• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,308 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 9

Dragon funerals were normally not long nor attended by many. Usually it was just those closest to the deceased, or an entire clan, with a simple farewell and then into the tomb the body went. When a current or former Dragon Lord died it was a different story. Ember had never seen so many dragons in her life, but she could tell you who was from what clan and who wasn’t. It was something her father drilled into her head all the time.

She watched from her high point on the rocks as her father’s body, carried on a giant slab of white marble, was carried by his former advisors into the tomb made for him. The area they were in was one of the places where green could still flourish with flowers, forests, and glowing white gems that were forbidden to eat or touch. They belonged to the spirits of the dead to feast on for when they arrived in the afterlife with the gods there to greet them.

The Valley of The Fallen Lords was its name, and Ember had only been here once. It was shortly after she became the Dragon Lord. When a new Dragon Lord was crowned, they picked a spot in the valley for their future tomb. Her father showed her his and told her that this was to remind them that even though they were Dragon Lords, they were not gods. Everyone dies one day; even the so called immortal Princesses of Equestria were to pass on one day.

Ember wasn’t an idiot. She knew her father was old… but her heart was doing everything it could not to cry. Her father was the only family she had in her entire life. He had been there for everything, and although he never outright said it, he loved his daughter more then anything in the world. Sometimes she didn’t believe that when they fought, one time in particular where she let her anger get the best of her and nearly killed a dragon her age in a fight. Ember declared that she was defending their family's honor. Yes, her father stated that she let some bully get under her skin. She said she hated him and ran to her room, only for one of his advisors, currently carrying him to his grave, to come to her.

It was then that he told a story that Ember carried close to her heart; even now she could echo it clearly in her ears. When she was just a hatching, she got really sick and nearly died. Her father ordered every healer, every potion, and even ordered his dragons to get help from outside their borders to cure her. He never left her side, and prayed for her recovery. And she had never once seen him pray in his entire life. Ember knew after learning this that her father did truly love her.

She would never forget the pride in his eyes when he saw her carrying the Bloodstone Scepter. Torch had been there to guide her, advise her, and be her voice. She worried at first that he would be against her plans to modernize their people, instead he was her fullest supporter. She believed her father would be there for another hundred years or so, hopefully one day see grandchildren of his own.

Now he was gone and Ember wanted nothing more than to hold her father and cry, but even now, on this day when she should be sad, she had to play politics. Everyone needed to see her be strong and resilient. She couldn’t cry for her father, not yet. She had to keep this mask of no emotions when she wanted nothing more than to tear it off.

Suddenly, she felt a claw wrap around her own. Holding it and squeezing it tight. She turned to her right and saw Spike looking up at her with tears in his eyes and a small smile given to her. That one look. That innocent look that said “It’s okay, I’m here” was enough to let her let out one tear. A single tear that she didn’t give a damn if anyone saw.


With the funeral over, it was time for everyone to go back to their lives. Ember requested that she be alone for a few hours in her room; even to the point of requesting her guards leave the area. Alone at last, she tossed away the scepter in her hand, fell onto her beds, and let everything loose. She screamed, cried, and even burned her room. All while shouting and cursing up a storm that would make any dragon wince.

Ember never cursed the gods before, but now all she wanted to do was tell them to go screw themselves. More than anything she wanted this to be a dream. Even a nightmare was fine. If only she could wake up and rush to her father, seeing him alive and well. If only she had her mother here to hug. She wasn’t there, or at least not that Ember could see. Ember hoped she was dead because if she wasn’t and didn’t come to her father’s funeral she would punch her lights out, size be damned.

She didn’t know how much time had passed before the door to her room opened. She was about ready to scream an order to be left alone when she saw him. Spike closed the door and slowly walked up to her without a sound. If Ember had the strength she would have blushed for the state she had made of herself and her chambers. It was not fitting for a Dragon Lord to look like this.

However, Spike didn’t look at her like a Dragon Lord. He looked at her like a child who just lost her father. More than anything she wanted one of his hugs, and she got her wish when his arms wrapped around her waist. It was so weird. She was the older one, the smarter one, and the more mature one. Yet, she was crying on his chest like he was the adult here.

Gods, I feel pathetic, she thought as she let loose her tears.

Even when the tears finally ended, she didn’t change her position. She wanted to be in this embrace forever. It was like a shield that protected her from the reality that her father was dead, but it couldn’t last forever. Yet Spike never stopped hugging her. He never let go.

When she finally did, Ember wiped her eyes and chuckled. “Sorry, guess I’m a little… over emotional today.”

“It’s alright, considering…” Spike cut himself off, but Ember put a claw on his shoulder.

“My father is dead,” said Ember, which felt like a dagger in her heart upon saying that. “You don’t need to mince words, Spike.”

