• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 2,292 Views, 59 Comments

Unicornia - Yukito

Equestria is under threat by a terrorist group that seeks to return things to the old days. To the days that the three tribes ruled the country, not the alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Outside the castle's walls, the battle raged inside the city as both sides rallied behind their leaders. Luna had successfully driven the rebels back, forcing most of them to defend the gates of the city or to take refuge at the docks. Unfortunately, the captured Princess Cadance forced the Royal Guard to ease their attacks, giving Unicornia the time that it needed to regroup and ready itself for the next attacks.

Celestia could not even concern herself with the events happening outside, instead running through the castle as fast as her legs would allow her to. She needed to find one of her generals, or perhaps even a captain, and she needed to be sure that they were versed in magic. She knew that Platinum could not be defeated by a pegasus or an earth pony.

Down the hallway, she spied Shining Armor approaching with four other soldiers, all of them injured and limping, their armours torn and their weapons broken. "Princess Celestia?" Shining Armor asked, gasping as he noticed the ring around her horn. "What happened to you?"

Celestia bit her lip. In his current state, Shining Armor would not be able to defeat Platinum. But maybe he could still-

"Aunt Celestia!" Celestia turned around. Blueblood ran upto her in a frenzy, his face twisted in fear and his chest heaving as he slowed to a walk. "Auntie, thank goodness I found you! It is too dangerous here! We must-"

Celestia used her magic to grab Shining Armor's sword – or what remained of it – and slashed at her nephew, forcing him to jump back with a start. The soldiers behind her simply gaped at what they had just witnessed.

"A-Auntie, what are you doing?!" Blueblood screamed.

"Do not think I would be fooled so easily," Celestia said with a scowl, her breathing picking up as she raised the sword into a defensive stance. "The idea that my nephew would not have already found a safe location during a time of crisis is laughable. There's most certainly no way that he would be travelling alone, or be in the castle."

The stallion chuckled softly, his horn lighting up before green flames surrounded his body. "Oh, is that so? So your nephew is a worthless coward who would abandon his country in its time of need?" Platinum took the form of Sunset Shimmer once more, grinning at the terrified looks on the soldiers' faces.

"I never said that," Celestia countered, wincing as the sword in her hold lowered. She raised it back up and said, "My nephew, Prince Blueblood, is as loyal to myself and Equestria as they come, but he is also a coward. Therefore, his first priority would be to safeguard himself… before offering whatever help he can over the radio."

"Captain Armor, what is your status?!"

Shining Armor turned to the stallion besides him, who was carrying a portable radio on his back. The stallion lay the device down and allowed the captain to operate it with his magic. "Prince Blueblood? I'm currently escorting injured troops to the infirmary!"

"The rebels have your wife at the airship docks! Princess Luna is unable to proceed without your word, or it may start a civil conflict with the Crystal Empire!"

Shining Armor's legs shook, and his head snapped to the nearest window, where he looked out into the distance, staring at the airships battling each other in the distance. "T-Tell her to hold on! I'll be right there!"

"I don't think so," Platinum said, drawing her sword and pointing it at Shining Armor. The soldiers charged her, but her magic pushed them back easily, dropping three of them to their knees and the other two – Shining Armor included – were pushed against a wall.

Her eyes turned to Celestia, who was still holding that sword, though barely. Celestia swung, and Platinum parried, countering with a thrust that Celestia dodged. Platinum cast a spell to distort the air around Celestia's ears, swaying her balance and distracting the princess from another attack.

Celestia cast a spell to reverse the effect, though doing so caused her to almost drop her sword. She managed to recover just-in-time to push Platinum's sword aside, trading a lethal blow for one along her shoulder.

"I'm impressed that you can still use magic, considering that that ring is supposed to negate it completely. But, it seems that that's all you can manage, Princess."

Shining Armor and his comrades recovered their spears and quickly formed a wall before the princess. "Princess Celestia, please get out of here. We will handle this threat."

"No, Captain Armor," Celestia said with a solemn shake of her head, her breath reduced to steady pants as her sword dangled in her trembling magic. "This is not a foe that you can face in your current conditions."

"She's right," Platinum agreed. "Even with five of you, you would only delay me for a mere ten seconds, at best."

