• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 705 Views, 22 Comments

Brony in Equestria: The Tacoing - Omega Dracomancer

I discover the magic of friendship in the pony world. Then the not pony world. Then the pony world.

  • ...


"Look's like she's staying. What's going on down there?" The announcer said.

I looked back at Dash and she looked embarrassed. I flew to the announcer and told him what had happened. He looked at the Wonderbolts and Spitfire nodded at him.

"It would seem that we have another racer entering today." he said to the crowd.

The ponies in the crowd looked confused, but seemed to accept it.

"Racers, take your positions." said the announcer, going to the starting line with a flag.

The Wonderbolts and Rainbow all went to the starting line.


They got prepared.


They crouched down.


They opened their wings slightly.

"GO!" he yelled, waving the flag.

They all took off with incredible speeds, staying pretty much together. Fleetfoot was pulling ahead by a little, and Rainbow was a bit behind. Rainbow realized this and put some more speed into her flight, passing one of the Wonderbolts, who was in a state of disbelief.

"She's doing great, but she needs to keep her energy up, this race is long." I said to nopony in particular.

"You're right about that." said a majestic voice.

"Luna! When did you get here?" I asked.

"Around a minute ago. I was flying above and saw Rainbow Dash racing with the Wonderbolts. How did that happen?" she asked.

"I made it happen, she has always wanted to fly with the Wonderbolts, so I went to talk with Spitfire and she let her fly with them. Doing pretty good."

"Alright then." she said.

"Take a seat, enjoy the show." I said, lounging back.

She sat next to me and watched the performance with me. Some of the ponies in the stands turned to look at us, then resumed their watching of the race.

By then, Rainbow had already passed another racer. This was getting exciting. "She had a lot of energy, either that, or she's not going maximum speed yet. Highly likely considering what I know."

"What are you mumbling about?" asked the Princess.

"Rainbow isn't going her fastest. From what I've learned, Rainbow is the only pony that can do a sonic rainboom. If that is like my own sonic boom, that would make her the fastest pony alive."

"Fastest pony alive?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, if they are similar, then it is just a matter of speed that allows one to achieve sonic rainboom. If I'm correct, and if only Rainbow can do that, than if she does it in this race, she's going to win." I said.

"Wow." she said. Logicked.

I looked back to Rainbow, she stayed in her position from earlier, struggling to pass the next racer and prove that she is good enough to join. She wasn't calm at all, she could do better.

I used my magic to contact her. "Calm down." I told her. She freaked out a bit, but continued flying. "You need to calm down, or you won't win."

"I can't win this, I'm lucky enough to even be here." she replied.

"I know that you can do it, you CAN win this."

"I can?"

"Don't count yourself out just yet." I said, "You have something that they don't."

"What is that?"

"You know what I am talking about. Also, keep both your forelegs straight out."

I released the thought stream, and she looked like she was thinking. "You'll get it soon." I said.

After a few seconds, she looked like she got it, than she sped up. She passed a third racer and a film of light surrounded her.

I looked at the Wonderbolts near her and told them to fly up a bit. They looked confused, but did as they were told. The crowd looked at them like they were expecting something to happen.

"Hey Luna, keep your eyes on Rainbow." I said.

She looked at her and the light around Rainbow got brighter and brighter until… BOOM! She shot forward from a large circle of light. She passed most of the Wonderbolts instantly, and was closing in on Soarin', Spitfire, and Fleetfoot.

She passed Soarin' and Spitfire and neared Fleetfoot. They couldn't believe their eyes, she was actually passing them. They got over their confusion and flew faster, but not nearly fast enough. Rainbow had passed Fleetfoot and was closing in on the finish line.

Rainbow Dash had just beaten all of the Wonderbolts in a contest of speed. Nopony in the entire stadium could comprehend what had just happened. Only me and Luna knew what was going on. I started cheering and this got the other ponies to cheer as well. I flew down and went to see how she was doing.

"Hey Rainbow!" I said.

"Hi." she said, panting.

"That must've been exhausting." I said.

"You got that right."

"Wow." said Spitfire.

Rainbow looked back and smiled. "That was fun."

"How did you do that?" she asked.

Rainbow tried to think about it, but couldn't really manage an answer.

