• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 743 Views, 12 Comments

The One Hundred Words Collab - GeodesicDragon

Eleven authors worked to create a story together, writing just one hundred words each — but all they had to work with were the one hundred words that were written by the person before them. This is probably the most random thing you will ever read.

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Scribe Scribbles

A gentle smile alight on the tangerine mares face that appeared to invoke a sense of intrigue.

'I said I came here for you,' she repeated, taking a step forward.

Pinkie scratched the back of her head. 'Oh! You uh, you did?' The mare giggled, and Pinkie awkwardly stared at her. 'Is there anything you'd like?'

'I'll have two Red Velvet cupcakes with strawberry frosting... and a cherry on both. Please and thank you.'

Pinkie bounced a little. 'Two cupcakes coming right up!' She turned to the kitchen, almost tripping on the way.

The tangerine mare giggled again.