• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,693 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Humans II

Wow... sounds intense. I’ll be sure to help the girls tomorrow.

Thanks Flash. This is a huge emergency I’d like to smooth over as quickly as possible. I’ll be visiting tomorrow to collect the school records.

So... no time for a date then, I take it?

Sorry, Flash. Still, we’re on for that date in two weeks. Are you sure you have everything ready for then?

Almost. I have things cleared up. My parents are a little weirded out that I’m going to another dimension, but they trust me enough.

They know about everything?

They were chaperones at that dance. They know. Relax, they’re keeping quiet too. They are a little freaked out that I’m actually dating a magical princess from another dimension, but they’re open-minded.

They know we’re dating?

Yeah, and that was the almost part. They want to have you over for dinner before I go visit you.

What? They want to meet me? But that’s so soon! What if I don’t make a good impression on them?

You’ve faced down a she-demon and three sirens, and my parents intimidate you?

I only had to blast them with friendship magic!

Relax, they’ll love you. You’re a very likeable girl. They said you’re free to bring Spike and Starlight too.

Well... Starlight has been asking to come back there... why not?

Principal Celestia pulled the last sheet out of the copier and handed it to Sunset. “Remember, this is supposed to be confidential. But if both you and Princess Twilight think it’s important, I trust you.”

Sunset nodded. “I didn’t even consider this might spread to the others.”

“Have any of her other potentials shown any magic?”

Sunset shook her head. “Shining Armor and Sweetie Belle couldn’t do anything. Twilight and Fluttershy went to go test Vinyl while I came here. We figured if anyone was going to manifest after us, it would be them. They’ve hung out with us the most, after all.”

Celestia nodded. “Makes sense. I take it Shining Armor and Cadance were a little worried?”

“Not as much as Twilight is,” Sunset said, her voice becoming heavy. “Her nightmares were back in full force over the weekend.” She shook her head. “Uh, I probably shouldn’t be talking about that with you.”

“I won’t say a word,” Celestia promised. “But Dean Cadance is a friend of mine. I’m a little surprised I never made the connection with the two Twilight’s until the Friendship Games.”

Sunset looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“She said she had custody of Twilight after her parents died, but I thought the name was a coincidence. No one told me that the other world had counterparts. I had never seen her before that day in the music room.”

Sunset nodded. “Makes sense.”

“So... I feel I should ask. Is my counterpart a Unicorn, or...”

Sunset bit her lip, wondering if she should really lay this bombshell now. Eventually, she decided she had to. Better they be prepared.

“Both you and Luna are Alicorns, like Princess Twilight.”

Celestia blinked. “Come again?”

Sunset took a deep breath. “Alicorns are ponies with the powers of all three races. Nopony is born as one, they have to earn it by representing something Harmony finds important. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna control the Sun and the Moon, respectively.”

Celestia looked at her student in shock. “They... control...”

“Yes. The other Celestia raises and lowers the Sun, and the other Luna does the same to the Moon. Gravity plays no part in it.”

“...Your world is very strange.”

“Pot, kettle,” Sunset said. “Seriously, you have every computer in the world linked together, and most of the population is using it to whine about television. ‘Oh, we don’t like the newborn!’ Who cares!”

Celestia opened her mouth to argue, but closed it again. “Point. So, if nopony is born an Alicorn, what were the other versions of us born as?”

“I’m not sure. Princess Celestia was always tight-lipped when I asked her. But I think she’ll crack now that it’s important. Still, I wouldn’t count on getting Alicorn powers. Princess Twilight is one, but our Twilight had no wings when she ponied up.”

“I see. How long will it take Princess Twilight to look up everything?”

“She has a whole royal staff now, so not long.”

“Good. I’ll arrange an assembly, so to speak, where we can prepare the students and faculty if this is indeed a spreading problem. I trust you’ll get the information to me as soon as possible?”

“I will.”

As hard as Vinyl tried, the pencil in front of her wouldn’t lift. She turned back to Twilight and shook her head.

“I see... well, thank you, Vinyl. You will tell us if anything comes up, won’t you?”

The girl nodded before replacing her headphones. In moments she was bobbing her head up and down as she headed for the exit.

“Well, that was a bust,” Fluttershy said. “W-what should we be doing now?”

“Just wait, explore our own powers,” Twilight said. She lifted a glass in her hand and took a sip.

