• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 705 Views, 22 Comments

Brony in Equestria: The Tacoing - Omega Dracomancer

I discover the magic of friendship in the pony world. Then the not pony world. Then the pony world.

  • ...

The Gala

I woke up with my favorite pink blob sleeping next to me.

'Pinkie is so cute.' I thought.

"Hey Phil, how's it going?" she asked.

"When did you wake up?"

"Few minutes ago, I thought about getting up but you're so warm."

"I've come to realize that I am warm." I said with a smile. "Hey, why are you sleeping next to me?"

"You were right outside when I was going to bed, and you looked pretty cold so I came out and warmed you up."

"But I'm nowhere near..." I started. I looked up and saw Sugarcube Corner. "Oh, yes I am."

"So, what are you gonna do today?"

"Right now, go back to sleep."

"You're still tired?"

"A bit. There's really nothing for me to do around here."

"I can think of a few things that you can do."

"What do you have in mind?"

"You could have a party!"

"Not good with parties. I think I got an idea."

"What's up?" she asked.

"I was gonna fly to Canterlot and talk to Discord again."

"You serious about using him as an ally?"

"Yup. Don't tell anypony, but I'm gonna free him from his stone prison the day after the Gala."

"I like that idea."

"Yup, but later, right now I'm going back to sleep. Waking up is always the worst part of sleeping, so I try not to do it."

"You're just like Rainbow Dash!"

"A bit, but I'm not nearly as enthusiastic when I have to get up." I said.

"Yeah, when she gets up, she gets ready for the day. When you get up, you fall back asleep."

"Absolutely. On an unrelated note, are you attending the Gala again?"

"Of course, I'll never miss a party!" she said.

"It's goin' be fun on the bun, in space."

I fell asleep and nothing of relevance happened.

'Mah favorite pink blob is nowhere in sight.' I thought, waking up.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes. It was foggy out. I summoned my magic instrument and turned it into a guitar. I walked around, bored, and played the guitar lines from The Tree. Five or six simple notes that made almost anything creepier. I played the song while I walked through the fog.

"Could you please stop that?" asked a pony.

I looked at who had said that, it was a background pony, Colgate. Or Minuette, whatever you prefer to call her. My instrument burst into blue flames in my hands, and turned into a banjo. I played the start of dueling banjos. "What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, or really care. Just don't play that creepy song."

"Alright then. I'll play another song. Strange, in my world, I couldn't play a single instrument properly. Here I'm fantastic with everything." I said.

"Well go be fantastic somewhere else." she said.

My banjo burst into flames again and a violin appeared. I some lines from an even creepier song. "How's this?"

"That's still creepy."

"Fine." I said. I threw the violin into the air and it burst into blue flames again, turning into an electric guitar in midair. I played some more notes from songs, very unlike a wet sock. This drew attention to me and I was having a sweet day already. "Was that creepy?"

"Not really."

"Good." I said. I threw my guitar behind me and it disappeared. "I'm bored again."

"That was pretty good Phil." said Vinyl.

"You was watching?"

"Yeah I was, and you played great."

"I know I was good, but I don't know how. I play worse than a wet sock in my world. Oh well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth." I said.

"You should play in public!"

"No, not in public, just randomly. But hey, if I'm in public when it happens, it happens."


"Yup. Unless, of course, there's money involved. Then I would probably be more active. I dislike crowds though. A lot."

"Sucks for you man." she said.

"Eeyup. Cupcakes?"


"Hey Colgate, you too. Let's get some cupcakes."

"Yeah Colgate! Cupcakes!"

"I don't know."

"You don't just turn down free cupcakes." I said, "Ya might as well."

"If you insist." she said.

"Cupcakes!" I said, walking to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey Pinkie, three please."

"Coming up!" she said, tossing us some cupcakes. I paid her and we got eating.

"Thank you... uh..." started Colgate.

"Just call me Phil, or Dr. Tacos. Whichever you prefer."

"Dr. Tacos? Are you serious?"


"That's a bit funny." she said, giggling.

"I know. Gotta go, see ya." I said.

"Where to?" asked Vinyl.

"Heading to Canterlot. Gonna talk to... Oops." I said, covering my mouth.

"Who you talking to?"

"Um... I was gonna see a blacksmith. I want something to train in. Weighted clothes." I lied.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah, anyways, see you at the Gala!"

"Bye Phil!"

I flew to Canterlot and started thinking about what I said. I decided that it wasn't a bad idea. Training just like Goku. I headed to a nearby blacksmith and asked him. "Hey, can you make something for me?"

"What do you need?" he asked.

"A weight vest. A heavy one."

"Nopony's ever asked for that before. Probably."

"A heavy one."

"Yeah, you said that."

"Heavy." I said.

"How heavy?"

