• Published 22nd Nov 2011
  • 5,432 Views, 207 Comments

The End Is Neigh - BraxAttacks

I am transported to Equestria, and awaken an evil that had been unknown up until now.

  • ...

Stroke The Mane, Feel 20% Better

I looked in the mirror, and took in the new me. I had a long and ragged burgundy mane, almost the color of blood. My coat was a dark tan color, like wet sand. Now I feel all sandy. Great.

That wasn't the biggest change, by far. I would probably feel it more if the transition from human to pony wasn't so mind blowing already, but I just couldn't tell the difference.

Yup, Looking back at me in the mirror was a filly.

In all honesty, the part of me that wants to Rule 63 everything in existence was expecting this as soon as she said that something always goes wrong, but it still took me by surprise. The part of me that always wants chips was also surprised.

But as I said before, I was both okay with this, and couldn't really feel the difference. Everything felt wrong, like some schmuck had stolen my arms and legs, before putting them on blind folded. The result was not a pretty one. Actually, in this case, it was. I look so huggable, so that is what I did. Hug myself. In front of everypony.

I think it's needless to say that Twilight was apologizing the hell out of me. "Ohmygsohohmygsohohmygsoh, I am so sorry, I never should have done this, what have I done..." I let her ramble on far a minute, before trying to raise a hoof to her lips and silence her. That failed, so I had to use voice.

"Twilight, it's okay, honestly." Whoa, does it sound weird to have a female voice. I suddenly feel like I should go up in the tallest tower of Disney castle and sing about wanting more in my life. Strange.

"No this is not alright, I made you a filly! And I can't change you back! Oh no, oh no...!" Sweat was beginning to pour down her coat, and I briefly thought about wet mane-ing all the ponies before setting my priorities mostly strait. I am to lazy to make them completely strait.

"Twilight, take some deep breathes, and sit down. Just calm down, okay? Can you do that?" I( said in a calm voice, making certain to keep all hints of stress out of my voice. It wasn't hard, since there was no stress in my voice, but I can pretend I did something if I want. Shut up!

Twilight did breath a little less fast, and sat down next to me. I wanted to comfort her with a hug or something, but when I can't manage to raise a hoof, that's like asking me to run a marathon. I have plenty trouble with just one mile, thank you very much!

"Alright, alright. We can fix this somehow, there has to be a spell that can fix this..." Twilight was almost muttering to herself. She was missing the point, and it needed to be delivered in the Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice!

"I DON'T MIND THE CHANGE!" I blasted into her face. My yell literally blew her mane back, and she had the most comically surprised face. It took all of my (Not so) considerable willpower to resist laughing my newly gained plot off. Hey wait, I have a plot! I am a living meme. Bow down, lesser folk.

After a few seconds, she looked at me with a confused look, one that reminded me of a child. "You... don't mind my blunder?"

"Nope, I just hate you blundering about over the blunder that you blundered on." Ha! I just stole a word and used it a lot! Take that!

"You aren't just saying that to calm me down, are you?" she asked, questioning me with her purple eyes.

That question should never be asked. Do you really think the person is just going to tell that yes, they actually hate your guts? It's like asking an assassin if her plans on killing you. He isn't going to say yes, unless he is a master of reverse physiologic! You clever bastard, you...

"No Twilight, I am not just trying to lull you into a sense of false security. That would be silly, filly!" See, now I get to use pony jokes, because I'm a pony. You can't stop me, there's this little thing called a dimension stopping you. If you had Pinkie with you, maybe, but not as it is.

"Alright, if you really don't mind, then lets go." Twilight stood, and began trotting away, before looking back and noticing that I had not risen. She did notice the over the top expression of concentration, and the spasmodic legs that were trying and failing to gain purchase.

She face-hoofed, and I felt somepony pulling me to my hooves, I looked to my sides, and saw Applejack and Fluttershy lifting me up. I placed my hooves as firmly as I could on the mountainous terrain, and when I felt I was ready, I nodded. They let go.

I... *sniff* I am so proud of myself, I managed to stand up like a strong little filly. I knew that you could do it, me! I knew deep inside! *loud honking sound*

"Hey, I'm standing! I'M STANDING! Woo-hoo!" This is one small step for man, and one shaky step for mankind!

Applejack giggled, Fluttershy gave a proud smile, and Pinkie had that foam hand and was waving it around while hollering. The sight was so heartwarming, that I had to use an ice pack on my heart. Don't ever try that. Strange things happen when you do.

Then I noticed Rarity looking at my mane. "Is something the matter?" I said, hoping to gain knowledge of what was making her stare. I realized what it was a moment before she said it.

