• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 2,292 Views, 59 Comments

Unicornia - Yukito

Equestria is under threat by a terrorist group that seeks to return things to the old days. To the days that the three tribes ruled the country, not the alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The city of Canterlot, the very heart of Equestria and the residing area of the two sisters that ruled it, was more than just a shining jewel that displayed the richness and the prowess of its country. It stood proud as the first city that was founded by the United Tribes of Equestria, having stood the test of time and survived many ordeals.

It was a gathering place for both nobles who liked to spend, and commoners who liked to trade. It boasted the mighty airship fleet that had made flight possible for earth ponies and unicorn ponies, its libraries held vast knowledge for both everyday ponies and scholars alike, and its schools held the highest qualities of education in all of Equestria, training doctors, scientists, teachers, and of course, talented unicorns.

Yet below Canterlot's bright cover lay a dark, secret underground world. Conponies, muggers, smugglers, foalnappers, murderers… Some of these ponies lived among the citizens, masquerading as normal, everyday members of society. Some were forced to the slums, having not the money nor the skills to support themselves or find a new home. These were the two sides of 'The Underworld' – a home for those tossed aside by the world, and a place of great profit for those consumed by greed.

Midas sighed as he stared outside the window of 'The Rat's Den', watching as nobles examined the thin, filthy ponies littering the alleyway to determine which ones could pull their chariots or polish their horseshoes.

Brushing aside his golden locks and stroking his glorious beard, Midas cast his gaze to the soldier standing around the corner from the nobles, no doubt hired to protect them whilst acting as though he had seen nothing.

"Everypony, thank you for gathering on such short notice," Midas said as he drew the curtains and turned around, greeting the three ponies gathered at his table. Midas removed the broken crown from atop his head and rested it on the table, his aged face wrinkling further as he stared at the open seat opposite to Trixie. "Robin Hood is now in enemy hooves, but now we have a connection within the Royal Guard."

"All according to plan," Trixie commented, leaning back in her chair and resting her hind legs on the table in front of her. She used her magic to remove her trademark hat and cape, revealing her sparkling silver mane and fine blue coat for all to admire. "Robin Hood gets captured, I earn the trust of the guard, and then we launch our attack from the inside. The Great and Powerful Trixie is a master of the performing arts, so this will be a piece of cake."

"Still, it is a risky gamble." Oasis bit into her forehoof, her deep blue eyes burning into the table as they shook. The mare's aquamarine coat would make her easy to spot in a crowd, and her long, cyan mane flowed like a river down her body. "If Robin Hood is pushed too far, he may reveal our entire operation."

"He won't talk," the final pony, sat next to Trixie, said. The grey-coated stallion pulled back the hood of his cloak, revealing his black mane tied into a ponytail. The stallion's horn glowed and a green aura lifted his glass of ale towards his lips. "He's strong, and he's endured far worse. For his sake, we should not hurry in our plans, but take our time, and be sure to do things right."

Trixie shot the stallion a grin. "Quite confident, Genesis, considering that you're still the newbie around here."

"How long I have been here means nothing. What matters is that I am able to see into a pony's heart far better than any other." Genesis gave the showmare a smile. "For example, you act like you don't care, yet every second that you're away from the castle makes you anxious. Isn't that right, Miss Lulamoon?"

Trixie's grin vanished in an instant. "If you're so good at reading ponies, then perhaps you should be doing this job!"

"I'm afraid that, when it comes to acting, I'm outmatched by the likes of you," Genesis laughed.

"Besides, I have another task for Genesis in mind," Midas reported, gathering all eyes towards himself as he rose from his seat. "But before that, I would like to introduce the newest member of our court."

"Another member?" Oasis asked. "I thought that we were stopping after recruiting Trixie, but now we're up to six?"

"Yes, well, Genesis was an exception," Midas said, casting his eyes towards the stallion at the other end of the table. "Being from one of the five most influential noble families in Canterlot, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to recruit him into our royal ranks."

"So, what, we got another noble?" Trixie asked, turning around as she heard the door behind her opening.

"Not quite," Midas replied as a figure walked into the room. As the light hit them, the pony's orange-coloured fur was revealed, followed by their unique mane. Red and yellow stripes gave the mare's mane the appearance of being on fire, and this was complimented well by her cutie mark – what appeared to be a sun, or perhaps a yin-yang ball with flames surrounding it, decorated with the same colours as her mane. "Everypony, I introduce to your our third princess. A pony betrayed and cast aside by Celestia, whose knowledge and skills in the magical arts will aid us greatly in the coming battles. I present to you all: Princess Sunset Shimmer."

