• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2015
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Black Hailstorm

A never-ending storm of ideas


This story is a sequel to Rated M For Mistaken

An alternate ending to Rated M For Mistaken

I did not ask for this. This type of punishment. I did not want to come here, to frighten this alien race that a majority of us humans would consider nothing more than animals of which had their own intelligence that came no where near to true sentience. Yet here I am, in Equestria. About to be judged for something that had merely been received out of hand.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have come to a decision. Stickler will receive justice, and thus so will the ponies. Now all that matters to Stickler is whether Justice will truly be received.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

OH SHIT A SEQUEL. Must. Commense. Read. Now.

Looking forward to your thoughts

Wait wait wait wait wait you can not just leave me with that!:applecry: What happens now?
*Checks story status* what do you mean complete? I can't be left hanging like this. You sly dog you,:duck: baiting me with this awesome alternate ending just to leave me at another cliffhanger.

Alright all that Above nonsense aside, loved it. You gave us a nice expansion on the minimal information given. We got to see the "Trial" we were shown more of the damage caused and why the Ponies reacted the way they did.
All around just needs some minor errors fixes. I liked it :pinkiehappy:

Excellent. Glad I was able to do something about the bits I had left off in the previous story. I may in the future continue this story, but could probably use a reminder in the distant future. Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

SRY #5 · Feb 7th, 2016 · · ·


I wonder if they could have used an illusion of him being turned into a pony?

WHERE IS THE SEQUEL:raritydespair:

6911475 I kinda want to write a sequel to this, if you'll let me, and call it Rated E for Extraction.

7505418 Interesting, by all means go ahead, just be sure to leave this in the link when you finish. Heck, I might even continue this later on in the near future.

Let me know how it turns out.

7796424 Perhaps. I've been thinking about it, and I may have a sequel to this.

Haha haha..... Bitch...... If humanity saw this shit you'd all get bombed, fuck delegation its obvious your entire kingdom is primitive so naturally we'll just treat you as hostiles. And you're all f*cked.

I digress. I suppose “It makes sense they would defend themselves the way they did” I reasoned. “If a creature randomly came to our world, looking quite threatening based off all the wounds they received wouldn’t you flee or try to attack it?” I said speaking out loud.

Not really.

“Did you really try to hurt those foals and elderly you hit? Is it true about the rumors being spread, that you came out with your weapon shooting ponies blindly after emerging from the Everfree Forest?” she asked with a calmness that hid an even larger sternness.

That’s what they’re saying? You’ve got to be f*cking kidding me.

Several seconds later, the sounds of armor clad hooves shook the ground above us where most of the other guards hid. And in the next few minutes, I was going to regret shouting so loud like that.

Very very soon.

Be ready to fight back.

Currently Princess Luna was explaining Stickler’s case, and what had led to this whole giant misunderstanding in the first place, and Celestia had to admit, Bit didn’t really seem to care that much that the human had been running for his life earlier before this whole charade started. All he wanted, all the nobles wanted, minus a Prince Blueblood, was justice. And that’s all they really cared about.

Why not blue blood?

Solar Plexus nodded weakly. Mumbled something to his injured troops, and watched them file out one by one. On the way out one of the unicorn mares slapped me roughly with her tail, trying to start something else.

But I just ignored it, and took the hit.

I would have pulled her by her tail.

The injured, the patriots, and the nobles. Young, children, and old alike all watch as I approach my destiny and as I get closer so do the ponies. The large majority of which are nobles that chant “Die, die, die!”

At this point, I wouldn’t even regret injuring them.

I need a sequel containing Equestria being nuked to hell after we find out what happened to Stickler.

Well well well looks like it's the distant future I'm praying for a sequel to this there are quite a few stories about humans get revenge against the ponies recently and it would be a great time to work on another the next chapter of this story If you do end up dropping this could you give us like the idea you had for a ending if you still remember it or had it

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