"You need a good brushing, pronto!" Oh boy, here me go. I will screw manliness as much as I want if it means having Rarity pamper me! See, I say that Pinkie is best pony, and she is, but all the ponies are amazing. And Rarity happens to be the only one who can make you clothes and kick manticores in the face! The perfect combo!

Before I could even bat an eyelash (I have eyelashes now, since I'm a lady and stuff. Oddly enough, saying that doesn't feel odd. That is odd.), I was sitting down on a carpet, with rarity literally inches from my muzzle and brush in magic grasp! I heard Rainbow dash groan, before the pampering began.

It was bliss.

I really don't know how else to describe it. The brush running through my mane just felt relaxing, and a happiness just decided to move in. Nobody objected to its sudden appearance, so it stayed. And it was an awesome neighbor.

I was sad when it ended. I was honest to God thinking of shedding tears when I felt the stroking stop, but then I saw the mirror go in front of my face again, and I looked stunning. Modesty be murdered and dumped in a landslide, I would date me! I bet there is a spell for that. I'll have to speak to Twilight.

Instead of the usual ragged, windswept look I had, it was long and flowing. My mane was still pretty strait, but it weaved a little, reminding me of water ripples somehow. I have a water mane, meaning I can drown you if you insult it. You have been warned. Evil grin.

I oooo-ed and aaaaah-ed, staring at the glorious blob of red that was attached to my head. Then I thought, 'thatssssss a very nice mane you have there, be a shame if sssssomething were to happen to it...' Yep, I'm a pony , just got my mane done by Rarity, and the most appropriate thing is that. you do me proud, brain.

My wonderment did not go lost on her, and she fluttered her eyes and waved her mane. "I've never done a bad job in my whole career!" I nodded, and then decided that we had wasted enough time looking at me and my pretty-ful self.

Once we got moving again, we made good time. Wait, no we didn't, because I don't know how to walk. Correction, we moved slower than a snail with a hangover. That sounds about right.

"Come on, you just put one hoof in front of the other!" Pinkie exclaimed as she hopped in circles around me. I was slowly getting the hang of it, but it was by no means easy. It did not come quickly, you lying fan fictions! I will have my revenge!

"Too many hooves!" I was trying to get the pattern down, and it was left front, right back, right front, right back. It is so much harder to manage four legs instead of one. Try eating dinner without raising your good hand above the table. Then you know how I feel.

It was at this exact moment that I realized I had no idea what kind of pony I was. It's like not knowing if you owe everyone you know $15 bucks. But with your body, which makes it that much more weird. I know I'm not a unicorn (sad face), since I checked in the mirror in the fist place.

So I turned to look at my back, and briefly paused to enjoy the feeling of my neck cracking. But that isn't why I turned around. I turned around to see if I had a pair of fluffy feathers sprouting from my back. And I was not disappointed.

"I have wings." I then preceded to sqee, followed by a spasm of joy. When I became aware of what I was doing, I was already twitching all the way across the sky. It takes skill to flail that much. Needless to say, I was once again the target of startled gazes.

"I don't even know how I'm surprised by you at this point." said Twilight, while sighing. Does that mean I'm getting predictable? I need to solve this problem!

Bacon in the applesauce will give you malaria when you fry it in the marshmallow goop.

Now that you don't know what is happening, let us carry on!

I did manage to get to my feet (Hooves! Hooves, you fool! Gah!) after a few tries, which was better than before. Slowly getting better and better, we move up the mountainside, and our progress was getting faster and faster.

And did I trip like a horse with half melted ice cubes for hooves. I was getting bruised so many times, My coat was getting unnervingly close to Twilight's. That isn't good. So the most obvious solution is to use spray paint! Yay~!

When we finally did get to the top of Mt. Whats-its-face, everypony but me did a double take. I took the chance to stare at my wings again. They were so beautiful, and, and... beautiful, I just wanted to use them as a pillow and fall asleep. It's like caffeine strapped to my back, which is something bad for everyone else. But for me, it brings me that much closer to world domination!

While I was busy looking at myself, Twilight and the gang was looking at the inside of the mountain with confusion and shock. "I don't get it, Mt. Cotoponi is supposed to be a non-active volcano, this makes no sense!"

Whelp, that explains their confusion. When you see a mountain spouting fire, when it shouldn't be spouting fire, you tend to get a little flabbergasted. Unless it was your pet dog, in which case you would be leaping about with joy.

I manged to walk up to them, with out tripping. So many accomplishments today~! "So something i seriously wrong here, and we don't know why. That's a problem if I ever saw one."

"Well, yeah, there shouldn't be any logical way yo explain this kind of-" Twilight just stopped in mid sentence, and I glanced at her. She wasn't moving. I don't mean she passed out and was lying n the ground not moving, I mean she froze right where she stood. So did everypony else, from the looks of things.