Flash, who had been watching a few feet away, spoke up. “So... Fluttershy, there’s no sign of wings coming in?”

“Oh, um, no. Why?”

“Princess Twilight said the other me was a Pegasus. If this is outside the seven of you, I’m due to sprout wings.”

“I guess the Princess thinks you’ll be one of the first?” Twilight asked.

He nodded. “Well... I have spent a bit around all of you.”

Twilight smiled. She had been mad at Rarity for making them partner up at that pool party, but in hindsight it had been what was needed. The awkwardness between them was gone, mostly.

“So... where’s Sunset? I wanted to have a word with her.”

“She went to go talk to Principal Celestia about this,” Fluttershy said.

“Cool. If you two don’t mind, I’m going to go find her.”

The two girls waved him off as he walked out of the library. He headed towards the principal’s office. He was halfway there when he ran into who he was searching for. Sunset was walking down the hallways, looking at a stack of sheets in her arms so intently she didn’t see Flash until he called out to her.

“Sunset, I’ve been looking for you.”

The girl actually smiled before what Flash said sunk in. “Why? Is something wrong?”

“No, I just needed to talk to you.”

Now Sunset looked scared. That was a look that was out of place on her before the Fall Formal, but became so common afterwards. “Wh-what is it?”

“I... I owe you an apology.”

Not Sunset’s look of fear was replaced with a look of incredulity. “You owe me an apology? How?”

Flash rubbed the back of his head. “After the Fall Formal... I didn’t help you at all when everyone was against you...”

“Whoa, whoa, you don’t owe me anything for that. Especially after what happened between us.”

Flash shook his head. “Twilight... the Princess Twilight... told us all to give you a second chance, and outside the Rainbooms, no one did. Sure, I didn’t bother you, but I never did anything to help.”

“I don’t blame you,” Sunset said. “I used you, Flash. You were nothing but another stepping stone to me.”

“And I should have been better. I really did like you, Sunset. You seemed so interested in my band and everything I did. You even learned guitar while we were dating”

“...That was just another thing I needed. I wanted to learn something that would help me master... these,” she held up a hand and wiggled her fingers.

Flash understood. He knew ponies didn’t have fingers. He remembered Sunset’s earlier lessons, when she barely played a chord right.

“You know, I still wanted to get back together until I met Twilight.”

Sunset perked up. “You.. did? But you dumped me.”

“I know. And I was always hoping you’d come begging to get back together. I wanted you to be that girl I thought you were... Well, you’re that girl now, but I’m with Twilight.”

Sunset looked at her shoes. “...I never loved you. Not even after Twilight put me on the right path. Oh sure, I regretted everything, but...”

“I understand. I wanted to make it clear there was no bad blood between us. We can be friends, right?”

Sunset looked at her ex. After a moment, she smiled. “I’d like that.”

The two had a quick embrace. They pulled apart quickly. Gossip still spread fast in this school, and the last thing they wanted is for word to get out that they were seeing each other again.

“I’m going to wait by the portal a bit, see if I can catch my Twilight for a few minutes.”

Sunset gave him a knowing smirk. “Just don’t get too frisky. She has important work here.”

Flash thought a moment. “It isn’t going to hurt your relationship with Twilight that we’re dating, right? I’m not sure what the code of conduct is for girls...”

“Even if I ever really liked you that way, we’ve been broken up for months and it’s my fault. You two go nuts.”

He gave her one last smile before she walked off.

Rarity and Applejack were somewhat relieved to be inside Canterlot High. At lunch they had mentioned a Crystal Prep student seemed to be following them. Twilight had not been in attendance due to a last-minute detail on her transfer. However, once school was over and they met in the music room, the last girl was filled in.

And she buried her head in her hands. “Don’t tell me: brown skin, orange hair, glasses, comb in his pocket?”

The pair blinked. It was Rarity that answered. “Why, yes.”



“Trenderhoof. He’s absolutely in love with romance. Every month or two he picks up a new crush and starts trying to romance them. He’s annoying, but he’s harmless. And at least he can’t follow you here.”

Rarity beamed. “Well, I can hardly blame him for noticing such exquisite beauty,” she said, flicking her hair back. “I simply will have to let him down gently.”

“Yes, you do that,” Applejack said with an unamused expression. “Sunset, you said Princess Twi was gonna be here by now.”

“Well, Flash might be holding her up,” Sunset said with an evil look that got giggles from the others.