I picked up the anvil in the center of the room. It was pretty dang heavy. "This heavy." I said, setting it down.

"As heavy as my anvil? Are you sure you can take that?"

"Probably." I said.

"I could probably make it. I need some time though."

"I can wait. How long?

"Few weeks. A month maybe." he said.

"Why so long?"

"I haven't done this before, and I'll be working with a lot of heavy metal."

"Alright, I'll help you with the weight lifting part. How much do I owe you?"

"250 bits."

"That really cuts into my cupcake money, 100 now, 150 later." I said, handing him 100 bits.

"Thank you, I'll get started on gathering the materials."

"I'll be back in a bit, I think." I said. I flew away to the statue of Discord, and it had a slightly different pose. "Cool." I put my hand on his forehead and started talking. "Hey Discord, how've you been for the past month?"

"Phil? That you?"


"I've been feeling really bored."

"I figured as much. Hey, how would you like to be freed?"

"Yes, very much so." he said.

"After the Gala, at night."

"Why then, why not now?"

"If I do it now, the Gala would be ruined, and I have something that I think is important to do there. I'm going to do it at night because that's when I'm the strongest. If I do it when I'm weaker, than you might not be complete when you're freed."


"Yeah. Don't get angry, or I'll just wait longer."

"Sadistic bastard."

"I know, see you tomorrow night."

I flew back to the blacksmith and looked at how he was doing. He was still gathering materials. "Doing good?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good. Still getting what I need."

"When will you need me to help you work."

"Three days maybe."

"That's perfect. I gotta go, see you then."

"Alright, bye."

I flew back home and got insanely bored. I nearly fell asleep in the air again. I decided to pass the time by spinning. Multiple times. In the air. Like a madman. "Barrel roll. Barrel roll. Do a barrel-barrel roll. Do a barrel-barrel roll. DO A BARREL ROLL!" I sang.

I spun all the way to Ponyville, and crashed into a tree. I fell out and landed near some ponies. "Wait a minute, not multiple, just one with all that double vision." I said. "Top o' the mornin' to ya."

"Hello." she said.

"Sorry 'bout crashing, must've been irritating to hear." I said, trying to get up. I quickly fell back over.

"You gonna be ok?"

"Just fine." I said, trying again to get up. I managed to stand up and my dizziness went away. I shook my head and said, "See ya later." Then flew away. Or at least tried to fly away, I was grounded once again. I looked at my wing. "Like a twig!" I said in pain.

"What's like a twig?" asked the pony. I showed her my wing, there was a large bruise on it. "Are you gonna be ok?"

I nodded and said, "I'll be in the hospital if you need me, Celestia knows why that'll ever happen."

I walked to the hospital and the receptionist said, "Again?"

"Yeah, busted up my wing."

"Nurse to lobby." she said into a microphone.

Nurse Redheart showed up and said, "What is it this time, Phil?"

"Wing, maybe it's broken, like a twig."

"Alright, come with me." she said, walking to the patient section of the hospital.

She took some x-rays of my wing and we waited for them to be developed.

"How've you been for the past day and a half?" I asked.

"Pretty good, and you?"

"I've been great! At least until this happened." I said, pointing to my wing.

"That would ruin my day."

"You don't have wings."

"True." she said. She walked out and got the x-rays. "Just a hairline fracture, you'll be fine."

She got out a small splint and attached it to my wing. "That's better." I said.

"No flying for a while."

"How long?"

"Around a week."

"Alright. This week is gonna be very boring." I said unhappily.

"It happens."

"Quite often for me."

"I've noticed. You can go now, but use the…"

"Front entrance. I know. See you in a little bit, probably." I said.

I walked out and my wing was still bugging the hell out of me. "Flying is all that entertains me here. Now what?"

I looked up, getting kinda dark. I walked to Rarity's shop and went to talk to her. "Hey, when's the Gala?" I asked.

"In about an hour."

"You coming?" I asked.

"I decided against it, if anypony recognized me…"

"Alright, bye Rarity."

"Goodbye Phil."

I headed to Pinkie's house and was tackled by Rainbow. "What are you doing Phil?" she asked. I gasped in pain, she was on my wing.

"Get off of my back!" I said. She dropped to the ground and I started rubbing my wing.


"I cracked my wing, can't fly for a week."

"Wow man, that sucks."

I looked at her with a face of irritation, "You don't say?"


"Don't worry. Hey, are you going to the Gala?"

"I thought about it. I think that I am."

"Then follow me, or not. I was gonna get Pinkie and walk there with her."

"I gotta get my dress."

"Suit yourself." I said, walking to Sugarcube Corner.

I walked in and grabbed a cupcake off of the counter, dropping a bit in it's place. "You here Pinkie?" I called.

"Just a second!" she said.

She walked out into the store wearing her Gala dress. "Cool."

"Hi Phil!" she said.

