• Published 22nd Nov 2011
  • 5,431 Views, 207 Comments

The End Is Neigh - BraxAttacks

I am transported to Equestria, and awaken an evil that had been unknown up until now.

  • ...

And Now We Wait

A/N: So, someone said I should have me and Pinkie kiss somehow. They didn't care how or why, but they wanted it to happen. It wasn't my original plan to ship myself with any of the mane six, but I think if the fans are encouraging it, I just might need to. So, I don't know for sure if this will come to be, but you have been warned.

* * * * *

After an hour or so of sitting in a chariot, one's legs tend to get sore. All four of them. When you have just two legs, it's bearable. When every limb you have is in the situation, it is far from bearable. I almost leapt from the chariot when we touched down, but instead settled on flopping out.

Everypony else got out in normal fashion, except for Pinkie, who just... appeared on the ground. She didn't need to wait for me to blink, she was just there. No explanation, no questions asked.

Everypony said their goodbyes, and left for their homes. Once again, me and Twilight followed behind Applejack, and my walking had gone from 'mortally wounded cow' to 'extremely drunk three legged dog'. The improvement was noticeable, though, and I felt really happy with myself.

Then we got to the farm. Remember how I mentioned that the whole your-a-filly-and-can't-change-back thing would make for some uncomfortable moments? This would be one of those.

Applejack knocked, and the door was opened by Applebloom. She lit up with excitement, and peered around her older sister's frame to search for something, then seemed disappointed. "Where did the alien get along to?"

Sweat was pouring down Applejack's coat before the question was halfway done being asked. I think lying is like betraying everyone you know to her, either from the whole 'Element of Honesty' thing, or because of her own morals. Either way, it didn't help right now.

"Well uh, you see... Braxton had to,uh, leave." Applebloom didn't seem to buy it for a moment. She is perceptive, I see. Perhaps too perceptive for her own good...

"You look like yur lyin', Applejack." Applebloom closed her eyes to slits, peering at Applejack with unsatisfied eyes. They wanted the truth, and terrible things would happen if it wasn't given whole-heartily.

"Ah am not lyin'! Now why don't why don't you say hi to, uh..." Oh crap, we didn't have a pony name for me! I needed to think one up fast, so I whipped my brain into action. Literally, I used a whip. Those things hurt.

"Sunny Shores. Pleasure to meet you!" That isn't the greatest name I could have come up with, but it's what came out of my brain, so deal with it. Preferably while wearing shades.

Applebloom turned her eyes, still slited, to me. Was she suspicious of everything now? "Howdy, mah name's Applebloom."

The moment stretched into an awkward silence, and nopony knew what to say. Not many good things to break the ice with when your introducing yourself someopony you already knew, after being transformed into an opposite gender pony. I just have the most plain and boring life, don't I?

"Well uh, we should be headin' inside then!" Applejack stuttered out before forcefully shoving me and Twilight into the abode. Keeping your footing... would it be called hoofing? I don't know. Anyways, it is hard to keep your hoofing when you are being shoved across the floor. Further proof of improvement is the fact that I stayed upright.

We were escorted to the guest room immediately, and Applejack closed and locked the door behind us. We can't have any of our secrets being revealed, now can we? No, that would cause to much trouble, wouldn't it...?

Twilight cast a curious glance my way. "Sunny Shores? that doesn't seem too fitting, if you ask me. Maybe something like, I don't know... something better!" Twilight seemed flustered with her attempts to come up with something better, so I just grinned.

"You have a better name? And besides, too late to change it now, Applebloom already heard Sunny Shores. We don't need to give her more reason to suspect us of anything." Even though we have many things for her to suspect us of, we can't have her suspecting us of them. Nope.

"Well, we need to think of a cover story for you, Braxton. Maybe your a relative of mine, and your visiting for awhile?"

I shook my head. "That implies that I'm leaving. Since I'm not, we need to think of something more solid. Maybe I was a friend of yours in Canterlot, and was going to move here when the earthquake ruined my plans?"

Both Twilight and Applejack nodded their heads. I had a momentary bout of evil delight when I realized that me, Applejack, and Twilight are plotting a plot while sitting on our plots. I still can't get over the fact that I have a plot. When you know tons of pony memes, being a pony becomes that much cooler. By that much I mean 20%.

"That sounds like ah good enough start." With our plot plotted, We were ready to leave the safety of the guest room. Applejack unlocked the door, and opened it to find Applebloom standing there. The squint was beginning to creep me out, and it was having a much greater effect on the others.

"Gah! Applebloom! Don't scare meh like that! Ya'll know better than that!"

Applebloom kept squinting. "So whut was ya'll doin' in the guest room?"

"Ah was showin' Sunny Shores here the room she'll be stayin' in."

"Why is she stayin' here?"

"Uh... well, she was goin' to live with Twilight until she could find a house to move into, but since the 'quake, she's staying with us."