"Magic." I said.

"Magic." repeated Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow, do you know what you just did with the race?" I asked.

She tried to think about it, but was too tired.

"You just beat the Wonderbolts in a contest of speed." I said.

"I did, didn't I?" she said happily.

"You sure did." said Soarin'.

"That was some fancy flying." said Spitfire.

"I saw that." she said.

"I also saw it." said Luna, joining us.

"Princess!" they all said, bowing.

Luna raised her hoof and they stood up again.

I hopped into the air and turned myself so that my head was on the ground.

"What was the point of that?" asked Dash.

"None whatsoever." I said.

"Ok…" she said, then she passed out.

Spitfire walked over to her to see if she was ok. "She'll be fine." I said.

"You sure about that?"

"She probably just needs to take a nap." I said, "Look at her, she's so sleep."

"Huh?" they all asked.

"Ignore that." I said, shrugging.

"What now?" asked Soarin'.

I flipped back to normal and picked Dash up. "I'm gonna go take her home, if you need to sleep, you would probably want to do it at your own house." I said.

"Alright then, tell us when she wakes up, I want to talk to her for a bit." said Spitfire.

"I can't guarantee that I'll remember, but I'll try." I said, "See ya."

I flew off to Ponyville carrying Dash on my stomach, flying upside down, I wasn't gonna let her stay on my back because she'd probably roll off. It took me a while to get there because I couldn't go that fast.

"That was less fun than it could've been. Too slow." I said, arriving at Ponyville. I went to Twilight's house to ask her where Rainbow lived.

I landed and moved Rainbow to my arms. "Sure is a heavy sleeper." I said. I knocked on the doors and Twilight answered.

"What's up with Rainbow?" she asked.

"She's just sleeping. Where does she live? I wanna take her home so she can sleep properly."

She told me where she lived. Rainbow lived in Cloudsdale.

"Well good luck to me then, maybe I can ask somepony there if I get lost." I said, "Thanks Twilight."

"No problem."

I flew to Cloudsdale and looked for where I had to go, and had more luck in finding her house than I expected I would have. I opened her door and looked for her bedroom. I opened a door and it was decorated with posters of the Wonderbolts. "Yup, this is her room." I said to myself. "Granted, one pony, one room."

I put her on her bed and covered her in what blankets she had, "Night Rainbow." I said, walking away.

"Night Phil." she said.

I looked back, she was still sleeping. She was talking in her sleep. I shrugged and walked out of her house.

I looked at my iPod, 3:45. Then I looked at my bag o' bits. "Cupcakes it is!" I said, flying away. I stopped in midair in the middle of the sky, then pulled my wings in and dived to the ground. I stopped myself at the last second and started walking to Sugarcube Corner. "Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes! Yay!" I chanted.

"Cupcakes?" asked Pinkie when I got there.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked jokingly.

"You don't come in here for anything else." she said, tossing one to me. I tossed her a bit and ate the cupcake.

"Got anything that I can do, Pinkie?" I asked her.

"I need to watch the Cake twins today, maybe you could help me?"

"Sounds like fun, but I'm not changing a diaper. I want that to be clear."

"That's fine." she said, "Come back here at five."

"See you in an hour." I said, walking out. "What to do for an hour."

I decided to fly to Canterlot and talk to the Princesses. I got there in a minute due to supersonic speeds and slowed down near the castle. I still crashed into the wall, but that didn't matter.

"What was that?" asked Celestia.

"Sorry Princess, that was me." I said, flying to the open window.

"Phil! When did you get here?" she asked.

"'Bout a second ago." I said.

"What brings you here?" she asked.

"Pinkie had something for me to do at five, and it was four when she told me, so I flew here to talk to you, or your sister. Guess royalty in any form other than Blueblood."

"It was four when she told you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That was in Ponyville?"

"Yes, what are you getting at?"

"It's 4:01 right now, how did you get here so fast, you can't teleport."

"I flew."

"But from Ponyville to here in one minute?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"I was going LUDICROUS SPEED!" I yelled.


"I don't know. I was going about 800 mph."


"Is that speed unattainable here?"

"Yes. How did you do that?"

"I infused my flying with magic. It made a pseudo-teleport. It increases my speed way above that of anything here."