“We should probably tell her we know,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let’s let her think she’s fooled us a bit longer,” Rarity said.

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh, even if they were talking about teasing another version of her. She scratched Spike behind the ear as he sat in her lap.

Not thirty seconds later, the Princess walked through the door. She had her palm open and was levitating three small pebbles above her palm, twirling them around in a circle.

“Princess!” they all exclaimed in unison, running up to hug her. She hugged them back, temporarily letting the stones fall into her palm.

As soon as they parted, the Princess cast her spell again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, girls. But I’m hoping you have some good news about all this?”

Sunset smiled. “You’re already taking advantage of it,” she smiled.

Twilight blushed. “I had to try it for myself. I never got to use my magic to its full extent in this world.” She flicked the stones in an arch so they floated over her another palm. “I’m not noticing any big difference other than having two magic appendages instead of just one.”

Smiling, Sunset started levitating a few pencils and some sheets of paper off a nearby table. She started writing her name on both simultaneously. “Like I never even lost my horn.”

The Princess grinned before turning to Rarity and Twilight. “What about you two?”

Rarity turned toward the table a concentrated. With a faint glow of magic, a single pencil lifted up.

“I can only do so much,” Rarity said, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Seems to be basic power level... like a foal just getting her magic. Maybe that’s how they’ll come in for everyone...”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “But... Twilight’s a natural! Not as good as Sunset, but...”

“That was foal level... for me,” the Princess said. At the incredulous looks, she went on. “The entire reason I was selected by the Princess for private tutoring is because I had a lot of raw magic power. I guess it crosses dimensions.”

Twilight shook at that. Sunset placed a comforting and on her shoulder.

Seeing her doppelganger’s discomfort, the Princess cringed a bit. After some debate, she went on. “That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about when I meet your family tonight.”

Twilight looked at her. “Why?”

“It’s nothing bad,” she assured, “but if things are really going forward like I think they will, then some... extra training might be in order.”

Twilight actually started hugging herself.

“Now Twilight, remember what I said: magic isn’t something to be afraid of,” Sunset tried calming her.

“I know, I know,” she said, pulling away from Sunset.

“You shouldn’t be afraid of turning into Midnight Sparkle again! She’s not you!” Pinkie said.

“Everyone keeps... wait, Midnight Sparkle?”

Pinkie giggled. “That’s what they call you online,” she said, reaching into her hair and pulling out a tablet. She began touching the screen. “People love the footage! They make all kinds of art!”


“Look, see!” Pinkie said, shoving the tablet in her face.

Twilight looked at it.

In an instant she was sitting in the corner of the room, a dark cloud over her head.

The other just looked at her.

“Come on, Twilight,” the Princess said, taking the tablet. “How bad can it be?” She looked.

In an instant she was sitting in the corner of the room next to Twilight, a dark cloud over her head.

“Come on, Twilight... and Twilight,” Sunset said. “The Internet is filled with stuff like that. It’s not like you can stop it from happening, and you’ll never meet these people in real life. Once...”

“Hey, you’re in this one, Sunset!”

Sunset blinked. “...What?”

“Yeah, as Daydream Shimmer! Look, look what Twilight’s doing to you in this one!”

Sunset looked.

In an instant she was sitting in the corner of the room next to the two Twilights, a dark cloud over her head.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash said, trying not to look amused.

“Oh, you humans,” Spike said. “You take the most basic function for survival and make it taboo! It’s just what you do when you find a mate! If you’d quit being so averse to it...” He looked at the tablet.

In an instant he was sitting in the corner of the room next to Sunset and the two Twilights, a dark cloud over his head.

“...We better never let Shining Armor hear about this,” Applejack said.

After the girls and Spike had recovered and Rarity made promises to get their family lawyer on the case for unauthorized use of likeness after magic became public knowledge, Applejack tried deflecting the situation away from the unpleasant topic. “Any idea when the rest of us are gonna start gettin’ some fancy powers?”

“Well, it’s not like I have anything to compare this to,” the Princess said. “I guess it all matters on how fast magic is growing in this world, and how often you pony up.”

“Good, cause I can’t wait to get wings for good,” Rainbow Dash said. “After flying once, I’m wondering how I lived without it.”

“Oh, well, it would be nice, but I think I like the ground,” Fluttershy said.

“So there’s been no signs of any of the other powers from any of you?”