The mare cocked her head and looked over the group, her lips smiling while her eyes were analysing. "It's nice to meet you all. I am Sunset Shimmer – Celestia's former personal student."

"I present to you: Queen Platinum of Unicornia!"

Ponies stood. Hooves clopped. Cheers rang out, and… confetti flew everywhere as cannons brought in by a certain chancellor exploded, causing a hush to fall over the crowd.

"Er, t-then, as is tradition, the ball designed to celebrate the new queen shall now officially commence. For the next twelve hours, the gates will be opened to all members of Unicornia… Oh, apologies. To all members of Equestria."

Queen Platinum bowed, and then watched as all ponies in attendance wandered off to their own devices. The young queen smiled as two friendly faces approached. The Chancellor of Earth, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Commander Hurricane of Pegasopolis.

"Greetings, both of you!" she said, reaching out to hug her two friends. "It has been so long. I'm glad that you could both come! Though, next time, a little warning about the confetti would be nice…"

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise!" Chancellor Puddinghead explained, jumping up-and-down as he examined the new queen. He stopped as his eyes met her crown and he started to tear up. "Ahhh, it seems like only yesterday that you were just a princess."

"That's because it was yesterday," Commander Hurricane pointed out. She shot her friend a grin and asked, "So, we're totally ditchin' this party, right? Goin' out somewhere to get hammered together? Y'know, a proper celebration!"

"Good heavens, no!" Queen Platinum shouted in protest. "I am a queen now! I must act with dignity and set an example for all of my subjects to follow."

"What your subjects don't know won't hurt 'em," Hurricane deadpanned.

"Unless they were knocked in the back of the head and they didn't know what it was, and then they wake up with a real big headache," Puddinghead responded, causing his friend to roll her eyes.

"In any case, as Queen of Unicornia…" Queen Platinum stopped for a moment to giggle at her new title, before clearing her throat and continuing. "I have far more responsibilities now. Father has now officially retired, yet he still plans on helping with the running of kingdom rather than spend his final days in peace and relaxation. I have to show him that I am perfectly capable of keeping this kingdom from falling apart without his help."

"Man, you royals are killin' me," Commander Hurricane groaned and she slammed a hoof into her face. "It's bad enough hearin' you go on about duty, but back home we're gettin' nowhere decidin' what to do with the next emperor."

"I thought that the emperor's firstborn son was to become the rightful heir to the throne?" Platinum asked.

"Yeah, but the thing is, none of us are sure if we should even bother anymore. I mean, the last emperor went…" Hurricane motioned her hoof around her ear while Chancellor Puddinghead pulled a cuckoo clock out for an accompanying sound effect. "So, like, I pretty much led us through the past ten years, and with the tribes united into one country, we're thinkin' it might be time for a new system."

"A representative from each tribe. What is wrong with that?"

"Nothin'! But they're split down the middle! Half of 'em wanna just make the snotty brat the next emperor, and the other half wants to try this new system of 'democracy'."

"We tried that once," Chancellor Puddinghead declared. "It didn't go anywhere because we just kept fighting each other, so we just put names into a hat and mine was drawn, and then I became leader!"

"… I'm willing to believe that," Queen Platinum said, before turning back to Commander Hurricane. "Which side are you on?"

"I'm on whichever side wins," Hurricane responded. "Apparently, since I was fillin' in for the sick emperor for ten years, everypony wants me to be the leadin' authority of whatever governing system we end up goin' for. And that means I'm not allowed to vote."

"Your politics are… um, well that is… they…"

"They suck," Commander Hurricane said. "You don't need ta beat around the bush. We're a military nation. We never bothered making a proper system; we just followed whatever our leader said and didn't ask questions. Now that we're actually having to make a big decision, everypony's just making stuff up as we go along!"

"Maybe you should make a compromise!" Chancellor Puddinghead suggested. "Like, let the kid become emperor, but only give the emperor partial power and authority. He could be like a figurehead who gets some say in how the country runs, but can be overturned if he starts makin' baaaaad decisions like world dominance!"

"… See?! Our tribe's so messed up his words are makin' more sense!"

