• Published 25th Jan 2016
  • 3,030 Views, 93 Comments

Angelic Vampire - kurusagi16

Vampires are feared among the ponies of the rural villages. There is one vampire who is different from the others however. She's a hybrid, half vampire half pegasus, and her name is Fluttershy

  • ...

Dark and Sadistic

Dark and Sadistic

Discord stood in the center of Eldra's room, not quite sure why he'd been summoned. Perhaps he was finally done doing her dirty work and could go on to do as he pleased. But Discord didn't hold his breath. Chances were that there was something else behind this little meeting. He wasn't sure what exactly of course, but he could tell it was something. The wooden door opened, and in stepped Eldra.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." she said. "I had a few loose ends to tie up."

He couldn't quite place his claw or paw on it, but Discord didn't like the way that Eldra said that, but didn't press further into what these"loose ends" were.

"Not at all." he replied. "What is it you want this time?"

Eldra said nothing, idly walking past him, trailing her hoof across backs of some of the chairs in the room. "Tell me," she said. "What do think of my niece, Fluttershy?"

Discord felt his throat tighten. "Well, uh, she is a fairly nice pony, I suppose." he said.

Eldra flicked her gaze to him. "You love her don't you?" she asked.

Discord's heart began beating fast. "Now what in the world ever gave you that idea?"

"Oh don't try to play dumb!" snapped Eldra. "I saw what you were up to in there with that pest. The way you look at her, talk to her, tend to her wounds. You're head over heels for her. Her! A disgusting, little--"

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" shouted Discord. He then realized what he said and covered his mouth. 'Where did that come from?' he wondered. Eldra smiled darkly.

"See? Just as I said. And that is precisely what brings us here. You've outgrown your usefulness dear Discord, and I simply can't have you drooling over my niece, maybe even going so far as to help her, to side with her. Oh no. I'm afraid our deal is done, and it's time to send you back to they way you were."

Discord's eyes widened. "Wait,WHAT?!"

Eldra pulled out a slip of paper and recited the incantation. Discord's body froze, he couldn't move as it slowly began to harden and turn to stone. "No." he whispered. He tried to summon his magic, but nothing seemed to be coming out. He was trapped (again).

"Oh, it pains me to think that you won't be able to say your goodbyes to dear Fluttershy, not that it matters anymore, after I took care of her." Eldra tossed a set of bloodied bandages onto the floor. The same bandages that he'd put on Fluttershy to help with her wound. She looked up from the floor at Eldra, with a piercing gaze that was nothing short of hatred.

"What did you do?!" he demanded.

"Like I said." Eldra replied darkly. "I took care of a few loose ends, you being one of them."

The spell was then complete, and Discord was once more encased in stone.

"Well, that was easy." said Eldra nonchalantly. "Now, to go and prepare for our guests to arrive." She walked out of the room, leaving the statue of Discord behind.


"There." said Discord proudly. "That should do it." He'd finished redressing Fluttershy's wound and made sure that it was tightly knotted. "That should help for a while longer."

"Thank you, Discord." said Fluttershy gratefully.

Discord stood up, preparing to leave.

"I should be off." he said.

"Do you have to?" asked Fluttershy. "Can't you stay a little longer?"

Discord shook his head. "I'm afraid not. If I do, Eldra might grow suspicious, and who knows what she'd do if she found out I helped you?"

Fluttershy lowered her head. "I understand." she said. "But," she looked up into his face with pleading eyes. "Please promise me, that you'll come back soon. I don't want to be alone here."

Discord's expression softened and he smiled. "I promise." With a snap and a flash, Discord was gone. Fluttershy shifted from side to side, trying to get used to the new bandages that Discord had given her. Her face felt warm as she thought about how sweet he'd been to her, how the two of them had talked, and how both tried to make the best of the bad situations they currently found themselves in. Fluttershy couldn't help asking herself, why? Why did she feel especially flustered and even more shy when he was around. Why did her heart beat so fast that she felt like it could burst? The only time Fluttershy had ever felt anything like this was when thinking or being with her father. Her heart would flutter and feel happy and light when around him. But this was different, these feelings felt a little stronger than that. Almost as though she were...in love.

Fluttershy shook her head in disbelief. No, she couldn't be. Could she? It was certainly possible, but all the same, it seemed a little hard to believe. She knew only a little about Discord, having spent most of her time with him when he was disguised as his alter ego, Tony Stanza. During those times, they'd laughed, had fun outings, talked to one another, and acted very much like any other couple. The thought made Fluttershy's cheeks flush a deep reddish-pink. The more she looked back on it, the more she began to know for certain that these feelings, really were feelings of love. Fluttershy put her hooves over her mouth in embarrassment. She'd wanted to be Discord's friend, but this, this seemed almost too much. What would he even say if she told him? He might just laugh at her and say how silly she was for loving him. And perhaps it was silly. But that didn't stop her heart from beating like crazy.

