponies might not respond too well to her after last time she was here. I want to try to get them used to the idea of her being here, slowly. Where is she?”

“She's been up in your study reading most of the day.”

“Okay. Pinkie promise you won't tell anypony she's here.”

Spike went through the motions and recited the Pinkie promise then Twilight left the library. She went to her study and saw Trixie absorbed by a book on basic magic. Trixie's pink aura surrounded a book on the pile behind her on the end table and levitated it next to her on the couch. She levitated it back to the pile and gently placed it on top.

Trixie looked up for a second and saw Twilight watching her. A broad smile spread across Trixie's face, “I found a way to gain a finer control over my levitation spell! Before, I had a rather mixed success with a gentle landing. I've been reading about so many things I was never taught.”

“I'm glad to see you take initiative and practise.”

“I want to improve my skills for myself as well as my show. There are so many things I have to do one at a time that others combine. I hated it when I was called 'One Trick Trixie' in school.” A small frown showed on her face.

Twilight looked a little uncomfortable with what she was about to say. “About school... Trixie... I need to ask you something.”

Trixie returned a concerned look, “What is it?”

“I checked with Celestia's school for your records and they said there has never been a Trixie Lulamoon registered.”

Trixie looked down, “Because... that wasn't my name, then. Trixie Lulamoon is my adopted name.”

Twilight furrowed her brows, “What was your name in school?”

Trixie took a breath and closed her eyes, “My birth name was... Moonglow Glitter.”

“Moonglow, that's such a pretty name. Why don't you go by that?”

Trixie looked down again, “That was the name my... mother gave me. It always made me sad to hear it... after...” Trixie felt a lump in her throat. “I've gone by Trixie Lulamoon most of my life. Only you, me and some dusty old school records know my real name. I'd like to keep it that way.”

“How did you get named Trixie Lulamoon?” asked Twilight.

Trixie smiled briefly, “Lulamoon was the name of my adoptive family. Trixie...” she sighed. “Trixie was a pet name my adoptive mother gave me when I was a filly. We'd gone to a magic show and I wanted to be like the magic pony but I couldn't say tricky pony because I was missing my front teeth. It came out twixie pony, so she called me Trixie.” Trixie looked Twilight in the eyes, “I have a confession to make. My first trip to Ponyville wasn't the first time we met. You're going to find out anyway.”

Twilight gave a confused look back at Trixie, “When did we meet before?”

“Quite literally, in magic kindergarten. We started at Celestia's school the same day. I remember the stories circulating around about how your entrance exam went, that you got your cutie mark and how you became Celestia's personal protégé. I wished I had been given such a special place like that and I was hurt that I had to quit school just over a year later... after...” Trixie closed her eyes and sighed at the sad memory. “Anyway, that's why you probably don't remember me.”

“Well, to be honest, I was so obsessed with trying to please the princess that I really didn't pay too much attention to the other students around me. I barely had a hoofful of friends through school as it was and those I had, I began to ignore. I was a bad friend.” Twilight frowned and her ears folded down. “It wasn't until Celestia sent me to Ponyville that I learned the true value of friendship.” Twilight perked up, “I don't need your old records. We can let Moonglow stay where she is and start fresh. I have a few royal duties to attend to that will take me a while. Why don't you finish your reading and we'll start your studies in earnest in the morning.”

Trixie nodded and returned to the couch while Twilight retired to her desk to peruse her piles of princess paperwork.


First Pony

These books are so engrossing but that rather loud and rude sound my stomach just made reminded me it's lunchtime. I guess I'll just bookmark where I am in in this book. I'm so happy I learned how to set it down gently with my magic instead of just dropping it like I used to.

Twilight said I could 'raid' the pantry for something to eat. Let's see if I can find the kitchen. Here's the pantry; what to have? Let's see... some bread, lettuce, daises, mayo, fruit. Okay, now levitate this to the table...

“What are YOU doing here? What have you done to Twilight?”