"Actually," Platinum began, "That sounds like it might be a good idea. At the very least, a compromise could bring the two divisive sides of your tribe together and maybe you could discover something wonderful. Like how the six of us came together and discovered the-"

"If you say 'magic of friendship' again, I'm declarin' war on your tribe," Commander Hurricane said with a frown. "But, yeah, I guess I can kinda see where you're coming from. But y'know what might help me understand it better?"

"I'm not going out to get 'wasted' with you."

Commander Hurricane groaned as she performed a flip into the air. "Fine! Be boring! C'mon, Puddin'head. Let's go see if her brother's willing to get tainted."

"You leave Sombra alone!" Queen Platinum warned as she chased after her two friends. "He's so pure he'd probably cleanse you if you touched him."

"Well then, all the more reason to fix that so he doesn't become stuck-up like his sister!"

"You take that back, Commander Hothead!"

"It's Commander Hurricane!"

"Does this call for a food fight?" Chancellor Puddinghead asked.


It was the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and all was going as planned. Twilight Sparkle had returned from Canterlot earlier that week and had been working overtime with Mayor Mare to ensure that all preparations for the holiday season were completed.

Despite the fact that the young princess had worked herself to the bone, and more than deserved a little rest, Twilight Sparkle still had one last thing to take care of. Whilst Spike was putting on coffee in the castle's kitchen, Twilight and Applejack were together with the stars of this year's Hearth's Warming pageant, rehearsing one final time before the big play.

"That's very good, Sweetie Belle," Twilight praised, earning a toothy smile from the filly. "There were just a few times where you stumbled here-and-there, but that's okay. I'll write down some cue cards for tomorrow in case you forget any of your lines again."

"Princess Twilight!" Diamond Tiara called out, attracting the princess' attention. "What about me? Are my lines good enough, Princess?" she asked, a proud yet hopeful look on her face as she tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, Diamond Tiara," Twilight answered. "A little… loud, sometimes, but you certainly have the spirit down."

"Yes!" Diamond Tiara cheered. "Well, of course, it's only to be expected. I'll blow them all away with my amazing performance!"

"Nice job castin' her as Princess Platinum," Applejack whispered to Twilight, chuckling under her breath. "Almost as smart as makin' Scootaloo Commander Hurricane."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes as Diamond Tiara walked over to a nearby mirror to admire herself. "This play is about the foundin' of Equestria. It's not the 'Diamond Tiara Show'!"

Diamond Tiara scoffed. "Oh, please! I'll be the centre of attention! The star of the show! All eyes will be on me and me alone."

Twilight and Applejack giggled as they overheard the conversation between the two, before a chill descended down their spines. Suddenly, they became worried. "O-Okay, girls!" Twilight shouted, casting a silence over the crowd as all eyes fell onto her. "We just have one more scene to get through, so let's all…" Twilight stopped for a moment to yawn and rub her tired eye.

Applejack stepped forward and clapped her hooves. "Let's all get through this one scene an' then we can get y'all home an' in bed for a bright an' early rise tomorrow mornin'!"

"Yes, Miss Applejack," many of the foals replied in unison. Everypony got into position, but not before Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom made a point to blow raspberries to each other.

Applejack turned to face her friend, who had taken a moment to sit down as another long yawn came out of her. "Maybe ya should hit the hay, Twilight. Ah can take care of this last scene."

"No, no, I'm fine," Twilight responded, slowly climbing up to her hooves and wobbling a little as she stood up straight. Spike came running to her side as soon as she was up, a cup of coffee in one hand and a letter in the other. "Thanks, Spike," Twilight said, grabbing the letter and attempting to drink its contents.

"Uh, Twilight?" Spike asked, poking her leg to snap her out of it.

Twilight opened her eyes wider and saw that what she was holding was not her coffee. "Huh? What's this?"

"It came while I was in the kitchen," Spike explained, taking the letter and giving Twilight her coffee, which she drank happily. "It's from Princess Celestia. Should I read it for you?"

"Mhm," Twilight responded through her drink.

After tearing the letter open and clearing his throat, Spike began to read. "Dear Twilight Sparkle. I am sorry to impose this on you on such short notice, but your presence is required at the Crystal Empire tomorrow evening, during the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant being held at five-thirty. My sister and I will also be there, and we will explain everything to you after the play is over."

Twilight finished her coffee with a sigh, before looking down at Spike with a raised eyebrow. "Tomorrow evening? But that means… I'll miss the Ponyville pagaent."

