• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 743 Views, 12 Comments

The One Hundred Words Collab - GeodesicDragon

Eleven authors worked to create a story together, writing just one hundred words each — but all they had to work with were the one hundred words that were written by the person before them. This is probably the most random thing you will ever read.

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Pinkie soon bounced back with the two cupcakes, one in a hoof and the other balanced on her nose. With a flick of her head the cupcake landed on the counter, the other one quickly joining it.

'That'll be five bits!' Pinkie said as she smiled at the mystery mare, who began digging in her bag for the money.

'Here you are,' she said, holding the bits in her teeth as she dropped them on the counter. She then collected her cupcakes, taking a bite of one and humming contentedly as the taste of strawberry washed over her tongue.