• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 705 Views, 22 Comments

Brony in Equestria: The Tacoing - Omega Dracomancer

I discover the magic of friendship in the pony world. Then the not pony world. Then the pony world.

  • ...

Chapter 10

I woke up and it was still kind of dark out. Rainbow was right up against me. 'Didn't see that coming. Unless I did, then I would have.' I thought. 'She wasn't up against me when I got here, trolling eminent, when she wakes up.'

I didn't have to wait long, because she woke up and stretched her arms and legs.

"Hey there sleepy head." I said.

She gave out a yell and jumped up, "Phil! Don't do that!" she said.

I smiled and said, "How'd you sleep?"


"I woke up like, ten seconds before you." I said.

"It was cold." she said, blushing heavily, wings open.

I laughed and said, "I know it was cold. Don't worry 'bout it. Ponies are warm, I happen to know."

She was still blushing and said, "I saw it."

"I know you saw it, and what's his face. Whoever he was. Long as rumors don't get out of hand it doesn't really matter."


"Whatever, Ima go back to sleep, see you in a few hours." I said, getting comfy.

She calmed down a bit and said, "Still cold out."

I looked at her and laughed a little, then gestured her over to me. She hesitated a little, then laid on my stomach, and I put my arm over her, then smiled. She blushed a bit, then fell asleep.

"I love my friends." I said, falling back asleep.

When I next woke up, Dash was moving like a crazy pony, probably having a nightmare.

"Nightmares suck." I said.

She looked very unhappy, so I decided to do something about it. I charged a spell and touched her head, entering her mind.

'If it's not a nightmare, I'm out, ASAP.' I thought.

It was a nightmare. I was on a cloud. I saw Rainbow flying after the Wonderbolts. She had been crying. She wasn't catching up, they were losing her. "I know what's going on, and how to fix it."

I started cheering for Rainbow, louder and louder. She was confused, then realized what was going on. She saw me cheering, and she put on some extra speed. She was catching up now.

"You can do it Dash!" I cheered.

I created a projection of her friends next to me, and they started cheering too. Rainbow was almost on them now.

Fluttershy started to cheer loudly, and surprised everypony, everypony except me of course. I smiled, and Rainbow smiled back. She went faster and faster, then caught them. When she did that, I was thrown from her nightmare, a dream now, and woke back up.

"Did you do that?" she asked.


"Thanks man, you didn't have to do that."

"But I did."


She nuzzled her head against mine and smiled. I smiled back.

I sat up and checked the time. "8:30, still too early." I said.

"Not for me, I need to train." she said, flying off.

"See ya in a few hours." I said, resting again.

She flew off to where-ever and I thought about what had happened. "Rainbow Dash is such an awesome pony."

I laid there and kept thinking, then felt that somebody was watching me. I looked up and I saw those three pegasi that messed with Dash. "What do you want?" I asked, relaxing again.

"What a joke."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"We saw what happened here."

"How much did you see?"

"We were here when you entered her dreams."

"Did you now?"

"Yeah. You... uh..."

'Not very bright, this one.' "Alright, get your ass out of here, or I'm kicking it out of here." I said.

"As if."

"Were you not in town yesterday?"

"We weren't anywhere near this place yesterday."

"So you don't know."

"Don't know what?"

I took out the trophy and showed it to them. "No way, you stole that!" said the leader.

"You dense motherfucker." I said. I got up and walked a little closer to them. "Go away, or I'll force you to go."

"Like you could do that, thief."

I flicked him in the nose, and he sneezed. He jumped at me, and I kicked him off.

Minutes later, he was sent home screaming. Something about a broken nose or something. More like broken pride. Also a broken nose.

"Damn it! They ruined my nap." I said. "I'm gonna use all of my energy and go back to sleep."

I landed and started running as fast as I could with nowhere in mind. I ran for 15 minutes and started to pant. I wasn't really paying any attention to where I was going. When I stopped, I was in the middle of Canterlot. "I ran really far. Too far."

I decided to look for something to do, but my legs were too tired, so I had to use my wings. I looked all around, but didn't see anything special, so I decided to take another rest on the clouds. I flew up and found a nice soft cloud to sleep on. I looked around to make sure no other ponies were sleeping up there, and laid down, then fell asleep.

I woke up to a loud crash. "Aw man! These were storm clouds." I said. I flew off and saw that it was raining already.

"At least I love the rain." I said.

I flew around in the rain happily and cleared my mind. "Hope this counts as a shower." I said. It was the first rainfall that I had encountered in this world, and it was cool. Somepony was calling to me.

"Get out of that rain!" yelled Luna.

I didn't ask questions, I got out of the rain as fast as I could and flew in the castle that she was in.

"Why?" I finally asked.

"That rain isn't natural, it must be a creation of Discord."

"Really?" I asked in a mocking tone, "Rain, wa-ter. What's so bad about that?"

"Look at your arm." she said.

I looked at my human arm, it was fine. I looked at my pony arm, it was NOT fine. It was covered in blood. "That sonova..."

