• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 11,685 Views, 207 Comments

Equestria Girls Holiday Special: Wrath of the Krampus - EquineAvenger

Everyone has been very naughty. Now they have attracted HIM to their home. CHS must now prepare for some Yuletide fear.

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O Come, All Ye Fearful

Before Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle stood a towering, hairy, brutish, demonic, and intimidating satyr; the true form of Krampus. They all trembled in fear while staring up into his red vengeful eyes. Summoning up what courage she had left, Rainbow grabbed a broom and lunged at Krampus ready to fight. But the Anti-Claus raised his right hand and the broom suddenly turned to snow and disintegrated in Dash’s hands.

Very well, you can go first,” Krampus said grabbing the small teenage girl in his giant right hand. With his left hand, he took the wicker basket off his back and set it on the floor in front of him. There was a wreath hanging on the front of the basket. Rainbow kicked and grunted in his grip while he opened the lid of the basket. Then he dropped the feisty athlete into the basket and closed the lid.

“Hey, let me out of here!” Rainbow screamed and kicked at the inside of the basket but it was too strong to break.

“Dash, no!” Scootaloo cried for her big sister figure. Then she was lifted off her feet by an elf who snuck up behind her while everyone was distracted. Before the others could do anything, the elf ran towards Krampus’s basket, jumped into the air while his master opened the lid, and slam dunked the girl into the basket like a basketball player.

“Goal!” yelled a group of elves.

“Rainbow! Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle cried as Krampus closed the basket lid again.

“He’s too powerful! Everybody run!” Pinkie said realizing they were outmatched. She and the other six girls turned and ran to the front door of the cabin but a group of chuckling armed elves stood in their way.

You cannot escape the fates that you brought upon yourselves,” Krampus said to them. “Bring them to me!”

“You got it, boss man,” an elf happily complied.

“Give up, kids. Don’t make this harder on yourselves,” another elf demanded.

“Stay together, y’all,” Applejack told everyone as they found themselves surrounded by wicked-looking Christmas elves.

While the girls were being surrounded by his elfish helpers, Krampus tapped the lid of the basket a couple times and the wreath hanging on the front sprouted eyes and teeth. It spotted the six intended victims and sprouted six tentacle-like vines that lunged toward the girls. Soon all the girls found themselves dangling in the air above cackling elves being tangled in vines. Krampus opened the lid of the basket as the living wreath brought the girls closer.

“Let me go!” AJ said struggling to get free, but was hurled into the basket.

“AJ! No, please, it was mah fault, mah idea. Take me if you want, but please let mah sis-” but before Apple Bloom could finish her plea, she was thrown into the basket along with her sister.

Pinkie managed to worm her way out of the vines and get her feet back on the floor. But before she could flee or find something to help her friends, she was grabbed by the tree monster. The angel at the top cackled as her partner tossed the pink girl into their master’s basket. Gingerbread men gathered at the edge of the basket to laugh at the unfortunate victims inside.

“That’s for Jerry!” one of the cookie creatures said to Pinkie.

“We didn’t mean to cause so much harm! We just wanted to spent some time with our sisters!” Sweetie cried with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Don’t worry, little one. You WILL!” Krampus coldly said as the little girl was dropped into the basket.

“Please, she’s just a child! I know what she did was wrong, but please spare my sister! Please!” Rarity begged.

You are in no position to make requests, sinner!” He roared, and the fashionista was dumped into the basket to join her sister and friends.

“Let us out!” Rarity cried.

The last one to go was Fluttershy. She trembled fearfully as she was drawn closer and closer to Krampus and the basket.

“I’m sorry!” Fluttershy cried with tears of fear in her eyes. The wreath suddenly stopped moving and held the girl where she was. “We didn’t mean for this to happen! We shouldn't had lost our Christmas spirits. We shouldn’t had turned on Sunset. We should’ve been better friends. I should’ve been kinder. We know that now! We just want to make amends for what we’ve done. Does that still make us horrible people? Are truly horrible monsters as you say we are? Can’t we show you that we are able to redeem ourselves? That we believe in the true meaning of the holidays?”

Krampus looked a little surprised by the girl’s words. The girls inside the basket all looked up with tearful pleading eyes. His minions all looked to him waiting for his response. The Anti-Claus leaned forward till his face was three feet from Fluttershy. He stuck his long tongue and gave the nervous girl a little lick on the cheek. But then he made a gagging noise as if he’d just tasted something awful, his look of intrigue was now changed to one of disgust.