"What about the rest of us?" Applejack asked. "Does the princess want Twilight's friends t' go with her?"

Spike shook his head. "No. The rest of the letter just says that it's urgent, and doesn't say anything about anypony but Twilight."

Twilight looked over to the group of foals running through their final scene with a heavy frown. "I hate to do this after they've worked so hard, but if Princess Celestia says that it's urgent, then…"

"Ah'm sure they'll understand," Applejack said. "If this is urgent, then it could mean that all of Equestria is in danger. Y'should go rest up, Twilight, an' be ready for whatever the princess needs ya for tomorrow."

"… I suppose you're right," Twilight conceded, giving her empty cup to Spike with a disheartened sigh. "Everypony, can I have your attention for just a second?" All young eyes fell onto Twilight once more. "I'm afraid I have some bad news for all of you. I… I won't be able to attend the Hearth's Warming pageant tomorrow."

Twilight's announcement was met with a series of mumbles and disappointed moans. Apple Bloom stepped forward and said, "But we worked so hard on it."

"I know, Apple Bloom," Twilight said, her heart sinking deeper.

"What could be more important than my magnum opus?" Diamond Tiara asked, a scowl on her face.

"I've been called to the Crystal Empire by Celestia. I know you're all disappointed, but-"

Diamond Tiara suddenly perked up as she jumped forwards and asked, "Are you going to save Equestria again?!"

"Is there a demon on the loose?" Scootaloo asked.

"A rebel pony?" Apple Bloom inquired.

"No, no. Nothing like that… I hope," Twilight said. "Look, I've just been summoned by the princess for something urgent. I really do hate to miss out on the play you've all worked so hard on, but…"

"We understand," Sweetie Belle said in a downcast tone. "Do you think… you might be able to make it back in time?"

"I'm afraid not," Twilight answered solemnly.

Diamond Tiara huffed and walked back into position. "I'll show you my A-material now, then, so you won't have to miss it tomorrow!"

Scootaloo, whose eyes were widened by Diamond Tiara's sudden outburst, smiled and said, "For once you're making sense! C'mon guys, let's get this scene perfect for Twilight!"

"Yeah!" the other fillies and colts gathered cried in unison.

As the foals returned to their positions to finish the scene, Twilight's heart began to rise again and warm smile spread across her lips. "Alright then, everypony! Let's take it from the top!"

Trixie Lulamoon stared up at the low ceiling hanging above her head, tapping the edge of her open book against her chin as her attention was shifted elsewhere. Inside the cramped hotel room, which made no attempt to stifle the sounds of the party happening downstairs, Trixie was finding it very difficult to sleep or otherwise get herself comfortable.

"Tomorrow's the day that we reveal ourselves," Trixie muttered. "Or at least, we make it known that we exist. Equestria will be thrown into unease and security will be tightened. Honestly, are they trying to make my job harder?"

Trixie sat up and stared across the room, where her makeup and Royal Guard attire rested against a small chest. "Well, I suppose they need to keep Shining Armor in Canterlot somehow. After the way he and Princess Cadance dealt with Chrysalis, it only makes sense to keep them apart. Still…"

"Trixie, I want you to relay all of your information to Sunset Shimmer. She will meet with you at the hotel you are staying at until otherwise instructed."

Trixie bit her lip. There was something about the new princess that seemed off to her, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. "She travelled to another world, and then found her way back? That sounds like something out of a poorly-written sci-fi novel. Besides that, why does King Midas trust her so much? So what if Celestia betrayed her? That doesn't change the fact that she once admired the princess, so then why?"

Several knocks came from Trixie's door, startling the showmare. "J-Just a moment!" Trixie shouted as she reached for her robe.

"It's me," Sunset Shimmer's voice sounded out from the other side.

Trixie breathed a sigh of relief and put her robe away. "Come in." Sunset Shimmer obeyed, opening the door and entering the small room, before closing the door behind herself. "What are you doing here? I thought Midas wanted you on standby at the train station."

"I wanted to talk to you," Sunset explained, approaching an empty seat in the room and helping herself to it. "I've heard a lot about you from King Midas. He said you're a pony with great magical prowess and a wealthy educational background, so I'm kind of curious as to how you wound up… where you are?"

"You mean poor?" Trixie asked with a huff. "It's nothing new. Ponies don't care what skills you have unless somepony in power can vouch for you."

