• Published 7th Mar 2016
  • 416 Views, 2 Comments

Our Little Comrade - treresident

Sergei was just your average person who want to have fun and serve his country. Little did he know he would wind up in a world full of friendship, magic, and talking ponies. They didn't tell him about this kinda stuff when he signed up.

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Ch 3 He Needs Help

Author's Note:

Hello here is the third chapter of Our Little Comrade.
No Russian here this time, so I can't accidentally offend anyone this chapter. I hope.
Anyway constructive criticism is appreciated as it can only help me in the long run.
I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the story. Peace:twilightsmile:

Fluttershy woke up today feeling great. She was ready for whatever the day was going to throw at her at least she hoped she was ready. She got up out of bed and went down stairs to make angel bunny his meal for breakfast.

“So my little angel bunny what do you want for breakfast?” she said in a babyish voice

Angel for his part glared at her for her voice and then proceeded to pull out a book opened up to a page with a very complicated looking salad as a picture and proceeded to point at it while thumping his foot down and giving her that same glare.

“Really? You want that salad again? But you know how hard it was for me to get the cherry on top last time don’t you?” she asked angel.

If anything his glare got even worse and then proceeded to poke the picture with his little arm repeatedly until Fluttershy finally sighed and took the book away from the little rascal.

“Fine, Fine, I will make you that salad but I will have to feed the others first and then have to go into town to pick up the supplies so you’ll just have to wait mister.” Fluttershy said with a hint of annoyance at the end of it.

Angel was tempted to go into a tantrum but the look he got from Fluttershy stopped him dead in his tracks. So instead he gulped nervously and nodded.

“Good, now would you be a dear and wake up the others while I get breakfast prepared?”

Angel gave a cute little *Hmph* and hopped off to wake the others while Fluttershy proceeded to make breakfast for the others.

She finally finished with making breakfast for all the animals around noon. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with a foreleg just before Mr. Bear could pick her up and give her a bear hug to show her his thanks.

“Your welcome Mr. Bear, now go run off and have some fun I still got to go to town and get the ingredients to make Angel Bunny’s breakfast” Fluttershy looked at the clock “ Or should I say lunch” Fluttershy giggled.

Mr. Bear gave a growl in reply and left through the back door. Just a Fluttershy was finishing cleaning the dishes, she heard a knock at the front door.

‘I wonder who that could be’ she thought.

She went to the window out front to see if she could see anypony out front but didn’t see anything let alone anypony. She still felt like she should respond to see if maybe she just can’t see them behind the door.

“Hello, Who’s there?” she said

After a couple of seconds a voice with a heavy accent and some pain answered back.

“Yes, hello, I need help, shoulders are hurt badly, can barely stand.”

Fluttershy gasped, this stallion from how deep his voice was, sounded hurt. She immediately swung the door open and began to say. “Dear Celestia, you sound hurt here let …. me ….help ….you.” before she trailed off when she got a good look at him.

He was a tall bipedal creature, at least 6ft tall, with a light brown mane and small blue eyes. He was wearing some weird looking black clothing that covered the rest of him but what she noticed was the blood oozing out of his left shoulder and his right foreleg?, was in a make shift sling using the strap of his club like thing. She then proceeded to look back at his eyes and they just like hers were wide with astonishment. He then proceeded to faint and fall face first right into her doorway.

Fluttershy chuckled nervously and said, “Oh my usually I’m the one to faint in these situations.”

She decided that since it was him that was talking through the door that at least he is sentient and not just some wounded animal that would attack her as soon as he got up, so she decided to bring him in and patch him up the best she could and then go and find Twilight to see what she should do. She put him on the couch downstairs while she shooed her animal friends away from him.She tried to take off his clothing to get a better look at his injures but with her hooves and teeth, (and lack of knowledge on how to take off his tactical vest) she decided to just rip open the cloth of his shirt to get to the wound. She ripped it then proceeded to examine finding that the wound only went about ¾ of an inch deep but she could see the sweat and grime sitting in the wound. She needed to get some disinfectant to make sure he doesn’t get an infection.

She went upstairs to get her first aid kitin the bathroom. She came back down to see Angel Bunny standing on him and repeated jumping up and down on the man’s chest while he himself had a pained grimace on his face. Fluttershy rushed over and picked up Angel Bunny and set him on the floor.

“Angel that is not the way to treat an injured guest in our home. I expected more from you, can’t you see how much pain he is in?” she scolded the little bunny.

For his part Angel’s ears folded down as he looked down to the ground in shame. Fluttershy’s expression lightened and rubbed the bunny atop his head with the back of her hoof.

“It’s ok Angel, I forgive you, just be more thoughtful next time ok.”

The rabbit nodded and hopped off to the kitchen while Fluttershy walked up to the man and proceeded to open up the first aid kit. She took out a little rag damp with water and clean out the dirt and grime as best as she could. She then took out the disinfectant and proceeded to shake the spray bottle as inscribed on the bottle.

“This may sting a little bit ok, I’m sorry.” She whispered in the unconscious man’s ear.

She proceeded to spray into the open wound and she could hear the man hiss in pain.

“Shhhhh, it’s ok, you’re going to be fine.” She whispered in his ear.

The man seemed to visibly relax after that statement . After she had applied the disinfectant, she then applied gauze into the open wound to stop the bleeding and wrapped his shoulder in bandages to keep the gauze in place. She then noticed that his right shoulder is set oddly compared to how his left shoulder is and it seemed to be out of place.