ACK! Oh, rats! I dropped my lunch. At least it didn't fall far. That little dragon by the door is Twilight's assistant. “You must be Spike. I'm...”

“I know who you are. You're Trixie Lulamoon. You almost destroyed Ponyville the last time you were here. Where's Twilight? Does she know you're running around in her kitchen? I need to go find her!”

I don't need him running around in a panic. Just pick him up and bring him over here. I hope he appreciates the gentle landing.

“Let me go! What kind of torture are you going to put me through, this time?”

What a drama drake. Ease him to the floor in front of me. “If you'll let me get in a word. In order: I'm not going to destroy Ponyville. She went to Canterlot. I haven't done anything to her. She told me I was free to make my own lunch. I've let you go and I don't plan on torturing you, yet.” Apologise to him Trixie, “And I'm sorry.”

“For what?”

“For what I did to you the last time I was here.”

“You were under the influence of the amulet. It was controlling you.”

I don't ever want to use that as a defence. I have to pony up to my own actions. “I'm not going to use that as an excuse. I bought the amulet and I used it. I didn't have to put it on. It was my choice.” I feel so bad about that. “I began doing evil things that I was so ashamed of afterwards. I'm so very sorry for what I did. Will you forgive me?” I hope he will.

“Yes, I will. One thing I've learned from Twilight and our time in Ponyville is that it's better to forgive than carry hard feelings around. Besides, I've got a thick hide; scales and all.”

He made a joke. He smiled as he pointed at his back.

“Thank you.” Maybe I'm beginning to earn a little of his trust. Now, let me start lunch. “I'm not the same pony I was last time I was here. I made mistakes and I'm trying to improve myself. I talked to Twilight and she agreed to mentor me. Would you like to join me for lunch?”

Well, at least he's smiling, even if it's a nervous one. I wonder who he learned that from?

“Okay, as long as you don't make me eat asparagus. I can't stand asparagus.”

A smile's in order, “No problem, I'm not too fond of it either.”

Let's see, a couple of sandwiches with a bit of mayo, some fruit for the fruit bowls, and it's lunch for two. Levitate his across the table... let's see if he'll talk to me some more, “So, I noticed you weren't here when I arrived last night...”

“I was at Sweet Apple Acres on a sleepover with the CMC in their club house. The rain kept us in all night.”

That rain was a real treat. “Yea, I know about that rain. What is the CMC?”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are fillies that formed a club to try to get their cutie marks. They try all kinds of things to get theirs”

Foals never change. “Nopony ever has the patience to wait. Even I wanted mine, NOW!”

Well, at least he's laughing at the pout face I made; that's good. We're talking and eating. He seems to be loosening up.

“I notice you're not speaking in the third person.”

“Trixie started doing that for her shows.” I sneaked that in on purpose. It kind of tickles me he noticed. “I used it as a way to keep my name in ponies minds. I started getting too carried away with it, later. That's about the same time I began challenging the hecklers in my audience and feeling I was better than them. I started boasting about my abilities about then, too. Those weren't some of my better decisions. I believe my time with Twilight will make me a better pony.”

We're done eating and he volunteered to clean the kitchen so I can return to my reading. I can see why Twilight likes her study so much. It's an excellent place to relax and read.


There are so many things in these books I need to practise. I'm going to need Twilight to show me some of the intricacies of the mixed spells. Setting things down gently after levitating them; how did I miss learning to do that? I want to keep practising that until it becomes second nature. I'm going to keep reading this book and levitate one from the pile behind me to the couch. There, a nice soft landing. Now, back to the pile. Nice and easy.

There's Twilight! I wonder how long she's been watching me? She seems pleased with what she saw. That makes me happy, too. “I found a way to gain a fine control over my levitation spell! Before, I had a rather mixed success with a gentle landing. I've been reading about so many things I was never taught.”

“I'm glad to see you take initiative and practise.”

