• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,694 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Humans VII

Hey, cutie. Really looking forward to seeing you again. Can’t wait for another one of your great kisses. Once we get to the castle, there’ll be plenty of time for... privacy.

Uh, Twilight? I think you’re writing in the wrong journal.

Adagio watched the outside fly by. It hadn’t changed as much as she had hoped. Once she had actually gotten the bus tickets, she had hoped that Canterlot High was as far away from where she had been held as possible. Turned out it was in the same state. She was disappointed, but realized it didn’t matter anyway. The Changelings had to have been watching Canterlot High anyway.

She briefly considered just running. She could go in the opposite direction, run to the other side of the country, or even a whole new one. But she couldn’t let Aria and Sonata stay there.

She sighed, picking another pretzel out of the bag in her lap and popping it in her mouth. Real food was still so good. She had missed it.

”Dearie, what happened to you?”

Adagio jumped at the sudden exclamation. She turned to see a man, purple skin and orange hair, with a large handlebar mustache. “You look like you’ve just run a mile.”

“Um... I’m stranded here,” she said carefully. She couldn’t blow this. She hadn’t even gotten to the gas station, she couldn’t get caught now.

“Oh, really? What happened?”

“...My sisters played a mean prank on me,” she said, trying to put a story together. “They left me behind. I need to get back to Canterlot.” She bit her tongue. Idiot, don’t tell them where you’re going!

“Ah. Well, kids are cruel,” the man said, pulling out his wallet. He forked over a few dollars. “Here, why don’t you go inside and get yourself something to eat? Once I finish gassing up my car, I can give you a ride down to the bus station?”

Adagio felt her blood run cold. This was too good to be true. It had to be a trick. He had to be a Changeling agent.

“I don’t have any money for a ticket,” she said.

“Well, I do, and you need that money more than I do.”

Now Adagio was scared. No one was this nice.

“Sure,” she said. “Just let me run in and get that food.”

Adagio moved as quickly as possible without actually looking like she was running. Once she got inside, she felt calmer. Her mind began racing, trying to piece things together. It seemed likely that the Changelings had noticed she was gone by now, but there search couldn’t have been that extreme yet. It was unlikely the stranger was a Changeling, but he likely wasn’t kind either. She needed to be prepared.

She picked up some food, chips and bottled soda mostly, things that would be easy to eat on the move, as well as a map of the city. She searched around, and was thankful that there were indeed pocket knives for sale. The man behind the counter was a little hesitant to sell to someone that looked to be a teenager, but through a bit of flirting she managed to convince him that she was a grown woman who had misplaced her ID.

She tucked the knife away. Then, she looked at the map. She found where she was, and figured what direction the bus station was. The moment the man turned away from the path, she’d pull the knife.

She left the station and found the man sitting in a convertible, waiting. This surprised Adagio. A convertible wasn’t exactly the best kidnapping vehicle. It almost made Adagio believe he was really trying to help her.

She got in the car. “Thank you, Mr...”

“Magnet. Steven Magnet, dear. Hold on, the bus station isn’t that far of a drive from here.”

Adagio obeyed, but kept her hand in her pocket. Steven occasionally asked questions about herself, and she responded with the same answers she had given for years.

To her surprise, they actually arrived at the bus station. Steven parked, went with her, and used his credit card to pay for a fare to Canterlot. The whole time, Adagio kept her hand on the knife, waiting for the inevitable betrayal.

It never came.

Just before she boarded the bus, she asked him, “Why were you so nice to me?”

“It looked like you needed it, sweetie. Hasn’t anyone ever been nice to you?”

“Well... yes, but it was because they were... allured by me.” While Steven would interpret that as people wanting her body, she knew the truth. It came from powers she didn’t have anymore, could never have again.

“Well, I don’t think you give people enough credit. Not that I doubt your stories. You are a beautiful young woman.”

Adagio had been called beautiful before, but this was the first time it had made her blush.

“At any rate, I hope you get back to Canterlot alright, and you give those sisters of yours what they deserve!”

“Believe me, nothing would make me happier.”

She was grateful when she saw the Canterlot city limits, but she was still thinking about Steven. She had never had an act of such kindness, even back on Gaia. But she knew anybody... or anypony... that she came across was almost immediately under the spell the three of them casted.

It couldn’t have been that simple this whole time, could it have been?

