• Published 9th Feb 2017
  • 350 Views, 5 Comments

Of a strange phonomena - Dragonrose Lovesong

Of strange circumstances they have seen a different story~doki

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Chapter 1

Just an ordinary night in Ponyville. Almost everypony in town is asleep, as they should be at midnight. Rainbow Dash, however has other plans.
As she flies gracefully in the skies, she scans the area one last time before landing at one of Ponyville's many lakes. She touches the water and watches the ripples it makes as she moves her hoof over the surface. A single teardrop falls into the water.
When did I start crying? she holds her hoof to her chest and looks around.
all clear she steps on the now frozen lake and skates. A light appears at the edge of the lake followed by a small creature which looked like a plush chibi lop rabbit with an over-sized fluffy tail, the heart symbols which decorated it matching Dash's eyes perfectly. It watches excitedly as she skates.
"Simply beautiful, mistress." it applauds.
"Thanks Lovie, but I'm not really good at this." she replies skidding to a stop infront of the small creature.
"The usual, mistress?" it asks, to which Rainbow Dash simply nods. The small creature jumps into her hooves and gives her a hug, a crystal heart on its tail lighting up and engulfing Rainbow Dash. After awhile the light dissipates. "You seem to be drained more than usual, my lady." it says with a worried expression.
"The Wonderbolts training must be getting to me." she says and begins to fly away from the lake. The creature right behind her.
"Mistress, you have seemed a bit more sad than usual." the worry clear in its voice.
"Really? That's strange, I'm not quite sure that's even possible." She looks questioningly at her companion.
"Perhaps you simply need to feed soon." It tries to ease the tension. There is a short silence where she looks straight into Rainbow Dash's expressionless eyes.
"Perhaps you're right?" Lovie nearly falls out of the sky at this. "What shall I have?" Rainbow's voice a smooth unnatural whisper with a sweet undertone.
Lovie blushes as she usually does when Rainbow spoke in her most natural voice. Quickly looking around she spots a unicorn preparing for bed. "How about there?" she points. Rainbow's eyes follow and she sees the pony.
"That's Rarity." Lovie looks up at her confused, "She'll just have to do." Rainbow Dash swoops over to the open window. She scans the area and then feels around with her magic. Why are you the only pony in town that's awake?
Just a she was about to close the window, Rainbow Dash grabs her and pulls her into a kiss. Before Rarity had a chance to register what had happened she passes out. Rainbow pulls her to the bed and tucks her in for the night before flying to meet the stuffed doll.
"I guess I was hungry." She says playing with her mane. Lovie smiles at this. "I guess I should get some rest before morning though."
"My lady, have you forgotten about tonight?" Lovie panics
"Tonight?" she taps her chin and looks around. Her eyes drift to the moon. "The blood moon?" she asks. Lovie nods and flies right infront of her. "If you will." she holds her and flies into the air. All the hearts of the creature's body lights up and Rainbow throws her into the air. She reaches out a hoof and grabs onto the crimson moonlight. Her eyes flash pastel pink as she pulls the string of light. Lovie falls unto the light and it materialized into a pale crimson material. Lovie slides down the material and stops just shy of hitting the ground. She then flies up to meet Rainbow Dash.
"You seemed hungry." Dash smirks, Lovie just smiles awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head with a forepaw.
"I'll make you something magnificent!" she exclaims taking the fabric.
"I'll be asleep. I'll try your new designs tomorrow night." She says. With a nod Lovie disappears with the fabric and then Rainbow Dash flies home and falls asleep for the night.