"The water is like acid to ponies, but doesn't allow pain to be felt."

"Must be to cause more destruction. Can't feel pain, don't know there's a problem. Was anypony injured?" I asked.

"No, but that was just dumb luck."

"Good, I have an idea, stay here." I said, flying back out the window.

I flew up above the clouds to a clear sky. I couldn't see out of one eye, but that was my pony eye, so it was understandable. I was dripping blood and didn't feel any pain. It was indeed a very good way to create evil... things.

I flew at the cloud as fast as I could, building speed. When I hit the evil cloud, a sonic boom occurred and dissipated the clouds.

"Going too fast! Going too fast! Going too fast!" I yelled, trying to stop myself. My wings were too messed up to stop me. I blacked out due to blood loss again and woke up in another hospital.

"That was fun, what's the damage this time, Nurse Redheart?"

"Just blood loss."

"That's it?"

"That's it."


"There was a problem though."

"What up?"

"It was very hard to find the right donor."

"My blood was rare where I came from as well."

"Only royalty had the same blood as you."

"Did Luna give me some blood?" I asked.

"Actually, both Luna and Celestia gave you their blood."

"Gotta admit, that's pretty cool." I said. I looked at my arm, "Turn off the light for a minute, I wanna see something."

She walked to the switch and turned it off. I stared at my human arm and it gave off a small yellow and blue glow. "Bioluminescence, cool." I turned to the nurse, "How noticeable is this?"

"I can't see anything."

"Get closer then, tell me when you can see it."

She walked closer slowly and stopped about a foot from my arm. "I can see it now."

"I'll be good for night stealth missions then, you can turn the lights on now."

"You keep coming here and I keep fixing you up. How many time has it been so far?"

"Dragon, manticore, magic loss, and now this, so four."

"That's four more than most other ponies!"

"Oh well." I said.

I rested for a few minutes and the nurse left. I used my magic to turn off the light again and observed my Bioluminescent arm. When I focused, it grew brighter. When I lost concentration, it went back to dull. "Blue and yellow, Luna and Celestia." I looked at it for a few more minutes, then took a nap.

I woke up when I heard the nurse talking to somepony.

"You can't see him right now, he's sleeping." she said.

"Not anymore, send whoever it is in."

She opened the door and said, "Sorry."

I smiled at her.

Luna and my other friends walked in and they all expressed their worries about me at the same time.

"One at a time please." I said.

Luna spoke first, "I was so scared when you flew out there."

I looked her in the eyes and said, "Remember what I promised you? I'll be ok."

She smiled and said, "You're right, I overreacted, sorry."

I smiled and sat up, "Turn off the lights, you gotta see this." I said.

Twilight turned off the lights for me and I held up my human arm. I concentrated and the lights showed up again.

"What is that?" asked Twilight.

"Bioluminescence. I like that word, sounds cool."

"What's Bioluminescence?"

"Something living gives off light without heat. I gained this ability when I got some blood from the Princesses."

"Why did you need blood?" asked Applejack.

"Some evil unnatural clouds formed over Canterlot, the rain was like acid and I was dripping blood when I dispelled them. I dived into them and did a sonic boom, a human variation of the sonic rainboom, and the clouds disappeared."

"Cool." said Rainbow Dash.

I nodded and tried to get up. My legs haven't been used in a while. When I got up I looked at my legs, human and pony, like normal, I guess, maybe.

"Feel great, wonder if I can leave yet." I said, moving around a bit. "Hey Nurse Redheart, can I leave yet?"

"You still need to stay here for another day so you can rest."

"All I need to do is rest?"

"Yes, that's all."

"See ya!" I said, jumping out the open window.

Rainbow was the only one to follow me. "I saw you sock that guy who kept picking on me." she said.

"Yup, broke his nose like a twig."

"What did he do?"

"He pisses me off. Bullies need to be shown their place. They're like the trash of society. Just being a bully wouldn't be enough to enact violence from me, but he was just so..."

"I know. They're just so irritating."

"Yeah. Well, I will see you later." Then I started to fly away.

"Where are you going?" she asked, following me.

"Gonna go see if Vinyl has broken her neck."

"What?" she asked, surprised.

"I'm going to Vinyl's house to listen to some music, wanna join me?" I asked.

"Sure, I love music." she said, following me.

We got there and Vinyl was blasting some tunes. I knocked on the door and she answered, but she looked different.

"What happened to your glasses?" I asked, surprised. I leaned down to get a better look, gone.

"After you left, I thought about what you said, and you were right. I do have beautiful eyes." she said. "Thanks, Phil."

"How ya been, Vinyl?" I asked.

"Pretty good! Those songs you gave me are awesome!"

"That's good. If they weren't, then they wouldn't be played." I said.

"Right. I guess."

"So, how 'bout you play a few?"

"Sounds like a great plan to me." she said, walking back in. Me and Dash followed her and Dash sat on the couch. I kept standing and Vinyl played a song.

"Hey Vinyl, got any problems with any of them?" I asked when it ended.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you a question or two about one of them."

