• Published 25th Jan 2016
  • 3,030 Views, 93 Comments

Angelic Vampire - kurusagi16

Vampires are feared among the ponies of the rural villages. There is one vampire who is different from the others however. She's a hybrid, half vampire half pegasus, and her name is Fluttershy

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An innocent pony was minding her own business as she made her way down the empty streets of the village.

"Are you lost?" the mare was startled as a stallion appeared before her from out of nowhere.

"U-um...no." she stammered. "I'm fine thank you. Just taking a little stroll."

"I see." he said. He went closer to the mare. The mare wanted to continue on her way, but found herself unable to.

"Mind if I accompany you?" he asked.


"Stop right there!" The stallion glowered at the voice and turned toward it. The frightened mare ran off, making the stallion angry at the speaker. It was a Pegasus stallion, with two other ponies on his side.

"Heh. I was wondering how long it'd take you old fools to finally try to stop us." said the stallion. Long fangs sprouted from his mouth and two bat wings extended from his sides. Other ponies like him came out from the shadows and surrounded the Pegasus and his friends.

"I am Alistair Alucard." said the Pegasus. "On behalf of the Pure Bloods, we order you to stop this madness and quietly come with us to be tried for your crimes." The other vampire cackled.

"You order us?" he asked. "What a riot! It's a little late for negotiations pops. The only thing left, is for a good old fight to the death."

"Sigh! So be it then." said Alistair. His eyes flashed red and he opened his bat wings. His friends did the same as they attacked the half breed vampire hoard. Alistair flew and fought them from the air, swooping down and ripping off the wings of the other vampires with such strength and speed that the half breeds didn't know what hit them before they ended up on the ground with blood spurting from where their wings had been. But there still seemed to be more half breeds popping up for every vampire that was struck down.

The other Pure Bloods got to work, setting the half breeds on fire, cutting off their heads, and running them through the heart with spikes. The ground became spattered with blood and littered with fallen vampires.

"Grr. This isn't over yet!" cried the vampire, as he attempted to fly off. But he was swiftly set upon by Alistair.

"I believe it is over, for you." said Alistair, decapitating the half breed. When things settled down, there was a mess upon the streets.

"This is one of the reasons I wish they'd just comply." said Alistair wearily. "It'll take forever to clean this up."

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance." Another figure appeared. A stallion wearing a long cloak with his hood pulled over his head and obscuring his face, only showing some of his deep red mane peeking out. Alistair and the Pure Bloods took a defensive stance at the sudden arrival of this stranger.

"Who are you?!" asked Alistair.

"No pony of consequence." answered the stallion. "You better hurry, the half breeds are on the move, you should be able to catch them if you go now."

"And what about you? What is it that you want?" asked Alistair apprehensively."

"Let's just say we have common goals." said the cloaked stallion. "I've already helped with a good chunk of the half breeds, their leader will soon take notice of her dwindling forces. No go, and I'll clean up this mess." Alistair was hesitant to listen to the stranger, but knew he they needed to hurry to swiftly deal with half breed forces. He turned his back, and he and the pure bloods took off.

The cloaked stranger walked toward the bodies and silently grinned to himself. 'Time to eat.' he thought, as he dug into the vampire's bodies.

Twilight had finished writing her letter to the leader of the Magisters, Magister 1st Class, Celestia. An ancient Alicorn and the original founder of the Magisters, in order to establish order and peace in the New World. Twilight looked over her letter before placing it into the envelope.

Dear Magister Celestia,

I am Twilight Sparkle, the younger sister of Captain Shining Armor, and I am writing to you about the vampire attacks. I've uncovered some information from a trusted source that should prove useful in dealing with the situation at hoof. Apparently, the Pure Blood vampires have assembled to deal with the half breeds who are attacking, taking responsibility for their fellow vampires and trying to bring peace to the uproar they've been causing for the ponies. This leads me to believe that, and this is just a theory at present, that somepony is orchestrating all of this. Seeking to bring about a disaster for both sides. I do not know why, but I do know that everypony must take action. I hope this letter reaches you well.

With highest respects, Twilight Sparkle.

Satisfied, Twilight folded the paper and sealed it into the envelope.

"Are you finished with your letter?" asked Fluttershy as she entered the study with a tea tray with two steaming cups of tea on it.

"Yep." said Twilight. "I'll drop it off at the postal service when I head into town."

"Do you really think Magister Celestia will be able to do something?"

"Of course! The Magisters posses some of the most powerful and ancient magic there is, if anypony can find a way to stop these attacks, it's her." Fluttershy set one of the tea cups next to Twilight.

"But if they're really that powerful, why didn't they stop the attacks themselves?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, that's kind of the reason I was sent on my mission. The Magisters didn't want to establish any further conflict and wanted to asses the situation before taking any action. My report should be able to help give them cause to step in and deal with the half breeds."

"I'll be glad when this is all over." said Fluttershy.

"I think everypony will." said Twilight. There was a very loud knocking on the door.

