• Published 7th Mar 2016
  • 413 Views, 2 Comments

Our Little Comrade - treresident

Sergei was just your average person who want to have fun and serve his country. Little did he know he would wind up in a world full of friendship, magic, and talking ponies. They didn't tell him about this kinda stuff when he signed up.

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Ch 4 Since When Can Horses Talk?

“Uh, my head; need to remember to never go drinking with Nikolai again.” Sergei groaned in Russian.

“Oh my, you’re awake; how are you feeling?” asked a meek voice from somewhere to his immediate right in English.

Sergei’s eyes immediately shot open and searched to find the voice, when he gazed at the owner of the voice Sergei noticed it was the same horse from before when he passed out; said owner let out a meager “eep” and quickly hid behind her mane.

Sergei attempted to get up but immediately regretted that action if his pained hiss was any indication. When the horse heard his hiss of pain form his actions she quickly came out of her mane and rushed to his bedside to check if he was alright. Said action startled the man and he quickly fell out of the bed aggravating his injuries further.

“FUCK!!!”, Sergei screamed in Russian as he tried to clutch at his right shoulder. The horse came rushing over again to try to provide aid and calm the man down. “Please sir you need to calm down or you will hurt yourself ev-“

“Don’t take one more step!!” he yelled at the horse in broken English.

She being startled by his voice complied and flared her wings out in surprise. Sergei being completely taken by the fact she has wings stared at the offending appendages with mouth agape. The horse, noticing where he was staring, bashfully tucked her wings back into her sides. Noticing he was still staring she cleared her throat to try and gain his attention. Meanwhile Sergei finally started to notice her appearance, ‘Its yellow, has a pink hair color, resembles a horse, has wings, and can talk. What the fuck happened to me to get me stuck here. Am I just hallucinating in some morphine induced coma or is this real?’ Sergei thought.

Seeing that she hadn’t gained his attention she cleared her throat a little louder this time. This caught Sergei’s attention as he was drawn back to the horse.

“Stay away weird flying horse thing, I no want trouble!” Sergei said fearfully

The ‘Weird Flying Horse Thing’ flinched at his words but let the words slide and calmly explained, “I’m a Pony not a ‘Weird Flying Horse Thing’ and my name is Fluttershy. What’s yours’?”

Sergei, a bit put off by the fact that what he can now identify as a ‘Pony’ just spoke to him in perfect albeit quiet and mumbled English and asked him for his name; didn’t answer right away but after he realized she had just asked him a question he replied.

“Sergei, name is Sergei.”

“Well hello Sergei. It’s nice to formally meet you. Can I ask how you got hurt so badly?”

Again Sergei had a lapse in thought because of the fact he is now having a conversation with a talking ‘Pony’ but after a little awkward silence and a glance at himself and his fucked up but patched up state he decided if she was kind enough to help him out the least he could do was humor her. So, he told her of his tale from the forest. He decided to leave out the whole being from what seemed a whole other planet for the sake of her and his own sanity.

After about 15 mins of story telling his dislocated right shoulder started throbbing again from the loss of adrenaline running through his veins and he let out a painful hiss. She took notice to this and proceeds to rush to his side. After the pain starts to turn into dull aches takes a look at himself again with a closer look.

His right shoulder is still dislocated, his left shoulder is patched up and the bleeding has stopped but there is still a hole in it. He also notices the numerous cuts and scratches on his bare skin.

‘Wait, bare skin?’ He looks to himself and sees that he has been naked this whole time and has been basically presenting himself to the pony for at least 30 mins.

“Where are clothes?” He asks in a icey tone that could chill the hottest of fires.

Hearing his tone she only whimpers, and hides behind her mane while she starts to tremble.

Sergei seeing what he has done tones it down a bit and proceeds to ask again in a much calmer tone, “I sorry for tone but where are clothes? I need to cover self-up.”

Fluttershy still a little shaken from his tone earlier only points to the night stand next to the bed where his clothes are neatly folded. Sergei takes notice and tries to get up but the pain from both of his shoulders can’t manage. He tries a few more times but after the third attempt just slumps down and puts his back against the wall with a defeated look on his face.

She sees his expression and decides to help him out of pity. She walks around to the other side of the bed past Sergei to the nightstand and grabs his clothes with her mouth. She had washed them earlier but they are still scratched up and full of holes that she just can’t patch up herself. She deposits the clothes in front of Sergei who was watching her with slight curiosity the whole time and then backs up to give him some space.

Sergei gives her a warm smile in thanks and scooches the clothes closer to him with his foot. He goes to try and put on his underpants and realizes he can’t because of his dislocated shoulder and his hole in the other one, both wounds practically crippling both arms.

He looks to his dislocated arm and decides that he should try and put it back into place so he can gain one of his arms back.

He asks her, “Could you help with right arm?”, while looking to his arm for emphasis on which one he wants help with.

“Oh, yea I could try but I don’t know what I am supposed to do seeing as I know nothing of your anatomy.” She says meekly.

“Is okay, I tell you what you do.”


Sergei proceeds to lie flat on his back and says, “Okay, first you grab arm away from body at 90 degree angle, then slowly but firmly pull on arm. Should fix shoulder.”

She nods and is about to start to do as instructed but Sergei proceeds to stop her and ask for something to bite down on. She complies and gives him what looks like a dogs chew toy.

‘This is just fucking terrific, I feel like some god damn animal’ Sergei monologues in his head as he proceeds to glare at and eventually bite down on the degrading toy. He then nods for her to pull his shoulder back into place.

She grabs his arm and proceeds to pull it, Sergei for his part is in great pain but after a little bit his shoulder is pulled back into place and the immediate pain dulls down into a slow ache. He spits the chew toy out and gives a sigh of relief, before promptly falling unconscious due to the pain and exhaustion.

“Oh my, that must have taken a lot out of him but at least his shoulder looks fine now, but I really should get him back into the bed.”

She then proceeds to nose under his back and then pushes far enough to get him on her shoulders. As she lifts him up she strains at his weight but it does not stop her (She wrestles bears for Christ’s sake!!) and she picks him up and then proceeds to carry him over to the bed. She sets him on the bed and then covers him up again with the blankets.

“Whew, that was a doosey, but everything is alright now we just need to wait for Twilight to come back and we can get to work on fixing the rest of you up.” She says to the unresponsive Russian.
Immediately after she says that knocking can be heard coming from down stairs.
“Well speaking of Twilight.”

The door can be heard opening up down stairs and two sets of hooves can be heard coming in.

“Hey Fluttershy, I’m back and I brought Princess Celestia with me as well!”

Author's Note:

So, what's up? Yea I haven't done much writing for this because I haven't really found any way to continue the story until now. So sorry about that.:ajsleepy:

Now with life throwing me a curve ball and all I have no idea when the next update will be. (hopefully before next year this time), but don't worry this story won't die, my pride won't allow that to happen. I'll try and get the next chapter out some time next month.

Hope you guys had a happy holidays and hears to an even better year. (16 days too late to say that) :facehoof:

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