• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 2,292 Views, 59 Comments

Unicornia - Yukito

Equestria is under threat by a terrorist group that seeks to return things to the old days. To the days that the three tribes ruled the country, not the alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The palace's garden was surely a sight to behold. The garden itself was indoors, protected from the harsh elements of pegasi weather outside, and fed by artificial sunlight created through magic. The room was large enough to fit perhaps the entire Unicornian population, and then some, and with the mixture of tall and thick foliage, it was entirely conceivable for one to get lost in it. Thankfully, Princesses Celestia and Luna had Queen Platinum to guide them through it.

"This garden was started by the first unicorn to wear the crown, King Orion I, to commemorate the end of a long, long war between the ponies and the Zebafrican 'witches'. Of course now we know that their 'witchcraft' was mere alchemy."

"We have encountered zebra tribes before," Celestia said, stopping for a moment to observe a field of roses that were being watered by a couple of passing gardeners. "Some were hostile, while many were peaceful and welcoming, but they all shared one trait: their connection to the planet and belief in the supernatural. They hold ceremonies to honour the 'spirits' that protect them, and combine their practice of alchemy with the occult, to give the appearance of witchery."

"Their defeat meant that we could finally start to found our new country of Unicornia, and start to use our magic to help everypony live happily," Queen Platinum continued. "It was King Orion's hope that, one day, poverty and hunger would be completely eradicated. Nopony would suffer, and nopony would want for anything. On that day, he intended to host the most magnificent gala inside this very garden."

"So you continue the tradition of tending to his garden, in the hopes that one day, his dream will become a reality?" Luna asked.

Platinum nodded, and led the two further into the garden. "More than that, though. Each generation, the new ruler is tasked with expanding the garden further. As I am now queen, it is now my turn to add to this wonderful garden."

"Transporting this garden here from your old country must have been difficult," Celestia said, glancing around and noticing many random spaces in each lot. "Which reminds me, why exactly did you move here, to this land?"

"Our old homeland had become a barren wasteland," Platinum explained. "Nothing could grow there, and the blizzards had become too fierce. This land, on the other hoof, was perfect for starting our new home. Perfect, that is, until we had discovered the Everfree Forest."

"That accursed forest," Luna mumbled. "Creatures most vile, the likes of which we wouldn't project unto our worst enemies."

"We don't want to leave this wonderful land behind, but this threat is getting worse every day." Platinum sighed. "And ponies now look to me for answers. I wasn't raised for this! I was raised to lead, to solve tough political disputes. Not to fight creatures from a land that tends to itself!"

Queen Platinum felt a hoof on her shoulder and turned around. She saw Princess Celestia smiling down at her, as she said, "You are going to be a wonderful ruler. I can feel it."

Luna nodded her head. "We agree. You careth for your subjects, and also for your father, but you don't let your kindness blind you."

"All you need is to just take a little break, and think," Celestia continued, motioning a hoof around the garden surrounding them. "This garden was not built in one day, and it seems to have stood against many trials and tribulations. But it survived, and it grew into something far greater than the seeds it once was. And so can you."

Queen Platinum smiled back. "Well, I… I certainly can't give up, now." Platinum took a step back and bowed to the two sisters. "Thank you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. I am glad that I invited you here with me today, and… I am honoured to call the two of you my friends."

"As are we," Celestia replied.

"Well then, while I think about my next move, how about the three of us get started?" Platinum asked, bringing confused looks to the two sisters' faces. "I was hoping that the two of you could help me prepare the soil for planting."

"Are you sure we are allowed?" Celestia asked. "I thought that this was meant to be a task for you to fulfil."

Queen Platinum chuckled, and responded, "Darlings… I am the current Queen of Unicornia. I make the rules."

The two sister exchanged smiles and nodded, before Luna answered, "We would love to accompany you, dear friend."

The three mares laughed and proceeded further down the garden, flagging down a couple of gardeners on the way to deliver some tools to them.

Upon her return to Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was greeted to a gathering of ponies all relieved at her safety, but also concerned about who this group calling itself 'Unicornia' was, and what the ponies in it were after. "Everypony, please," Twilight said, in an attempt to calm her friends down.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Mayor Mare asked.

"When're we gonna go after them?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, cracking her hooves with an excited grin on her face.