"Is that so? … Tell me, what do you think of me?" Sunset noticed Trixie's look of confusion and elaborated. "I saw the way you looked at me in the meeting earlier. Something about me being Celestia's former pupil disturbs you, doesn't it?"

"… Well, Trixie just finds it strange that you would turn on the pony whom you supposedly admired your whole life," Trixie said. "Not only that, but you were banished to another world, yet you managed to find your way back, just like that? You can't expect me not to be suspicious of such a tale."

Sunset Shimmer laughed nervously, before sighing and bowing her head. "It's true. Princess Celestia was once my whole reason for living. I was her apprentice, and every time my work made her smile, I felt that everything in the world was just… right. But that was before she showed her true colours."

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Go on…"

"You see, Princess Celestia wasn't training an apprentice. She was training a puppet. Somepony who would follow her every word, do whatever task she gave them, without question!" Sunset shook her head with a frown. "When the princess found out that I had my own goals, my own ambitions, she expelled me as her apprentice. She was afraid that I would one day grow too powerful for her to control, so she cut off my training there-and-then.

"Princess Celestia has a new pupil now, I hear. Twilight Sparkle? … I feel bad for her."

Trixie nodded her head. "So Princess Celestia betrayed you, and that's when you rebelled. Then you were banished to another world, is that it?"

"That's right. I was weak, and I was angry. So angry that I took on a foe that I had no chance of defeating on my own."

"Trixie can relate. Back in Trixie's youth, I was a poor foal, living in the slums of Canterlot and relying on nopony but myself to survive. The orphanage was run by a corrupt noble, who bribed the Royal Guard to look the other way while his charges were forced into servitude crafting dresses for other nobles."

Sunset Shimmer gasped, and gave Trixie a sorrowful look. "I had no idea… I'm sorry. You must think me awful, complaining about being expelled by a princess."

"Hardly. We all have our own problems, and besides, Trixie survived. Although, there was one day where I almost didn't. One day, during the summer, Trixie caught wind of a noblepony preparing to travel to Las Pegasus, leaving his vast fortune in Canterlot.

"To Trixie, just one bar of this stallion's gold would end her poverty for life. Enough to buy a house, food, warm dresses for the winter… and this stallion would never miss it. It would be the equivalent to giving a slice of bread to a starving puppy.

"However, Trixie did not count on the stallion's security being so… thorough. Or for that stallion to return because he had forgotten his documents."

"What happened?"

"Trixie was too old to go to the orphanage by that point, so it would have been jail time." Trixie shuddered, and used her magic to grab her hat, placing it atop her head. "Trixie was hungry, and she was ill. She wouldn't have lasted a day in prison, yet the noblepony was planning on having Trixie work down in the mines!"

Sunset gritted her teeth together. "Damnit. Nobles are the ones with power, they shouldn't be abusing it that way!"

"Ah, but because they have power, they get to choose what is right and wrong," Trixie scoffed. "Well, Trixie was fortunate. A passing colt saw Trixie sneaking into the manor. He must have followed me, and watched as I got caught. He rallied some of the other nearby 'street rats' and convinced them to break me out."

Sunset sat up straight, her ears perked at this new revelation. "Really? Who was this colt?"

"… I don't know," Trixie muttered. "But he seemed to know Trixie. All of the ponies he convinced to help me out, they were all ponies who had survived just as long as Trixie had. Even though none of us ever spoke to each other, or saw each other as friends, they all came to my rescue… because it was 'the right thing to do'."

"… You were lucky," Sunset said, looking down at the floor with a tear trailing down her cheek. "You had somepony watching your back. Somepony who took your side, when you needed it most. I was all alone, and because of that, I was condemned to a life worse than death itself…"

Trixie turned and watched as Sunset Shimmer wiped away the stray tear. The other mare's hooves were shaking and her eyes were staring off into nothing. Trixie squinted, trying to get a better look to confirm whether or not Sunset's eyes were bloodshot.

"King Midas… said that I would have friends here. Ponies who would have my back. Ponies that would never betray me…"

Trixie turned away and said, "You will."


"I said that you will. Because Unicornia was founded with one common goal: to replace Celestia with somepony who actually gives a damn about the citizens of Equestria! I went to Celestia's school, studied their magics, and have even managed to mingle in with the nobility, but the Great and Powerful Trixie will never forget what it was like to be weak and helpless. To be thrown aside because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

"And she will never allow it happen to somepony else ever again."