"That was clever."


"Enough of that, what did you want to talk about?"

"Discord." I said, seriously.

"What news have you?"

"He took control of one of my friends and asked me a question about my strength. I think he is trying to find out how strong I am."

"That would seem like something he'd do."

"I also noticed something different about him."

"Which is?"

"I sensed evil when he used my friend."

"He is evil." she said.

"No, Discord is not evil." I said, surprising her.

"What do you mean, he is very evil."

"He is not evil, he is a prankster."

"I… uh… that… I have nothing to say about that."

"I knew you wouldn't have known about this. Discord may seem evil, but he hasn't done anything that I would consider evil."

"Such as…"

"Such as murdering another!" I said, "I need to know about your battle with him over 1000 years ago."

"Are you sure about that?"

"This may prove my theory, or disprove it, now tell me about it."

"Alright. Discord has turned this land into utter chaos, he ruled the land as it's king. Me and Luna fought him and were defeated."

"Did you suffer any injuries?" She shook her head. "Thought so, go on."

"We traveled the lands that were affected by his magic, it was a miserable place. We created the Elements of Harmony to stop him and used them against him in our second meeting."

"You see, if he was evil, he would've stopped you as soon as he could. That's all I needed to know. In my opinion, he is still just a prankster. A prankster is like a tree that grows fruit. When you and Luna attacked him and stopped his reign, you only cut off the fruit that was on the tree. If you really want to win this, you need to uproot the tree itself, or he'll keep coming back over and over again."

"If he is just a prankster and not evil, why did you feel an evil presence?"

"Something is controlling Discord. I don't know who, or what it is, but I can fix Discord. I will need him during the battle with whatever is controlling him."

"You will need him?" she asked shocked.

"Yes, now I want you to tell Luna, and nopony else." I said, flying out.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going to go have a little talk with Discord." I said, then I zoomed out of sight and to the statue of Discord.

I looked at the statue and placed my hand on it, and closed my eyes.

"Hello boy." shot an angry voice.

"Discord, it's a pleasure."

"Why would you think this is a pleasure?"

"I have always loved chaos more than order, and you bring more chaos than anything else on this planet. At least until now."

"What do you mean, 'Until now?'"

"Something is controlling you, making you do evil things. I know that you aren't evil, you're just a prankster."

"I resent that. I'm not 'just a prankster,' I'm the best that ever lived. You are right about me not being evil though, I never wanted to be labeled as evil, just a prankster."

"I can help you, open your mind and I'll take out the source of the evil that resides in it."

"You can do that?" he asked.

"I don't know or care. I'm here to fix problems. If I can't win here, I won't be able to win the fight against the source of your evil desires." I said, "Now open your mind."

Discord relaxed and I felt a barrier of sorts being lifted. I dived into his mind, and it was a terrible, twisted place.

"Help me please." I heard. I followed the sound and saw Discord being tormented by large black shadows.

I flew down there and punched one of the shadows, sending it back.

"Boy! You came!" he said.

"Yeah, I came, stop calling me boy, call me Phil, or Dr. Taco, whichever one sounds better."

"Dr. Taco." he laughed, "That's rich!"

"If you want to be rid of these demons, you're going to have to fight them, or they'll keep coming back." I said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Alright, if you say so." he said.

"Hey Discord, this is your mind, play some music."

"What song?"

"Final Fantasy 7 boss battle." I said.

"I like that one." he said, starting up the music.

"Sweet." I said, "Let's go!"

We ran towards the shadows and they ran to us. There were eight of them, one for each of the ponies that had defeated him before. I took the six smaller ones and he took the two bigger ones. Looks like I was fighting the Mane 6. They turned into the ponies that we all knew and loved, and were charging right at me.

"This is going to be trouble." I said. I jumped over all six of them and turned around in midair. I materialized a katana, held it with my hoof, and got ready to fight. "Remember me, they're just illusions. You're allowed to kill illusions." I told myself.

I ran forward and took a swing at Rainbow, missed. She dived at me and kicked my chin, knocking me back. The others were surrounding me while I fought Rainbow.

"Stay out of my shed!" yelled Fluttershy. I took a swing at her and it was deflected by another weapon, a meat cleaver.

