• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,693 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Ponies I

Dear Sunset,

This could not have come at a worse possible time. I am currently up in the Crystal Empire for a diplomatic gathering, and I can’t return until tomorrow. Until then, keep an eye on my other self. If she’s anything like I was when I first got my magic, there will be surges.

Don’t assume this change is limited to you. This might be a side effect of magic seeping into your world, and not of Ponying Up. I want you to begin checking others who alternates are Unicorns. Start with Sweetie Belle, Vinyl, and Shining Armor. Also, get a complete list of everypony everyone in the school: students, faculty, everyone. I’ll take it and compare it against Equestrian census to see who is what, in case this truly does spread.

I’ll write Flash and ask him to help you (don’t tell the others about the journals yet... I don’t think Rarity would let me hear the end of it). Keep calm, I’ll be there soon.

“Do I have to?”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at Starlight’s question, even if it was a tone that came just short of whining. After all, she had never cared much for the upper class events when she had been Celestia’s student, so she couldn’t fault her own for feeling the same.

“I’m afraid so, sweetie. This is a big event, and everypony wants to meet my personal student.” She was running a brush through her student’s mane, grateful that she was being cooperative.

“But it’s so boring! I could be learning more magic!”

“There’s more to life than studying,” she said, pulling the mane back into a ponytail. “I was hoping you’d play with Apple Bloom and her friends back in Ponyville, but you don’t seem to have taken to them.”

“Well... they all have their cutie marks already!”

“They do. They don’t think any less of you for not having one yet. Well... Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon used to, but they’re better ponies now. They’re friends with Pip, and Button, and...”

Starlight lifted off the chair, her fancy dress ruffling. “Yeah, but... Sunburst...”

Twilight met her student at eye level. “I understand. You’re scared after you got hurt. I’ve been scared like that too. Ponies used to pretend to be my friend to get closer to Princess Celestia or for help on their homework. When I found out the truth, it hurt badly. But if I had let it get to me, I’d never have met Miss Applejack, or Miss Rarity, or any of the others. And that means I would never have become the Princess of Friendship. And that means...”

“You never could have gotten me out of that orphanage,” Starlight finished.

“Believe me, I know having friends can be painful, and sometimes it ends in heartbreak, but the rewards far outweigh that. Please remember that.”

“I will, Princess.” She hugged her mentor around the neck, who returned the gesture.

“Good. Now go find Spike and see if he’s ready.”

Starlight nodded before cantering off. Cadance, who had watched the scene from the side, just smiled.

“Well, I’m officially jealous,” the Princess of Love said.

Twilight looked startled. “Jealous?”

Cadance smiled. “You got to have a foal without going through... this,” she sat and rubbed a hoof over her stomach, which was just starting to show a slight bulge.

“It’s not like that,” Twilight said.

Cadance smirked. “Uh-huh. Just like it’s ‘not like that’ with Spike? Seriously, a foal before I even got married. Still, I’m not completely bitter. You didn’t get to do the fun part.”

Twilight blushed. “Since my brother is the one you’re doing that with, I really don’t want to hear it.”

“Oh it’s nothing much. Believe it or not, he can’t keep it up for long.”

Now Twilight was a beet-red. “Cadance!”

“I mean, we’re barely at it three hours before he starts going, ‘Come on, Cady, I’m not a machine!’ I swear…”

Now Twilight had gone from embarrassed to dumbstruck, gaping at her former foalsitter. She searched for any sign she was joking.

“But enough about my marital problems. Has Starlight... showed any signs?”

That managed to snap Twilight out of her daze. “Well, she’s doubting friendship. No surprise after what she went through. Still, she seems to like me enough to at least try what I have to say.”

“So, no repeat of her old self?”

“It doesn’t look like it. It seems things are going to be fine with her, if my lesson plan works.”

Cadance smiled. “Good, I’d hate anything happening to my niece. Now come on, let’s get out there.”

“Okay, let’s make sure nothing happens to the Princess at this event,” Captain Flash ordered, lining up his soldiers.

“I think you’re trying to protect a pony that doesn’t need protecting to satisfy your own machismo,” Sugarcoat said.

Flash glared at the Earth Pony, but didn’t feed her message.

“Remember, eyes everywhere. Representatives from several countries are here, there’s no telling what might happen.”

The five ponies saluted. Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet flying into the air for higher look, Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest walking in different directions, and Sunny Flare accompanying her captain to the Princess and her charges.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Starlight were already walking through the crowd, much to Flash’s annoyance. Twilight was shaking hooves with several dignitaries, and some of the unrestrained ones were doting on the children, with coos of how cute they were.

