• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,325 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 14

While Ember and Garble were dealing with getting their key, Twilight and her group were making their way towards the barracks. Her group was nervously checking every hall and direction for any dragons that could spot them. Their only advantage was their size and that they had one alicorn princess who could blast their pony and bug hides to outer space if she wanted. Twilight, however, remained calm and collected. She had been through worse scenarios before, and it was worth it to rescue Spike from his cell.

Of course, this wouldn’t have happened if Ember told me about the problems she was having, thought Twilight with a small amount of anger in her heart. She understood it was a dragon problem, but either way, Twilight would never have risked Spike going alone if she knew there was a potential rebellion going on. Then again, it's not like I could have stopped him. He’s very close to Ember, but it’s... different then his relationship with Thorax.

When she saw Spike with Thorax, it reminded her of the closeness with her best friends in Ponyville. When she saw her little adopted dragon brother with Ember, it reminded her of the time she met Flash Sentry in that human world. There’s something growing between them.

Anybody with a good sense of insight could see that Ember was getting attracted to Spike. She didn’t know if Spike felt the same way or not since he could be very good at keep his emotions to himself if he focused on it (his multiple wins at poker night could be a testament to that much to the despair of Rainbow’s wallet), but the only crush that Spike ever had was Rarity. Of course, Rarity only saw him as a little brother and nothing more, but didn’t know how to tell Spike without breaking his heart.

Especially since she was interested in some stallion who moved in from Las Pegasus.

Worry about finding Spike, then help him get over his crush later, thought Twilight as she dashed over to where the door of the barracks were. They were just open enough so that she could peek inside. A bunch of dragons in armor were either drinking from barrels of wine, playing cards, or shining their weapons.

“That’s... a lot of dragons,” replied one Crystal Soldier who gulped. “How are we going to find the key?”

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. Charging through was suicide obviously. Teleporting could help, but she was the only one who could do it. Plus, she didn’t know where the key was exactly. An illusion spell could help, but it was one area of magic she wasn’t an expert in. She didn’t know how to turn invisible yet and the changelings couldn’t transform into something that big to fool them.

An idea then came to her as she turned to the changelings. “Okay, I need one of you to transform into a large mouse. Then just sneak inside, find the key, and bring it here. “

After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors (In which they transformed into the said objects), the unlucky changeling who lost slowly approached the door. “You sure this will work?”

“Of course. You’re just gonna be a mouse. Even if they notice you they won’t do anything,” replied Princess Twilight, waving her hoof lazily. “It will be a piece of cake.”

The changeling sighed before transforming into a large pony sized rodent. He squeaked as he rushed inside, scattering his feet across the giant floor as he attempted to stay out of sight. The entire group watched as the mouseling paused to get his bearings straight before crawling towards a nearby dresser. He crawled up on top to get a better view of the room, managing to reach the top where he stood on top of a lamp. Looking around, he saw that there were at least thirteen dragons, lots of weapons, a few pin up posters of dragons in sexy positions, and finally the key hanging on a nail attached to a string.

He was about to get off when he noticed one of the large dragons coming over after doing some pushups on the ground. Reaching for a jug of water nearby, he drank it all until he gazed down at the mouse.


“EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!” screamed the dragon in the most girlish scream ever before turning white and pointing at the mouseling. “There’s a mouse in the room! Somebody kill it!”

At once, the guards screamed in terror as they began to run around in a panic. Some dived under the beds, their tails poking out, others stood on top of tables, holding each other and shaking with fear, and a few others were gathering the biggest heaviest items they could and started swimming them randomly.

“Somebody kill it! Kill it!”

“Don’t let it touch me!”

“By all the gods above, help meeee!”

Needless to say, everyone in Twilight’s group, including Twilight herself, watched in fascination as the big bulky dragons cowered like babies. The mouseling scattered away from his location just in time to avoid a mace to the skull that destroyed the dresser in one blow. The force of which shattered it into tiny pieces as the squealing mouseling flew into the air and landed on the nose of a giant purple spotted green dragon who started jumping on its toes. “Oh my crystals! It’s on my face! Get it off! Get it off!”

Without warning, a nearby dragon hit him smack dab in the kisser with a steel shield which resulted in him getting a broken nose. Fortunately, the mouseling jumped up in time to avoid it and slide down some curtains before ducking in between the panicking feet of the tall beasts. They shrieked as it ran past them, some fainting from the sight while others jumped into each other’s arms. Finally, one of them was brave enough to grab a broom and smack it into the air via golf swing. The screaming mouseling sailed through the air, dragons ducking to avoid touching it. By some good fortune, it managed to head directly to the key and quickly grabbed it to stop itself from becoming a spot on the wall.

“Burn you abomination of disease!” shouted one dragon as it breathed fire.

Quickly changing its form to include its original changeling horn, the mouseling zapped the string that held the key and fell to the ground before it could be barbecued. It fell onto a big furry rug that softened its landing before making a beeline for the exit.

“Where did it go?!” shouted one dragon.

“I don’t know! It’s lurking somewhere! Ready to finish us off!”

“Quick! Everyone play dead!” shouted one dragon before falling onto it’s back with its hind legs in the air. Other dragons followed, resulting in the ground shaking as they all simultaneously played possum.

The mouseling was able to finally reach the end of the door and past the crack, changing back into a sweating changeling as it levitated the key to Twilight. “Piece of cake, huh?! Piece of cake my buggy butt!” shouted the changeling to a blushing Twilight.

“A-anyway, let’s get back to the others,” replied Twilight as she led the group away from the barracks.

“... is it gone?” whispered one dragon.

“Who knows? Just keep pretending to be dead!” hissed another.



“... I gotta use the bathroom.”

Author's Note:

Not as long as the last one, I know, but I'm kinda thinking of changing what happens next. We'll see.