• Published 22nd Nov 2011
  • 5,432 Views, 207 Comments

The End Is Neigh - BraxAttacks

I am transported to Equestria, and awaken an evil that had been unknown up until now.

  • ...

Revelations Abound

A/N: Sorry for the delay, I've been a little under the weather for a little. I didn't really have the energy to write too much at one time, so yeah. Also, I have officially begun to ship myself with mane cast characters, so if you want out, then out you may go. I won't stop you, unless I manage to find those titanium chains I lost last week.

* * * * *

I finally noticed the movement behind me. That meant that Pinkie must be awake, or was in the process of being pony-napped. I don't think it was the second one, though anything is possible I guess, so I should probably check on that, see if she's okay.

I turned my head, and saw Pinkie with this really weird smile on her face. It was gone almost as soon as I glimpsed it too, but I didn't think too much about it. Sleepy Pinkie is best Pinkie.

"Hey Sunny, what's up?"

"The sky?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

She was in the state of just waking up, where you still feel tired even though you slept a lot. It doesn't make sense to us, even after the world's greatest scientist have examined the issue. They believe that pandas are the root of the problem. We think the scientist who proposed that idea was not in his right state of mind, but we trust him completely.

She giggled, before trying to rise. Our tails were still stuck, so I was forced to rise away from the green and scaled pillow that I had been using. I instantly missed Gummy. He is the greatest pillow I have ever had the luck to meet in person.

Pinkie gave me a serious look. "I need to make some chocolate-chunky-oatmeal-cranberry cookies, and since our tails are stuck, you have to help me, Sunny!"

I nodded agreement. Lets be honest here, I don't really know how to cook. The only things that I can make easily are scrambled eggs and frozen pizzas, and I don't think the latter counts for much.

Regardless, Pinkie and I sort of side-stepped our way over to the kitchen. It was a good way to further improve my dexterity with my hooves. Walking sideways is a completely different experience than walking normally. Everything I have learned up to this point must be used to its highest degree of skill! Real life mini-game, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!

And now for the boss fight; mister doorway. It would take a level of cooperation that has gone un-achieved until now, and I felt a surge of idiotic delight at accomplishing something as simple as moving through a door. I bet I'm going down in the history books for this one, definitely.

I think Pinkie's mind was thinking something similar to mine, because we both let out an excited yell of happiness as we passed through the door. It was epic, doing anything in harmony with Pinkie. I feel like I have been blessed by the gods of parties and kazoos. Those gods are one and the same, obviously.

"And now for the real challenge; cooking." I said that with as much drama as I could. It worked, because Pinkie gave a huge gasp, before I heard the distinct sound of a thunder clap in the background. Cartoon logic: If it is dramatic enough for a lightning strike, a lightning strike there will be.

Pinkie, of course, knew exactly where everything was in the little kitchen. She was moving quickly from cabinet to cabinet, dragging me behind as she did. Looks like this wasn't going to be as big a problem as I initially thought. Pinkie Pie will destroy your expectations, before covering them in frosting and eating them.

By the time I was given a chance to not be dragged about like a rag doll, the cookie mix was already stirred together into one big mass of delicious goodness. At least my bad baking skills were not allowed to taint the perfect batter, so they would actually taste good.

"Now to do something about our tails!" Pinkie stated out of the blue. Seriously, she had been standing there just doing nothing for a few seconds, like she was considering what she was about to do. I won't pretend to understand how your mind works, oh great pink one, but I will say I love every piece of it.

Then she tackled me to the ground.

She sat right the hay on top of me, and began doing... something to untangle our tails. I have no idea what, but Pinkie is not a heavy pony. She's like a feather. Made of cake. An angel cake! Huzzah!

I didn't see much choice, so I allowed her to sit on my back. After all, who wouldn't want to give anypony a pony-back ride? Misguided people, that's who. I also owed her for when I sat on her while we climbed the mountain. Speaking of which, the dragon thing still hasn't acted on his threats. Huh.