She knew nothing about his anatomy or even that of a minotaur which he sort of resembles but she could tell something was wrong with that shoulder but there was nothing she could do without the risk of hurting him. She watched him for a couple of more minutes to make sure he wouldn’t wake up so suddenly but then decided she should go and get Twilight to see if she knows anything about this creature and see if she can help him.

She got up and went to the door, she opened it but before she walked out she checked to make sure that he was still sleeping.

“Don’t worry I’ll be back with help and get you the proper care you need, I promise.” She said with determination.

Due to being unconscious still, the man did not reply. She closed the door behind her and rushed to Twilight’s castle. She flew past ponies left and right and didn’t even give a reply when they would wave or say hello, she had more important matter to tend to at the moment. She burst through the doors of the castle and went straight to the cutie map room to see spike lazing about in Twilight’s chair.

She rushed up to spike and started to shake him asking him over and over again where Twilight was.

Spike for his part gave a confused and startled yelp when Fluttershy made contact with him. He couldn’t understand a single word that was he was being told due to the fact that she was speaking to incoherently and the fact that she hadn’t stopped shaking him. Twilight came into the room and saw what was going on and raised a brow in confusion. Fluttershy didn’t hear or see her come in so when Twilight used her magic to pull her off of spike she gave a cute *eep* sound when she was brought over in front of Twilight.

“Fluttershy what has gotten into you? Rushing through town like a thestral out of Tartarus, scaring everypony and then coming in and shaking spike like a madmare.” Twilight said

Fluttershy gave a sheepish smile while she looked away and blushed in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry Twilight but this afternoon a strange creature came up to my cottage injured and asked for help and I didn’t know what to do since I never seen anything like him ever. I brought him into my home and patched up the hole in his left shoulder the best I could but it’s not perfect and his right shoulder looks out of place too since he was carrying it in a makeshift sling.” Fluttershy said in a worried and panicked tone. She was on the verge of a panic attack until Twilight draped a wing over her withers and nuzzled her.

“Hey, hey, It’s alright, you did the right thing by helping him as much as you can and then coming to me. Is he still at your cottage?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded in response.

“Well let’s go there and help the poor thing, besides if it is truly a creature that you don’t even know about I would love to see it firsthoof.” Twilight said

“He, he is male.” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Hmm? How do you know?”

“Well, when he talked to me through the door he had a masculine voice and a heavy accent so that means he’s not from around here either.”

“Well duh, he’s not from around here, but the fact that he talked is even more intriguing, a new sentient creature on Equis. Hmm?” Twilight said.

“Well to save time by not going through town and as not to alarm the citizens of Ponyville, I’m going to teleport us to your house is that alright?”

Fluttershy nodded weakly.

“Ok on three…. One……Two……..THREE!”

There was a loud pop and then Spike was left there standing alone on Twilight’s chair. He finally got his eyes to stop spinning from being shaken by Fluttershy.

“Geez, that’s the last time I take a nap in Twilights chair.” He grumbled to no one in particular.

Back at Fluttershy’s cottage there was a large flash of light and then a loud pop as the two ponies landed in Fluttershy’s living room. Twilight after regaining her since of direction looked over to Fluttershy who was still trying to get over her vertigo. She shook her head and chuckled to her friends chagrin, then scanned the room for the creature. She didn’t have to look to far because he was laying there on the couch unconscious. She was perplexed to say the least, this creature has tall and bipedal like a minotaur but he didn’t have horns or hooves like a minotaur and wasn’t built like one either.

“Hmm, so is this the creature you were talking about earlier?” she asked Fluttershy.

“W-What, Oh, OH! Yes that is him Twilight.” Fluttershy said after she got rid of her dizzy spells.

‘Fascinating’, Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight walked up to the unconscious man and examined him further. He had a light brown short well-kept mane, no fur on his face, and was wearing some weird looking clothing on. He had a vest of some type that had a lot of pockets filled with various equipment she had no clue on. Under that he had a black shirt of some kind of material that was stained on his left side due to the injury in his shoulder. She could she what Fluttershy had said earlier about how his right shoulder looks different than his left and the detail that he was in a sling also states that’s not supposed to look like that.

“I wanted to take off his clothes to see if he has any other injuries I need to be worried about but with my hooves and the fact I don’t really know how to take his clothes off stopped me from doing so.” Fluttershy said when she was next to Twilight.

Twilight was startled by this because she all but forgot about Fluttershy being there, but came to her senses quickly when she got the hint Fluttershy left her.

“Ok I will go ahead and use my magic to take off his clothes so that we can better assess his injuries.” Twilight said.

Twilight’s horn glowed a magenta type color and in an instant his clothes were off him and neatly folded on the coffee table. Twilight looked over him carefully to make sure she didn’t make his already apparent injuries worse and then proceeded to look over the rest of him. She took notice of some scarring on his chest of what looks like multiple slash wounds and a puncture wound on his right shoulder that look to have been healed for a decent amount of time. She also saw that his right shoulder did not look right at all. She then gazed lower on his person until she got to his crotch.

Her eyes immediately shot open and her pupils dilated when she realized what she saw. She immediately conjured up a towel with her magic and covered his crotch.

“Well, we definite know that he is a male now.” Twilight said with a blush showing up through her fur.

She turned to look at Fluttershy who had her face hidden behind her mane, but twilight could still see the huge blush on her face.