• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 743 Views, 12 Comments

The One Hundred Words Collab - GeodesicDragon

Eleven authors worked to create a story together, writing just one hundred words each — but all they had to work with were the one hundred words that were written by the person before them. This is probably the most random thing you will ever read.

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Pinkie closed her eyes and fell on her haunches. She crossed her forehooves and closed her eyes, deep in thought.

Images of ponies and their names appeared in her mind's eye, finally stopping at an image of a tangerine-coloured mare. Pinkie flinched at the appearance of a red exclamation point above her head and looked up.

'What happened?' she murmured, just as she was startled by a hard knock on the counter from a teal-maned crystal unicorn stallion. 'Whoopsie daisy!' Pinkie said. 'Sorry, here's your blueberry muffin!'

Pinkie gave a relieved sigh as she watched the stallion leave.