• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 11,685 Views, 207 Comments

Equestria Girls Holiday Special: Wrath of the Krampus - EquineAvenger

Everyone has been very naughty. Now they have attracted HIM to their home. CHS must now prepare for some Yuletide fear.

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Dread to the World (edited 07/31/20)

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, the Humane Five, the Crusaders, and Principal Celestia had finally found Sunset Shimmer. Unfortunately, she was passed out and laying on a couch in front of a big fireplace in a log cabin that they had conveniently found. Sunset had not woken up yet and everyone was nerviously gathered around her as AJ stoked the fire with a poker to keep it going and warm Sunset up. After awhile, Sunset began to show movement. Eventually, she slowly opened her eyes to find her best friend and former rival, Princess Twilight, crouching by her and giving her a warm smile.

“Twilight?” Sunset said weakly when she saw her.

“Yes, Sunset, I’m here.” Twilight responded gently.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset asked confused. “I thought you were busy in Equestria.”

“Nothing is more important to me than the well-being of a friend.” Twilight said giving Sunset a warm hug.

“How did you find me?”

“I had a little help.” Twilight turned to the Humane Five, Crusaders, and Principal who all had concerned expressions.

“But I thought I wasn’t your friend anymore.” Sunset said both surprised and hurt to the Five.

“Well, Twilight was finally able to talk some sense into us.” Rainbow said ashamed.

“When we finally realized our horrible mistake, we organized the entire school into search parties all for the sole purpose of finding you.” Fluttershy timidly told Sunset.

“What about Anon-a-Miss?” Sunset asked glumly. Then she turned to the three younger, guilty-looking girls. “It was you three, wasn’t it?”

“You figured it out?” Sweetie Belle asked timidly.

“While I was out here, I began thinking Anon-a-Miss wasn’t just one person, and I had a feeling that it was you three. Who else could it had been? But what I can’t figure out is why. What did I do in the past that was so terrible that you would do something like this to me even after I’ve changed?”

The Crusaders’ expressions grew even more guilty-looking. “Ever since you changed yer ways, our sisters had been hangin’ out with you a lot more than with us.” Apple Bloom shamefully admitted.

“Apple Bloom came up with the ‘Anon-a-Miss’ idea to make you look bad enough that our sisters would spend less time with you, and we joined in on it.” Scootaloo sadly continued for her friend.

“But things didn’t turn out quite as we expected.” Sweetie Belle remorsefully joined in the conversation. “Everyone completely shunned you.”

“When other people started sending secrets to post, we panicked and posted everything.” Scootaloo said.

“But now we realize that we should’a came clean when we had the chance.” Apple Bloom said with tears developing in her eyes.

“We know you can never forgive us for this, but we are willing to do anything you want to make it up to you as much as possible.” Scootaloo said as a tear rolled down her left cheek.

“We’re so, SO sorry.” Sweetie belle said beginning to cry.

Sunset thought for a moment, then buried her face in her hands. “Why would they all treat me like this after I saved everyone from the Dazzlings? Was that not good enough for them?”

“Sunset.” Applejack put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder to get her attention and calm her down. She looked at her with apologetic eyes. “We know yer upset over the way we wrongfully treated ya and we don’t blame you.”

“We were ignorant.” Rarity said remorsefully.

“Insensitive.” Fluttershy sadly added.

“And small minded.” Pinkie finished ashamed of herself.

“You were in trouble, but instead of helping you and staying by your side like good friends should, we turned on you and cast you out.” Rainbow said sadly. Sunset could tell that her pride had been shattered. “We don’t expect you to forgive us for that. I wouldn’t forgive me either.”

“We’re here to say we believe you now, and to tell you how sorry we all are for not doing so earlier.” Fluttershy said with tears streaming down her cheeks. “We’re so very sorry for being horrible friends, and for hurting you so badly.” The rest of the Five began shedding huge amounts of regretful tears as well.

“We hope that you, the good you, the real you, can find it in yer heart to give us just one more chance.” A tearful AJ pleaded.

Sunset could see that they all looked truly sorry for what they’ve done. But a part of her was hesitant on whether or not to forgive them and rejoin their group.

“Principal Celestia?” Sunset turned to CHS’s principal.

“Yes, Sunset?” Celestia responded.