"How could they ruin Hearth's Warming like this?!"

"What is Princess Celestia going to do?"


"EVERYPONY, PLEASE!" Twilight repeated, this time succeeding in calming everypony down. "Now look, I know that you're all concerned about what happened in the Crystal Empire today, but let me assure you that Princess Celestia is doing everything she can to ensure the safety of everypony in Equestria! Furthermore, we can't let these ponies ruin one of the most important days of the year!"

"I agree!" Rarity spoke up, taking a stand beside Twilight Sparkle. "That is precisely what these terrorists want!"

"Right!" Twilight nodded her head. "So let's all keep our heads together and enjoy this holiday season!"

"Twilight?" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stepped through the crowd. It was Apple Bloom that had addressed the princess, following it up with, "About the Hearth's Warmin' play…"

Twilight frowned and she lowered to her knees. "I'm sorry, Apple Bloom. I know that you all did your best to practice and I really did want to see it…"

"Well, that's good!" Applejack said. "Truth is, everypony agreed ta put the play on hold, jus' for you!"

Twilight's eyes widened and she looked over the gathered crowd. "Y-You all did that? Just for me?"

"We sure did!" Applejack confirmed.

"Diamond Tiara said that she wanted you to see her performing," Filthy Rich told her as he patted his daughter's head, Diamond Tiara squirming away in the process.

"We thought that it wasn't fair for you to work on Hearth's Warming Eve," Sweetie Belle said. "You even worked so much over the past few weeks, too!"

"This play should really be more for you than anypony!" Scootaloo followed.

"To thank ya, for all that ya've done," Apple Bloom finished.

Twilight wasn't sure what she wanted to say, but whatever it was, the words had caught in her throat as a tear rolled down her face. "Everypony…" she finally got out. Wiping the tear away, Twilight smiled and said, "Alright, everypony! Let's make this the best Hearth's Warming ever!"


"How are the new recruits settling in?"

Sunset Shimmer looked up from her binder. Genesis was standing over her, an expectant look on his face, and she closed her file. "Pretty well. We've also received quite a lot of new applications, too, since King Midas gave that speech."

"Make sure they are trustworthy before bringing them here," Genesis reminded, looking past Sunset Shimmer. Below the cliff that they were standing on, many ponies were gathered before Oasis as she gave them a tour of the makeshift command centre that Unicornia had set up. "And? What of these new applicants?"

"Well, as expected, they are primarily ponies down on their luck – either in debt or born into poor families – and corrupt nobles or wealthy business ponies who feel there is some profit in it for them if we successfully take down Celestia."

Genesis grimaced. "I don't like the idea of working with those sorts of ponies, but they have connections and talents that can help us…"

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you from one of those corrupt families?"

"Yes, and that is precisely why I know just how treacherous and immoral they can be."

"It seems that there is one noble in particular who King Midas is speaking with. One with very powerful connections."

"Oh really? Who?" Genesis asked, but Sunset simply shrugged and shook her head.

"No clue. He said that this noble wants to remain anonymous, for now."

Genesis hummed, before simply dismissing the matter with a nod of his head. "I see. Do you predict enough numbers to form an army?"

"Possibly, but, there's an issue."

"Go on."

Sunset reopened her binder and studied the pages inside of it carefully. "We have ponies joining us for many different reasons, and they're all bringing skills that we can use. Nobles and business leaders that can strategise and handle our budget. Ponies that wish to fight who can become our soldiers. Even ponies just looking for a place to live, who will take on whatever menial jobs we have for them. But we have nothing in the way of farmers, and our budget won't allow for living accommodations and food, let alone training."

Genesis held his chin in his hoof and closed his eyes. "I see. Over the years, farmland has been given out freely by Celestia to families that have founded all of the large farms that we use today. Those kinds of ponies earn a decent enough living that they must not see any reason to oppose Celestia."

"Whereas if they rebel, they risk losing their livelihood."

"I predicted this problem, which is why I wanted to recruit those Flim and Flam brothers, but they turned me down, stating that they wish to remain neutral in this whole conflict. The best I could arrange was a bulk discount on their machines, but even then, it is simply too much."

"I took a look at them earlier," Sunset revealed, "But they are simply too complex to reverse-engineer in any reasonable timeframe. They guarded their secrets well."

