• Published 9th Feb 2017
  • 350 Views, 5 Comments

Of a strange phonomena - Dragonrose Lovesong

Of strange circumstances they have seen a different story~doki

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chapter 3

It wasn't odd for the Elements of Harmony to be called over to Canterlot on short notice. And it wasn't quite odd for the princess to send a vague message. What had been getting under Pinkie Pie's skin since the meeting was the fact that they were going to meet ponies from a secret organisation. She rolls over on her bed and looks at the train ticket Spike gave her days before.
It's best to forget. a familiar voice calls. It's not her voice, somepony else, from a past she had hoped to forget.
She groans and pulls out a letter she had gotten just before Spike had told her that Twilight was looking for them. She hadn't opened it until in the night and at the letter's content she could tell that things where about to get difficult. "I don't want to see her again." Her mind races.
It has been two days since then and the worry had been slowly consuming her. "What do I do if she can recognise me, it's game over if they find out."
She checks the time, it's one a.m. She'll have to test her luck in the morning. "They can't find out."
She sighs again, rolling over to face the window, she sees some flashes of pastel pink light. She could never catch whatever it was that made those lights but it was always fun to watch. She found herself drifting off to sleep to the gentle rhythm that always seems to carry on those lights.


"Mistress has something been troubling you?" questions the small plush bunny.
"It's been a little confusing with my day life recently." Rainbow Dash answers.
"Shall I play some music to sooth your troubles away, or would you care to lay your burdens upon my heart as well." Lovie responds.
"You always know how to get me to talk don't you?" Rainbow uses her natural voice to answer, causing the plushie to blush.
"It is a gift mistress."
"Well, it's been on my mind Twilight read the letter. I know you will always forget any name I tell you, but bear with me. My friends and I will be meeting with a secret organisation in Canterlot tomorrow. So keep your reach active I'm not sure we'll come back at that day. What's got me confused is the secret organisation part. I know I'm not the smartest pony out there, but I'm pretty sure that those will do things that are illegal." Dash summarizes.
"If that is the case mistress I must go with you. It is imperative your understanding of illegal activity does not develop."
"I've heard of what happened to my relatives. The princesses had to dispose of them."
"It would be in your best interests to comply, my mistress."
"It is the way of life I guess."
Lovie looks around with a worried expression.
"What's coming?" Rainbow places Lovie on her head.
"The lights, I can feel them. It is not safe here, follow me." And with that Lovie pulls Rainbow Dash along by her magic away from the building magical energies in the surrounding area.