Bitter!” He yelled. His followers all started booing and yelling angrily. “If you had truly redeemed yourself, then you would’ve tasted differently. If you truly valued friendship, then you wouldn’t had forsaken the friend who needed it the most.” Fluttershy’s heart sank with every word. What this demon was saying was true. If they had just given Sunset Shimmer a chance like true friends would’ve, she wouldn’t had lost her holiday spirit and they wouldn’t be in this horrifying mess. “It saddens me, I have watched you all for many holiday seasons and you were all such good souls. But this year, you not and why? Over some ridiculous junk on a computer screen posted by three jealous children?!” Fluttershy was then dropped into the basket with her friends. Now they were all captured. Krampus stared down at them through the opening. “It didn’t have to be this way, this predicament is of your own choosing. And now you will join the others who have sinned and I will bestow upon you the fates you rightfully deserve,” Before closing the lid, Krampus held his right fist over the opening and dropped six black objects into the basket. Apple Bloom picked up one of the objects. It was hard and dirty, leaving black stains on her hands. Soon she realized what it was. It was a lump of coal.

Krampus hoisted the basket back onto his back and he and his minions prepared to leave. But then they heard a banging noise coming from a closet door held shut by a chair. Soon the closet burst open, toppling the chair. Out came Sunset Shimmer, who had finally managed to escape her confinement. Unfortunately, she was greeted with a horrific sight.

“Twilight!” She said when saw her friend and Spike stuffed in two stockings by the fireplace.

She was then confronted by the sight of a towering, demonic, red-eyed satyr with a huge basket on his back standing in the middle of the room staring down at her. With the other girls no where to be found, she felt herself at the mercy of this gigantic beast. She took a few steps back before freezing with fear in her tracks. The beast took a few steps closer and knelt down to get a closer look at the terrified and speechless girl. Sunset felt like a small animal being watched by a huge person. The creature stuck out a long tongue that moved like a snake toward her face. She was too scared to move. It gave a slimy lick on her right cheek that made her spine shiver before retreating back into its owners mouth.

Sunset Shimmer,” the creature said in a deep ominous voice. “You have grown into such a sweet girl, so you have nothing to fear from me.”

Sunset was not only surprised to hear this thing speak, but also that it knew her name. “You know my name?” Then she realized who this creature might be. “You must be Krampus.”

I am. I am the punisher of those who dare to sin on this sacred season. This year, I will pass judgement on those who framed you for Anon-a-Miss and those who denied your innocence.”

“How did you know I wasn’t Anon-a-Miss?”

There is nothing about you I don’t know, child. Ever since you came to this world, I have kept my eye on you every holiday season. You were quite the troublemaker. There was a time when I would’ve snatched you up and given you what you would’ve deserved. But then an event happened that changed you.”

“The Fall Formal!”

Yes, from that moment on, you were on longer the cruel and selfish girl you once were, but a kind and desperate soul seeking atonement for your misdeeds. It’s both funny and appalling how sometimes roles can switch, don’t you think? You had helped save your friends and the entire school from three manipulative sirens only for them to frame you and turn you away.” Sunset had a sad face as Krampus’s words brought back the painful memories of the Anon-a-Miss incident. “Their loss of spirit and this atrocious act of betrayal caused you to lose your holiday spirit as well, right when you had just started to develop it no less!”

“How did you know I lost my holiday spirit?”

You made a wish, and I am here to grant it.”

“I’m touched that you know I’m innocent , but you’ve been kidnapping all the students of CHS,” Sunset said in a more angry tone. “Despite the way they acted, I would never wish for anything bad to happen to them. I’m not that person anymore.”

But you did, didn’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

Krampus pointed over to the stocking Twilight Sparkle was in and something inside looked like it was moving upward toward the opening. Soon, Sunset’s journal popped out of the stocking and hovered over to her gently landing at her feet. Then the book opened by itself and flipped through the pages to her last entry. Sunset knelt down to get a better look at the entry, she spotted a couple sentences that made everything horrifically clear.

All this pain, hatred, this holiday season, and Anon-a-Miss. I JUST WISH IT WOULD ALL GO AWAY!’

You see now? You wished all this would go away, so that’s what I’m doing,” Krampus said as horrific realization overcame Sunset. It was her who inadvertently summoned Krampus to this town. “Forget all the pain and unhappiness you’ve endured and try to salvage what’s left of the holiday season. Rest easy knowing that you were one of the lucky ones to not earn a spot on my list. Merry Christmas.” With that, Krampus and his minions turned into white clouds of snow and flew up the chimney and into the night leaving the entire cabin empty of any sign of life save for Sunset, Twilight, and Spike.

Sunset stood on her hands and knees staring down at the entry in her journal. The entry that was the last straw that brought this nightmare upon everyone. All she could think about was what was in store for her former friends, their sisters, Principal Celestia, the students of CHS, and what had she done.

Twilight Sparkle struggled to get out of her tight stocking confinement, but to no avail. Then she heard the sound of cutting and light shining before her. Soon, she found herself spill through a hole made at the bottom of the stretched out stocking and saw Sunset Shimmer standing over her holding a small pocket knife. Then Sunset walked over and pulled Spike out of his stocking.

“Sunset, you’re okay,” Twilight said happy to see her. Then she looked around the room and saw that the other girls were nowhere to be seen. “Where are the others?”