When the bus stopped, she made sure to get out in the middle of the crowd. She was glad, more than ever, that she had a hoodie. She needed to remain unnoticed, especially here, where the Changelings were bound to be watching...

“Spare change?”

Adagio jumped. A tramp had jumped in her path, carrying a long-overused coffee cup. He looked like he had just thrown on whatever clothes he could find, not a bad assumption, given his lot in life.

“Come on, spare change? I’ll say classic bum things for it! I want my slaw! This parrot is dead! I ate a tube of toothpaste for dinner!”

Adagio quickly fished out the change from the money Steven had given her for food and put it in the cup, hoping it would quiet the rambling. People were staring at him, and by extension her. She quickly got out of there, just catching the man giving her a smile, showing one long, chipped tooth that stood out from the others.

She stopped running once she was sure she was out of the bum’s range. Running would attract attention. She needed to stay calm. She needed to find the high school... no, the Changelings had to be watching that. She needed to find someone...

Then it hit her. Sugarcube Corner! That had to be a safe place to wait.

Fluttershy walked down the sidewalk, the dogs pulling her ahead. She loved doing this, and it was much more fun now that her friends were back with her.

Rainbow Dash was next to her, being pulled along by her dogs far more obviously. As strong as she was, she simply didn’t have her friend’s way with animals. But it was time spent with her friends, so she took it.

Twilight was on the other side of Fluttershy, having Spike on his leash. The young pup was walking with a spring in his step, happy the pain in his side was finally gone. There were other dogs around him, and he was barking to them, in what Spike would later assure was an actual conversation.

“So... does this mean we don’t have to go on our usual jog tomorrow?” Twilight asked.

“Nice try, egghead,” Rainbow Dash said, “but no. Besides, it’s been good for you.”

Twilight pouted, but she had to admit that her friend was right. Ever since she had been dragged on her daily exercise, she had been feeling much better than usual.

“Come on, there’s Sugarcube Corner. That means we’re halfway done.”

Twilight felt a chill go up her spine. Fluttershy saw that, and gave her a friendly smile. “Don’t worry. We’ve been using it as a hangout for years, and nothing bad has happened.”

“I know,” Twilight said, and it was the truth. Her head was telling her the area was safe. But she remembered the three men. The ropes tightening around her. Midnight Sparkle...

“Besides, Sunset told us they’re just ordinary mobsters. I doubt the Changelings would try anything when there’s the three of us together, with a lot of dogs that are going to get free and attract attention if we release them.”

“...Yeah, there’s that.” Twilight tried to internalize Rainbow Dash’s words. Seeing her friend’s worry, the rainbow-haired girl started pulling forward.

“Look, Egghead, just to make you feel better, I’ll take a look down the alley just to make you feel better. Now see, there’s...”

Rainbow Dash trailed off as she came to a stop. The dogs would have kept pulling her forward if she hadn’t let go. The group didn’t get very far before Fluttershy gave a firm command of stop, causing every single one to stop, turn around, and take a seat on the sidewalk.

Twilight, not distracted by her dogs, spoke. “Rainbow, what...”

Then she saw it.

The yellow girl, who had just pulled off her hoodie revealing a large frizzy hairdo. Even sitting on an old crate that some tramp had likely been using earlier, she looked like someone who looked down on everyone.



Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. She actually looked angry, and a little bit worried, which was enough to put Twilight herself on edge. When the yellow girl got to her feet, Rainbow placed a foot back, getting into a stance, which caused Twilight to take two steps back.

At this, the girl laughed. “Well, you seem to have lost your spine.”

“She’s not the same...” Rainbow Dash started to say. Then she shook her head. “Look, what are you doing here?”

“Believe me, you’re not my first choice,” the girl said, walking forward. Rainbow Dash didn’t flinch.

“She’s one of the sirens,” Fluttershy whispered into Twilight’s ear.

That caused Twilight to tense. The sirens... the Dazzlings. The ones who had nearly taken over Canterlot High before she had arrived. She looked at the girl, trying to match her imagined version to this real one.

She couldn’t see it, but that’s not what really shocked her. The girl... Adagio, if she remembered Sunset’s descriptions right... looked like she had been put through her paces. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was disheveled, albeit in a way that made it clear she had tried to get it back in place. But the biggest sign was the slight hunch even as she walked. She was tired.