Seemingly surprised by a logical answer, Applebloom's squint let up for a moment. I don't think I could have handled much more, either. The expression doesn't look right on a foal's face. It just creeps you out. Much like being a filly should, yet somehow failed. *Shrug*

Regaining her squint, Applebloom set her eyes on me again. "Ah'll be watching you." With that, she walked away, all while still looking at me. I don't think I will ever be comfortable near Applebloom again. I could walk up to a demon and be fine, but Applebloom? Forget it.

"Well, that went as well as it could have." I said with a small chuckle. Even though I was practically shaking in my skin, I still chuckled. I don't know why, but I did. Maybe it was a vain attempt from my brain to make the situation better, but it failed. Many times.

"Well now what do we do?" asked Twilight. That is a good question. I have no idea in the slightest.

"Um, I think we should avoid mah sis for as long as possible."

"I second that."

"I third that."

Well, looks like we are all in agreement. Avoid the creepy squinting foal so that disastrous situations can be avoided. Sounds like the perfect plan to me!

And that is what we did. Applejack went out to do farm work, and me and Twilight just sat there in the room. It was a cozy room, with a nice plush bed and a fuzzy rug, but an annoying feeling would not leave the room. Perhaps if I did an exorcism, but that would require to much setting up to be convenient.

Eventually, I got brought up. "So uh, what's it like being... you know..." Twilight whispered, though I'm not sure why. Whisper strange things, acquire weirdness.

""It doesn't feel too different, other than the voice, actually. Everything feels different, since I'm a pony, but I can't really say any more than that." And different did the voice sound indeed. Every time I talked it felt like somepony else was saying something, rather than me.

"Well then, 'Sunny Shores', what's it like being a pony?"

"Too many legs. You don't understand how hard the transition is."

Twilight smiled, and scooted a little closer. Scott scoot scoot. Scoot. "So all you have to say is that there are too many legs? Come on, I'm a scientist, I need more than that!"

"Well, I'm naked for starters. That's new." And then Twilight burst out laughing. It was the most silly thing I have ever seen, her just rolling around and laughing. This weird feeling filled me, and I had no idea what it was. I passed it off as awesome, and thought no more of it.

"I guess that would be different..." Twilight manged to say before having another fit of laughter. I mean, I guess that was funny, but it isn't that funny Twilight. It's just a joke. Not the world's greatest piece of comedy.

"You okay?" I was getting worried, she didn't look like she was having much luck breathing. And since that's just a little important, I felt like I needed to help. What I did helped her breath in the same way that you help someone cross the street by running them over. I tickled her.

Her laughter reached a fever pitch as I expertly probed her with my hooves. I don't know how you can tickle with a colored blob, but I was, and Twilight's laughter wasn't stopping anytime soon. After roughly two more minutes, I finally let up.

"Had enough?" I said this with a troll grin, while I held my hoof poised to strike once again. I felt like a hunter, ready to strike at his prey. It was gratifying for no reasonable reason.

"Y-yes, I've had plenty, thank you." She got to her hooves gain, with the occasional laugh finding its way in. Looking back, I don't know how I manged to coordinate my hooves well enough to do that, but I did, and that is all that matters. Twilight then playfully punched me in the shoulder. "your mean."

I gave an evil cackle at her. Of course I'm mean, wasn't it obvious? "Well way to be polite!" I acted offended, and she grinned at me. It was the kind of grin where you know revenge is just around the corner, and you respond just a little too late. I responded just a little too late.

Tackled to the ground, Twilight pinned me down with her weight and returned my tickling full force. I was flailing around and trying to escape, but it turns out that Twilight is a master at this. Resistance is futile. Surrender now, and your lungs may be spared.

"Uncle! Uncle!" I cried, barely managing to get those two words out. She repented, and rolled away to let me breath. I was panting, trying to force my lungs to work faster. They tried their best, but it didn't work too well. I would be winded for awhile, it seems.

"I can see... that you... don't leave your... debts unpaid..." My chest actually hurt with how hard it was to say that sentence. I hereby pass a law saying that Twilight can't tickle anypony ever again, for fear of the health of those involved. "Mental note... don't ever, ever get into... a tickle war with Twilight Sparkle."

"Ha, pussy!" She gave me another shoulder punch, and I tried and failed to return the gesture. It turned out more like a feeble tap. That sounds like I'm impersonating Fluttershy. Huh.

I glanced at the clock, and saw that half an hour had passed. "Well, that's one way to pass time."

Twilight looked up at the clock as well and nodded. "Now what do we do?" Well, there's always the option of pillaging a local village. What, don't tell me you don't do that all the time!

"We fall asleep, that's what." With out even saying anything else, I slowly crawled to the bed, stood up, and flopped onto it. Before Twilight could even get a word in, I fell asleep. I am such a gentleman, leaving Twilight to her own devices. Gentlemare, whatever. Same difference.

* * * * *

I woke up bleary eyed and wondering where I was. I quickly remebered, and nothing more was thought of it. Rolling over, I saw Twilight's face inches from mine.

"GAH!" I practically flew away from her, my response was so violent. Heck, maybe I did fly a little, I have wings after all. But the fact that Twilight was laying in bed had scared me. More than Applebloom. Did she already forget that sleeping with me was bad?

