• Published 7th Mar 2016
  • 413 Views, 2 Comments

Our Little Comrade - treresident

Sergei was just your average person who want to have fun and serve his country. Little did he know he would wind up in a world full of friendship, magic, and talking ponies. They didn't tell him about this kinda stuff when he signed up.

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Ch 1 Well At Least it's Not That Fucking Desert

Author's Note:

Hello Everyone, as I'm sure you've heard a thousand times before this is my first story.
I tried to use the most accurate Russian I could use for the story as I am still learning the language and tried to give rough translations. Sorry to anyone who actually knows Russian well if I have offended you.
Constructive criticism is appreciated but please don't leave a comment saying your story is garbage and then don't leave a reason why. That is all I ask.

Well let me know what you think and I will try to be weekly with the new chapters but don't hold me to that because I have a couple of essays due and an exam to study for. Peace.:twilightsmile:

"Чертов Дмитрий, черт уколом, взяв меня за проклятую деньги, трахать мошенника", (Fucking Dmitri, damn prick, taking my god damn money, fucking cheater), Sergei mumbled to himself, 'That damn asshole is so good at cards he has to be cheating there is no way he is that good' he thought.

Sergei was guarding the perimeter tonight to make sure the mujaheddin didn’t try a surprise attack at night ike they tried to a few nights back. They have been taking a lot of casualties lately due to the night attacks and the new US equipment they have been receiving. So because of this Sergei was alone on guard duty tonight the nearest friendly soul was at least a good 50 meters away. Sergei knew that if he were the one to get attacked he would not stand a chance and he knew that the others knew that too. If he were to get attacked he would have to trip the alarm next to him to alert the others and then he was pretty much written off from there.

They couldn’t get any reinforcements or any real supplies with those new anti-air missiles those fuckers have been given so all Sergei had on him at the time was a PKM with only 300 rounds of ammunition including the box he had loaded now, a Makarov PM with just 4 clips including the one in the gun, 2 RGD-5 hand grenades, 3 RGD-2 smoke grenades, and his machete.

"Черт, это чертовски пустыня ,и я замораживании мои шары с здесь .",(Damn, this is the fucking desert and I’m freezing my balls off out here.), Sergei mumbled while shivering slightly.

He was not one to get cold easily being Russian and all but with the hot days of the desert being a high contrast to the cold nights in the desert he wasn’t used to it being so cold in the desert. His fatigues did little to stop the cold air from brushing up against him but the tactical vest did manage to help keep some warmth from escaping.

Sergei was not a big man but he wasn’t small enough to fit in one of those T-72s. He was about 2 meters tall with a light brown hair and blue eyes. He had a rather pale complexion until he was sent to Afghanistan, but now he had a slight tan color to him. With the training he has had to do and the constant skirmishes with the mujaheddin he was pretty fit at least enough to keep from slowing down and getting shot and killed.

Sergei was startled by a noise from his left and he scanned the area, at first he didn’t see or hear anything so after another 5 minutes of scanning the area he let his guard down as he thought it could have just been some stray dog one of his idiot comrades brought back or something.

'I swear if those idiots bring back anymore strays we will lose the rest of our rations to those damn mutts', Sergei thought.

He was brought out of his musings when he saw a flash of light inside of the base. He didn’t hear any gunshot so he didn’t think anyone fired a gun so he decided to go and check it out. The flash came from the other side of the mess hall. He approached cautiously and when he reached the corner dropped down onto one knee as quietly as he could. He peaked around the corner slowly and saw…..

Absolutely nothing.

'That’s weird I could of sworn I saw a light coming from over here, huh I must be imagining thi-' he was suddenly ripped from his thoughts when a flash of light blinded him.

"Дерьмо!!!!",(Shit!!!!), Sergei yelled to himself.

He suddenly felt as if someone was dragging him and then felt nothing. He felt as if he were floating but not like in water but floating as if he were in space. His sight had not come back yet so all he could see was white all around him still. He was floating around for what felt like hours.