The feeling of Pinkie on my back wasn't even uncomfortable. I have no idea why it wasn't, maybe ponies anatomy makes so that isn't a problem? That's the best answer I got. Or maybe she sneaked a pillow in when I wasn't looking, the clever mare!

"And... done!" Pinkie leaped off of my back, did a somersault in midair, and landed with a barrel roll. Do I even need to explain how awesome that was? It was like if a hippo began fire breathing while he juggled live chainsaws that were covered in lemons.

I waved my tail around for a bit, glad to finally be free to move about as I wished. I trotted in a circle, just to be certain that it was really true. It was. I will never be sure of why I didn't accept this fact so easily, perhaps because I was suddenly distracted by my need for an alligator skin pillow.

"Thanks, Pinkie. I have no idea what I would have done without you." Probably something like not get my tail tangled in something that wasn't there. Truly, the situation would have never happened if you weren't there, Pinkie.

"I think this deserves some cookies as celebration!" Without further ado, Pinkie pulled a tray of peanut butter cookies from nowhere. I like to think that Pinkie is the gatekeeper of the forth wall, and uses her position to acquire things like this out of nothing.

We each took a cookie, and sat back down on the coach to happily munch on our delectable delicacies. Nothing was said, and nothing needed to be said. Pinkie scooted closer, and peered closely into my eyes. This was spontaneous and out of the blue, so I reacted in surprise, jumping slightly.

"You don't look like you're enjoying my cookies very much..." Oh crap, was I not smiling enough? I gave a cheerful grin, showing her how much I loved the cookies.

"The cookies are wonderful Pinkie, I don't know how anypony could say otherwise." She seemed satisfied with that answer, so she once again reclined back into the cushions of the plush coach. The room had a very cozy feeling, like home. It felt like home.

Of course, we can't have a calm moment, now can we? That is what the universe seemed to think, because as soon as I was used to nothing strange happening, Pinkie had a spas attack. This was the first time I had ever seen the Pinkie sense in first person, and it wasn't as awesome as you might think.

Unless, of course, it forces Pinkie into drive her face into your neck in a somehow gentle nuzzle. Then it becomes the greatest experience known to all living creatures. Fortunes have been given away for an opportunity such as this, and all have failed to gain the Pinkie nuzzle.

I think my brain was way to overloaded to bother thinking about how shippy this was, but rather it used all of its ability to focus on the muzzle pressed against my neck. I won't describe the feeling, because it will sound awkward and will be awkward for me. Suffice to say it was nice.

"Whoa, you alright Pinkie?" Of course she's fine, there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with somepony who has spasms that predict the future! Everypony has those, right?

"My Pinkie sense is tingling!" She proudly stated as she moved away from me with a large much as a blush. "That was a knee-twitch, leg wobble, tummy-rumble."

She sounded like she expected me to know what this meant. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know!" She sounded way too cheerful about something that could be saying the space overlords were coming back to claim their home plant. You have to consider every option, even when they are stupid. Especially when they are stupid. Those are the fun ones to think about.

"So... should we be worried or something?" Again, not like an alien invasion could happen. I'm sure we'll all be fine, just fine.

"Well, we have to wait and see, won't we Sunny!"

I nodded my head. "I guess we will."

See, now I was afraid to go away from Pinkie. She was the only one that could predict and understand what was to come, so she fell into the category of 'living security blanket.' It's a prestigious position, I know. The pay is pretty good, too.

"I think I might want to stay with you until we figure out what that was. I have to know that I'll be safe." Pinkie seemed to understand, and enthusiastically nodded her head.

"Okie-Dokie-Lokie!' Catchphrase detected, is Alpha squadron E45 ready to move out?

This is Alpha E45, we are ready to engage.

Move in, Alpha E45.

Stupid aside, I was happy that I had an excuse to spend the rest of the day with Pinkie Pie. I have no idea if Applejack and Twilight are wondering where the buck I am, but that doesn't matter! I have Pinkie Pie. Ha.

