• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 1,767 Views, 97 Comments

Ghostbusters: A Different Adventure - Chrome Masquerade

After their second time saving the world, the Ghostbusters try to take a break. but nothing ever goes quite the way they intend, does it?

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Chapter 2: Bellhop Boos and Cooking Clownery

Chapter 2: Bellhop Boos and Cooking Clownery

They got out of the elevator -with a little effort on Twilight's part, who had to manifest her magic as a crowbar to open the door.

In the sitting room were Slimer and two new ghosts, which a quick scan proved to be

Bellhop Ghosts

Immediately, they all opened fire on the ghosts, attempting to do as little damage to the environs as possible - with limited success.

As they continued, Slimer broke off from the others. Ray said "Never mind the Onionhead for now. The ghosts with the red caps are fighting hard to hold stasis!"

Peter snarked again, "Come on! He's a New York bellhop! Just tip him, will ya?"

At length, the last Bellhop Ghost was trapped.

“That convulsive PK Shockwave really stirred up the nest. Man, this lobby is so wrecked!" Ray thought aloud.

Egon put in, "Can we please call Winston and tell him his night off has officially ended?"

More ghosts arrived shortly.

Ray warned, "More of them!"

But immediately after, Slimer fled the lobby, as did the Bellhop Ghosts.

Ray said, "They've split up!"

Egon commanded, "Peter, follow me! The others are floating upstairs. “

Peter spluttered, “But Slimer... he-”

“Twilight, you and Ray can pull our airy adversary/“friend” into a trap as fast as you can. There's a massive bulge in these spikes. That indicates that this isn't just some routine clearing job."

Peter muttered to himself, "He gets so bossy when he hasn't had his nap."

“What was that, Peter?” Egon asked.

Peter was quick to say, “Nothin'! Nothin'.” Turning to Ray and Twilight he said, “Give him one or two for me, 'kay pumpkin?” he said, with an offhanded salute.

Twilight's only response was a nod.

-----Ray and Twilight----

Hey now... is that honey glazed ham?” Ray queried, sniffing the air.

“Prime rib, too, i think.” Twilight said, sniffing as well. While she didn't typically eat much meat, she couldn't deny that it did smell inviting.

Walking a little further they came to a closed door, the smell of food exuding from the other side. “There. The Alhambra Ballroom. No way he could pass that up." Ray said.

The hotel manager, (John O'Keefe, by name, Twilight found out) said, "Absolutely not! You can't go in. the Rodriguez Bar Mitzvah is set to start in half an hour!"

Peter communicated,

"I'll bet the beef brisket is today's special."

"...and you've done quite enough already. I'm sure the... thing... will just go away."

They heard sounds from the ballroom.

Twilight and Ray tilted their heads and raised an eyebrow in unison.

"I... I'm willing to risk it! You're not going in there!"

Ray nodded, "That's all we needed to hear. Alright, we're out! Service has been declined beyond this point."

Egon communicated,

"Sounds like the Alhambra's off limits."

Peter put in,

"Oh, no, no, no. The shnutz you say. Nobody slimes Pete Venkman twice and gets away with it. There's a back way in there, through the kitchen."

Egon warned,

"Peter? Do you remember the Ellis Island incident?"

"Nobody can prove that was my fault!"

Reaching the aforementioned doorway, Ray said, "You probably didn't bring an apron, but we're gonna take a little shortcut, I guess. According to Peter, The Alhambra should be right through... here.”

After a short distance, Ray said, ”Okay, Sparks, you're on point for a while."

A little ways forward they discovered a black and orange tar-like substance.

“Alright, don't touch the slime, kid. It's extremely dangerous. We might have to deal with that another day, though."

Twilight scanned the Black Slimejust in case.

As they proceeded a cupboard full of dishes nearly fell and blocked the path, but Twilight's quick thinking (and levitation) got it back into place before anything else broke.

They opted to go the other way, just in case.

As they went that way, the stoves started up. “Nothing to worry about. Most kitchens have self starting pilot lights.” Ray joked.