"Uhhhhhhhhh..." That left me in a very odd scenario. since I couldn't,t ask any of them what was going on. I could, however, polka dance, but that doesn't solve the issue. What to do, what to do...

Turns out, it was to fall on my back in surprise. The world around me turned grey, and a deep rumbling was echoing from the mountain crater. "This doesn't bode well, does it?" I mused, before a column of fire and lava erupted almost in front of my face. It bodes so well, what are you talking about? :D

Strangely enough, I wasn't burnt or even feeling warm. The stuff was just as grey as everything else, so it didn't work right, I guess? Apparently the world's warranty ran out, everything is going haywire. We need a replacement, preferably by Tuesday if possible.

As the lava fell away, A solitary figure remained floating in midair. I blinked, rubbed, and hosed down my eyes, but the figure remained.

It looked like some sort of dragon made from ancient rock. Flowing runes curved across its body, glowing a faint blue color. Spines arched from its back, and gears and pipes could be seen underneath the stone plating. Two large and angry red sockets glowed in its face, looking right at me. If I knew how to side step, I would have.

"Why have you crossed the planes, human? "

I didn't understand the problem at first, so I just cocked my head to the side and pleaded for some explanation. It didn't give any. A pair of pants could have told me more helpful stuff. I mean, come on, dragon clockwork thing! Your being out done by my pants!

"The laws set by our forefathers has been broken, and you are to blame."

What was it talking about? Something like a movie plot, I imagine. Ancient thing says you did bad things, must make amends. Sounds cliche yo me, I don't know about you though.

"Leave this realm, or divine punishment will be delivered to you and your friends."

Then just like that, the thing disappeared. I was in a really boggled state of mind when all the ponies around me started moving again. And they had seen the thing as well. ""That guy could really use a party! He wasn't laughing at all!" That is exactly the problem, Pinkie. Not enough party.

"What was that thing? This doesn't make any sense, even less than the suddenly active volcano!" Twilight said as she began to frantically pace in front of me. Now that I didn't tower over her, a whole new perspective was available for me. The one of being a filly. It's funner than you might think.

"That thang gives meh the creeps!" Applejack said while she gave a little shudder. I agree, it wasn't the most comforting thin that we could have found. If the disturbance had been, say, a giant puppy made of chocolate, I think we would all be in a better mood.

"Well, it said that I have to leave, but Twilight doesn't have a spell to do that." Aforementioned purple mare bowed her head in shame, and I would have lifted it up if I could trot closer. I should really work on learning how to walk properly, shouldn't I?

"Hey, din't look so glum Twilight. I've had the most fun here than anywhere else!" She looked a little more hopeful, though still in the dumps. That means I need to give her a metaphorical shower to clear away the metaphorical trash.

"Twilight, you said everypony here is the embodiment o fan Element of Harmony, right? And weren't they used to stop big, bad evil things before? So logically, you should be able to use them again!"

"I, I guess so..."

Now everypony else got where I was coming from. "We have defeated a god of chaos before, dear!" Rarity added, still sounding a little scared herself. Rarity, to be supportive, you have to be supported yourself!

"Yeah! That hunk of rock didn't look so tough anyways!" Rainbow Dash half shouted while doing a somersault. Do you ever stop doing tricks, Rainbow Dash? Is there some sort of Pegasus disease that makes fly all the time? Do you have it?

By now, Twilight was looking like her good old adorkable self. "You guys are right, this won't be any harder than the other evils we triumphed over! But, how do we stop it if it isn't here anymore?" Huh. that is a good question. How do you stop something that isn't there?

I wasn't the only one pondering this. We were all stroking our imaginary beards, trying to figure out that one problem. I had no idea, so I tried to walk around some more. May as well get used to it if we have an all powerful monster to fight! Surely walking is his one weakness!

Then I wanted to try and fly. Because I'm doing so well walking, obviously flying will be a breeze! I flapped my wings a few times, after I figured out how, and I didn't come close to even rising in the air. I was standing there fanning myself, rather than accomplishing anything.

I heard Fluttershy give a sigh. "M-maybe we should wait back in Ponyville for that thing to show itself? Then w-we could be back home while we wait!"

It was anonemous that the greatest plan yet was that one. That might have had something to do woth the fact that there wasn't any other plans, but we can say it great anyways.

So we started to go back down the mountain, much slower than we came up. You can thank my legs for that. They just love cooperating, don't they? I just love them so much.

We got back to Canterlot, Twilight got a chariot from Celestia, and we flew back to Ponyville. On the way, rarity wanted to work even more on my mane, and I let her. I still don't understand how it feels so good, but it does. I bet the awkwardness of me being, you know, a girl, will set in later, but for now, everything was good.

Other than the god threatening us, of course.