"Who could that be?" Fluttershy wondered aloud as she headed to answer the door. When she opened it, she saw Tony Stanza standing before her.

"M-mister Stanza!" said Fluttershy, suddenly becoming flustered. She'd nearly forgotten that he'd also seen her vampire self. And now he was standing here on her doorstep.

"W-what brings you here?" she asked.

"I came to see how you were fairing." he said. "When you ran off the way you did, I was worried that you were horribly shaken up by that dreadful sight in the alleyway. I can't imagine how something like that could've happened in such a peaceful town as this."

"You, you were worried about me?" asked Fluttershy.

"Of course." said Tony. "What kind of gentlecolt would I be if I didn't?" Fluttershy looked away and blushed a little.

"T-thank you for your concern, I was little shaken up, but now I'm alright." she said.

"That's good to hear." he said. "Mind if I come in?"

"Oh! Yes. Where are my manners? Please come in." Fluttershy opened the door open a little wider and let him come inside. The two of them talked as she led him down to the study.

"You, didn't see anything else in the alley, did you?" asked Fluttershy timidly.

"Not that I can recall." said Tony. "Dreadful business with that poor fellow though. I truly hope they find the pony responsible soon." Fluttershy looked at him with curiosity. Had he really no seen anything? Did he not see her fangs or did he believe it was only some figment of his imagination? Either way, she didn't want to push the matter any further. Her other friends might not have minded that she was a vampire, but she wasn't quite ready yet to tell Tony the truth...just yet. In the study, Twilight arched an eyebrow at the arrival of Tony.

"What's he doing here?" asked Twilight, giving a suspicious glance at the stallion.

"He came to check and see if I was alright." answered Fluttershy. "Nothing more."

"Good day to you, Miss Sparkle." said Tony in a good-mannered way. But Twilight still couldn't shake the strange feeling she was getting from him. She shook her head. Perhaps she was just overthinking things.

"Please, sit down and have some tea." said Fluttershy.

"Thank you, my dear." said Tony, sitting down across from Twilight as Fluttershy poured him a fresh cup of tea.

"Tell me, when might I expect your father to return?" asked Tony casually.

"Let's see...." said Fluttershy thinking carefully about it. "I don't know exactly when, but perhaps any day now. I'm sorry that you have been kept waiting for so long." Tony waved a hoof.

"It's not your fault Fluttershy. Us business stallions get quite wrapped up in our work, so much so that sometimes I end up forgetting what day of the week it is." Fluttershy giggled a little at Tony's words. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"There is another reason that I came by here." said Tony, swirling the tea in his cup with his magic.

"Oh?" said Fluttershy.

"I enjoyed our outing together, and I was wondering if we could do it again." he said.

"Um, well, that sounds lovely." said Fluttershy. "But what exactly did you have in mind?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just a little performance that's going to be taking place in the town theater tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?"

"I know it's a bit sudden, but I'd be very grateful if you were to accompany me there." Fluttershy gave him a kind smile.

"That sounds wonderful." she said. "I'd be glad to go with you tomorrow night."

"Then it's settled." Tony said, as he finished off his cup of tea. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off." Fluttershy waved goodbye as Tony took his leave.

"You're not pushing yourself to go out with him, are you?" asked Twilight. Fluttershy looked at her with shock had confusin. Why would she push herself into going out on a nice evening with a friend?

"No." she said.

"Well, alright then." said Twilight. "Just be careful though. You don't want to rush into things, you don't really know a lot about that guy."

"I know, but I want to know more about him." said Fluttershy. "He seems so nice, and he's been very kind and courteous to me."

"Still, you shouldn't be taken in by all his politeness and flattery." Twilight warned.

"I won't." insisted Fluttershy. "You can trust me." But Twilight thought to herself, 'It's him I don't trust.' Before Twilight could say anymore, Rainbow Dash burst into the study in a panic.

"Guys! You won't believe what's happening in town!" cried Rainbow.

"What is it Rainbow?" asked Twilight.

"The townsponies are getting really worked up, after finding that body, they've started forming this mob with some of the travelers from the other towns. They've got pitchforks and everything!"

"Oh dear!" cried Fluttershy.

"Calm down, what exactly were they doing Rainbow?" asked Twilight.

"Nothing too drastic, but they mentioned setting up a patrol and doing searches to find the pony responsible." said Rainbow Dash.

"Is everypony in town like this?"

"No, just a third, but coupled with the travelers, their numbers are pretty big."

"Maybe you should stay here for the time being." said Twilight worriedly to Fluttershy. "It'd be too dangerous to have you go out tomorrow night if there's a mob gathering."

"Sigh! You're right. Tony will be so disappointed." she said.

"What's he got to do with this?" asked Rainbow in confusion.

"I'll explain later." said Twilight. "Right now, I need to mail this to the Magisters and then we need to stay here and wait for things to settle down." Fluttershy felt worry creep up in her. the attacks were happening in town, a mob was forming, and her father was still away. 'Papa, please be safe wherever you are.'