"We can't afford enough machines to produce the food that we need," Genesis concluded. "We are in a tight situation here. Without food, ponies will leave us, but without training, we can't make any progress and Unicornia will inevitably disappear.

"Training everypony to be farmers will not only lower morale, but will also take too much time, but it may be our only choice at this point…"

Sunset Shimmer tapped Genesis on the shoulder, and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I can sort this whole thing out."

"… You have a plan?"

"I know I'm the newest one in our circle, but trust me. I've got this."

Princess Celestia looked over the forms floating before her, using her keen powers of observation to sum up the many paragraphs into just a few simple sentences, all of which told her that the situation was not good. She looked past the papers and found a council of unhappy faces staring towards her.

"Unicornia has gained much support these past few days!" one old stallion blasted out, slamming a hoof onto the oval table besides him. "Ponies are blaming us for their miserable lives, and now they have a 'club' to band together in!"

"At this rate, we may be faced with rebellion," a dignified, middle-aged mare considered.

"At the moment, they are peaceful," one stallion pointed out, wiping the sweat from his brow with a hoofkerchief. "Attacking them now could leave the impression that we are against freedom of speech, and are nothing but ruthless brigands!"

"Forget freedom of speech!" an overweight stallion shouted, rising to his hooves and stomping them onto the floor. "If ponies like that will abuse it in this way, then they are not entitled to it!"

"He's right!" the old mare sitting besides Celestia said. "Attacking a group that has not yet made any aggressive moves will result in bad press, and if there's one thing I know, it's that bad press is a weapon far more powerful than any sword!"

"No aggressive moves?!" the overweight stallion shouted. "What about the pageant?! They took hostages!"

"An investigation revealed them to be dummies," a quiet, young stallion spoke up, slouching in his seat as all eyes turned towards him but Celestia's. "They took no hostages, so we have no grounds for retaliating."

"They still put the crew to sleep," the old stallion responded. "But I'll admit, it's a slippery slope."

"Cloudsdale is split," Celestia spoke up, lowering her forms onto the table and casting her gaze over everypony gathered. "Half of the city wants to support Unicornia, and the other half does not."

The old mare besides her nodded. "It seems that Unicornia has promised to return military control back to the pegasi, or 'Pegasopolis', with a commander leading them, just like in the old days. Many pegasi like the idea of being in control of this country's security and therefore have openly offered their support."

"Yet it seems that this division has caused rising tensions in Cloudsdale," Celestia pointed out. "There has even been a line drawn down the city, and ponies have relocated because of this. If this keeps up, it could lead to a civil war. I think that preventing that should be our first focus."

"If I may object," the overweight stallion began, "Cloudsdale is one city, Princess, and we have the whole of Equestria to worry about. Besides, if fights do break out, we could simply use it as propaganda against Unicornia!"

Ponies cleared their throats and turned their heads, but nopony responded. Nopony but Celestia. "I will not use the pain and suffering of ponies as a campaigning tool. That is precisely what I hope to avoid through all of this!"

"Well we don't have a lot of options," an old mare sitting opposite to Celestia said. "We've tried to send moles in but they have always been turned back. Whoever is handling Unicornia's recruiting is sharp. Unicornia is also printing books regarding big events of the past few years, detailing how Your Highness resolved them, painting a pretty picture of you as an incompetent leader."

"We can't demand the printing be stopped because it's all historic fact," the middle-aged mare added. "They embellish the truth, but that is all. They make no 'direct' attacks against your personage, and even preface it by stating that it is only their viewpoint."

Suddenly, the doors to the meeting room slammed open, and Shining Armor ran inside quickly. "Princess Celestia, emergency!"

The princess rose and addressed her captain. "Speak, Captain Armor."

The farming town of Pasture Hills, located in the northwest of Equestria, was a quiet, peaceful little haven, barely on the map but still a leading trader of carrots and other vegetables in big cities such as Manehattan and Canterlot.

The population was small, and there was only one school, but the ponies there were happy. Everypony knew each other and everypony got along. They knew of little violence besides what the outside world could potentially bring.

As the sun began to set and the hardworking ponies began to put away their tools, 'violence' began to rear its ugly head and remind the ponies of what exactly 'fear' was.