"Prince Blueblood, send reinforcements to the eastern section of the castle right away!" Celestia ordered.

"We are stretched thin as it is, but I'll see who is available."

Platinum simply laughed. "Call whoever you want. Once I kill Celestia, your troops will fall into chaos, and my troops will be fired up!"

"I… wouldn't count on… that…"

Platinum turned around, a look of shock covering her features as she watched Trixie Lulamoon approaching her. Bandages covered her wound, though blood seeped out, proving that the injury did indeed exist. She looked like a corpse that had gotten up and started walking; her face was pale, her features were twisted in pain, and she was holding herself together as though she would otherwise fall apart.

"Hmph. Persistent, aren't we? How are you still alive, exactly?"

"Because I am the Great… and Powerful…"

"It is because my soldiers responded to my call for aide," Celestia explained.

"I was getting to that!"

"Even with my magic sealed as it is, I was still able to get a message for medical troops to go to the throne room. That was why I left, Queen Platinum – not to save myself, but to save them."

Platinum laughed. "Well, it seems your charity was wasted. It's too late to be beg for mercy, Trixie. Your traitorous actions have cemented your death, and once this battle is won, the war will start!" Platinum turned to face Celestia. "I will lead this country to battle against your kind! Even if it takes thousands of lives, your race will fall, Celestia!"

"I won't let you do that!" Trixie shouted, before clutching her side and groaning.

"And what can you do? Your wounds have been treated, but you're still in no condition to fight, Trixie Lulamoon."

"Don't… intend to…" Trixie winced as she removed her hat and used her magic to pull something out. Platinum watched with curiosity as Trixie aimed several fireworks out of the windows to her side and fired them. Trixie grinned, though Platinum did not understand why.

"What was that?" she asked. "What did you do?!"

"It's… the signal to retreat…" Trixie laughed as she watched Platinum's eyes widen. "Oh yeah… Upon seeing that signal, Robin and Oasis will have all forces withdraw… without question… They will assume the worst and prioritise escape…"


Trixie coughed, forcing herself to stay standing as she stared Platinum down. "Go ahead and kill Celestia. Without any backup, though, you'll never leave this place alive."

"Why was I not informed?" Platinum demanded through gritted teeth. "I was not given this signal to retreat!"

"Heh. I guess Robin trusted me more. He must've seen what you really were – a mare green with envy and blinded by her desire for revenge."

"Cancel the order!" Platinum stomped a hoof. "Tell them to come back!"

"Sorry, but Trixie doesn't have a firework for that. Even if she did… you're not my queen. You're not anypony's queen."

"I am the queen that founded this country! I am the saviour that stood up the alicorn menace, and I am your ruler!"

Trixie glared daggers into Platinum's eyes. "You are a dead queen with no troops to lead and a grudge that will be your downfall. Trixie's been there before, and that's why she can tell you right now: you will always lose."

Platinum drew her sword and charged, roaring as she closed the gap between herself and Trixie. "You insult your queen, and think you will live to regret it?! DIE, TRIXIE LULAMOON!"

Shining Armor tried to catch the mare, but his injuries had made him too slow. He could only watch as Platinum leaped towards Trixie, who was frozen by fear.

Trixie's life flashed before her eyes, and just as it was over, a grey hoof filled her vision, colliding with Platinum's face and pushing the other mare onto her back, her sword flying out of a nearby window.

Maud Pie crouched and held Trixie in her forelegs, glaring as the downed Platinum rose to her hooves. "Stay away from her, or I will show you how dangerous a rock farmer can be.

"GAH! How dare you-" Platinum was interrupted by the sounds of hoofsteps behind herself, and she turned around to find the Royal Guard soldiers slowly approaching. She channelled magic into her horn, and they stopped, eyeing her cautiously.

Trixie stared up at Maud in awe, and confusion. "How did you… find me?"

"I will always find you," Maud replied, not taking her eyes off of Platinum.

"Princess! The enemy is retreating!" Blueblood reported over the radio. "Should we pursue them?"

"And Cadance?"

"She has been returned to us."

"Then tell all forces to ceasefire and return to the castle," Celestia ordered. "We will let them go. Make no attempts to follow them."

"… If you say so, though I feel we are missing a golden chance."

"Captain Armor, how long can you last?"