She took several deep breaths to calm herself. She quietly reasoned with herself that the best thing to do was to wait until Discord came back, and then see what happens from there. And if she could, she'd tell him about these growing feelings that were welling up within her. Fluttershy put one hoof to her heart, and the other to her cheek. 'How strange. I'm being held here by my aunt who hates papa, and yet, somehow, I find myself falling in love with my captor and my aunt's other prisoner. I wonder, if all love is as confusing as this.'

The door opened. Fluttershy's head whirled toward it, as her aunt slowly walked inside, and closed the door behind her.

"Having fun, my dear?" she asked.

Fluttershy looked at her in befuddlement. "No, not exactly." she said.

"Oh really? It looked to me like you were having fun, letting that Draconequus play nurse maid and oh so sweetly tend to your poor wounds."

"H-how did you--?"

"I have my ways." Eldra walked toward Fluttershy, who backed up against the wall as far as she could go, her eyes wide with fear.

Eldra reached out a hoof and grabbed onto the bandages, and ripped them off, tossing them aside. "You're just as sickening as your father." she hissed, inching closer to Fluttershy, a crazed look in her eye. "You pretend to be kind and caring, to be better than everypony else, when really you're nothing but a filthy, spoiled, rotten little worm."

"I-I don't..."

But Fluttershy didn't get to finish, as Eldra proceeded to strike her hard across the face, and then in the stomach, reopening the wound that was starting to heal. Fluttershy let out a gasp and fell into a heap onto the floor. Eldra stared down at her, eyes glowing. "What's even worse is that you're not even a pure blood. Your even lower than that, even filthier, and yet, you're surrounded by others who love you, just like my brother.

Fluttershy tried to get up, but was whammed into the wall by Eldra. "You don't deserve love!" shouted Eldra, kicking her in the side, her body falling hard onto the floor. "You don't deserve happiness!" Fluttershy did her best to defend herself, as Eldra clawed at her. "And yet even though you don't deserve it, you still get, in spite of being nothing but an ugly little hybrid." Fluttershy braced herself for Eldra's next attack, which was aimed at her wound. As she kicked at it, Eldra screeched, "An ugly mare like you should just rot to death like she's supposed to!!"

Eldra's hoof impacted on Fluttershy's stomach. Blood coughed out of Fluttershy's mouth, and Eldra stood by and watched her fall to the ground once more, unconscious. Eldra looked down at her niece, bloodied, battered, and broken, feeling satisfied by what she'd done. She bent down, and picked up the bandages, and pocketed them away. Turning on her hoof, she went for the door to leave, but not before glancing once more at Fluttershy and whispering cruelly, "Rest in Tartarus little niece, along with your dear mother." The door slammed shut and a deathly silence hung in the room. Fluttershy's body twitched a little, and she squeaked a few words before passing out, "Pa..pa..., Dis...cord...help...me...."

The Pure Bloods had all loaded up into their carriages and had left the mansion, heading toward the Mortem Mountains, with Alistair's carriage leading the way. Alistair frowned deeply as he stared ominously out the window of the carriage. He had an unpleasant feeling in his gut, he could tell that something was wrong. 'Don't worry Fluttershy, we're coming, just hold on tight.' he thought. A hoof rested on his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Twilight Sparkle, who was sitting beside him.

"Don't worry, we'll get her back soon." she said reassuringly.

"I know." sighed Alistair. "But that doesn't mean I can't stop worrying about her, about what my twisted sister is doing to her."

"Well of course you can't, you're her father, you have every right to be worried. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried myself."

"Hey, worry not." said Rainbow Dash, cutting into the conversation. "With me taking care of those vampires, we'll have Fluttershy back in no time."

"Ugh! For the last time Rainbow, we're not actually going to be fighting the vampires."

"Oh come on! Not even one?"


Rainbow Dash folded her arms in a huff and mumbled something under her breath that Twilight couldn't make out.

"Thank you both." said Alistair graciously. "For everything you've done. I can see that my daughter was wise in choosing you to be her friends."

"Well, she didn't exactly choose us, it sort of happened by accident." said Twilight.

"Then it was fate." said Alistair. "Perhaps you were meant to meet my daughter from the very beginning, so you could be here."

Twilight looked at him skeptically. "Um, I guess." she said. "Though, I believe a little more in science than I do in fate."

Alistair chuckled, feeling a bit better. "To each his own then, I suppose."

Then, suddenly, the carriage stopped.

"What's going on out there?" Alistair asked, alarmed. "Why have we stopped?"

"There's some ponies blocking the path, they'd like to have a word with you." called the coach stallion.

Alistair, Twilight, and Rainbow all got up and followed Alistair out. It was a bit foggy on the path, so the ponies standing a few feet ahead of them were hard to make out.

"You said you wanted to talk." said Alistair. Two shapes emerged from the fog. Twilight gasped, recognizing them immediately.

"Yes, we do." said one of the mares.

In shock and awe, Twilight uttered the names of the ponies who were before them, and who she never would've expected to see all the way out here of all places.

"Magister Celestia and Magister Luna."

Author's Note:

Sorry for doing such bad things to Fluttershy, I really do like her! But don't worry, all is not lost (hopefully).