“Nope! And Sunset and Twilight are making us lift weights every day to see if we’re getting any stronger, and they asked Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to keep an eye on their back to see if wings start forming, and they have Rarity constantly lifting things and...”

“I think I get it,” Twilight said. “What about advanced forms of magic? All you’ve mentioned is telekinesis. Can you...”

At that, there was a crack of light. Everyone jumped as they realized that Sunset had disappeared. Before anyone could freak out, the Princess felt a tap on her shoulder. She whirled around to find her friend standing there, waving.

“Still got it.”

“You’re on fire!” Rainbow Dash said.


“No, really, your jacket is on fire!”

Sunset looked at her shoulder and saw the flame. Yelping, she quickly pulled it off and threw it to the ground, stamping it out. After that, she picked it up and looked at it, grimacing at the burn mark. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little out of practice.”

The Princess took the jacket and lit up her hand, causing the burn mark to fade.

Rarity blinked. “Clothing repair? You simply must teach me that one.”

“That’s why I’m here. I figure I’d give you and Twilight a quick lesson before I go to dinner. Do you still have that archery range set up? I think teaching you some basic combat magic might be a good idea.”

“Well, I suppose,” Rarity said. “And Sunset will be joining us.”

“If she likes. She’ll be getting plenty of practice this weekend.”

Sunset gave the Princess a look. “What?”

“Celestia’s cleared her schedule. She says it’s time you visit.”

Sunset tensed up. “Now? What... but...”

“Sunset, please. If the human world is going to discover magic, they’re going to discover ponies. Celestia needs to talk to you about them. You’ll be important in the negotiations, you’ve lived with them for years. She needs to know about them.”

“...That’s all she wants to see me for?”

“No. She also really misses you. But I thought I’d state the official business first.” She winked at her friend.

Sunset looked at her boots. “I... I don’t know...”

“Are you scared?” Fluttershy asked.

“N... yes,” she admitted.

“You shouldn’t. Remember, the Princess wants you to come be her student again. And with everything going on, you’ll have to see her again eventually.”

“I... okay. Okay, I’ll go.”

The Princess paused, then hugged her friend. “Things are going to be fine, Sunset. You’ll see.”

The sun was setting as Twilight and her Princess counterpart rode down the road to Twilight’s apartment. Going to Canterlot High and having a social life outside of school had finally been the push Twilight had needed to ask for a car. Shining Armor and Cadance had obliged, and after she had made it clear she valued practicality over style, she had gotten a used green sedan.

Starlight and the two Spikes sat in the back, Starlight looking out the window and marveling at everything she saw.

“Cool! Princess, do you think we could get these things in Equestria soon?”

“If relations between the two species works out, we probably will,” Princess Twilight promised. She looked at her counterpart. “It doesn’t look too hard to drive. I bet I can do it.”

“You don’t have a license.”

“I’ll use yours.”

“That’s illegal.”

“Is it? I am you, after all..”

“Stop it,” Twilight said flatly.

Starlight giggled. Dragon Spike rolled his eyes. “This is gonna be fun,” he muttered.

The two pulled into the parking lot and up to Twilight’s reserved space. The small group walked up to the door, the Princess having tucked Spike under her left arm and was holding Starlight’s hand with her right, making sure she stayed upright.

Twilight opened the door and proclaimed, “I’m home!”

Instantly Dog Spike wiggled out of his master’s grasp and darted toward his water bowl. Shining Armor just missed him. As he walked into the foyer, he stopped at the surrealness of seeing two Twilights.

“So... you’re the Princess?”

“That’s me,” Princess Twilight said, a bit awkwardly. She clutched Dragon Spike in her arms, who was shaking his head at his counterpart’s actions.

“Aww, look at you,” Cadance suddenly was in front of her. “See, Twiley, I told you you’d look cute with your hair down.”

“Cady...” Twilight whined.

Cadance just hugged the counterpart of the child she had cared for the last three years. “Oh it’s so nice to meet you!”

“Likewise,” the Princess said.

“And here’s the new Spike,” she said. “Are you really a dragon?”

Dragon Spike puffed out his chest. “Big and strong.”

“Small and cute,” The Princess corrected, pulling out a photograph from her pocket. “Here’s a picture.”

Dragon Spike’s eyes widened as he caught a glimpse and realized it was of when he had just hatched. “Twilight, why...”

“Because you just look so adorable in it, and I needed a picture of the real you,” the Princess answered, nuzzling her oldest charge.