Arrows flew into the village, landing into the square and startling the townsponies. Fires started around the huts and in the fields, and blood-curdling screams howled through the night.

Fillies and colts rushed to their beds and their mothers grabbed whatever they could to protect their young. Everypony else grabbed their pitchforks and faced the herd of masked bandits running their way. Legs were shaking and ponies began to cry, but there was nowhere to run.

"Everypony, this is our town!" the mayor shouted, ripping off his sash and taking a step forwards. "Don't let them set one hoof inside, y'hear?!"

The crowd roared and charged forwards, challenging the bandits head-on. The two groups almost collided, when a bright flash of light stopped them. Both groups stood back, wary of the intrusive light that had appeared between the two sides, when suddenly, it vanished, and a pony had taken its place. An orange mare in a brown cloak, with a fiery mane and a glorious horn atop her head.

"It seems that I got here just in time," Sunset Shimmer said, turning towards the townsponies. "I was on my way here when I heard that your town was about to be attacked. If I had gotten here any later, it could have been a bloodbath."

"W-Who are you?!" one of the bandits shouted out. "You one of them?!"

Sunset turned to the bandits, glaring them down as her horn glowed. "You ruffians, listen up! I am Princess Sunset Shimmer of Unicornia, and I am here to end your reign of terror!"

"Unicornia?" one bandit asked.

"That terrorist group that showed up some days ago?"

The bandits all laughed and pointed her way. "You gotta be jokin'! That circus act is gonna stop us?!"

"You an' what army?!"

Sunset Shimmer smiled. "I'm glad that you asked."

The mayor was about to speak up, when he felt a hoof on his shoulder and turned around. There was a cloaked pony standing behind him, his face completely shrouded in shadows. "We have evacuated your children. The rest of you should come, too."

"B-But this is our town!" the mayor insisted. "We gotta stay t' fight, too!"

"The town can be rebuilt," Sunset said. "Lost lives cannot be replaced in the same manner. Now go!"

"… Everypony, let's go!" the mayor said to his crowd. "We gotta make sure everypony's safe, then work together to put of these fires!"

"Yes, sir!"

As the crowd behind her ran away, Sunset Shimmer was joined by five ponies, all dressed in cloaks. "I really must thank you for making this easier for me," Sunset said. "It saves me having to play my hoof too early."

"I don't know what you're talkin' about, but if you think you can stop us with just six ponies-"

Sunset Shimmer laughed. "Oh, you're mistaken. These are just the ponies that you'll see."

Before any of the bandits could ask what she meant, a bolt of lightning shot down towards them, forcing them all to jump back with startled yelps. They all looked up to find that dark clouds had been gathered above them.

"Unicornia is strong, but Pegasopolis was always the leading military force!" Sunset Shimmer drew her sword with her magic and charged forwards, her comrades following her into battle.

Shining Armor opened his eyes as the scent of smoke wafted through his nose. He looked into the distance, finding a pillar of smoke drawing closer towards him as his chariot sped up. "We're almost there!" he told the pegasi pulling him. "Keep it up!"

"Captain, are you sure that just the three of us will be fine?!"

Shining Armor nodded his head. "I've dealt with these bandits before. I thought they were gone, but I guess I was too soft. They're nothing I can't handle alone." As the chariot touched down onto the ground, Shining Armor jumped out and readied his spear… only to be surprised by the sight of pegasus ponies dowsing burning rooftops with rainclouds and buckets of water, and unicorn ponies casting protective spells over wilting crops. "W-What the?"

"Oh, finally, the Royal Guard shows up!" Shining Armor turned towards the centre of the town, where he found a gathering of what he assumed to be the town's residents, all looking with unhappy or uncertain faces towards him.

He turned his attention towards the stallion and the mare that were shaking their hooves. "What's going on here?" he asked as he put his spear away.

"What's going on, is that Unicornia has just saved this town when the Royal Guard had failed to do so."

"Unicornia?!" Shining asked, gasping as the mare's orange coat and fiery mane struck him as familiar. "W-Who are you?"

"The pony who saved our town," the mayor answered with a glare. "While the Royal Guard took its sweet time bringing… one soldier to fight for us?"

