• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,325 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 13

“Okay, I find this very disturbing,” replied Ember as she stared at the corpse-like copy of herself. Her “clone” was wearing a black and gold funeral robe while holding a fake copy of the Dragon Scepter in her folded hands over her chest. Her fake’s head rested on a pillow with a peaceful smile while flowers of all kinds were around her ‘dead’ body. The funeral was to take place in the throne room as decorations had been placed all over in preparation. To her surprise, many all over the country were mourning for her death although there were some factions drinking to it. “I still think my butt looks too fat.”

“You can look at your dead butt later, we need to focus,” replied Aquafire.

“Right, we need to do this quick. How long can Thorax stay like that?” asked Ember.

“Thorax was actually pretty good at playing dead before he became king. It’s how he avoided fighting, well, anything,” said one changeling. “He can be like this for at least a full day.”

“I guess time won’t be that much of a problem then,” replied Ember.

“There is still the fact the funeral can only go for so long. I’m good at making long speeches, but I can’t keep it forever,” replied Sliverback, dressed in a nice tux. “You’ll have to do it in at least four hours.”

“We can make it in two,” replied Ember, putting on the final piece of her armor. It was the same armor she wore in the Dragon Lord competition, only this time wasn’t as heavy. Those who were going on the mission to rescue Spike, including Blitz and Aquafire, were wearing armor and had weapons by their side. Biltz even managed to score some obsidian armor and blades from his clan’s workshop for some of them. The only one who wasn’t armored up was Princess Twilight, but there was no time to make some armor for her.

“Okay, let’s head out to Redskull’s home and rescue Spike. Garble should be waiting for us there,” replied Twilight.

“Right, let’s go save our friend,” replied Ember as they all exited the throne room, leaving the changelings taking their spots behind. Hang on Spike, we’re coming.


Since Twilight couldn’t teleport to a location she didn’t know, the group was forced to fly over to Redskull Caverns. It was just above an inactive volcano surrounded by quarries and dust. A single entrance with the clan’s symbol, a giant dragon skull covered in dried red blood, was resting above it with its jaws wide open. Strangely enough, there were no guards there to watch the entrance. Landing nearby, Ember and her group noticed Garble with a few of the changelings assigned to help him with the poisoned crystals waving at them.

“About time you got here,” replied Garble, crossing his arms. “I don’t know how long those guards are going to be in the bathroom so we better hurry up.”

“Right. Is there anybody else in our path to the dungeons?” asked Ember.

“Most of the guards dug into those gems we brought, half of them are in the toilets and the other half are somewhere outside due to the rest being full. The remaining ones are in the barracks and my father’s work quarters. Nobody’s guarding the entrance to the dungeons, but there’s still a problem,” replied Garble.

“Because nothing can ever be easy,” replied Blitz, rolling his eyes.

“What’s the problem? Is the door locked by magic?” asked Twilight.

“No, but it does require two keys. And before you can think about smashing it, it’s about as tall as my dad and I doubt even Miss Sparkly here can blast it open with her horn. The two keys are in the very same areas I told you the remaining guards were. So we’re going to have to find a way to get them without being noticed,” replied Garble.

“Can’t you just get them?” asked Aquafire.

“No, my Dad doesn’t want me anywhere near the door or the keys. Doesn’t trust me enough. Thinks I’ll mess up somehow,” replied Garble, growling as he lowered his eyes while the others pretended not to notice.

“You do realize that you are betraying your father, right?” asked Twilight. “I can understand if you don’t want to do this.”

“... screw my dad, let’s go save Ember’s drakefriend,” replied Garble, smirking.

“He’s not my drakefriend!” replied Ember, glowing with red.

The group flew through the entrance, the ponies and changeling marveling at how big of a difference it was between their sizes and a fully adult sized dragon. Ember noticed how it made them more nervous, but Princess Twilight was unaffected. Then again, this was the one who defeated the legendary Tirek, a being even dragons feared when he roamed the land. Something like this was a cakewalk for her.

They passed through various rooms such as dining rooms, living rooms, closets, and a few places that held stored treasure. Most dragons had these in their caves along with a room for their hordes, weapons, scrolls, training areas, and more. More than once a nearby guard or adult dragon had walked by and they were forced to hide. Fortunately all the big furniture was easy enough for them to hide behind.
After what felt like a long flight, they soon arrived at staircase that went downwards where a double locked door was waiting at the end. “This is the door the dungeon. Now we just gotta find the keys,” replied Garble.

“Let’s split up,” ordered Ember. “Princess Twilight, you go with half of the changelings and crystal ponies to the barracks. Garble, you and I will take the rest and head over to your father’s work place.”

“What about us?” asked Aquafire.

“You two stay here and watch the entrance. Just in case something happens you can come to one of us and let us know,” replied Ember, who then leaned in to whisper in Aqua’s ear. “Plus, it gives you some alone time with Blitz.”