“I need your help.”

“Oh, so now you want our help!” Rainbow Dash said. “You didn’t want it a few months ago, when we offered.”

“That was before my sisters got captured. I need help.”

“And what makes you think we’d believe you? How do we know...”

Twilight didn’t even realize her hand was traveling to Rainbow Dash’s shoulder until it touched. Once she jumped and looked at her, she felt she had to say it. “Rainbow... look at her.”

Rainbow turned back to Adagio, and seemed to finally see what Twilight meant. She saw how exhausted the siren looked, and it seemed to take the aggression out of her. She relaxed, lowering her stance, although she didn’t seem at ease.

“Who captured your sisters?”

“The Changelings.”

That got all three girls to straighten in fear. “They... they caught you?”

“Yes. And as soon as you get me someplace where we can talk, I’ll tell you more.”

Sunset lay out in the field, looking up at the sky. She smiled contently. She felt better than she had in days.

“Enjoyin’ the scenery, huh?” Applejack said, taking a seat beside her. She smiled at her surrogate sister, who returned the favor.

“Yeah... I guess I am.”

Applejack lay down, and the two of them looked at the sky. It was a while before Sunset spoke again.

“You know, it’s funny... I can barely even remember why I wanted power back then.”

“Never understood why you wanted it in the first place.”

“I was stupid back then.” The usual shame in the statements about her past wasn’t present, only a contentment that she got past it.

“You can be stupid now,” Applejack said, playfully nudging her friend. “Did ya really think we would be that mad about it?”

Sunset blushed. “Well... I guess I do worry sometimes.”

“I told ya, we don’t hold anythin’ else against ya. I guess I can get why you’d think we would after that whole Anon-a-Miss thing, but we were all hurt then.”

“I know.” She looked at the sky. “I’m always telling Twilight she needs to not worry, but I guess I haven’t taken that to heart yet.”

“So I guess when our parents say ‘do as I say, not as I do’, they ain’t just bein’ hypocritical.”

“I guess.”

They just watched the sky go by for a bit longer.

“Well, things are peaceful... which means something is about to happen...”

At that, Sunset’s cell phone went off.

There were three members of the Changelings standing in front of the desk of their local boss. Chrysalis tapped the fingers of one hand on the table while massaging the temples on the other. The three workers looked terrified.

“We have... had... only three assets. Three. And at this point, they’re completely irreplaceable.” She pointed at two of the guards. “And you two let a teenage girl trick you.”

“Excuse me?” Starlight said, who had been behind Chrysalis and never missed an opportunity to be offended due to her age.

“Hey, that brat told us that she had been broken.”

“Maybe so,” Chrysalis said, ignoring her top scientist’s ranting. “But it was still your job to guard her. However...” she looked at the manilla folder on her desk. “You’ve both worked here for years without incident, so maybe I can overlook this accident. Besides...” her eyes drifted to the remaining one. “There were supposed to be failsafes in case you failed. Like a guard watching the front door and checking everyone’s IDs.”

The man was shaking. He was somewhat grateful that he had been in a holding room where he had a chance to empty his bladder before he was brought here. “P-please, I had a long day, I had been on shift for hours...”

“I don’t want to hear this,” the woman said suddenly, banging her fist on the table. The three workers jumped in surprise and fear, but Starlight and the guards, used to her outbursts, remained still. Some even seemed to find it amusing.

“Please, Miss Chrysalis...”

“Oh, let me guess, you want mercy? You? The one who cost us an irreplaceable asset? Give me one good reason.”

“I-I’ll do anything! Please!”

“Hmm... well, you have served us loyally with no serious trouble before today. So I think I’m going to show a bit of mercy.” She turned to the other two. “You two are excused. Tomorrow you have off, then you return to your normal schedules. I can’t say this will look good on a performance review, but no more action will be taken.”

The very relieved workers took their leave.

The single doorguard would have given up a leg to be able to follow them.

“Now then, on to you.” Chrysalis said, pulling a glass and a bottle of scotch off her back table. “You caused quite a mess, but I suppose before any serious action, I can give you a bit of a chance to correct yourself.”


“You’re going to go on a little field mission to help catch the asset you lost.”

“A field mission? I’m not really qualified to...”