"Five minutes, Your Highness," Shining Armor reported. "Ten if it's important."

Celestia nodded. "Five will be fine, Captain. Soon, there will be nowhere for you to run, Queen Platinum. Please surrender now."

"Surrender?!" Platinum sneered, but considered her situation. Five armed soldiers were guarding the princess. She couldn't kill Celestia and escape on her own. "Hmph. You are lucky, Celestia, but the reaper will come for you, someday."

Green flames surrounded Platinum's body, and when they were gone, she had taken the form of a green pegasus pony. She jumped out of the window to her left and glided downwards, soaring over an army of guards that had caught her shadow and looked up.

"Blueblood, spread the word to every soldier to be on the lookout for a green pegasus mare fleeing from the castle!" Shining Armor reported through the radio. "Also report that she is a changeling, and tell the soldiers to note whatever new forms she takes!"

"Understood. I'll let everypony know."


Shining Armor turned to Trixie and Maud. The showmare's body had gone limp, and blood was seeping from her wounds at an alarming pace.

"M-Maud…" Trixie's eyes closed slowly, and the world around her grew darker as voices echoed in her mind.

"We need medical attention! Private, find a medic! Captain, remove the ring around my horn!"

"Yes, Princess!"

"Hang in there, Trixie!" Maud shouted in a pleading tone. "You'll be fiiiii-"

Trixie lost consciousness.

Maud Pie walked into the hospital room where Trixie was staying, carrying a small jar of rock candy on her back and looking over her shoulder as she held the door open. "Why did you stop?" she asked the mare standing just outside of the room. "You said that you wanted to apologise as soon you could, didn't you?"

"I know that!" Rainbow Dash said, gulping as she slowly and cautiously entered the room. "I just had to prepare myself, that's all…" Rainbow Dash looked over to the bed where Trixie lay, her guilt washing over her as it had when she had been discharged six months ago.

The doctor had told her that the sword had missed her vital organs, so she was able to leave and recovered in just a few weeks. Trixie, however, was a different story. Whilst the damage to Trixie was repaired quickly by the highly-trained medics in the Royal Guard, Trixie had pushed herself further than she should have physically been able to.

It was for that reason that the doctor suspected Trixie may never wake from her coma. It was all that he could do to keep her alive and comfortable, in the hopes that she would eventually wake-up on her own.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but grimace every time she thought about that day. She didn't remember much beyond Trixie pinning Twilight to the ground, but she had been told that a changeling had got the best of her. Of both of them.

"Hey, I thought you said I could apologise now," Rainbow Dash said as she turned to Maud. "She's still asleep. How can I do that?"

Maud walked past Rainbow Dash in silence, approaching Trixie's side and leaning in to whisper, "It's okay now, Trixie. You can get up." No response came from Trixie, so Maud added, "You won't be arrested. A new ruling has been passed that exempts you."

Trixie's ears twitched, and she slowly sat upright, stretching her hooves and yawning as Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped to the floor. "You have no idea how tiring it is to lay in one position for the better part of six months."

As Trixie rubbed her eyes, Maud smiled and placed the jar on Trixie's bedside table.

Rainbow Dash stuttered and stared at Trixie and Maud, at first confused, and then angry. "W-Wait, you mean that Trixie was awake this whole time?!" Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at Trixie. "For six months?!"

"And it was not easy," Trixie insisted, wincing and clutching her bandaged chest. "Ugh! N-Not exercising this entire time has not helped Trixie's wounded area to get better."

"Are you crazy?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Who does that?!"

"Well it's not like Trixie had much choice," Trixie explained. "If Trixie was not in a coma, she would have been sent to jail. Trixie did not want that. Though she was hoping that her hospital room would be closer to the ground… and less-guarded." Trixie turned to Maud with a curious gaze. "You knew this whole time?"

Maud nodded, a blush crossing her face. "Of course I knew. It's you, after all. I can tell when you're faking."

"Trixie will just let that one slide."

"B-But the doctor said-" Rainbow Dash began.

Trixie waved a hoof dismissively. "Please. That quack couldn't possibly see through Trixie's act, and it's not like medicine can peer into a pony's mind. Only magic could have seen the truth, but that type of magic is forbidden."