“Aww, he looks so precious!” Cadance said, passing the photograph to her husband. “And what do we have here?” She went on, kneeling down to Starlight’s level. “You must be Starlight! Oh, you look adorable!”

“Um... thank you,” the girl said, half hiding behind her teacher. “Are you this world’s version of Aunt Cadance?”

“Looks like I am! So why don’t you give me a hug?”

Starlight broke away from the Princess and wrapped her arms around Cadance’s neck, while the older woman returned the hug.

“Wait... ‘Aunt Cadance’?” Shining Armor asked, turning to the Princess. “Twiley didn’t tell me you were a mother.”

The Princess blushed. “It’s not like that,” she explained. “I’m her teacher.”

Dragon Spike let out a scoff showing he didn’t believe it.

Cadance lifted the young girl up in her arms. “Well why don’t we get you to the kitchen? My cooking isn’t as good as palace food, I’m sure, but I’m pretty good.”

“Okay,” the girl said, smiling.

As Cadance carried the child off, Shining Armor looked the Princess over once more. “It’s kind of surreal... I’m surprised Cadance took it so well.”

“Well, from what I understand she actually saw... what happened,” the Princess said, casting a look at her alternate. “So, it’s good to know you’re still here. After I heard what happened to... the other version of my parents...”

“Are they really alive?” Shining Armor said, curious.

“Yes... and I visited them for a week after finding out what happened. I... don’t get to see them much with all my responsibilities.”

Shining Armor nodded, giving the Princess back her photo of Spike. “Well, dinner’s about ready, let’s get seated.”

“Where’s my seat?” Dragon Spike asked.

“You’re not eating on the floor with the other Spike?” Cadance asked.

“I’m. Not. An. Animal!” Dragon Spike said through clinched teeth, causing the other family to step back a bit.

“Oh, we’re all animals,” Dog Spike said. “Humans just act high and mighty because they have thumbs and vocal chords.”

“...Right. I’ll set up an extra seat. I think I can dig Twilight’s old booster seat out...”

In the end, Dog Spike ended up at the table too, munching dog food along with a biscuit or two while the rest of the family enjoyed a nice vegetarian lasagna.

The talk was dominated by the Princess at first, who answered questions about Equestria and herself, about Starlight Glimmer (a touchy subject since Twilight couldn’t tell them the full truth), and of the adventures she had had. It was here that the Princess thought of something.

“Your wedding, did it... go off without a hitch? No problems?”

That got the humans to look at her oddly.

“Well... we didn’t have a chance to have a proper ceremony,” Shining Armor explained.

The Princess blinked. “What? Why?”

“Well... we were engaged, and we were planning a big ceremony... then our parents died.”

“Oh... I...”

But Cadance picked up for her husband. “After he signed the paperwork to take custody of Twilight, I wanted an equal share in helping raise her. I wanted to be there for her as much as Shiny was. So we went down to the courthouse. We got married and I signed the custody papers on the same day.”

Twilight looked at her plate. While it had been a show of support for her, she always felt like she had robbed her guardians of their dream wedding.

“We’re planning to have a proper ceremony later,” Shining Armor said. “A little after Twiley graduates. Why? Did our counterparts have trouble?”

The Princess had a strange expression on her face, like she was dealing with conflicting emotions. “The ceremony went off fine. It was... a lot of what happened before that has me worried. Something I don’t think you’ll have to worry about, so why don’t we talk about something else?”

Seeing the Princess’s discomfort, Cadance quickly changed topics. “Do we have any children in Equestria?”

At this, the Princess smiled. “The other you just got pregnant.”

“Oh my gosh, really?” Cadance said.

The Princess smiled. “I’ll be an Aunt in about nine more months.”

“Oh my gosh, that means we’ll have a baby eventually! Oh, we were planning to have one once Twilight was grown up.”

Now Twilight pushed her food. Another thing she was preventing them from doing.

Cadance saw. Making a mental note to talk to her later, she changed the subject. “Are dragons common in Equestria?”

“Well... not among ponies,” Twilight said.

“I think I’m the only dragon who lives like a pony,” Dragon Spike said.

“That must be hard,” Cadance said.

“Not really. I lived in the palace with Twilight before getting to live in a nice quiet village with friendly ponies. I tried fitting in with dragons once, didn’t like it.”

“Aww. I bet you chase Fluttershy around too, don’t you?”