“Oh I know, but there’s no teacher like on-the-job experience. Besides, do you really think I’d trust something with high skill to you? It’ll be dangerous, but anyone could do it.”

“D-dangerous?” the guard said. “H-how dangerous?”

“Well, let me put it this way. On this mission, you’ll probably get shot.” She opened a drawer on her desk. “But you if you refuse,” she pulled out a handgun and set it on her desk. “You’ll definitely be shot. Clear?”

“As crystal,” the guard said, in a voice so small it was hard for anyone to hear.

“Good. Now you’re dismissed. Go home, your family is probably wondering where you are. And remember, try to run, and it won’t be just you that gets the bullet.”

The guard nodded and left as fast as his shaking legs would allow.

“Pfft. Always the dramatic with you,” Starlight muttered, pouring her own drink.

“...Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?”

“You’re a boss in the most powerful criminal organization in the country, and you’re getting on me about underaged drinking?”

“Touché,” Chrysalis said. “Still, impairing yourself when you’re working...”

“I’ll be fine. It’s not like Adagio is gone for good.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“From what I analyzed of the three, they seemed dedicated to each other. Chances are high that she’ll return to try and free the others. Besides, she’s limited to this country. We took every bit of fake IDs and emergency money off of her. Even if we don’t find her first, some officer will pick her up as a runaway or for truancy. She’ll be in some sort of system before too long.”

“True,” Chrysalis said. “Well, here’s to us. Even setbacks are just that: setbacks. It’s just a matter of time.”

It was a bit hard for Applejack to drive to Fluttershy’s house without running red lights or otherwise trying to hurry. Nevertheless, they arrived at their home in record time, and Sunset and herself burst through the front door, where the rest of the group was waiting.

“Okay, where’s the siren?”

“In a hurry, huh?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is another crisis on top of a mountain of crises that we’ve had to put up with. Yes, I’m in a hurry to deal with it.”

The others blinked at the sudden outburst. Applejack placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t lose yourself, sugarcube. We can deal with this.”

Sunset took a deep breath. “You’re right, you’re right. Let’s get in there and see what she’s been up to. Which one is it?”

It was Fluttershy who answered. “Adagio.”

“Which one is that again?” Applejack asked. “I didn’t exactly keep track.”

“The yellow one with the frizzy hair,” Fluttershy said. “The leader.”

“And there was no sign of the others?” Sunset asked.

“None. From what we can tell, she’s the only one.”

“Then let’s talk to her.” Taking a deep breath, Sunset walked right into Fluttershy’s room.

Adagio sat on Fluttershy’s bed. Sunset watched her every move, and noticed that the siren seemed to suddenly relax when the group came in. This caused to to stop for a split second, but only a split second. She didn’t want to show that she was surprised by anything this girl did.

Adagio didn’t say anything, she just looked at Sunset, as if ordering her to speak. Sunset did so. “Alright, Adagio, we have questions for you. For starters, what are you doing back here? And why are you coming to us for help?”

“And what happened to your really cool outfits?” Pinkie interrupted. “Why are you wearing just a hoodie now? How does your hair even fit under the hood...”

“Pinkie,” Rarity said, silencing the pink girl. “Really, be serious.”

“To put it quite simply, I need your help. I tried to tell rainbow-hair, but she just told me to wait until you all got here.”

“Well, we’re all here now. So tell us.”

Adagio looked somewhat put off by how blunt Sunset’s statement had been, but went forward. “Well, this might seem crazy, but over the last few months, I’ve been a prisoner of the Changelings...”

Almost immediately the girls gasped in unison. Adagio was caught off guard as nearly everyone piled on her, dropping questions on her. This lasted until Sunset collected herself and rose her voice over the others.

“Hey, hey!”

The group calmed themselves and looked at her.

“Let’s stay calm about this.” She looked at Adagio. “The Changelings tried to kidnap Twilight recently,” she said. “At least, we’re pretty sure it’s the Changelings.”

That seemed to surprise Adagio. She looked at Twilight, who suddenly felt self-conscious. She backed up, and Adagio had to laugh.

“So, the great princess is afraid of me? I thought a pony sent from the other world would be a challenge.”

Twilight felt herself flush. “N-no, I’m not...” She stumbled over her words.

Sunset came to her rescue. “She’s this world’s Twilight.”

“...What?” Adagio asked.