Luna felt a shiver down her spine, and looked around her bedroom cautiously. "Why do I suddenly feel uncomfortable?"

"So, what's this about Trixie not being arrested anymore?" Trixie asked, though instead of the answer she desired, she received a slap from Rainbow Dash's forehoof. Upon recovering from her shock, Trixie turned to the pegasus with a look of rage. "W-What was that for?!"

"I thought you were in a coma all this time! Do you have any idea how much I was blaming myself for the condition you were in?!"

"That is hardly Trixie's fault! She couldn't just tell you that she was fine!"

"I was gonna apologise, but you can forget it!"

The two mares huffed and averted their eyes from each other, whilst Maud simply waited for Trixie to stop fuming so that she could speak. When it seemed that Trixie was as calm as she was going to be, she said, "Unicornia had been officially disbanded… and then reformed as a political party."

Trixie's rage drained away in an instant, and she turned to Maud with a curious gaze. "Wait, what?"

"After their defeat in Canterlot, and losing two of their remaining leaders in one battle, morale dropped severely," Rainbow Dash explained. "Unicornia was dead, but Cadance convinced Celestia to start talks with Robin and Oasis to properly resolve the situation."

"It's taken several months," Maud continued, "But finally, a vote was passed yesterday that absolved all members of Unicornia for their actions during their attacks. Celestia claimed that the changeling who injured you had played the entire group, driving them to such violent acts."

Trixie gasped. "That's right, Platinum! What happened to her?!"

"'Platinum'?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. She turned to Maud, who simply shrugged in response.

"She means the changeling that had brainwashed many of our members." The group turned to the door, where Robin Hood and Oasis were standing. "I see that the patient is awake. That is good," Robin said.

"'Brainwashed'?" Trixie asked.

Robin raised a hoof to his nose. "That's the official statement. By passing off blame onto the changeling, and claiming that this was part of a much larger changeling conspiracy, ponies will be more willing to pardon our actions."

"I feel sorry for her," Oasis said, "And I still find it hard to believe that Sunset Shimmer was really a changeling all along. But as your friends have said, Unicornia is weak right now, and the only way we could save our members is to allow Celestia to exaggerate the situation."

Trixie frowned. "Well, it's a distortion of the truth, but an exaggeration? That crazy mare was willing to send an entire country to its death for her revenge!" Trixie sighed and slumped back into her bed. "Though Trixie can't really blame her too much, considering she herself did the same thing, once…"

"But you beat it," Oasis said.

"Only because Trixie didn't have power, and when she did, she used it."

"But that was the amulet's influence," Maud chimed in.

"Was it? How much of Trixie's actions were truly beyond her control?" Trixie shook her head. "It doesn’t matter. Trixie learned the hard way that revenge will only get you so far. Letting it go too far will just leave you worse than you started… It's a shame that Platinum never learned that lesson for herself. Even though she was posing as somepony else, she was still my friend…"

"Well, she's currently locked behind a cell in Canterlot," Robin Hood said. "Maybe one day, she'll come to the same conclusion you have. Anyway, Oasis and I came here to see if you were awake, because we have an offer for you."

"The other purpose of our talks with the princesses, as well as their willingness to pardon our actions, is because they wanted to join with us, rather than fight against us," Oasis explained. "Or to be more specific, Celestia herself wanted to."

"She did?" Trixie asked. "Why the sudden change-of-heart?"

"We may have failed our original objective," Robin Hood started, "But our actions opened Celestia's eyes to the fact that her eyes can only see so much of Equestria, and that she is unable to help them all on her own.

"It's not just her, either. Our message was spread far-and-wide, and ponies all over Equestria started to ask questions, and general awareness has spread. There's also a matter of the country's security…"

"Yeah, remind me to thank you guys for that," Spitifre said as she walked into the room, glaring at Robin and Oasis. "Because of your little siege on Canterlot, ponies are now sayin' the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts are out-of-shape!"

"Well it's true," Robin Hood said, challenging Spitfire's gaze.

Oasis stepped between the two quickly. "What he means is that the peace Equestria has endured-"

"Save it. I get what you're sayin'." Spitfire sighed, reaching a hoof up to scratch the back of her neck. "Truth-be-told, I guess the Wonderbolts have been focussed more on showboating than on military training in recent years.

