• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 1,767 Views, 97 Comments

Ghostbusters: A Different Adventure - Chrome Masquerade

After their second time saving the world, the Ghostbusters try to take a break. but nothing ever goes quite the way they intend, does it?

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Interlude: New Developments, Old Problems

Later, at the Firehouse, after stopping at the Sedgewick to pick up dinner, the Ghostbusters returned to the GBHQ, Ilyssa in tow.

Winston asked, after swallowing a morsel of food, "So, you know so much about Gozer because...?"

Ilyssa replied, "Because I'm a specialist in ancient Mesopotamian cultures and architecture. Sumerian, primarily. Gozerian, more specifically. I'm here as a guest curator for the Gozerian exhibit that's opening tomorrow at the Natural History Museum."

Egon said, "You are aware, of course, that we also have some... history with Gozer."

Ilyssa nodded. "Yes, of course."

Ray put in, pridefully, "Gozer was a bush-leaguer before he met us. A strictly farm-team deity! We put him on the map!" he said, puffing out his chest a bit.

Peter said, "But our getting stiffed on invites to opening night... just an over sight, right?"

Ilyssa raised her hands, palms outstretched. "I don't have anything to do with that."

Suddenly a high-strung voice rang out. "That, gentlemen, was all me! And I can assure you, it was not an oversight!"

Janine peeked around the corner. "Oh, by the way, you have visitors."

Peter deadpanned, "Thank you, Janine. You're a first class lookout.” He then turned to the man. “Walter Peck, I did not recognize you without the Mayor's backside attached to your nose."

As if on cue, Mayor Mulligan's voice came from just outside the door. "Okay, everybody! Put 'em back in their skivvies!” And he laughed. Then he turned to Ilyssa. “Apologies, uh... Dr. Selwyn. Are you alright?"

Ilyssa replied, "I think so, but... I'm worried about the exhibit."

Mayor Mulligan exclaimed excitedly, "Are you kidding?! You can't buy publicity like this! The guest curator of the Gozer Exhibit -the expert Peck recommended,- is attacked the night before the opening by Gozer himself?!

He then turned to the Ghostbusters. “Please tell me that was Gozer!"

Egon explained, "Gozer manifested in a familiar form; one he had used before: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. But this event was weaker than his first encounter with us."

Mayor Mulligan "Ha! That's all I need to know. Thanks!" He then noticed the smell permeating the room. “Saaaay.... Is that honey glazed ham? And beef brisket?”

“Among other things, yes. Help yourself.” Twilight spoke up.

“Don't mind if i do. And who is this cute little specimen?” the mayor asked, helping himself to some of the top-quality fare.

“This would be our adoptive daughter and newest member, Twilight Sparkle.” Ray explained. “Twilight, this is Mayor Jock Mulligan.”

Peter spoke up, "Come on, Jock. What's the idea bringing...(cough) 'preck' around here? Oh, have I coughed at the wrong time?"

Mayor Mulligan said, "Listen. Here's the deal. You and Peck... all you guys are going to work together."

Peter and Peck spoke in unison. "What?!"

Ray waved a hand in the air. "No way, no how."

Egon added "Impossible."

"It's like trying to connect two negatively charged ions." Twilight put in.

The mayor attempted to assuage them. "Look. This city has given you at least a dozen contracts for the jails, courthouses and wharves. You guys want to grow your business. Get some county and state work too. I'm all for it. You've been big supporters, and great for my campaign."

Ray pointed out, "Well, some have said our endorsement is what got you elected."

Mulligan joked, "But not out loud!” Then he coughed, continuing. “Anyway, after all the damage you've been causing lately, the city council wants you under close supervision for a period of no less than six months!"

Twilight spoke up. “Actually, ever since I've joined I've been magically repairing the damage that we cause.”

The mayor was taken aback. “What? Really?” to which Twilight nodded. “Oh.” he said, his speech derailed.

Peter said, "We file reports on time. There's no need for extra supervision."