"Итак, это то, что смерть да. Я думал, что я был бы немного более болезненным, или, по крайней мере, насыщенный событиями, а не просто плавающие вокруг в этом пустом пространстве." (So, this is what death is huh. I thought I would be a little more painful or at least eventful instead of just floating around in this empty space.), Sergei said to no one in particular before he chuckled to himself.

After what felt like hours of just aimless floating he felt like he was being dragged again. But unlike the first time which was a more gentle drag this one was more like him being tied to a car and being dragged down the street at 30 KPH. Then for some reason he started spin while being dragged.

'Of fuck I’m going to puke', thought Sergei.

But just before the nausea made him throw up the contents of his stomach he was what he felt like thrown into the ground. Hard. He groaned in pain as he lay there in the dirt while a nice gentle breeze blew over him and birds chirped in the background.

'Wait dirt, birds, I was in the desert there shouldn’t be any dirt or birds in an empty desert, well except for vultures but these don’t sound like vultures.' Sergei thought to himself.

Sergei got up after that thought and scanned his surroundings. He was in a forest of some kind with some tall trees and some weird looking plant life. He could see the vibrant colors of the forest and could tell this place is just teeming with life. Well the fact he heard a wolf howl off in the distant helped him to that conclusion also.

'Well at least it’s not the desert anymore, I fucking hate that place.', He thought to himself. 'Well since I am most likely dead from what I saw, I must be in some kind of afterlife place.', Sergei took another moment to scan his surroundings, 'Well at least I’m not in hell, It sure doesn’t look like hell so that’s a plus.'

Sergei then patted himself down to see if he had anything with him or not. He realized everything he had on his person was with him, his grenades, his ammo, his sidearm, his machete, and even his LMG.

'Thank god that I had the strap around me I don’t like being helpless especially in an unknown area. Even if this is heaven I still would like to have some kind of protection but I could just be being paranoid. Fucking Brezhnev and that stupid war of his.' Sergei ranted in his own mind.

While Sergei was ranting on in his own mind he didn’t notice the pack of wolves that lurked in the shadows and preceded to surround our good comrade. These wolves have never seen anything like Sergei in their entire existence but that won’t stop them from making a meal of the clueless Russian. Or so they thought. When the pack emerged from the forest surrounding Sergei he finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the beasts in front of him.

"Какого хрена, эти волки сделаны из дерева?",(What the fuck, are these wolves made of wood?), Sergei thought aloud.

While he was talking the wolf in front of him decided to attack. He pounced on our comrade but even though these wolves looked different and where apparently made of wood they still acted like wolves and Sergei knew how to deal with wolves. Being taught by his father when hunting he knew what wolves would do and so thinking that these are just like the wolves back home he brought out his machete and ducked under the first wolf leaping at him and then he immediately spun around and drove his machete into the head of the second wolf who tried to pounce on him from behind and tear into his neck.

This shocked the lower wolves of the pack but it only made the alpha pissed. The alpha looked to the remaining 4 wolves of his pack and nodded to them. The looked to the alpha and nodded back. The remaining wolves then did something Sergei was not ready for. They started to glow a sickly green color and then started to break apart and float piece by piece into each other. It took a second for Sergei to comprehend what was happening but then decided that whatever was happening he was not ready for and decided to hightail it out of there.

He ran for what felt like hours before he finally stopped.

"Какие …. Черт .... Был …. Что?",(What …. The ….. Fuck …. Was …. That?), Sergei gasped.

He leaned against a tree to catch his breath and then decided to check if he had dropped any of his gear. He left out a sigh of relief when he realized he had dropped nothing. He scanned his surroundings to see if there were any more surprises waiting for him and when he decided that all was clear he walked down a path he had found while running away from the weird mutant wood wolves. He was finally starting to relax when suddenly a loud roar from behind him scared the shit out of him, (almost literally). He turned around to find a giant lion, scorpion, hybrid thing that had fucking wings stare him down menacingly.

"Трахни меня.",(Fuck Me.), Sergei said before the beast pounced.