“Can I ask you some questions?” Sunset asked.

“Sure you can.” Celestia warmly replied.

“But I want you to give me the most honest answers.”

“Very well.” Celestia nervously agreed.

“You knew what was happening at school, right?” Sunset asked her first question.

“Yes.” Celestia answered sadly.

“Did you suspect me of being Anon-a-Miss too?”

Celestia hesitated for a moment, but she knew she had to answer. “Yes, I did.”

“Thought so.” Sunset said sadly. “If I came to you pleading innocence, would you had believed me?”

Celestia found herself cornered, this was a question she really didn’t want to answer. But with everything Sunset’s been through, she knew she owed her that much, no matter how much she knew it would hurt. “No, with your history, I wouldn’t have.” Celestia answered with deep regret in her voice. She was barely holding even a single tear.

Sunset’s heart sank when she heard the final answer. Tears began to well up in her eyes. “That’s what I thought.” She said softly as she got up from the couch and walked over to face the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. The others watched her visibly worried and concerned. Sunset gazed up at the angel on top of the tree with heartbroken eyes. Now she knew that there was no one at school, not even a teacher, who would’ve believed she was innocent. She had felt hurt before, but this was by far the worst pain she’d ever felt. She truly was alone in this world.

“Sunset.” Celestia walked over to talk to Sunset. She was visibly remorseful. “I know you’ve apologized for all the bad things you’ve done, I know you’ve been working so hard to make things right, and we all need to stop acting like you haven’t. I, as the principal of CHS, can not apologize enough for letting you suffer so much and done nothing. But I give you my word, if you give us just one more chance, I’ll see to it that everyone plays a part in making it up to you.” Everyone then waited eagerly for Sunset’s answer.

After a minute of thinking, Sunset finally spoke. “Twilight, I would like to return to Equestria.” Everyone gasped when they heard this.

“Are you leaving, Sunset?” Pinkie asked nervously.

“Yes, I am.” Sunset replied sadly.

“But why? Do you hate us?” Fluttershy asked in tears.

“No, it’s nothing like that. I can’t do this anymore.”

“What do ya mean?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I mean the Magic of Friendship isn’t working out for me in this world no matter how hard I try.” Sunset explained. “No matter how many times I save this world, the people here will never let go of my past. They will never fully accept me.”

“That’s not true, darling.” Rarity tried to talk Sunset out of her decision.

“We know we’ve made mistakes, we’re also learnin' about friendship too.” AJ spoke. “But we’ve gotta be strong and work through this together.”

“Sunset, your name has been cleared.” Pinkie said managing a little smile.

“For now, yes, but how much longer till another disaster like this happens and I’m suspect number one again?” Sunset arguably asked turning Pinkie’s smile upside down.

“But you can trust us to have your back now, we won’t turn on you again.” Rainbow confidently said.

Sunset stared at her with an unhappy look on her face. “I did once.” She said turning away and shocking the rainbow-haired athlete.

“But, Sunset, do you really have to leave?” Sweetie Belle tearfully asked.

“Sometimes, you have to know when a relationship isn’t working out.” Sunset mournfully explained. “I thought after the Battle of the Bands you all would’ve completely accepted me into your society. But I was wrong, as soon as Anon-a-Miss started getting bigger you all immediately suspected me and cast me out without a second thought. I know I wasn’t the nicest person back then, but is there something about me that you all still hate?” She waited for an answer from someone, but they were all too scared and ashamed to say anything. “Are you scared of me?” Sunset’s voice was getting louder and more edgy with each question. “Still think I’m going to do something bad to you? Think I’ll turn into a raging she-demon and enslave you all?!” The last question made everyone, except Twilight, take of a step back in fear. Sunset noticed this and her heart sank deeper. “I knew it. Looks like somethings will never change. Guess you won’t need an extra guitarist or backup vocalist anymore.” Sunset said in a less loud and more glum tone and turned away unable to look them in the eyes anymore.

Twilight felt so sorry for Sunset, she walked over and placed her hand on her shoulder. Spike walked over and gently rubbed against Sunset’s leg. Everyone else eventually realized with horror that their reaction might’ve just proven Sunset’s point and broken their friendship beyond repair.