"Looks like cupcakes got out of fandom." I said. It was Pinkie Pie that had used the meat cleaver. "I need to take either her or Fluttershy out first."

She lunged at me, swinging wildly. I kicked her in the chest and she flew back. Rarity ran at me, trying to impale me. I jumped over her and swung my katana at her, ripping her in two. She screamed in pain, then disappeared in an explosion of black smoke. "She wasn't much of a fighter." I said.

Applejack and Rainbow charged towards me at the same time. I threw my katana into the air and grabbed their necks. I threw them at the katana and Rainbow flipped out of the way. Applejack wasn't so lucky, she was skewered by it and disappeared. I grabbed the handle and used the blade to deflect another cleaver attack. I aimed for Pinkie's head and she ducked under it, kicking me in the ribs and sending me back. She laughed like a maniac and ran towards me.

I yelled and thrust my empty hand out with all of my power, sending a shockwave through the air, which sent all of the ponies back. I stood up and held my katana over my head, pointed at the tangled web of ponies. Twilight ran at me, trying to use a spell against me. She was trying to shatter my mind, but I overpowered her and sent her into a state of endless torment. She screamed and I ran to her and stabbed her in the head. "Three left." I said.

Rainbow flew towards me and let out a war cry, she was so full of openings that it was funny. I stepped to the left of her and held my blade in her path. She ran straight into it and disappeared. "Who's next?" I said.

I got my answer, Fluttershy ran to me and tried to kick me. I dodged and tried to bring my katana down. I couldn't manage to do it. Fluttershy was unharmable. As soon as I realized this, I saw a meat cleaver head straight for my arm. I spun around it and grabbed her head. "Wowie, zowie, your brain's gonna go powie." I said as I sent a magical surge through my hand, shredding her brain. I tossed her aside and thought about what I should do about the Fluttershy problem.

I closed my eyes and my reaction time was activated. I heard every breath that she took, every movement she made. She tried to bite my neck, but I leaned back and head-butted her, ripping through her skull and crushing her brain. I opened my eyes and started to cry, I had hurt Fluttershy. Not good.

"Phil! Remember! It's just an illusion!" yelled Discord.

I snapped out of it and looked at him, Luna was gone and he had a gash on his chest. Celestia was on top of him, holding him down and charging a spell. "NOOOOOO!" I yelled, running towards him.

I dived in the way of the spell so that it hit me instead of Discord. It felt like I had stepped on a Lego, but all over my back.

Discord kicked Celestia off of him and dived towards her, claw out. She didn't have any time to react and was cleaved in two, then disappeared. He ran over to me.

"You're a real sadistic fighter, you know that?" he asked.

"Yeah, I know. I can get incredibly evil very fast. I keep it locked away inside me, but when it shows up, things get really painful for everybody."

"Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine, I've been hurt before. Now listen, I want you to keep the darkness out of your heart, Ima go back home now, see you in a little bit." I said.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" he asked.

"Promised Pinkie that I would help her baby-sit the Cake twins." I said. "See ya!" I disappeared from Discord's mind and went back to the natural pony world.

I opened my eyes and fell to the ground. "My back hurts like a thousand suns!" I yelled. I reached back and touched the area that had been hit. There was a large hole in my shirt and my back was burned.

"Phil!" yelled Luna.

"Hey." I said.

"Are you ok?"

"What did I tell you?"

"Sorry, I was just asking."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, standing up, "How bad does it look?"

"Like another hospital visit. What happened to you?"

"Did Celestia tell you what happened?" She nodded, "Good, I went into Discord's mind and helped him defeat the darkness inside it."

"And the burn?"

"I'm fine, stop worrying." I said. I pulled out my iPod to check the time. "Damn it! It's already 4:45!"

"Why does that matter?"

"I gotta go baby-sit with Pinkie at five. I'll need another shirt before I get there, and I don't have any." I tried to fly, but fell to the ground in pain, landing on my stomach. "Gotta at least tell her I can't make it."

"I'll take care of that, you need to get to the hospital." she said.

"Pinkie first." I said, "I'm not moving from this spot until she knows that I can't be there, but don't tell her why. Just say something came up."

"Alright, try not to move." she said, flying away.

"Hey Discord, we did it." I said, placing my arms under my head and passing out.