“I want to improve my skills for myself as well as my show. There are so many things I have to do one at a time that others combine. I hated it when I was called 'One Trick Trixie' in school.” Those ponies never knew how much that bothered me. Did I say something to worry her? She looks like she's ill at ease.

“About school... Trixie... I need to ask you something.”

Suddenly, I feel a bit nervous. “What is it?”

“I checked with Celestia's school for your records and they said there has never been a Trixie Lulamoon registered.”

Oh, no. I can't look her in the face. “Because... that wasn't my name, then. Trixie Lulamoon is my adopted name.” Twilight looks concerned now.

“What was your name in school?”

If I close my eyes, maybe this memory won't hurt as much. “My birth name was... Moonglow Glitter.” I haven't said or thought of that name in years.

“Moonglow, that's such a pretty name. Why don't you go by that?”

I can't seem to look at anything but the floor. “That was the name my... mother gave me. It always made me sad to hear it... after...” I have such a lump in my throat. Breathe. “I've gone by Trixie Lulamoon most of my life. Only you, me and some dusty old school records know my real name. I'd like to keep it that way.”

“How did you get named Trixie Lulamoon?”

This story is kinda cute. “Lulamoon was the name of my adoptive family. Trixie...” Sigh. “Trixie was a pet name my adoptive mother gave me when I was a filly. We'd gone to a magic show and I wanted to be like the magic pony but I couldn't say tricky pony because I was missing my front teeth. It came out twixie pony, so she called me Trixie.” I have to look her in the eyes and tell her the truth. “I have a confession to make. My first trip to Ponyville wasn't the first time we met. You're going to find out anyway.” She looks confused.

“When did we meet before?”

“Quite literally, in magic kindergarten.” I'll never forget that day. “We started at Celestia's school the same day. I remember the stories circulating around about how your entrance exam went, that you got your cutie mark and how you became Celestia's personal protégé.” She actually hatched that egg. “I wished I'd been given such a special place like that and I was hurt that I had to quit school just over a year later... after...” That memory hurts so much. Sigh. “Anyway, that's why you probably don't remember me.”

“Well, to be honest, I was so obsessed with trying to please the princess that I really didn't pay too much attention to the other students around me. I barely had a hoofful of friends through school as it was and those I had, I began to ignore. I was a bad friend”

She looks like she really feels bad about that.

“It wasn't until Celestia sent me to Ponyville that I learned the true value of friendship.”

She looks happy again.

“I don't need your old records. We can let Moonglow stay where she is and start fresh. I have a few royal duties to attend to that will take me a while. Why don't you finish your reading and we'll start your studies in earnest in the morning.”

A quick nod of my head and I'm back to the couch and the books. It looks like she's going to her desk to peruse her piles of princess paperwork.

Author's Note:

Trixie seems to be a quick study. She might rival Twilight for absorbing magic knowledge. It doesn't seem to have been mentioned on the telly show but the IDW comic showed Twilight and Trixie showing up the same day for magic kindergarten. It also showed Trixie with her proud mum.

I'm trying something different with this chapter. I put Trixie's internal dialogue in italics in the first person. I feel this helps distinguish that from the spoken lines. Let me know what you think of it. If there's a positive reaction, I'll change the earlier chapters to match. If negative, I'll change this one.

Comments ( 9 )

It's a nice change for Trixie's 1st person POV. I wonder how you came up with Moonglow Glitter?

7146799 I have a future (like a while from now) series of stories that revolve around Twilight Sparkle (Element of Magic), Sunset Shimmer (Element of Redemption), Starlight Glimmer (Element of Acceptance) , Moonglow Glitter (Trixie) (Element of Trust), Starglow Dazzle (OC) (Element of Faith), and Sunshine Glisten (OC) (Element of Hope) going on adventures/missions through a new portal opened by the tree of harmony. All unicorns. They are the Elements of Peace known as the Shining Six. Notice the similarities in their first and their last names. This is part of why they were called together. Trixie Lulamoon's name didn't fit in with the others. I did keep the moon part.