That got a laugh from the mayor. "Ha, ha, ha! Funny guy, Venkman! You've always been my favorite.”

Egon started, "Well, that's where your friend here comes in. He's annoying, a stickler for the rules...”

Mayor Mulligan agreed, “In other words, the perfect "Peck" for the job. He's our new head of P-COC!"

Ray asked "P-COC?"

Twilight explained, "P-C-O-C: Paranormal Contracts Oversight Commission. Janine explained it to me.”

Peck added, “And my first official act is going to be suspending you clowns' operating license." he said proudly, slapping a folder onto Janine's desk.

“You can't do that.” Twilight said.

“And why not?” Peck queried, hands on hips.

“Because you'd have to prove your claims beyond a reasonable doubt to those on your level, in a way that the majority of them could agree with. And have evidence. You aren't the only head that P-COC has.” Twilight answered, bringing Peck up short.

“I looked up P-COC's operating procedures. There's a fair bit of red tape, and considering your bias against us -and as i understand, anything mystically related- well.....” Twilight left the last bit hanging.

After a few seconds, Mayor Mulligan inserted, "Listen up, Peck. Launch your investigation if you have to, but for now just keep things under control -including that attitude of yours- and my office in the loop. But remember, if the Ghostbusters cease to exist, so does your job. So you need each other. Beautiful, in an ironic, symmetrical kind of way, isn't it?"

Peter started to complain. "Hey, Mulligan. Come on..."

The mayor interrupted, "It's Mayor Mulligan to you, Venkman. So, do we have an understanding? This kind of protects us all. You want more business, I want to keep my approval rating up, and Peck wants his little fiefdom. You play by the rules, -easy- we all get what we want and the city council gets what they need."

“When you put it that way, it is the best option.” Egon said.

“Okay, big night tomorrow, Ilyssa! Get some rest!" the mayor said, taking a plate of food before he sauntered out of the room.

Ray put in, after a moment, "So! Now that we're all “””friends”””, can we get invites to the Museum opening?"

Walter Peck said, "Not. Likely. But I'll be seeing you soon. You can count on that." He turned to Twilight, “And i'll ESPECIALLY keep an eye on you.” he said, before following the mayor.

Peter commented, sneering, "Doesn't Peck look exactly like the kind of guy who would "accidentally" walk into the stream of a boson collider?" he said.

Though entirely in agreement, Egon changed the subject. "Ray and I have been talking... and we think we should have a look at the museum. Whatever happened, it started there."

Peter said, "Okay, I'll take one for the team and stay with Ilyssa. You guys go with Winston and Twily.”

Winston said, "What about Peck? He's supposed to be informed of everything we do."

Ray said, "What he doesn't know can't hurt us."

“Especially if Doctor Selwyn acquires tickets for us legit, before he can stop us.” Twillight added, winking at Ilysssa, who winked back.

"We'll do that tomorrow. Best to rest up from all this. Doctor Selwyn, you can take the guest room, over that way." Egon said, pointing toward a room in the back.

They said their goodnights and went to rest.

Before they left the next morning, Janine said, "Hey Guys? Before you do anything, you need to make a detour first. Something big is going down. It's on 1010 WINS now."

Ray walked over to her desk. "Tune it in."

"...and another ghostly sighting has staff at the New York Public Library scrambling for answers."

Egon half-groaned. "The Gray Lady."

Ray said, "Let's get her for real this time. Let's go!"

Winston asked, "Well, what about the Museum?"

Ray quipped, "It's been there for 104 years. Where's it gonna go today?"

Winston said, "Uh... this thing you guys have for the Gray Lady borders on the weird. You know that, right?"

Ray replied, "She made us look like schmucks. Not this time."

Janine added, "Oh, and another thing? According to the paperwork i have I'm required to tell “him” where you are and what you are up to."

Egon said, "Tell him he can meet us at the Museum. We'll be there. Eventually."

With that, the team got into the Ecto-1 and left for the Library.