At seeing Sunny, Starlight fled to her side, finding safety in her assigned bodyguard. It worked for all of three seconds, as the Unicorn was unwilling to stop them on such trivial matters.

Twilight, on the other hoof, took everything with dignity. In half an hour she shook hooves with the dignitaries of Saddle Arabia, who were polite despite muttering that the other Princesses had made it clear Twilight was to be involved in all talks with them from now on, Chief Thunderhooves, who looked quite uncomfortable in such lavish surroundings but bore it, and a rather cranky Griffon.

At last, however, a face Twilight was pleased to see came forward.

“Princess Twilight,” Fancypants said, giving a bow. Next to him, his wife Fleur Dis Lee, bowed as well.

“I’m glad to see you too,” Twilight smiled as the pair rose. “Actually, I’ve been hoping to have word with the two of you?”

Fancypants adjusted his monocle in surprise. “With us, Your Highness?”

Twilight nodded. “Can you come see me in private after the gathering is over? I need to ask you questions on a certain topic.” The Alicorn glanced around, then muttered, “Tell anypony it’s simply a chat, okay?”

The pair looked a bit confused, but nodded. Any further discussion was interrupted by a Minotaur coming to question the Princess on another matter.

”Why are you a Princess, Twilight?”

Twilight smiled at her charge’s innocent question. “I studied Friendship for years, and Harmony decided I was worthy to ascend.”

“So, it decided you were better than everypony?”

“Not quite, simply that I was qualified to teach a subject. Being better than somepony is relative. I’m not as strong as Applejack, or as fast as Rainbow Dash. I can’t handle animals or deal with ponies like Fluttershy, or have the precision of Rarity. And Pinkie... well, nopony can do the things she does. The Elements of Harmony are strong because we unite our unique skills together. None of our strengths are better than any others, simply more practical in a certain situation.”

“Then why did Sunburst leave me when he got better? That cutie mark destroyed our friendship!”

Twilight pulled her student in for a hug. “I know that was hard, and it was a very painful experience. But if Sunburst really left you so easily, then he wasn’t a true friend.”

“But we did everything together! We promised to be family! I...” She was crying now. “Friendship isn’t supposed to hurt.”

Twilight held her close for a moment. “Starlight... I’m afraid that’s not entirely true.”

The Unicorn looked up at her teacher with confusion. “Huh?”

“Part of being a friend is knowing that your friends are going to hurt you, and that you’re going to hurt them. Ponies aren’t perfect, and they can mess up. But if you’re truly friends, you’ll forgive them, and they’ll forgive you.”

“But... if it hurts so much, why even try?”

“Because it’s so wonderful, it’s worth the pain. My friendships with my friends have made me strong, and it’s given me so much, including you. It’s a little hard to explain, the best way is to just go out there and make friends.”

“But... I’m scared.”

“I know it can be scary. It was scary to me when I was sent to Ponyville. And... I think I should arrange a meeting between you and a friend of mine in Canterlot. I think she could help you. But making friends was part of my teachings, and it needs to be part of yours too. Do you understand?”

“...Yes,” Starlight said at last.

Twilight wilted a bit at the flat statement, but recovered. “Good. Now then, why don’t we get on with today’s lesson? We’re going to practice levitating several objects...”

Starlight muttered as she trotted down an elaborately decorated hallway, muttering to herself. This party was stupid. It was a bunch of snobs acting like they were better than anypony else. Why did the Princess have to come to these things? It wasn’t fair!


The small Unicorn winced. She turned to see Sunny Flare coming up to her. The guard gave a look of disapproval.

“You know better than to go off alone when there are guests present.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Flare,” she muttered, not really sorry at all. “I just wanted to get away from everypony telling me how cute I was,” she actually stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“I know it’s hard, but being at the Princess’s side is a great honor.”

Starlight was silent a moment. “What did I do to deserve it? I don’t even have my cutie mark yet.”

“You got it because Princess Twilight saw something special in you. And she was chosen by Harmony to ascend.”


If Sunny was annoyed by the questions, she didn’t show it. In fact, she smiled. “Harmony decided she was a worthy candidate to teach Friendship, just like It decided Princess Cadance was worthy to teach Love, and that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were worthy to govern the celestial bodies.”

“How does that work?”