Intruders? Or maybe just.... dinner guests?” Twilight heard.

“Did you say something, dad?” Twilight asked, beginning to feel spooked.

Ray said, “No, why do you-” he turned back, but then cautioned, “Whoa! Heads up, kid!"

A large ghost flew past (a quick scan by Twilight revealed him to be Chef Sargossa) and to the other side of the kitchen, ringing a dinner bell.

"Come and get it!"

Ray said cautiously, “Don't be hasty, now!”

Sure enough, several fish-like ghosts began coming out of the woodwork, as Twilight quickly scanned them.

Ray was more ground-bound while Twilight was free to use the full three dimensions of the kitchen due to her smaller size. Between the two, the fishy frights were fricasseed fairly fast.

Next time, maybe you'll stay for dinner. Hahahaha!” Twilight heard.

“Dad?” she queried, intending to tell Ray something.

“I'm okay kid, the worst of that is over, seems like. Come on, let's go.”

They came upon a piece of furniture that had been blocking the door. “Alright, Sparks, check this out. To move objects like this, you can use the other half of the Proton Wand; the Capture Stream.”

With the two of them using their Capture Streams in just such a way, the object was removed, and Twilight set it upright.

“That's all there is to it. Usually one just throws this junk anywhere. We don't stick around to clean up.”

Stepping through the next doorway, the inviting smells came back.

“You know, I thought he said 'Rodriguez Bar Mitzvah.'" Ray commented.

Slimer was easy to spot as he floated over to a cake and started eating it.

The hunger... if only i knew what would stop it...

“Dad? I've been meaning to tell you...“ Twilight began

“Yeah, kid?” looking back to Slimer, Ray said, "Would it kill him to mix in a salad once in a while?”

Twilight smiled “He's already dead, so i doubt it.”


“Dad...” Twilight began again, “I think i can hear what ghosts are saying.”

Ray twisted back to Twilight. “What? Really?”

“Really. I heard the bellhop ghosts, Chef Sargossa in the kitchen and Slimer is complaining about his endless hunger right now.”

Slimer, hearing this, turned to them. “You know NOTHING of my hunger! The agony I've been through!

“Then tell me!” Twilight requested.

Long ago i lived in a place far away. The people were simple, as was everything, but the food was delicious. There was only one dish that could truly quench my hunger, that would satisfy me.... But now, in this afterlife.... I've forgotten what it is!

“Do you remember what it was like?” Twilight said, invested in this now.

It could be eaten dry or as a soup. It could be spiced with many different things. There was no right way to make it. It was juicy and flavourful....

“Ramen.” Twilight guessed.

What?” Slimer queried, floating closer to the floor.

“Chinese noodles. Dry or wet, as soup or in stir-fry, can be spiced with many flavours.... it fits your description to a T!”

I think.... Yes! That might be it! If only I could have a bowl or two of that.... i could move on!

“You're in luck!” Twilight said. “I've had it several times and memorized a spell for it.” With that she grabbed a bowl with her magic and concentrated. Moments later there was soup in the bowl and Slimer began devouring it.

It's delicious!” Slimer commented, wiping his eyes of ethereal tears.
At length, a few refills later, he finished. “Thank you, miss Twilight. I feel fine now. I shall darken this garden no more.” Slimer said as he disappeared. “Thank you all... for everything.

Ray was looking curiously at his adoptive daughter. “Okay, kid, fill me in.”

Twilight explained, “Slimer was cursed with eternal hunger until he found one thing that could satisfy him. With that done, he... moved on.”

Looking around, Ray said, “Perhaps a place setting disturbed. Still pretty much ready for the Rodriguez family."

The hotel manager ran in.

"The Alhambra Ballroom! The Bar Mitzvah!"

“Everything is fine sir. Nothing broken.” Ray reassured him.

“Actually, that might be the LEAST of your problems.” Twilight said, bringing attention to herself for the first time, “Did you check to see if all of this food is actually kosher?”

