• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 11,685 Views, 207 Comments

Equestria Girls Holiday Special: Wrath of the Krampus - EquineAvenger

Everyone has been very naughty. Now they have attracted HIM to their home. CHS must now prepare for some Yuletide fear.

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Here Comes Krampus (Down Krampus Lane)

Pinkie Pie had arrived at her house and had told her older sister, Maud, about Anon-a-Miss and what she and the others had done to Sunset Shimmer. Needless to say, Maud wasn’t happy to hear this, not that anyone but Pinkie could tell.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Pinkie.” Maud said in her usual emotionless tone. Pinkie hung her head in shame. “I know you’ve told me how bad Sunset was in the past. But since you all became friends and had sleepovers together, I haven’t seen her do a single suspicious or bad thing. In fact, I actually grew to like her.”

“I know, Maud.” Pinkie said apologetically. “I wasn’t thinking, I should’ve known better than to treat her the way I did. Will you help us find her?”

“Of course I will. You’re my sister, and if any friend of yours is in need of help, Boulder and I will do whatever we can.” Maud said holding up her pet rock and giving Pinkie a warm and forgiving smile. Pinkie hugged her sister while shedding tears of happiness and hope.

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and Apple Bloom had told Big Macintosh and Granny Smith the whole story. Neither of them took it well but they agreed to help look for Sunset. They were loading the truck with some supplies; Granny Smith came out carrying a crate full of thermoses.

“What’s that, Granny?” Applejack asked.

“They’re thermoses full of our special warm Apple family apple cider. That poor child’s probably freezin’ her bunions off and this stuff should warm her up good.” Granny Smith answered.

“Big Mac, am I in trouble?” Apple Bloom asked her elder brother.

“Nnope.” Big Mac answered.

“Am I in big trouble?”


Apple Bloom bit her lip nervously at the thought of what was coming to her, but whatever it was she knew she deserved it. AJ put her arm around her little sister in an attempt to comfort her; she wasn’t going to let her shoulder all the blame for this. “Well, let’s get movin’ y’all.” AJ said. The whole family hopped into the truck and drove off into the night to look for Sunset.

Elsewhere, Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch found themselves in a strange neighborhood while searching for Sunset. The place was dark and extremely quiet.

“Do you suppose she’s somewhere around here?” Octavia asked her partner. It was difficult for Vinyl to hear anything because she never took her headphones off, but she had learned how to read lips. She gave Octavia an unsure shrug. “Well, how about we split up. I’ll look down this way, you look down that way. Got it?” Octavia asked her partner. Vinyl gave her a thumbs up to show that she understood and they both went their separate ways down the neighborhood.

Vinyl walked down the snowy sidewalk listening to the music from her headphones. She was unable to notice that something was watching her. After a while, she stopped and took a look around the part of the neighborhood she was in. There were absolutely no lights on in any of the houses. Thinking she might be lost, Vinyl stood under a tree to protect her from the snow and took out a map and a flashlight. While she was reading the map and using the flashlight to help her see better, she failed to notice a mysterious hand slowly and ominously coming down from the tree. The hand was creepy and inhuman looking with grey-skinned, had sharp finger nails, and wore a dark green sleeve. Carefully, the hand pulled a small plug out of Vinyl’s headphones and quickly went back up into the tree before she could see it. Surprised by the sudden stop of her music, Vinyl put her map and flashlight away and noticed that the plug from her phone to her headphones had been unplugged. As she examined it, the creepy hand came down once again. This time, it tapped Vinyl twice on the top of her head with its index finger. Vinyl looked up to see what the commotion was. But before she could scream at what she saw, the hand grabbed her face and pulled her up into the tree.

Octavia was walking down the other way of the creepy neighborhood, completely oblivious to what had just befallen her partner. “I can’t imagine what Sunset would be doing in a place like this. It’s cold, dark, and quiet. Too quiet.” the cello player said suspiciously to herself. She didn’t like this neighborhood one bit, it was beginning to creep her out, it had already been a few minutes and there was no sign of life anywhere. Then she noticed something strange on top of one of the houses. She took a few steps closer to get a better look, and then she froze in her tracks at what she saw. A huge creature was standing on the rooftop; it looked like it had a hunched back and wore a baggy red cloak with dirty grey fur trimming, the cloak was covered in chains with bells on them, giant goat horns protruded from the creature’s hooded head, the hood made it impossible to identify the face but a long grey beard hung from it, and two glowing red eyes could be seen through the hood. Octavia stood frozen with fear; she’d seen some pretty strange stuff during her semester at CHS recently but this thing, looking into its eyes was like looking into the eyes of the devil.

“Oh… my… Go-!” but before Octavia could finish her sentence, the creature let out a loud ear-piercing roar like that of a huge wild beast. Octavia let a frightened scream and immediately began running back the way she came. Unfortunately, the creature gave chase; it leaped from roof to roof while keeping up with the fleeing girl. Despite its massive size, it was very fast and could leap great distances. Octavia could feel the beast gaining on her, there was no way she could outrun it. Then she got an idea, she stopped at a nearby van and quickly crawled under it in an attempt to hide from her pursuer. Under the van, she heard the monster take one more leap and landed right in front of the van she was hiding under, causing her to gasp. She saw the beast’s feet, but instead of feet it had cloven hooves. The monster stomped around the van, its chains and bells making noise as it moved, Octavia could hear it making a sniffing noise like an animal tracking its prey. She held her breath and hoped it would eventually give up and go away. Pretty soon, she heard it take another leap off the ground and then there was silence. Octavia let out a sigh of relief, but then she felt something grab her legs and pretty soon she found herself being pulled out from under the van. She screamed and clawed desperately at the snow but it was no use, she was soon pulled out from under her hiding place and her screaming stopped.