This made Aquafire blush while Blitz just tilted his head in confusion as the two groups split up.


Ember and Garble lead their troops through the hallways and up a set of stairs until they were just outside the entrance to the master’s quarters. The group poked their heads through a small cap in the doorway and gazed inside. It was a big spartan like room with red decorations, weapons on the wall, a desk with multiple quills and scrolls neatly placed on the desk. A royal looking bed was nearby as well as a dresser and a treasure chest. All the size for the large adult dragon. Protecting it all were two red dragon guards, armed standing beside the desk of their master.

One thing that Ember noticed were a lot of paintings. Most of them looked to be ancestors, but there were none of Garble. Even her father had a few of her growing up in his room. Does he really see Garble that much of a failure?

“I’m going to get something to drink, you want anything?” asked one of the dragon guards. The other guard shook his head as the first began to make his way towards the door.

“Quick!” whispered Ember as she and the others pressed against the wall beside the door. It smashed opened and swung towards them, making them silently gasp. Inches away from their snouts, it stopped and they sighed in relief. They heard the dragon leave the area until they could hear him down the stairs.

“Any ideas on how we get rid of that second dragon?” asked one changeling.

“Can’t you guys change into him?” asked Ember.

“Changing into something bigger requires more energy. The highest we can go is a bit bigger than you. Only Thorax has the power to go that big,” replied one changeling.

“Great, now what?” asked Ember, biting her lip.

“Relax, I know how to get him to leave or at least distract them enough to get the key on my father’s desk,” replied Garble as he took his leave and made it inside the room.

“Yo! Vandrix!” replied Garble as he marched inside like he owned the place.

“What do you want, Garble. Shouldn’t you be attending the funeral with your father?” asked the guard.

“Please, like I wanna go to that stupid funeral. She was a good for nothing, snot nosed, bossy, ugly looking bitch. I’d most likely just fart in her dead face as a final insult to her, but that would get me in trouble with my dad,” replied Garble, grinning at his chance to insult Ember. Said Dragon Lord was scaring the others with the enraged look she had on her face upon hearing this, even if it was ‘acting’.

“Whatever,” replied Vandrix as he turned away to face the wall.

“Soooo,” replied Garble as he flew up and sat on the desk, noticing the key nearby. “How are things between you and Ortho? Where is he anyway?”

“Things are fine, and went to get something to drink,” replied Vandrix.

“Really, cause I heard some interesting things he was talking about you a while ago,” said Garble, whistling.

Vandrix raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

“Yup, he was going on about how you have the cutest butt in the house,” replied Garble, smirking. The reaction was instantaneous as Hendrix's eyes went wide open and he froze up. “He kept saying how sexy your muscles were and how he dreamed of them every night. He thought your eyes were as beautiful as the moon and your wings as angelic as an angel. I think I even heard him moaning your name in the bathroom a few times.”

“... are you telling me that son of a bitch is gay?! And he likes me like that?!” growled Vandrix, showing his teeth.

“Hey, your words. Not mine,” said Garble, just as Ortho arrived. “Here he is now.”

“Hey, Garble,” replied Ortho as he then glared at a growling Vandrix. “What’s your problem?”

“So I got a cute butt, huh? Thinking about me when you’re polishing your spear? Think I’m some sort of idol you can stare at for you romantic fantasies?!” growled Vandrix, which made Othro’s eyes widen. Garble leaned back, ready to watch the fight. “Well I got something to tell you...”

His glare soon faded into one of understanding. “Why didn’t you tell me early, idiot.”

“Wait, what?” asked Garble as Orthro sighed and turned away.

“I... I was ashamed... I... I didn’t know you saw... I always...” Othro began to tear up. “I’ve always admired you, but I valued the comradeship we had... that’s why I always wanted to pair up with you in patrol... even if I couldn’t have you... I just wanted to be near you.”

“Idiot,” replied Vandrix as he put his claw on his partner’s face and cleared those eyes. “You always had me. I just wasn’t sure... if only I had been more braver...”

“How will we do this? Dragons don’t like it when same gender couples are together... we’ll be outcasts...” whispered Orthro.

“To hell with them. I won’t let them come between us. Not now or ever.”



The two soon began to kiss as they held each other close. Garble just stood there watching the scene with a dumbfounded face. I... I made all that up...

The two were so lost in their passion that they fell onto his father’s bed and slowly began to remove their armor. Garble blushed. He had seen enough. He took the key on his father’s desk and rushed out just as the moaning began to start. Silently he held it to a blushing Ember as they stood there, hearing Orthro moan out Vandrix’s name and demanding harder and harder pushes. Vandrix roared and complied.

“We never speak of this again,” replied Ember to her group.

“Agreed,” they all said.

Author's Note:

Part 1 of the adventure done, part 2 shall come sometime either later this month or early next month