"What should we do first?" I was excited, like a little foal. I always thought of myself as being like a little kid, since, you know, I'm immature as heck. And then I'll have random moods where I'll be really deep and thoughtful. It makes no sense to me.

"I think we should..." She gave a pause, be it for dramatic effect, or because she was busy staring at a spider on the ceiling. "Have a party!"


"I completely agree." Who wouldn't agree, let's be honest here. Do you know any brony who would refuse a party from Pinkie Pie? Because I don't. I think.

"Then lets go invite everypony!" Wait, whoa, a party with everypony? That's a little too many pony for me to handle at any point in time, Pinkie. We need an alternative.

"How about just with our friends?"

She seemed hesitant for a split second, and then waved her head up and down at a dizzying speed. It was in one spot, and still managed to make me dizzy just from how fast it was moving. Ho win the name of all that is holy does your neck handle that? I must know the secret!

"That sounds like a party to me!" And then she was gone. I bet she never worked at a rock farm, instead she was a ninja assassin who distracted her enemies by throwing parties, and then striking when they least expected it. It would make sense, at this point. At any point, actually.

Well, since she's off to gather our frineds up, I guess I'll just have to make sure that Gummy is still the nest living pillow in the world. Now where did he wander off to, I wonder...?

There he is! Come here, you! I have a date with sleep that must be fulfilled via gator skin! It is the only way! I finally grabbed Gummy up from the floor, plopped back down on the coach. His expression remained one of derp. All is good in the world.

I guess I fell asleep, because I found myself being woken up. I mean, maybe I could be woken up without being asleep if I was in space, where anything is possible, but here in Equestria? I don't think so. Also, I was woken up by a nuzzle to the cheek.

"Wake, sleepy pants! Everypony is here, we have a party to throw!" I groggily raised my head, and looked around. Yep, everypony is here alright. Streamers and balloons and cakes have already been set out as well, it seems. The party does indeed need to be thrown.

"Well what are we waiting for?"

"YOU!" The chorus of noise that assaulted my ears was one of great power, enough to conquer nations! Assuming Equestria has nations, because if not, then there are no nations for this power to conquer, and that would be a real shame! I mean, what if Link had the Triforce, but no Ganondorf to murder with it? There's no point!

"Alright, I get it! No need to yell..." I gave a false whimper, which elicited a laugh from everyone. Then the party took off running. There was no transition from starting a party to party, it was nothing to party. It confused me for a second how everything just fell into place.

Then I spied Gummy sitting in the punch bowl. You know exactly what I am about to do. Or not, since I make no sense, but you can guess. Go ahead, think on it.

I ran over to the punch, grabbed a glass, and downed the stuff. It tasted like a liquid form of how good a pillow Gummy is. Achievement unlocked: What does that even mean?

"The punch has been doubled!" No, that reference did make sense, nor should it have been there in the first place. My mind is a mysterious place, one that I allow freedom simply because there is no way to prevent freedom. The iron bars would be torn to shreds in its gnashing teeth of random.

Naturally, Twlight looked at me funny. "What does that mean?"

"I have no idea!"

I took another swig of Gatorade (I'm so witty, I know. You can now adore me), and it tasted just as awesome. The party continued in that way that parties do, in that it remained a party. Your mind has now been blown by this epic logic. Mine was too the first time I noticed this fact.

Then Pinkie got out a tray of what appeared to be potions, and an empty wine bottle. "Time for spin the bottle; Pinkie Pie style!"

Shit just got real.

* * * * *

A/N: I have so many ideas on how to handle Pinkie and spinning bottles. I literally have an endless stream of things I could try streaming through my cranium. It makes more noise than I thought possible. But either way, this chapter was once again a little on the short side, and for that I apologize.

I also apologize for the false build-up lats chapter. Don't worry, next chapter the full opportunity for shipping will be utilized! You know, thinking on it, I have no shame. That might explain why I found it dead in a landslide, but I didn't realize until now what that could mean. Anyways, don't forget to rate.

Braxton/L337pony, AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY~!