"Three," Sunset corrected. "If you count the tired pegasus drivers."

"What, was our town not important enough to call in a real army?"

Shining Armor raised his hooves. "N-No! It's not like that! I just, I'm capable of handling these bandits by myself, and our troops are spread thin-"

"Oh dear. It sound like Canterlot must have its hooves full with a full-scale attack if you honestly couldn't spare any of them," Sunset Shimmer said with a smirk. "No? Well, it doesn't matter. You said that you could handle these guys?" Sunset pointed to the bandits, all tied up and unconscious in a makeshift prison made from burnt wood. "Then I'll leave their incarceration to you. Keep up the good work, Captain!"

As Sunset turned to leave, Shining Armor gasped and shouted, "I know! You're that mare who stole Twilight's crown!"

Sunset stopped, and turned around with a smile. "Allegedly. There's no proof, right?"

Shining Armor grit his teeth. With the Element of Magic gone, there really was no proof. "But, how did you-"

"I really must be getting back now. Oh, and Mayor? I look forward to working with you."

Shining Armor turned his attention to the mayor, who simply nodded his head, and then back to Sunset Shimmer… who was already gone. "… W-What the heck happened?"

"And, problem solved!" Sunset Shimmer declared, taking her seat at the round table with her comrades. "We now have plenty of food coming our way, at no cost whatsoever. My crew and I help some towns, they agree to share their food."

King Midas stroked his beard, looking down at the reports laid before him. "So this is what you have been up to. Securing our food source and spreading our good name as defenders of the innocent."

"That gives us some time while we try to work deals with other towns," Genesis said. "But, please tell me that you didn't start those attacks."

Sunset waved a hoof dismissively. "Honestly, I thought about it, but I decided that it was way too risky. I was on my way to Pasture Hills to simply talk to the mayor, and the bandits were just a stroke of good fortune."

"… Just the bandits?" Genesis asked, an accusatory look on his face.

Sunset Shimmer grinned. "Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures."

Celestia studied the map laid out before her carefully, humming in thought as she looked at how many locations had been given blue pins. "Unicornia… has made deals with all of these towns…"

The doors to Celestia's bedroom opened, and a chestnut-coloured stallion entered the room, wearing a formal, red jacket with light-brown epaulettes, his mane a glorious golden colour that flowed like a river down to his shoulders.

Prince Charming closed the doors behind himself carefully. "Princess, Haystack is also now dealing with Unicornia."

General Morgan placed another blue pin into the map. "What was it this time?"

"They simply bought the deed," Prince Charming explained. "The town sold the deed in exchange for workers and materials to build a new school. It seems that the one they were using before has run its course, but a couple of bad harvests had prevented them from refurbishing it… until now."

"It started with a bandit attack," Luna said. "Then a few towns were attacked by pests. Parasprites, timberwolves, rats, crows… Every time, Unicornia would show up and save them, then make a deal. Now, they're buying trading rights and making deals through connections with other farming markets."

"They've secured a food source," Prince Charming surmised. "They must have been desperate, and now that they have food, they'll be even stronger."

"It's possible that these attacks were all staged," Morgan suggested. "The timing is all just too convenient."

"I agree," Charming said. "Princess, you must do something! Interrupt their food transports and they will-"

"There is no evidence that these attacks were staged… "Celestia looked over everypony gathered. "Even if the chances are ninety-five percent, so long as any doubt remains, I will not attack. Because if I do, and we are wrong… then it only legitimises their claims of our tyranny."

"… I understand," Prince Charming muttered, before bowing and taking his leave.

"Now then, Princess," General Morgan started, "Perhaps you could explain why you summoned us here, of all places?"

Celestia nodded her head, and turned to Shining Armor. "Captain Armor, are you absolutely positive that the mare that you saw was…"

"There is no doubt, Princess," Shining confirmed. "After comparing her image with the witness account Twilight gave during that past incident, I am absolutely positive that Sunset Shimmer was the mare that I saw."

"… And she is a member of Unicornia. But how did she return?"

"Sister, that is not important," Luna said. "What is important, is that Unicornia has started to make moves. We must be ready for whatever they try to pull next."

"… You're right. Very well then. Listen carefully, everypony…"

Author's Note:

Thanks to Mud and Striker for proofreading.