"That's why we're now introducing a new training regiment to strengthen our troops." Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash, and added, "I've been lookin' for you, Dash. You're coming along, too."

Rainbow's ears folded against the sides of her head. "What? When?"

"Three days, and it'll last for four months."


"Pack your things and say your goodbyes," Spitfire continued. "Report to the Wonderbolt Academy at dawn this Saturday, or we'll leave without ya."

Rainbow Dash groaned, but nodded her head regardless.

Trixie turned to Spitfire, wincing as she saw the Wonderbolt's eyes turning towards her. "Uh, no hard feelings, right?"

"… I guess I can let you off the hook, since your stupidity almost got ya killed," Spitfire responded. "Wouldn't really be cool to kick you right now, anyway."

"So," Oasis began, turning back to Trixie, "Would you like to come back to Unicornia? Our objectives will be the same, but our methods will differ."

"Essentially, Celestia has revived the three tribes – Earth, Pegasopolis, and Unicornia – as separate parties, each one represented by common ponies of their tribes, that will have their says on how the country is run. From now on, it won't just be the rich and the nobility that decide how things are run."

"That sounds interesting, but it does not sound like Trixie's thing," Trixie said, shaking her head slowly. She clutched her chest – though the wound had been healed, she could still feel it burning… though that may partially have been due to her not having gotten out of her bed for six months. "Trixie thinks it is time to stop this whole 'changing the country' thing now. After all, the two of you seem to have it under control…"

Trixie turned to Maud Pie. "And Trixie would also like to start performing again. To restart her travelling performance." She gave the farmer a smile, who returned it in her own, barely-visible way. Trixie then sighed. "Though that'll likely be very difficult, and recent events won't exactly do much to bolster Trixie's reputation."

"Y'know," Spitfire began, drawing Trixie's attention, "The Wonderbolts and their cadets will need something to keep 'em entertained these next four months. They won't be returning home for the entire trip, after all. And your magic could be a great way to test their reflexes and perception abilities."

Trixie gasped, leaning forwards in her bed. She quickly lowered her excitement, giving a neutral stare as she asked, "Are you offering Trixie a job?"

"If you think you can keep up."

Trixie grinned. "Well it's not the grand audience that Trixie deserves, but it is a start. Though Trixie thinks maybe she could use an assistant to help her put her show back together. Somepony smart, talented, and beautiful." Trixie turned to Maud, who nodded her head. "Know anypony like that?"

Maud brought her hoof down on Trixie's head. "Awww, you are so cute when you're mad, Maud."

Maud turned and brought her hoof down on her sister's head, before suddenly realising that Pinkie Pie was now present in the room. "Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?"

"We all came with Dashie," Pinkie explained.

"'We'?" Trixie asked. The rest of Rainbow Dash's friends entered the room, varying faces ranging from nervous to welcoming turned towards her. Trixie frowned. "Yeah, sure. How about everypony just comes in?"

"Well, if you're inviting us," Celestia said as she entered the room with Shining Armor.


Spitfire saluted the princess. "I was just leaving, Princess!"

Celestia nodded. "Have a good day, Captain."

Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash. "Remember, we're leaving in three days." With that, she left the room.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she asked, "What did she mean by that?"

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. "Uh, well, y'see… the 'Bolts are goin' on a training trip for four months… and I'm going, too."

Pinkie Pie gasped, grabbing her friend in a huge hug and lifting her into the air. "Noooooo! You can't leave us agaaaaaaain!"

"P-Pinkie! Stop! Too tight!"

Twilight used her magic to separate the two before Rainbow Dash's skin could turn too purple. She and her friends approached Pinkie Pie, attempting to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Shining Armor approached Trixie. Trixie grinned sheepishly as she shrank back in her bed. "E-Eheh… No hard feelings, right?"

"… It was rather frustrating to have my magic limited like that," Celestia began, causing Trixie to gulp and sweat heavily. "But in the end, you saved my life… Thank you, Trixie Lulamoon."

"… Well, just so we're clear, Trixie wasn't defending you," Trixie clarified. "Trixie was defending everypony else, from that crazed mare."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, I understand."

"That said, Trixie will remember this moment and brag about it endlessly from this day onwards."