“I’m not sure. That’s a question better asked of the Princesses. Right now, we need to get back to the gathering. There are a lot of important people that want to meet you.”

Starlight mumbled as she followed her bodyguard out into the main room.

All of those creatures, sitting on high. Who gave them the right?

Fancypants and Fleur were a little nervous when Twilight made them sign a magically binding contract that said they wouldn’t discuss anything they were to talk about with anypony.

Then, they were flabbergasted at the Princess’s tale of another world, with strange creatures and advanced technology. They were even more surprised at the revelation that there was apparently a counterpoint to every being in Equestria.

“Well, that all sounds... fascinating,” Fancypants said. “But what does this have to do with us?”

“I’ve been researching the connection between the two worlds, and the connection between counterparts. I’ve found some fascinating answers. For example, there’s a filly in my area, Scootaloo. The counterparts of her parents died before they could have her, so she was born to the same parents as another member of my council, Rainbow Dash.”

“I see,” Fancypants said, “then I suppose you’ve seen our counterparts?”

“Not exactly. But my counterpart has had a few run-ins with yours,” Twilight said, pointing at Fleur. “And since I’m studying the correlation between the two worlds, I was hoping you would answer a few questions about yourself for me. All in the strictest confidentiality, I assure you. If any of these questions make you uncomfortable, you may refuse to answer.”

Fleur nodded. “I will answer them the best I can.”

Twilight readied a parchment and quill. “The first question, can you name your parents?”

“I cannot name my father, my mother has always refused to. But my mother’s name was Abacus Cinch.”

Twilight stopped dead, looking up and staring at the Unicorn with wide eyes. “Tell me about her, please!”

Fleur looked startled at Twilight’s insistence, but went on. “She was... she was cruel. She was a duchess in the outer borders, and was obsessed with her reputation. I was taught all the rules of eloquence at a young age, and I’d be berated for getting things wrong.”

Twilight nodded, continuing her notes. “Go on, is there anything else you can tell me? Where is she now?”

Fleur looked down. “She died in an assassination. Nopony knew who. She was so disliked nopony cared.”

That got the Princess to look incredulous. “I’ve been searching for records of her ever since my last trip to the Human World. Why haven’t I heard of this?”

“My mother was obsessed with her legacy, so her assassins made sure she had none. They worked to remove all records of her. I allowed it, because association with her was suicide.”

“..This might explain some things. I’m sorry for bringing up painful memories...”

“Don’t be,” Fleur said with renewed strength. “If what you said is true, good relations with the other side are important. Please, tell me, why are you so interested in my mother? Does she have a counterpart over there?”

After a deep breath, Twilight relayed what Principal Cinch had done to her counterpart. After listening, Fleur nodded.

“That sounds like my mother,” Fleur admitted. “And myself?”

“Well, the other me said the other you always bullied her. Do you... have a history of that?”

The Unicorn mare looked away ashamed. “I did... I used to take my frustrations out on everypony. It wasn’t until my mother died that I calmed down somewhat.”

Fancypants looked shocked. This was news to him. Still, he put a comforting hoof on his wife’s shoulder.

Twilight considered pressing, but decided against it. “I still haven’t met the other you, and unlike here there’s no authority in the Human World to make her talk, so there’s no need for more data at this time.”

Fleur nodded. “I’ll answer any further questions you have. And...” she trailed off.


“...If you ever get the chance, may I meet this other me?”

That surprised both Twilight and Fancypants, who stared at her.

“Dearest... whatever for?” the stallion asked.

“I remember being in that kind of mindset. Maybe... I could talk to her. Get her to understand she doesn’t have to be that way...”

Twilight smiled, looking pleased. “I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee anything. I’m actually planning a trip there immediately after this gathering is over. I’ll see if they can talk their Fleur into it.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Fleur said with a bow.

“Please, just Twilight in private,” the Alicorn said.

Fancypants spoke up. “If I may say, ...Twilight, why are these relations so important now?”

“Because magic in that world is growing to the same level as here. But I don’t think we have anything to worry about. With the friends I’ve made in that world, things are looking bright.”

Author's Note:

First things first, thanks to BenRG for the "Shadowbolts as Twilight's personal guard" idea.

Secondly, when I made my resolution not to over-complicate stories, I knew it would be hard with this story, which dealt with two full casts of characters. Still, I have everything mostly mapped out and know where everything is going to fit into place. Still, this chapter was unexpectedly hard to write.

The chapters will alternate between Humans and Ponies, unless I decide that two of the same in a row is beneficial.