Dragon Spike blinked. “Fluttershy? No, it’s Rarity who’s the pretty one.”

“Rarity?” Dog Spike said. “But she covers herself in all that hair spray and makeup...”

“And it makes her even more beautiful.”

“Fluttershy doesn’t need any of that and she does just fine.”

“She could look prettier!”

“Could not!”

“Could too!”

Cadance gave a smile.The Princess gave the command to stop. Both Spikes glared at each other before returning to their meals.

“Where did Spike come from?” Twilight asked.

“I hatched him for my entrance exam to Princess Celestia’s school.”

Twilight blinked. “Wait... if hatching a dragon is part of an entrance exam, then why aren’t they more common?”

The Princess’s face darkened. “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to all of you about.”

The table got quiet except for Dragon Spike, who kept eating, knowing full well what his caretaker’s announcement would be.

“The egg test wasn’t meant to be passed. Hatching a dragon egg is so hard most adult ponies can’t do it. I hatched Spike because I had a surge of magic so powerful that It also levitated the procters into the air and turned my parents into potted plants.”

They all gaped at her.

“Is... is that going to happen to me?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, but you’re already showing a natural aptitude with magic like I had as a filly. It wouldn’t surprise me.” She saw Twilight flinch, and quickly spoke again. “I wanted to propose something that might help.”

She turned back to the table, all eyes on her. “Because I had so much magic, Celestia had to teach me personally. I needed a lot of training to keep control. And if Twilight’s going to have the same power I had, so will she. So... Sunset told me summer vacation starts in a few weeks. When it does, I want Twilight to come to Equestria for proper training.”

That got some reactions.

“What? For the whole summer?” Shining Armor asked, a little surprised.

“Oh, but she’s just starting to come out of her shell,” Cadance said. “I was hoping she’d spend this summer really getting out there.”

“My castle is the same one with the portal here,” The Princess assured. “She could some visit at anytime, and you could visit her. Besides, training isn’t nearly as arduous as you’d think. It’s merely some proper guidance.”

“Well... if you think it would be... Twiley seems freaked out by the magic, are you sure...” Shining Armor began.

“I want to do it,” Twilight said.

That got looks.

“Twiley... are you sure...” Cadance said.

“I can’t lose control again. Not after...”

Shining Armor and Cadance were next to her so quickly the Princess almost didn’t see them.

“That wasn’t your fault, please don’t dump on yourself for that,” Shiny pleaded, hugging his sister.

“Twiley...” Cadance started.

“I want to go,” Twilight said, more resolve in her voice. “I need to learn how to control this.”

“She won’t be alone,” The Princess promised. “Rarity and Sunset will be coming periodically for training. So with the others, but they will just come to visit. And she’ll be spending plenty of time here as well.”

“Everyone’s getting training, it seems.” Cadance said.

Twilight nodded. “The first girls in this world to get magic? Yes. They’ll be important in what’s to come, whether they like it or not. Twilight’s in the middle of this no matter what. I’m hoping she’ll be prepared."

There was silence for a moment. Shining Armor and Cadance looked at each other, having a conversation without words.

“...Okay,” Shining Armor said at last. “If this is really what you want, Twiley, we’ll be supportive.”

“Excellent,” the Princess said. “I’ll start working out a lesson plan.”

The Princess finished the final lines of the storybook Cadance had lent her as Starlight fell asleep on the couch, Dragon Spike resting on top of her. She smiled, kissing the young girl on the forehead.

When she rose up, she found a very smug looking Cadance watching her.

“It’s not like that, huh?”

The Princess rolled her eyes. “You’re just like the Cadance of my world.”

“And the fact that both of us are saying this isn’t cluing you in on anything?”

The Princess looked at her charges, then back at Cadance. She led the older girl away until they were in the kitchen, then whispered in a hushed tone. “It wouldn’t be right.”

She told her where Starlight came from. By the end, her eyes were wide.

“Well, things just keep getting weirder,” she said.

“I took Starlight in out of desperation. Even when I showed her what her actions were causing, she refused to back off. I didn’t know what else to do. I was so desperate to stop her that I took the first plan that seemed practical.” The Princess slumped. “How can I say I’m her mother when me loving her had nothing to do with how I took her in?”

Cadance blinked. “Have you told anyone at home how you feel?”

The Princess looked at her. “I... no,” she said, realizing that herself. “I guess... everypony sees what I did as so clear cut, but...”