7147946 Interesting. Might have to read it when it comes out.

I would have thought that Sunset Shimmer would carry the Element of Forgiveness, but that works as well.

And when season 3 came to an end, I had a fanfic in my head back then about a male alicorn who was born cursed, and finds out that he holds the key to the lost seventh element that can unlock the Elements greatest powers to take on a dark threat from long, long ago. It was called the Element of Hope.

Um, how is this an AU fic?

7632560 Twilight and Trixie have never been involved in this way on the show. AU usually means something that isn't on the show or not canon.

7638770 Well there's plenty of samesex fics that don't have AU labels on 'em. Are you sure the only reason you've labeled this as an Alternate Universe fic is that Twilight and Trixie have never been involved that way on the show? I'm not gonna read it and find out it takes place in some universe you've made up where Equestria doesn't exist?

7639239 It's still the Equestria we all know and love. This story picks up from the end of season four and goes in a direction different than where the show went. Hence the AU tag. What would happen if......


I read through the story, and here are my opinions of it.

1. I see why it was abandoned. The story, as it stands, isn't going anywhere. I'm not chomping at the bit to know what happens next, and the story as it is has certainly stalled.
2. Stick to third person perspective. The first person writing you attempted doesn't suit your style, and the structure of the story in first person is extremely awkward, while the third person versions of the same story flows well.
3. The premise doesn't make much sense. Ponies can be suspicious, like in Bridle Gossip, but are still at their core a species of generous, kindhearted creatures. I wouldn't think ponies would run Trixie out of town at all, but when I re-watched Magic Duel, I was surprised to find that part of the story is canon. Trixie says "After you showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughing stock! Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized." Though, that was coming from Trixie, and even if she was telling the truth, I don't think she was appreciating the reasoning for it. Random townsponies wouldn't prejudge an entertainer coming to their town, and if she is getting run out of towns, it's because she is doing something to alienate the residents of those towns one by one, not because her reputation precedes her and everypony in the town is being mean to her without giving her a chance.
4. Trixie and Twilight Sparkle aren't a good match for shipfics in the best of times, and this is a case where going that direction most certainly doesn't work. In this story, Trixie is hated the world over, and Twilight Sparkle sees her as an object of pity. If this story continues, they should develop into friendly acquaintances, nothing more.
5. More to the point, the problem that Trixie THINKS is the problem doesn't actually get to the heart of the problem. The problem with Trixie isn't that her magic isn't good enough. Far from it, it's magic perfectly designed for entertainment, and adding utilitarian magic to it wouldn't improve her performances at all. The problem that Trixie is facing in this story is somewhat similar to the one Ralph faces in Wreck-It Ralph. She is having trouble separating the character she is playing from who she actually is. The way real entertainers work is that they have a stage presence, and usually a completely different personality in their day to day lives. A boastful, showy performer may be really humble and grounded off the stage. Trixie's problem is that her boastful, grandiose persona that she uses on the stage isn't a persona, and even when she's not performing she is haughty and rude.

If this story were to continue, it should be wrapped up in just a few more chapters. This isn't structured for a novel. If I were to finish the story, what I would do would be to have Twilight Sparkle and Trixie change course. Maybe Twilight should read a book about showmanship to understand the difference between on-stage and off-stage personas. Maybe they should both watch a stage performance of a magician or hypnotist, and see how different other showman ponies act on and off stage. Then, I would have Twilight Sparkle and Trixie work together to put on a very amazing show, while also working on basic friendliness offstage. I would climax the story with Trixie having another Ponyville performance where she ignores hecklers, wows everyone with her skills, and engages with fans afterwards instead of belittling them. Then with her reputation restored, she can go on tour, and depart Ponyville as a friend of Twilight Sparkle, with both of them looking forward to when Trixie's tour circuit takes her back to Ponyville.

I know this post is nearly 4 years old, but it's still really well thought out and I appreciate it, especially the third point.

Oh, you were last online 3 years ago. Yeah you're definitely not gonna see this.

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