Shining Armor chuckled. "So, I guess that means you're taking your show back on the road?"

"I am, yes."

Shining Armor saluted. "Well, for what it is worth, you were a good soldier, Trixie. Should you ever wish to change your career, I could put in a good word for you."

"Thank you, but Trixie is done with all that, to be honest." Trixie turned back to Maud, smiling as the sun's light shone through the window behind her. "Politics, revenge, fighting… Trixie wants to let go of all that and focus more on what's really important."

Maud stepped forwards and took Trixie's hoof. Celestia and Shining Armor exchanged warm glances, before turning to leave. "Your deeds will not soon be forgotten, Trixie… both your good, and your bad. But you have friends, and ponies that love you. Remember that, and your future can still be in your hooves.

"I, too, will also make an effort, to be the leader that I should have been all this time. Ruling this country is not enough; I must also rule its citizens' hearts."

There was no way for Platinum to tell the time, from her lone cell, deep beneath Canterlot's surface. There were no windows, no clocks, no hourglasses or watches…

The only things that Platinum had around her were the cushioned furniture, the warm blankets, the fine cuisine that was served to her daily, the fresh water kept in cooled containers, and a vast library of book to keep her entertained.

One could hardly argue that it was a prison, but the ring around her horn to prevent her from using magic, and locking her in the last form she had assumed – that of Twilight Sparkle, in an attempt to distract the Royal Guard – for the rest of her life.

Light filled the room as a door opened, and the guard watching over her saluted, before leaving. Celestia took his place. She frowned as she looked at the state of her cell. Cushions had been torn again, food was only half-eaten, the books had gathered dust, and Platinum herself seem dehydrated. She was drinking, but barely.

"Please, Queen Platinum, have you not suffered enough?"

Platinum raised her head, glaring into Celestia's eyes. In a dried, husky voice, she said, "Release me, and I shall drink."

"Have you reconsidered my offer to join the new Unicornia?"

"… I will never join you, Celestia. The one who killed Chancellor Puddinghead… and my brother…"

Celestia narrowed her eyes. "Queen Platinum, the one that killed the chancellor was you."

Platinum leapt forth, startling Celestia as she clutched the bars of her cell. "You killed him, Celestia. You turned him against me, forced him to confront me! You tore us apart and made us enemies!"

Celestia lowered her head. "… I'm sorry," she whispered, turning to leave. "If you will not join me, then please, at least accept my mercy. I have gone to great lengths to ensure that your sentence be as comfortable as possible-"

"I will accept no favours from you, or from any alicorn!" Platinum followed Celestia as far as she could, and when the princess left her vision, she reached her forehooves through the bars as far as she could. "You'll never break me. No matter how long it takes, I will be free, and I will have my revenge, Celestia! No matter how many years, I will see you and your kind burn!"

"You will burn, Celestia!"

As the door to the dungeon closed, shutting out Platinum's manic screams, Celestia sighed. She ascended the long staircase, returning to the decorated halls of the castle. She reached a hoof to her eye, but found no tears. "… Have I really lived so long that I can no longer spare even a tear for my best friend?"

"Princess Celestia," Robin Hood said, drawing Celestia's attention. "Are you sure that keeping her alive is wise? There is great concern between those who know of her and they're questioning your decision-"

"Let them," Celestia said, marching past Robin Hood, who followed after her. "I am finished appeasing only those who I see. As you say, I must make an effort to help everypony, no matter their background."

"But she tried to kill you! She wanted to run this country to its doom!"

"… I once put the entire country at risk to save my sister. How could I not do the same courtesy for my friend?" Celestia stopped, turning to Robin. "I will not deny my folly, however, that is exactly why I need the three tribes once again. From the start, I was never meant to rule this country alone; it was founded by your people, and it deserves to be returned to you."

Robin Hood folded his forelegs as he leaned against a wall. "I used to think that you were just a terrible leader, but now I see that you are just innocent and naïve… Tell me – out of personal curiosity – are you considered a child to your people?"

"I wouldn't know," Celestia said with a smile. "I never got along with other alicorns. I often kept to myself, and never took too much interest in our culture."

"So, what will we do about the nobles that have gone into hiding? There are rumours that they are collaborating with rouge griffon factions."