Sunset Shimmer smiled and nodded. "Right. Princess Celestia has proven herself unworthy of the title, and it's up to us to bring that fact to light! You know, you and I are similar, Trixie. We were both destined for greatness, to accomplish amazing feats."

"And if it weren't for Princess Celestia, we would be there by now."

"… It's almost like what happened to Queen Platinum." Sunset Shimmer yawned, and then rose to her hooves. "Well, I should probably be heading off now. You'll want your sleep for tomorrow, I imagine."

Trixie nodded her head. "Indeed. After Midas' plans for tomorrow happen, Trixie's workload will increase drastically."

"Well then, good night."

"… It was a pleasure meeting you." Trixie gave Sunset Shimmer a smile. "Trixie looks forward to working with you."

Sunset returned Trixie's smile. "Same here," she said, before leaving the room.

Hearth's Warming Eve had arrived, and all across Equestria, ponies were waking up early to open their presents, given to them by their loved ones, greet each other with wide smiles, and, of course, to prepare for the traditional Hearth's Warming plays that were held every year!

And the Crystal Empire was no exception to this. With this year being the first ever that the Crystal Empire would be holding the play, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were also in full attendance. What neither of them, nor even Cadance or Shining Armor, had expected, was that Twilight Sparkle would also be there.

"What letter?" Princess Celestia asked, receiving the letter that Twilight had been given the previous night and reading it over. "It does resemble my hoofwriting, but Twilight, I didn't write this."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked, a concerned look washing over her face. "But then who could have delivered it through Spike's fire breathing?"

"Whoever it was clearly doesn't know my sister well," Luna said, scrutinising over the letter's contents. "And they clearly had some reason to bring you here. Perhaps we should heighten security, just to be safe."

"I'm on it," Shining Armor said with a salute, sharing a parting kiss with his wife before storming off through the castle.

"Could it be that they wanted all four of us to gather together for some purpose?" Cadance asked, bringing a collective hum between the four princesses.

After a while of thinking, Celestia raised her head and said, "We shouldn't let this bother us. Today is a day to be enjoyed and celebrated. For now, let's enjoy the Hearth's Warming pageant that these ponies have worked very hard on."

Twilight, Luna and Cadance all nodded in agreement. "I guess it's too late to go back to Ponyville now," Twilight mumbled.

"I would recommend you not go anywhere without an escort," Luna suggested. "At least not until we have this whole matter resolved."

"Everypony, thank you for your patience! The Hearth's Warming play is about the begin!"

Twilight took her seat next to Cadance, smiling as she looked towards the centre of the arena, where a stage had been set up.

"Huh?!" The four princesses turned to the side, where Prince Blueblood was nearing them with two bags of popcorn and a large drink in his magic. "What is Twilight Sparkle doing here?! I thought you said that she wasn't coming!"

"Oh! Sorry, Bluey!" Cadance apologised. "She wasn't going to come, but something urgent came up."

"And that is 'Princess Twilight'," Celestia corrected.

"She hasn't been a princess for even a year, yet. I rank far higher than her in the royal scale!" Celestia sighed and facehooved. "Why do I not have a throne of my own up here?!"

"You did," Cadance reminded, "But you kept bringing random mares up here, and whilst some of them were… nice, they were also rather loud, and made our security ponies feel uncomfortable."

"I can sit down in the stands, if you'd like," Twilight offered.

"No, Twilight," Luna asserted. "We don't know what will happen. Blueblood may have my seat." Luna stood up and left the area, passing a confused-looking Blueblood on the way.

"What did she mean by that?" Blueblood asked. "And what is this 'urgent business' that Cadance talked about?"

"It's nothing," Celestia said. "Just something to do with Discord and-"

"Say no more! I swear, if I ever have to deal with that ruffian again, it will be too soon!"

As Blueblood took his seat in Luna's throne, the play started. The story about the three tribes fighting and relocating to a new land after a strong blizzard destroyed their crops played out just fine, with the crystal ponies making use of amazing technical effects to make up for their lack of magic.

As the Equestrian flag was planted into the ground before the stage, smoke billowed out, filling the arena and preventing anypony in the stands from seeing what was happening.

"Oh? I don't remember this part," Blueblood commented as he chewed on his popcorn. "Wait, are smoke machines supposed to be this powerful?"