“...I guess you haven’t figured it out. See...”

Pinkie jumped in. “In our world, there’s a counterpart that exists to everyone in Equestria, only their all humans except for different species, except Spike, he’s a dog.”

“...Whatever,” Adagio said. “It doesn’t matter, I need you to help me get my sisters away from the Changelings.”

The group of girls all glanced at each other. In those glances, ranging from skepticism to hostility to pity, there was one uniting factor: the request for more information.

“Okay... tell me how you ended up with them.”

“Well, it started after you idiots ruined our lives...”

Fluttershy stopped Rainbow Dash from speaking.

“We were on our way out of town, catching the bus with the last of our money and wondering how we were going to survive now that you had taken our magic from us. After we got off a town later to check into a hotel, a police officer stopped us. He asked us what three young girls were doing out alone. Since we still had our fake IDs, we convinced him we were eighteen. He recommended one to us. So we checked into our rooms. The next thing we knew, room service assaulted us. Before we knew what was happening, we were chloroformed.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said. She reached over to confront Adagio, but a glare from the siren sent her back.

“I woke up when they were moving us. At least, I think they were. I was blindfolded and gagged, but I think we were in a car. As soon as they saw I was awake, they stuck a needle in my neck and I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I was in a small room. The Changelings told me that if I cooperated with their experiments, they’d let me stay somewhere better. I refused, because there was no way I was going to cooperate with quit playing with my hair!

The group jumped and Pinkie, who had been squeezing Adagio’s fluffy hair, jumped back sheepishly.

The siren gritted her teeth, then turned back to the rest of the group.

“They only let me out of there three times, and every time I was hooked up to a gurney. The first was to show us where we could stay. It was actually pretty nice, like a hotel suite. But I fought them. Then, a week later, they wheeled me and Aria in. Sonata had caved, and they wanted to show us they were keeping their promises. Then, a few days later, Aria caved, and they wheeled me in again. They were both getting entertainment and good food, while I was stuck in a small room getting water and rice pudding. They begged me to just cooperate, saying they were getting it good.

“But I kept it up. Finally, after a bit, I decided to... well, I faked giving in so they would put me in the better room. As soon as they did, I escaped. Unfortunately, my sisters were in testing and I couldn’t wait for them. I had to escape quickly. And I did. I figured I’d come to you for help since it would be best for you to stop them.”

Sunset nodded. “They mentioned that they were keeping an eye on us?”

Adagio nodded. “They knew about us because they had been keeping an eye on Canterlot. And they mentioned that they were trying to figure out how magic worked in this world. It’s a good bet they have plans for you. Helping me is your best bet.”

Sunset actually broke eye contact and looked at the floor. “So it is true... they are watching us. It must be when I got my credentials...”

“You used them too?” Adagio said, actually interested. “They always did the best work. My sisters and I got the best from them. Of course, after the Battle of the Bands they took our IDs and froze our accounts...”

Applejack, ignoring the siren, placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “We all agreed after the whole Anon-a-Miss mess, no more holdin’ yer past against you. Let’s just focus on the now.”

“So, I guess we better write to Equestria and tell the Princess about this,” Twilight said.

“Yeah. Are you sure you’re gonna be fine keeping her here, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, yes, it’ll be fine.”

“I’m not going to do anything,” Adagio said. “I need your help, remember? I won’t jeopardize that. But don’t think that means I’m going to like quit playing with my hair!

“But it’s poofy!” Pinkie said, backing up.

Rainbow Dash just glared at her. “You know, we only have your word that you were kidnapped. This could just be a long-term plan of yours.”

“What? Like what?”

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, I’ll be staying with Fluttershy tonight to help keep an eye on you.”

“Oh, come on,” Adagio said.

Sunset interrupted. “I think it’s a good idea. If Mr. and Mrs. Shy are okay with it...”

“Oh don’t worry, I already talked to them,” Fluttershy said. “They said it’s fine, and...”


All eyes turned to the door. Because of that, they missed Rainbow Dash shivering. A young boy, slightly older than Apple Bloom, came waltzing in. He looked around. “You havin’ a slumber party or somethin’?”

“Hey, I’ve seen you around school. Are you Fluttershy’s brother?” Sunset asked.

“Sure am. You keepin’ me from them, sis?”

“Why would I ever do that?”