"One problem at a time. Today's meeting is about the restructure of our military. I believe that you have been investigating corruption amongst our generals?" Robin Hood nodded. "Then I will be relying on your expertise, and hope that you will make your voice loud-and-clear."

Robin Hood saluted. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Four months passed since the day that Trixie was released from the hospital. After accepting Spitfire's offer, Trixie travelled with Maud to the site of the Wonderbolts' intense training, and performed a show that inspired the troops, and more importantly, herself.

After two weeks, Maud returned to the farm, confident that Trixie would be perfectly fine on her own. Each day that she worked, she wondered how Trixie was doing. She would receive letters, and that kept her mind at ease as she worked.

One day, though, she had not received any letter. It could have been that Trixie was too busy, or that the mailpony had simply lost it, but it was weighing on her mind for the entire day… until Trixie herself appeared before her.

"It's good to see you again, Maud," Trixie said, so casually that it almost annoyed the farmer.

Maud gently lowered her pick, approached Trixie, and then leaned forwards, smacking Trixie's shoulder with her forehead.

Trixie raised an eyebrow, not sure how to react. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"I'm mad," Maud said. "But also happy… I'm confused." Trixie chuckling made Maud blush, and she turned to head to hide her face.

Trixie's laughter stopped, and she raised a hoof to pat Maud's head. "Sorry for not writing today. Trixie wanted to surprise you."

"I was surprised." Maud pulled away and looked into Trixie's eyes. "Is the training over now?"

"It is," Trixie confirmed. "Though Trixie won't be staying for long. Those ponies were so impressed that they spread Trixie's good name far-and-wide, and already, Trixie has several requests to perform! Birthdays, cuteceñeras, parties… and one funeral. Trixie might turn that one down."

"I'm happy for you," Maud said with an even look, though her mouth had curved slightly. "Then you will be on your way soon?"

"Well, naturally," Trixie said, before averting her eyes and kicking at the ground. "But not tonight, and Trixie's trailer has this creak in it, you see, so Trixie was wondering if… perhaps you had a spare bedroom for her…"

"We don't," Maud said with a shake of her head. "But you can share mine, on one condition."

"And that is?"

"You'll have to still be there when I wake up tomorrow."

Trixie removed her hat and smiled. "I think I can do that."

And so, hoof-in-hoof, the two travelled together towards the farmhouse, ignoring the glares of Igneous Rock and the frightened looks on Marble and Limestone's faces. All that mattered at that time was that they had each other.

Their paths would not intertwine, and they would spend much time apart. But the times that they could spend together, they intended to enjoy fully, without wasting a single second.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Striker for proofreading.

Comments ( 15 )

Not gonna lie, i really did not like this story but it was not bad for what it was so I'm hit with a like.

Not the best story I have ever read but not the worse either. I think it's slightly above the mundane from the stories I usually read. Never the less it was very enjoyable so keep on the good work. :twilightsmile:

Not gonna lie, I actually feel bad for Platinum.

This needs a sequel. With Unicornia and the rest of Equestria dealing with the corrupted nobles, the Griffins and Platinum once again, with Trixie hurled back into the midst outside her control.

I really enjoyed this.


I notice you curiously avoid mentioning she has wings

- unless I missed it in a comic issue, she doesn't have wings :applejackconfused:

"It's a shame what happened to Chancellor Puddinghead. And just when I was beginning to like her, too."

Holy shit, how did this go unnoticed for so long? XDDD I was supposed to change that to Smart Cookie 'cause I decided I wanted to use Puddinghead ^_^;;

A little bit disappointing that Queen Platinum got captured off-screen. Of course, Celestia seems to be suffering from a baffling incoherence of her motives. With Luna, she got a new set of Element Bearers to purify Nightmare Moon. With Sombra, she sends Twilight along with Cadance and Shining Armor to wrestle control of the Crystal Empire away from him, trying to sent Twilight without her friends and definitely without the Elements of Harmony, and seemed to accept destroying Sombra entirely. With Queen Platinum she doesn't care to do that, and presumably if Rainbow Power works as an Element of Harmony equivalent she could get the Mane 6 to try it, but doesn't. It seems Celestia really didn't care about Sombra at all.