"Ready to go?" I asked.


"Well, we gotta go then, I can't fly you there."

"Why not?" I showed her the splint in my wing. "How did that happen?"



"Alright, let's go."

We walked out and saw Twilight, in her Gala dress. "You coming?"

"Yup, and I got transportation as well." she said, pointing to a cart.

"Cool, Dash back yet?"

"Yeah, she's inside."


We got in the cart and they took us to Canterlot.

"This is boring."

"You're going to have to live with that Phil." said Rainbow.

"You're the last pony that I would've expected to say that. Then again, you also broke your wing, so you know what's goin' on." I said.

"Hey Rainbow, what are you gonna do there?" asked Twilight.

"I was gonna see if the Wonderbolts were there. How about you?"

"I was gonna try to talk to the Princess again, last time didn't go so well, so maybe this time will be better. You Phil?"

"Wanna talk to Derpy. I have reason to believe that she was at the party."


"That's it. Or maybe I'll trash it like you did last year."

"Could you try not to?" asked Twilight.

"Ima ask the Princess if it's ok first. If she's having fun, I don't wanna take that away from her. I doubt it though."

"Sounds fun." said Pinkie.

"How 'bout you Pinkie?"


"That didn't work well last time." I said.

"I'll start when you start."


The cart stopped and they told us to step out. "Neat." The girls stepped out and I followed them. "Hey guys, thanks for the ride." I said.

"Yeah, we were heading here anyways. No problem."

I gave them some money and said, "See you whenever."


"You girls ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're good."

"Let's go then." I said.

We walked up to the door of the castle and split up. I walked somewhere random, drawing attention to myself. "I hate me for doing this to myself." I muttered silently. I hated gatherings like this. A lot. "Damn it, even my physical form draws attention to me, then again, nopony had yet to see a human-pony, or a human for that matter."

I looked around and didn't see her. "Oh well." I walked outside and got a breath of fresh air.

"Why have you been looking for me?" asked a pony.

I looked back and saw Derpy. "Hey Derpy, how ya doing?"

"I'm fine. The Doctor said that you were looking for me."

"How did he... time traveler, never mind. Yeah, I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok, shoot."

"Do you remember what happened about 2 months ago?


"Did you come to my world?"

"Not in my life."



"One more question."


"Can I feel your wings."

"Haha! You're funny Phil!"

"I'm serious."

"I know you were. Dr. Whooves also told me that you like to feel wings. It's just funny." she said.

She moved her wing closer to me and I rubbed it. "Soft." I said.

"I know."

"Neat. You bored?"


"Good. Let's go talk to the Princess. Maybe we can get to trash the party."

"That would be so fun."

We wandered in and looked for Celestia. Derpy saw her and pointed her out. She was talking to some ponies next to Twilight. I walked over to her and leaned next to her. "Bored?"


"Then I'm going to trash the party like last year."

"I would like that, a lot."

"I knew you would, hey Twilight, go get Rainbow."

"Be back in a jiffy."

She went and brought Rainbow back with her. "Trash the party?"


Pinkie must've got wind of our conversation because she appeared out of nowhere right next to us. "Trash time?" she asked.

I used my magic to fling a tray off of a table and spill all over a group of ponies. I remembered to make sure Blueblood was among them. "Go nuts." I said, leaning back against the wall.

All of the ponies started to fling food all around and Pinkie started to dance like crazy. "Dancing needs some music." I said, "What do you recommend Princess?"

"Something that we could dance to."

"Quite right." I said, conjuring a large set of speakers. I hooked up my iPod to it and started playing some dance music.

Everypony looked to see where the music was coming from, and Vinyl stepped out of the audience. "Crank it up!" she yelled.

Octavia stepped out as well. She smiled and started dancing. Lyra and Bon-Bon were dancing together and Dr. Whooves appeared next to me. "Phil, Derpy, it's time to go." he said.

"Yo Princess, keep this device safe." I said, pointing to my iPod.

I ran out with Doctor Whooves and Derpy. My friends didn't follow me, they were having too much fun. Most of the ponies had started to dance as well, and others were wrecking things like Rainbow Dash. "What's the problem?"

"My timey wimey detector was going ding. That happens when there's stuff." said Doctor Whooves.

"Alright, why'd you take me out?"

"Can't say."

"Fair enough. Don't argue with Doctor Whooves, you'll only end up getting hurt."


"Alright, see you two later, I'm gonna go to sleep on some cloud." I said, I tried to raise my wing, but it didn't work as well as I had hoped. "Guess not. I'll sleep up against a tree."

"Bye Phil."

"Yeah, see you later."

"Oh and Derpy." I said.


"You're my favorite pony."


"Night!" I said, walking away. I found a nice tree to sleep under and fell asleep. I dreamed about cupcakes, guess what I'm eating tomorrow.