"This doesn't look good," Twilight said, biting her lip as she flared her wings. Cadance placed a hoof in front of her.

"Let the Royal Guard go in first. We don't know what dangers could be in there."


The smoke began to dissipate, and the stage was cleared of all actors, save for the six stars who played the tribe leaders and their advisors. They, however, were tied to the front of the stage, and were all unconscious.

Standing on the stage were three ponies, all wearing brown cloaks that hid their identities. The stage was surrounded by dozens of ponies all wearing similar cloaks.

"Everypony," the cloaked pony in the middle started, as a hush fell over the crowd, "We are Unicornia!

"Over one thousand years ago, Equestria was ruled by the three tribes! In a time of disaster, the trinity worked together to survive! Earth would provide, by farming the land and harvesting its resources. Pegasopolis would defend us from our enemies. And Unicornia, with all of its wisdom and knowledge, would guide us! And thus, balance and peace were both achieved.

"But then one day, the sister alicorns, Celestia and Luna, after having displayed the awesome powers of the Elements of Harmony, usurped our rule, forced the tribes to bow to their might, and made Equestria a dominion of the alicorn tribes!"

Celestia furrowed her brow. "That's not true," she whispered.

"Over time, enemy nations were warded off because they were afraid. Afraid of the power of the pony who had defeated Discord and King Sombra. Afraid of the power of a nation that had escaped the windigos! Peace brought about acceptance, and ponies no longer cared that the land they had claimed was stolen from then. We were happy. Happy to be part of a land where no evil could harm us.

"But, my friends, I ask of you: what of the ponies unfortunate to fall out of Celestia's sights? Ponies stricken by debt, ponies blighted by hunger, all right under her nose! And what does the so-called 'good princess' do? She erects castles large enough to house those with no homes, she wears a crown valuable enough to pay off all debts, and she feasts on enough food to end all hunger!

"You all chose to ignore this, and so our voices were hushed, but no longer! In the coming years, a number of disasters have struck our land. With the second coming of Nightmare Moon and Discord, other nations have seen how vulnerable we truly are! The changelings have already taken advantage of this weakness. How long until the griffons or the dragons take their chances?!"

"Princess, should we arrest them?" one of the soldiers behind Celestia asked.

"Wait," Celestia responded. "They have hostages. A hasty move could result in six innocent lives lost."

"The princess has also proven to be incapable of protecting 'her' kingdom, allowing a changeling to masquerade as her niece and infiltrate the heart of Canterlot. She has pulled off many questionable moves that put all of our lives at risk! Sending six, unprepared civilians to fight a dragon? Gambling the Crystal Empire's very survival in order to 'test' her student! Citizens of the Crystal Empire, how do you truly feel, knowing that Celestia saw your mortal struggle against King Sombra as nothing more than a mere test?"

Hushed mumbles passed over the crowds, with many heads turning away, looking either up or down, but never towards the stage or towards the princess.

"Without the Elements of Harmony, she is powerless! But moreso than that, her decisions do not reflect the country's best interests! And so I ask of you this: are you willing to wait around and see what consequences her actions will bring? Are you willing to place your lives in the hooves of a pony who would free Discord on a whim, or who, in the face of Tirek, chose to hide her magic rather than fight for her subjects?!

"Well we are not! We will not wait for the changelings to consume all love before we strike back! We will not allow Equestria to become a griffin hunting ground before we raise our swords, and we will not allow the princess to place our lives in danger to test her students!

"Over one thousand years ago, Equestria was stolen from the three tribes, and we were powerless to stop it! But now, we are finally prepared to take it all back. Those of you who desire a safer, stronger nation, join us! Those of you who are tired of seeing good ponies suffer, rally behind us! We are Unicornia, and in Unicornia, it is our law that those in power must use it for the greater good!"

As the crowd erupted into an uproar, the three ponies on the stage bowed, before smoke filled the arena once more. Once again, panic spread and the Crystal Guard prepared to strike. But when the smoke cleared, the arena was cleared, save for the six stars, released from their bonds and laying peacefully on the ground.

The group calling themselves 'Unicornia' had vanished, leaving behind only their words to sit in everypony's hearts that Hearth's Warming Eve. As the crowd grew louder and louder, Celestia's head hung low as she muttered something inaudible beneath her breath.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Mud and Striker for proofreading.