“I just wish there was something I could do,” whispered Spike, looking down. “I’ve… never lost anyone. So I don’t know…”

“You being here? That was more than enough,” whispered Ember, looking down as well. “Aquafire and Blitz had to be with their clans for this ceremony. Dragon funerals are private affairs so non-dragons couldn't join like your friends in Ponyville. You could have even stayed for the rest of your birthday party. Instead, you… you stayed by my side. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

The two of them smiled at each other as some of the darkened mood slowly faded from the room. The two of them inched closer, but were interrupted by knocking. “Dragon Lord Ember? Silverback wishes to speak to you.”

“Tell him I’ll speak to him later,” said Ember, shaking her head.

“Silverback?” asked Spike.

“One of my father’s advisors when he was Dragon Lord. Kinda like an uncle to me in a way,” whispered Ember before the knocking continued. “I said I wanted-”

“He told me to tell you something: Regnar.”

Ember’s eyes opened before she turned to Spike and then the door. “I understand. I’ll meet him in my throne room alone.”

Spotting Spike’s raised eyebrow, Ember answered, “My father had a code word for if there was ever an emergency that was life or death and needed to be addressed. I knew of it since I was his child and his advisors did as well. Regnar was the Last Dragon Emperor before Discord ruined our once great Empire.”

“Let me come with you,” said Spike, getting up with her.

“No, this is… this is something I have to do, Spike. I’m sorry, but it’s Dragon Lord business,” replied Ember as she took her scepter and made for the door. She paused and turned around, “I’ll be back.”

Spike nodded as she opened the door and left.


Ember was both worried and curious as to what would make Silverback want to summon her for a life or death situation. Especially right after her father's funeral. The only time she could ever recall hearing it was when she was with her father, learning her numbers, and one of his other advisors said the code word. He left immediately afterwards to face, as she learned later, a Xixecal on the borders of Glacier Fields in their territory. When Ember became Dragon Lord, she kept up her father’s tradition of keeping the code word just in case. To have Silverback say it, right after her father’s death, only made her mind worry.

She saw him upon entering the throne room. Like his namesake he was a pure silver dragon, though his scales had gotten duller as the years went by. He held great wisdom in his wrinkled face, but a carrying gaze upon seeing her. “Oh, Ember. I’m so sorry… your father will be remembered as a great Dragon Lord.”

“And I will remember him as a great father, Uncle Silverback,” replied Ember as she flew up to his giant face and hugged his nose. She then asked, “Why did you call for me in private?”

Silverback’s face turned into a serious frown as he growled. “Your father... how did he die?”

Ember tilted her head. “He died in his sleep. He was very old.”

“Yes, old, but not that old. Your father was younger then me and yet I’m still kicking?” asked Silverback, shaking his head. “No, child. Your father did not die in his sleep. Not by any natural causes.”

Eyes widening, a dark pit began to from in Ember’s stomach that soon gave into a fiery inferno as she huffed, her nostril spitting fire out. “Are you saying… that my father… was murdered?”

Silverback was silent for a bit before he closed his eyes and sighed. “Your father was poisoned… a week ago with Stibnite.”

The scepter fell from Ember’s claws as she stared at her uncle figure, barely able to fly. “... how?”

“It was in his wine,” whispered Silverback. “He felt the effects on the first day afterwards and knew he was doomed. Naturally, he and I tried to find the cup giver only to learn he was found dead in a canyon.”

“But why?! Father was a great Dragon Lord! Everyone loved him!” shouted Ember.

“Yes they all loved him… but not all love you,” whispered Silverback as he gently took Ember into his giant paw and held her. “There are some, a small but powerful number, of dragons who do not like what you are doing. Because you are the Dragon Lord, and because you wield the Scepter, they cannot go against you, at least not directly, but they can hurt you. They went after your father to get to you. He realized this and told me to keep this from you until he died so you can avenge him with your enemies not knowing what you know.”

Ember began to shake, from rage or horror, she did not know. But one thing was for sure. Her father was murdered. Murdered by those against her. She could think a few names, including Garble’s father, but how many were there? How deep did this go?

“He should have told me…” whispered Ember, clutching her claws. “I should have known…”

“He didn’t want you to worry,” said Silverback. “He loved you so much that he did everything to protect you.”

“I don’t need protection! I need my father!” shouted Ember, before unleashing a flame at Silverback who took it in stride. Taking deep breaths, she closed her eyes and did her best to calm down. “They will pay. I will make them all pay. I will burn the dragon lands if I have to for my father to be avenged!”

“And I will do everything I can to help you,” whispered Silverback. “We must find allies to join us in this and find out who is behind this.”

Ember nodded. Now things are going to get hot around here...

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a late update. I wanted to focus on Aftermath and Future. With Aftermath almost done and Future going to update soon, figured I'd update this.

Like some guesses, there was some foul play involved with Torch's death. What becomes of it you will see.