“Sunset, please, it was our fault, not theirs!” Apple Bloom hysterically pleaded.

Then everyone else started pleading hysterically and desperately at the same time making it hard to understand a single word from anyone.

“Twilight, please talk some sense into her!” Rainbow pleaded barely holding back her tears.

“I’m not here to take sides.” Twilight said sympathetically. “I’m just looking out for the well-being of a friend. I just want Sunset to be happy, whatever she decides. And if you too value her friendship, you will do the same.” After that, everyone finally quieted down. Twilight was right, it was time they did what’s right for Sunset and not themselves.

“Sunset, will you not reconsider? Will you forgive us?” Fluttershy tearfully asked hoping to try one more time to change her mind.

“Sorry girls, but I can’t go through this again.” Sunset answered sympathetically.

Everyone felt as if they been pierced through the heart. Sunset had chosen to leave, possibly forever. Pinkie’s poofy hair deflated and hung straight while she held a sobbing Fluttershy in her arms. Sweetie Belle sobbed while in the tender embrace of her older sister who’s eyes also leaked her own sorrow. Rainbow Dash gently patted a crying Scootaloo on the head while she hugged her big sister figure. Applejack put her hand on her younger sister’s shoulder and gave her a sad and forgiving look. Apple Bloom embraced her sister and they both expressed their remorse in tears. Celestia did her best to keep from losing it, but even she couldn’t hold back a few tears.

“Oh sugar cube, what have we done to you?” AJ said to Sunset in the most remorseful tone she could ever muster. Sunset couldn’t help but feel sorry for them all, and wondered if she’d made the right decision.

“Well, I think I’d better let the others know that the search is over.” Rainbow said miserably as she wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled out her phone. She hit a few buttons and then listened to it ring until she heard it answered. “Hey Derpy, it’s Rainbow, I’ve got some good news and bad news. Good news is we finally found Sunset Shimmer and she’s okay. Bad news is she’s decided to go back to Equestria, maybe forever.” Rainbow was starting to shed tears again. Then the sound of crying was heard from the phone loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Rainbow assumed Derpy was crying after hearing the bad news. “I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s probably for the best.”

“Is it them?” asked a strange and unpleasant voice that Rainbow and everyone else didn’t recognize.

“Derpy, who is that?” Rainbow asked, her and everyone else’s sorrow had just turned to confusion.

“Yes.” Derpy said to the other voice in between sobs.

“Good. Now read the paper.” The other voice commanded sinisterly.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash-.” Derpy said nervously.

“No, READ IT LIKE WE WROTE IT, STUPID!” yelled another voice just as horrible as the first. This caused everyone’s attention to focus completely on Rainbow’s phone.

“HELLO, you naughty little holiday ruining brats.” Derpy fearfully continued.

“That’s better. Now keep going!” Said a third wicked voice.

“You have all been very… very naughty this season. And because of that, we… and our master… have been hunting down and taking all of your horrible little friends. And are now coming for you.” Everyone’s eyes widened when they heard this. During the search for Sunset, someone, or something, has been abducting the other student search parties, and now they were next. “So you’d better say your prayers cause when our master finds you, he’s gonna… oh God!” Derpy stopped for a moment, apparently she was horrified with what she was about to read.

“Keep reading or I RIP OUT THE OTHER FRONT TOOTH!” the second voice threatened.

“CAUSE WHEN HE FINDS YOU, HE’LL INFLICT EVERY PUNISHMENT HE KNOWS UPON YOU!” Derpy yelled utterly terrified. “You’ll be shackled, beaten bloody with birch rods, have your pigtails ripped out, your ears stretched, dunked in barrels of ink, and put on the Express Train to the Lake of Fire where you will experience true torment! Oh God, this is horrible!”

“You’re not done yet!” said the first voice.

“So say your prayers… and prepare to meet the KRAMPUS!” Derpy cried as she was being forced to read the last part of the message. “Now excuse us… while we take care of this dopey, crooked-eyed klutz – OH GOD NO!” Then Rainbow’s phone lost connection and the call ended.

Everyone’s remorse and sorrow was now turned to absolute horror. Even Sunset was horrified by this dark turn of events. Something knew what they did and was very angry for some reason. Now it was coming for them, and things were about to go from bad to worse.