Everyone except Rainbow Dash stared at Fluttershy. “You can do sarcasm?” Spike asked.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “This is Fluttershy’s little brother, Zephyr Breeze.”

“But zephyr means breeze. So his name is ‘Breeze Breeze?’” Twilight asked.

“Wow, you’re pretty and cute,” Zephyr said.

Twilight blushed. Rainbow Dash growled. “Flirting with anything that moves, huh?”

“Oh, come on Rainbow, you know that you don’t have to be jealous.”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped, her irises shrinking to pinpoints. Then she looked angry.

“We’re not here for a sleepover,” Rarity said, trying and failing to hide her apprehension. “Well, not all of us. Our new... ‘friend’... Adagio is staying here, and Rainbow Dash is staying to keep her company.”

“For reals?” he said, looking at Adagio. The siren looked extremely unhappy.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Adagio said.

“It’s better than the Changelings,” Sunset said.

“That’s the only reason I’m playing along,” Adagio said. “When can we go after them?”

“I don’t know yet,” Sunset said. “I’m going to write Princess Twilight and we’re going to come up with a plan. Where’s this base of the Changelings?”

“In Baltimare,” Adagio answered.

“Okay. We’re going to work out a plan tonight, and get back to you tomorrow. We have a lot of questions that you have to answer, and...”

Quit playing with my hair!

“But it’s so poofy!” Zephyr Breeze whined, squeezing her hair.

“I know, right?” Pinkie said, taking the other side.

Adagio looked ready to kill something.

Starlight sat at her desk, her pencil doodling across a sheet of graph paper. Her research had hit a wall. Her tests to find something, anything special about the sirens had been coming up negative. They seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be completely normal girls. Any plans for more extreme testing were gone now that Adagio had escaped.

So now what? She needed an idea, something that could use to move forward. But what?

She put down her pencil to reach for her coffee cup. As she took a sip, she looked at the drafting sheet.

To her surprise, her random doodles weren’t just doodles. Every line was straight or even, all forming some basic shapes. It almost looked like it could be something, the beginning of a brand new invention.

That’s because it is.

She had to stop at that thought. She really looked at the scribbles... no, at the lines. True, there might be something there, but she couldn’t figure out what.

And then it came. It was like an explosion in her mind. Images, thoughts, ideas, all flooded into her mind. It felt like her skull was going to rip apart. It was all coming in at once. So many ideas and concepts. It was like all the little pieces of the puzzle were falling in place for her. All the data she had collected was suddenly connecting.

She knew it was inevitable. If that Twilight girl could fit the pieces together, then of course she could as well. This was her eureka moment.

Ignoring the pain in her head, she grabbed her pencil and started sketching. Throughout the night, she found herself running to her records to retrieve things. Energy readings from Canterlot High. Information on the portal at the base of the Wondercolt statue. Anything. It was three pots of coffee and nearly dawn before she stopped.

While Adagio waited in Fluttershy’s guest room, having managed to scare Zephyr Breeze off, the girls who were still there were talking. Most had gone home, but Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash had lingered a bit, asking Adagio questions and trying to come up with a plan.

“Well, you two eggheads have any final thoughts?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think I know what we need to do. For now, just be there for Adagio.”

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow. “Be there for her?”

“Well, think about it: she’s been with her sisters for centuries, and suddenly they get taken from her. I’m willing to bet the Changelings putting her in solitary is the whole reason she broke in the first place. She needs people who are going to be there for her.”

“Oh my, I hadn’t even thought of that,” Fluttershy said. “The poor thing.”

Rainbow Dash stayed quiet, but there was a look of sympathy on her face as well.

“Did you see her when we came into the room earlier? She relaxed. She’s been alone for so long that she needs company. Pay attention when you go in again. She’ll relax on seeing you.”

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash mused on this.

“Try to be there for her. In the meantime, I’m going to be staying with Twilight tonight. I’m going to see if we can actually get Cadance to sleep for once without practically handcuffing herself to Twilight’s bed.”

Twilight spoke next. “This weekend, we’re going to Equestria. I’m going to meet Princess Celestia and get my first lesson for her. My family is coming with me, and so are Sunset and Flash. We can work out something more solid then.

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay. I’ll do my best to help Adagio while you’re gone.”

“That’s the best we can hope for.”