“Uh....” the manager said, the enchantment that Twilight had been using dispelled by drawing attention to herself.

“I'll take that as a no.” Twilight said. “You can't have things like honey glazed ham and prime rib for a party of Jewish people! Pork is especially a no-no, as i understand; It can't be kosher by its very nature; no matter how or how much you cut or cook it! It's against their culture. Don't you know that?”

“Oh no! The Bar Mitzvah! What will I do?!”

“Oh, that's easy. You put the non-kosher products aside and we'll take it as part of your fee. Then you can quickly replace it with something appropriate.”

At Mr O'Keefe's request, some of the staff dashed to do just that. Fortunately the Rodriguez group had called in and said that they'd be running a little late, so all was going to be prepared with time to spare.

Ray said "And now, thanks to me and my new exclusively assigned recruit here, the festivities can now proceed in an entirely ghost free environment. And to the Rodriguez: L'chaim from the Ghostbusters!"

They exit the ballroom and bumped into Egon and Peter, who had been just outside.
“Nice negotiating, Twiggy. you got us some lunch with just a few words.” Peter complimented, petting Twilight.

Egon said, "Nice of you guys to join us. You grab the spud?"

“Uh.... No. He crossed over.” Twilight said.

"WHAT?!" Egon and Peter queried in unison

One explanation later, Peter grumbled, “Well, that explains that. I guess he DID get away with it.”

Egon knelt down and gave Twilight's ears a scratch. "This is a fantastic development, Twilight. I'm very proud of you. But things can't always end peacefully. With some spirits....”

“Yeah. I know.” Twilight said, leaning into the affectionate touch.

Ray noticed some new ghosts coming in. "Uh-oh! Heads up! Your initiation is over, Twi! Now give us a... hoof! We've got a couple of troublesome spirits here, looks like!"

As they armed themselves and Twilight found a better vantage point, the manager found himself instead fascinated by the display of energy, making sure to stay where he could see the show, but could stay FAR away from it!

After one ghost was caught by Twilight, Ray said, "Nice streaming, kid! You're getting the hang of it. Good trap work too."

At length, the last one was caught.

Peter said, "See? That wasn't such a chore now was it?"

John O'Keefe asked, "Who's going to pay for all this?!"

Ray replied smartly, "No need to worry, sir. As you know, the Mayor rode to office on a strictly pro-Ghostbusters platform, and we now invoice the city directly for all captures and eliminations. An unhaunted New York is a tourist friendly New York."

"No... the damage!"

“Oh, don't worry about that.” Twilight said, activating her magic. She clapped her hooves and casually said "Argulfraster." A lavender glow surrounded every broken object and scorch mark on that floor. With a flash, everything knit back together, as if nothing had ever happened to it. There was also a hint of lemon in the air

The manager was awestruck. "Amazing! Okay, I'll withdraw that complaint. But please, be discreet from here?"

Ray said, "Discretion is our professional watch word."

Suddenly, a new ghost flew by.

'Tis a wonderful day to be a'fishin'!

Peter said, "Heads up!"

Ray commented, "Whoa! Where did HE come from?!"

Egon put in, "I suppose we should go after him. Unless you... want to discuss it first?"

For once in his life, John O'Keefe had nothing that he could say.

Ray said, "Cadet, go with Dr. Spengler. Check out the angry fisherman."

The two quickly went to the stairs.

Egon said to Twilight, "This way. Looks like he's drifting upstairs."

A short way up, Egon looked up, then back at Twilight and said, "Shh."

Unfortunately, the fisherman was having none of it-

"Ye won't be landin' me that easy, Ghostblighters!"

-and cast his line to one of the parts of the staircase, collapsing it. This stranded Egon on one side and Twilight on the other.

Egon said, "I can't get across there! Move!” Twilight nodded. “Also, Take this trap!" Egon added, throwing Twilight his extra trap.

It was about this time that Twilight realized that things were about to get real; that she was, for now, on her own.
“Well... (gulp) Here goes.” she nervously said, continuing on.