“Twilight, Krampus took them. All of them!” Sunset said with anxiety in her voice. “We have to save them!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find them,” Twilight assured her. “Did you see where they went?”

“Not exactly, they turned into snow clouds and flew out through the chimney.”

“Then there’s no time to lose. Spike, we need your nose.”

“On it,” Spike complied.

Both girls and pup ran out the front door of the cabin and into the blistering outside. The snow storm had gotten worse. The winds were colder and heavier. But they weren’t going to let that stop them. They were determined to save their friends.

“I think I have their scent,” Spike said sniffing the air. “I think it’s this way,” he said taking off into the cold, dark night with Twilight and Sunset following right behind him.

After following Spike for almost ten minutes, they finally stopped when Spike started sniffing the air again.

“Oh no!” Spike said in a fearful tone. “I think I’ve lost them.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked nervously.

Spike sniffed the air again. “Yes. I’m sorry,” he sadly confirmed. “I can’t smell them anymore.”

“No, this can’t be it!” Sunset said in a panicked tone. She ran out ten feet and started calling for the girls. “APPLEJACK! RARITY! RAINBOW! PINKIE! FLUTTERSHY! WHERE ARE YOU?!” When she didn’t receive an answer, she fell to her knees and broke down in tears.

“Sunset?” Twilight said concerned as she walked over to her friend and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sunset looked up at her with eyes filled with tears and remorse.

“This all my fault!” Sunset said utterly devastated. “If I had just taken your advice, none of this would’ve happened. But instead, I chose to run away from my problems instead of facing them. And now everyone’s gone, and it’s because of me!”

“No, Sunset, it’s not your fault,” Twilight said kneeling down and giving her sobbing friend a warm hug. “None of us could’ve known something like this could happen.” But this did nothing to make Sunset feel better and she kept right on sobbing.

“Uh, girls,” Spike said nervously looking up at something.

Sunset and Twilight raised their heads, and to their surprise, stood a strange-looking man. The man was tall, slightly plump, and had a strange warm glow about him. He wore a long clean robe of red and green patterns, the sleeves had white fur trimming on the ends. He also wore white gloves and a long red and green hat that had white trimming on the bottom and a white fur ball on the end. He also had a long, clean white beard. He carried a big sack, filled with unknown things, over his shoulder. The presence of this man seemed to make the storm less cold and rough.

“What seems to be the problem?” the strange man asked in a warm and gentle voice when he noticed Sunset’s tears. “You know there’s a strict rule about crying around this season.”

“Sorry, sir. It’s just something terrible has happened to some people I care about,” Twilight told the man.

“Something I feel is my fault,” Sunset sadly added.

“Did you know these people?” the man asked.

Sunset paused for a moment, then spoke. “They were my friends. They did something terrible that they were only trying to apologize for. But now they’re in trouble, and I could’ve stopped it.” She broke down in tears again.

The man knelt down and put his soft, gloved left hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I believe I understand what’s going on. This is a bad time of the year to do bad things. But this is also a good time to make amends for bad things too.” The man’s wise words seemed to be making Sunset feel a little better. “Your friends may have done things that hurt you, but they have realized the error of their ways and only wish to make things right. And only you have the power to decide whether they truly deserve the redemption they seek.”

“But I’ve lost them,” Sunset said still shedding a few tears. “They could be anywhere out there. It would take a miracle to find them.”

“Good thing this is also a good time of the year for miracles to happen,” the man said looking up at the sky.

“Sunset, look,” Twilight told her friend also looking up at the sky.

Sunset looked up and everyone saw a singe bright star shining in the sky.

“A Christmas star,” the man said. “It’s a very good thing to see a bright star during this season. A lot of symbolism behind it.”

Sunset got to her feet while not taking her eyes off the star. For some reason, she, Twilight, and Spike couldn’t turn away from such a beautiful sight, not even for a second.

“What does this mean?” Sunset asked.

“I can’t tell you that, this is your star,” the man said. “What does your heart tell you?”

Sunset thought for a moment, then she came up with an idea.

“Twilight, Spike, I think we need to follow that star,” she said. She felt hope rising deep within the depths of her soul. “Are you with me?”

“You lead the way, Sunset,” Twilight said warmly.

“Alright, let’s go!” Sunset said excitedly. Then she, Twilight, and Spike took off into the direction of the star. After running about twenty feet, Sunset stopped for a moment feeling she’d forgotten something. She turned around and called back to the man. “I almost forgot, what is your name, sir?”

“It’s Nicholas,” the man called back and waved.

“Thanks, Nicholas,” Sunset said gratefully and waved good-bye before joining her friends and resuming their mission.

The man named Nicholas smiled warmly as he watched the two girls and dog run off into the night with their spirits heightened. He knew that they were going to do good things, especially Sunset. He then disappeared into the storm.