“Well, if my counterpart really is the Princess of Love, I know what she’d tell you: relationships change. I noticed Shiny because he was cute, I stayed with him because he’s sweet and brave. I babysat my Twilight just to be near him, and I love her, first as a sister, and now...” she trailed off. “Well, nevermind. You might have taken her in out of necessity, but that doesn’t mean what you feel for her now is any less real. Don’t tell me you don’t, the way you dote on her says enough.”

The Princess blinked. “I... well, that’s what everyone says...”

Cadance smiled. “Then what’s the problem?”

The Princess thought again. “I won’t ask her. If she wants me to be a mother, I’ll be her mother, but it’ll be her decision. I can’t ask her to be, not after she had to leave everything behind to be my student.”

Cadance looked disappointed at the answer, but smiled all the same.

Shining Armor came in to see his sister while Cadance was busy with the Princess. He hugged her tightly, then said “I’m very proud of what you’re doing.”

“You are?”

Shining Armor smiled. “Twiley, you’ve been researching something to help people. You’re willing to go through with this because you think it’s the right thing to do.”

“...I think? Do you not agree?”

Shining Armor stopped to gather his thoughts a moment. “I do, but not for the same reasons you think it is.”


“Twiley, you’re not a monster, and using magic isn’t going to turn you into one. I think the fact that there’s a whole other world of magic users is proof of that. This is the right thing to do for the same reasons the Princess said. If everyone’s getting magic, someone is going to have to teach them how to use it.”

“But... why me? Why am I in the middle of all this?”

“Maybe because you’re the smartest person I know? Because you’re a little sweetheart who I don’t think has disobeyed us once? You’re going to do great things, Twilight, I always knew it.”

Twilight felt her face heat up.

“And Twilight? You haven’t cost us anything. Cadance and I could have afforded that wedding or that baby. We made the decision to put our focus on you. You didn’t take anything we didn’t give you. We haven’t sacrificed, we just put things on hold. Don’t you dare feel guilty because we love you and wanted the best for you.” Her brother pulled her into a hug. “If Mom and Dad were here, they’d be so proud.”

Twilight hugged him back, crying. It was minutes later that they broke apart.

“You get some sleep, Twi. I don’t want you two up all night.”

“I promise,” Twilight said as the Princess entered the room. She began placing her sleeping bag on the floor.

“Are you sure you don’t want the bed?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not so pampered I can’t sleep on the floor,” the Princess promised.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Shiny smiled. As he reached the door, he turned back to them with an evil grin. “I better not hear you’ve been taking Pinkie’s suggestion,” he said before closing the door, leaving both Twilights red in the face.

Miss Chrysalis walked down the hallway, flanked by her top researcher.

“So, we have no results from the test subjects?”

Dr. Starlight Glimmer shook her head. “Nothing. We’ve been unable to replicate what the girls around Canterlot High can do.”

“But the subjects...”

“I don’t think they have any magic. At least, not anymore.”

Chrysalis groaned. “The others are getting impatient. We need results fast. What about...”

A banging came from a door nearby. Through the window, Chrysalis could see the girl, if that’s what she was. She was a mess, bags under her eyes, her already frizzy hair even more a rat’s nest, and her hands were sore, red standing on yellow, from her constant protests.

“You bitch! You absolute bitch! Let me out! I swear I’m going to snap your neck! You hear me?”

Rolling her eyes, Dr. Starlight pressed a button on the control panel next to the door.

“I swear when I get out, I’ll...” her promises degraded into coughing as she backed away from the door.

“A little calming agent, but it’ll only keep her quiet for a while. I swear I wish you’d let me shut that girl up,” Dr. Starlight growled. “The blue one never gave me trouble, and the purple one broke in days, but that one...”

“I want them in good physical condition,” Chrysalis said. “Why does she look like such a mess?”

“Refuses to sleep or eat. We have to force-feed and drug her. She’s a stubborn one.”

“And she shows no signs of her past powers?”

“None. All testing proves negative. We need to get that girl’s device, or at least the blueprints. My research has hit a wall without it.”

“Leave that to me,” Chrysalis said. “I’m not letting this slip by me.”

Author's Note:

Why, yes, I'm a fan of Soul Eater, why do you ask. And now that Midnight Sparkle has been named in-universe, I can start using it. Makes any reference to her less awkward.

Anyway, longer than I thought. Hope you liked it.