Smart Cookie was basically dead at the start of the story (as you noted, saying Puddinghead first was an error), and Clover makes a few mentions before finally dying in the gryphon attack. However, I don't think I recall Private Pansy ever receiving a mention.

I would have loved to at least see one call-out of Rainbow Dash's recklessness in this chapter. After all, after Spitfire's scolding Lightning Dust earlier in the story and telling her to listen to her leadpony, it would have made an interesting about-face for Lightning Dust to mention back to Spitfire just what RD's actions were that Lightning Dust supposedly should emulate.

Unicornia disbanding as a terrorist organisation and reforming as a political party still doesn't take away from the fact that there's no real mechanism to remove Celestia. She basically flat-out admitted that even if she was removed, the other alicorns would still come in and take control of Equestria, and they might not be as nice. Food for thought for Trixie if she wishes to resume her reign against the unfairness of it all later on in life.


Private Pansy had a cameo in the ursa major attack of the castle. You just probably didn't notice him because he's so shy and quiet :pinkiesmile:

Damn, I remember editing this. Loved it then, still love it. I think Celestia is being a bit too soft-hearted with Platinum. But that's me. ;) It was a pleasure and honor editing this epic for you, Yukito. :)

Holy molly, that was some story. That was amazing, top notch story. This is simply beautiful! I love every part of it. 58 upvotes though? Shame on those people who skipped this truly magnificent story. As always, good job Yukito. You never stop surprising me with mind blowing stories! Bravo!

Really enjoyed this story.
Only negatives i would mention is that given that platinum is still alive, celestia admitting she rules only to stop a worse alicorn from taking power and the fact that the other alicorns are still out there.
Platinum was right though, the alicorns took control and are still in control.
These things really seem like loose ends.

Rather liked the characterization all around, especially Celestia. As always, love your Trixie and seeing Maud continuously chasing after her was nice.

Good premise overall with a lot of nice interpretations and explanations of how canon turned out the way it did that I had not seen before.

There were a bit too many coincidences used to force the plot along, leaving an inorganic feeling that strained suspension of disbelief, but it was still entertaining.

The final boss was well foreshadowed even if it felt a bit of a copout to allow them to unite against a common enemy so that they were no longer fighting and their differences were resolved.

Surprisingly good use of OCs, seeing them all pop up at the beginning was a bit offputting but you executed them well with many playing their part and getting nicely killed off.

Overall, thanks for the read.


There were a bit too many coincidences used to force the plot along, leaving an inorganic feeling that strained suspension of disbelief, but it was still entertaining.

I'm well aware ^_^;;

I had wanted the fic to be much longer (multiple stories, even) but it just wasn't happening with my current situation. The only way it ever COULD happen would be if I won the lottery and got the chance to retire XD Nah, maybe once I've got my living situation resolved and settled into a permanent job I'll have another crack at it. But yeah, this fic is HEAVILY abridged from what I originally wanted to write, meaning I had to push many things along much faster. The Genesis and Oblivion stuff especially was supposed to happen at a much nicer pace, after developing Genesis a lot more and allowing his character to shine.

The final boss was well foreshadowed even if it felt a bit of a copout to allow them to unite against a common enemy so that they were no longer fighting and their differences were resolved.

Again, the fic was originally planned to go on longer - Platinum's reveal would close the first fic, calling an end to the battle for the sake of defeating this common enemy, but Unicornia would stay strong and continue its fight under Robin's leadership.

(Spoiling on the off-chance I ever do manage to write all of this XD)

The changelings would also enter the fray, creating a sort of 'history repeats itself' moment, only this time it's Celestia's forces that falter and lose ground to Chrysalis' army, whilst Robin leads a sucsessful stealth mission and rescues many ponies that had been captured. This time it's Celestia that loses favour and Unicornia that gains more support - and when the alicorns hear news of they move to intervene.

And yes, Platinum was planned to have more time in the light, with her sanity getting less and less until eventually she goes full-circle :P

"Well, if you're inviting us," Celestia said as she entered the room with Shining Armor.

Me: *bolts out the bed and runs like Hades*

I guess I liked it. Wasn't expecting crazy bitch but eh. Celestia is still alive. I guess I can live with that and wait another day. My main problem is that she stayed in power but unicornia also Technically kinda won so yay?


I need a drink

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