"Ok, shoot."

"About the song that I was playing last time, why does it sound like some of us ponies are singing it?"

Rainbow looked at us at that point, she knew what she was talking about.

"That's because it is." I said.


"Yeah, the artist used some sort of video modimafyin' device and made a remix of a few songs that you ponies sang. Winter Wrap-Up, for example, is in there."

"Alright then. What's it called, you haven't told me yet."

I looked back at Dash and she shook her head. "Sorry, Can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Rainbow doesn't want me to."

"What does she have to do with it?"

"A lot. Just call it… uh… Stay Gay Pony Girl."

"That's a weird name."

"It happens, that all?" I asked.

"Actually, there are some songs that mention some of us ponies as well."

"Yeah, pony songs. Lots of 'em. All day, every day."

"Pony... songs?"

"All day, every day."

"What's with you and pony songs?"

"I don't think you understand how much I love ponies." I said. Apparently that line is odd here and she and Dash gave me weird looks. "It's true, I love ponies."

"Uh… ok…" she said.

"Now, I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"How good are you at magic?"

"It's a little complicated."

"How so?"

She closed her eyes. "It's..." Her eyes shot open. "A different kind of magic."

"Ok, I don't know why, but that freaked me the hell out." I said, stepping back a little.

She smiled and said, "I knew it would."

"Hey Vinyl!" I said.

"What's up?"

"Let's go get some cupcakes." I said, walking out.

"Cupcakes!" she said, following me. "Come on Dash, time to go."

"Yeah! Come on, let's get some cupcakes!" I said.

"Alright. I could go for some cupcakes." she said.

"Sweet." I said.

We walked to Sugarcube Corner, except Dash, she flew next to us. We got there and I ordered us up some baked goods. "Here ya go." I said, handing the cupcakes to them.

They smiled and ate them. "Good huh?" I asked, chowing down on my own.

"Yeah, these are great." said Vinyl.

"I know that." I said.

We finished up and then I got bored. "Anypony else bored?" I asked.

"Yup." said Dash.

"Same here."

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"I got one! I got one!" said Dash excitedly.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked.

"Look at that!" she said, pointing at a poster of the Wonderbolts.

"Wanna go see a show?" I asked.

She nodded and then I looked at Vinyl, "How 'bout you?"

"Nah, it isn't my thing." she said.

"Alright then, see ya later. I said, walking away. I looked at the poster and saw what time the Wonderbolts were performing, "Yo Dash, we gotta be at Canterlot in three minutes if we want to see them."

"Three minutes?" she shouted, "I can't fly that fast." Then she looked down.

"I can, come over here." I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Absolutely, now are you coming or not?" I asked.

She walked over to me and I put her on my back, "Ready?" I asked.


"I'll take that as a yes!" I said. I took off at full speed. "Keep your head down, take a deep breath, and hold on tight, I'm going supersonic."

She put her head down and breathed in, then I created a sonic boom moving through the sky. I flew us all the way to Canterlot and slowed down. "Ok, you can breath." I said, gasping for air.

She took another breath and asked, "Why did I have to take a deep breath?"

"The sonic boom takes me faster than air can travel, so all the air would be pushed away from us."

"That doesn't happen when I go rainboom."

"The sonic boom follows logic much more closely than the sonic rainboom."

"That's enough talking, we need to get to the Wonderbolts."

"You're right, where are they?" I asked.

She got off and flew away, "Follow me!"

I followed her and she took me to a stadium near the castle. "Cool." I said.

The Wonderbolts were getting ready to race down on the field and ponies were already sitting in the stands.

"Hey Rainbow, you ever wanted to race with the Wonderbolts?" I asked.

"Only everyday of my life, but I know that I can't, why?"

"I got some connections, maybe it'll happen, maybe not. Stay here."

"Alright..." she said.

I flew down to the track, which drew a lot of attention to myself. I flew over to Spitfire and Soarin'.

"Why are you here?" asked Soarin', angrily.

"Don't worry about it, I just wanna talk to you two."

"What do you want?" asked Spitfire.

"You know Rainbow Dash right?" They nodded, "I was wondering if you would let her race with you."

"I don't know about that, Phil. If she can't keep up, then it'll just be embarrassing, for us and her."

"Don't worry about that, I know that she can do it." I said, "So how about it?"

"If she can keep up, then yeah." she said.

"Cool." I said, "Thanks."

I flew back to Rainbow and told her. She went ballistic.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." she repeated.

"Calm down or you won't do well." I said.

She hugged me and said, "Thank you Phil."

"Don't thank me just yet, you still gotta race."

"Oh yeah." she said, flying down there.

I followed her down and she was really happy. "Here she is." I said to them.

"Hey Spitfire, you sure this is ok?" asked Soarin'.

"Don't worry about it." she said.

"I didn't think that I'd get to fly with the Wonderbolts this soon in my life."

"Well now you can, win some medals out there." I said to her. "Unless of course there aren't any medals. Then you would just win."

She serious'd up and got ready to race.

"See ya." I said, flying away.