Apparently my spas attack didn't wake her up, because she just kept on laying there. Honey pony don't care! In fact, she looked strangely peaceful, her slumber not disturbed in the slightest by me. I was still hyperventilating from the shock of her being right next to me, but I manged to calm down. A little. Not really.

Now That I have woken up in the most shocking manner possible, I had no idea what I could do next. Practice walking, I guess. So that is what I did. I trotted in circles. I was getting pretty good too, you could almost think that something wasn't wrong with me.

Then Twilight woke up. She gave a little yawn, blinked a few times, and looked at me with tired eyes. "Good... time, Braxton. Or Sunny Shores, whatever."

I decided that it wasn't worth mentioning the fact that me and her had been in the same bed. "Good morning to you too, Twilight. I was just practicing my walking."

"Is it getting better?"

"Yup!" I demonstrated by quickly trotting in a circle.

She seemed impressed with my skill with basic motor skills. "It almost looks natural!"

"That's exactly what I thought only a few moments ago." And what I was thinking a few moments before that was, 'Ohmygodwhyissherighttheresomeponyhelp!' but other than that, nothing too interesting. Ignore the global invasion plans. They are not important.

"Maybe your ready to fly?" she asked, looking more than a little hopeful. I shrugged, and test flapped my wings.

"Only one way to find out, I guess." I flapped harder, and hovered in the air for a moment. You have no idea how satisfied that one moment was. I completely forgot about how I woke up, and instead filled my brain with triumph. I flapped even harder, and more times, and was hovering for seconds on end.

"I'm flying! Yes! I feel so amazing right now!" I tried tilting, just a little bit, and crashed into the floor. And I mean instantly. One second, flying. The next, on the floor staring at the pretty stars around my head. I could feel a headache coming on, too. Wonderful.

"Oh gosh, are you alright Sunny?" I see you have taken to my random name. I guess that's a good thing, but it feels weird being addressed as something else. Like someone is looking strait at the guy next to you, but is talking to you. Know the feeling?

"Yeah, I'm fine. My head, on the other hoof..." I clutched my forehead in my hoof, and sat down. I don't know how I was clutching it, but I could feel a distinct clutch-y feeling on my head. I tried giving myself a little massage, and it worked. I love pony physics.

"Maybe we should get Rainbow Dash to give you lessons?"

I shook my head. "She doesn't seem like she would be a patient coach. Maybe Fluttershy could, though." Twilight snorted with laughter, and since I had to feign ignorance, I acted like I didn't know exactly why she was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Fluttershy isn't a very good flyer herself, I don't think she could teach you much." Oh, she can't teach me you say? What if it turns out Fluttershy is the leader of an underground crime ring, and is only faking weakness to trick her foes into believeing they aren't facing a worthy oppenent? What about that?

"Well it's not like I knew that!" Totally the truth. Not an ounce of dishonesty in that sentence. One hundred percent truthful here.

"Now you do. Either way, we should go check on Applejack. I don't even know what time it is." I pointed at the clock, and she gave an embarrassed laugh. "Right." I myself looked at the clock, and found it to be the afternoon. I didn't even know when we fell asleep, so we could have been out for hours or minutes.

We opened the door, and Twilight and I trotted to the front door and exited. The smell of apples hit me once again, and I could feel my stomach rumble. It didn't actually make a sound, but it did feel weird. Like some sort of tummy rub. Crap, now I want a tummy rub. Hey, Twilight, come here a moment, would you?

We meandered in the direction of the apple trees, looking for Applejack. It didn't take us too long, since she's the only orange thing in the whole farm, but we found her nonetheless. She was, as expected, bucking. What else does she do? burn the trees? I don't think so.

"Hey Applejack! How are you doing!" Twilight called out. Applejack looked up from her work, and gave a friendly wave to us.

"Howdy, Twilight! And Sunny Shores, too, heh heh." is my name a joke now? I made that up on the spot, of course it isn't going to make much sense. Stop laughing at me! Stop it! *Goes into fetal position*

"Hardy har har, Applejack." I looked for something more to say, and then found that I couldn't think of anything. Twilight and I didn't really plan too far ahead when we decided to go out, so I had no clue what to say.

"Uh, nice weather we're having." And that was my greatest performance. I'll be here all week.

"That all you have to say?" Applejack looked curios, as if to say, 'why in Equestria's name did you come here just tell me about the weather? I can see it just fine myself, you know'.

Twilight blinked, as if she had only just realized that we didn't have a plan. "Um, no, not really. We just wanted to check on you, see if you were doing okay."

"Ah'm doin' just fine, Twi'. Now if you'll excuse me, ah have buckin' to do." So Applejack went back to her work. With no idea what to do, me and Twilight went back to the guest room.

When in doubt, sleep some more!

* * * * *

A/N: Not one of my better chapters. It takes a certain mood to properly write the specific kind of stupid this story i smade of, but I tried. Hope you liked the filler!