• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 1,767 Views, 97 Comments

Ghostbusters: A Different Adventure - Chrome Masquerade

After their second time saving the world, the Ghostbusters try to take a break. but nothing ever goes quite the way they intend, does it?

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Chapter 3: Trial by Water

Twilight followed the trace of the fisherman, when a tidal wave rushed toward her, seemingly from nowhere!

“YAAAAAAH!!!” Twilight screamed as the wave swept her off her hooves.

Ray communicated,

"Hey! Is there a bathtub overflowing up there?"

Egon put in,

"More specifically: a 7000-cubic meter bathtub filled with protonically charged seawater? And, um... sea cucumbers?"

The ghost passed by Twilight, who was quite wet and was rendered unable to fly due to her soaked wings, so she just folded them back into her outfit, rather angrily.

You aren't getting away from me!” Twilight exclaimed, giving chase, but lost the fisherman around a corner, hearing only his laughter.

Grrr! He got away.” Twilight growled, her impatience rising.

As Twilight continued slogging through the partially aquatic environment, Egon communicated,

"Ray, did you tell our daughter about semi-dimensional rift entities? This type of highly agitated environment is a highly likely manifestation point."

Sure enough, a candle holder on a nearby wall abruptly animated and attacked Twilight, who took a scan before she made short work of it.

Candelabrum Crawler

“Never mind, I think I get the idea.” Twilight said back, rolling her eyes.

The fisherman appeared, again. “Catch me if ye can, lass!” he taunted, the dashed off.

Twilight followed him to an elevator room. The doors opened and drained out the water remaining.

A short distance later, Twilight entered a restaurant named "Sargassi's". The fisherman ghost appeared.

Do ye fancy me restaurant, lass? It's been a while since i had any customers.

“It's... certainly authentic.” Twilight replied, taking the convenient opportunity to scan the ghost. "Pappy Sargassi", the meter labelled him. “Definitely gives off the high seas vibe.”

Glad ye like it! Alas, ye won't be around long enough to truly enjoy it.

“What do you mean?”

Ah, ye see, among ghosts I be somethin' of an... epicurean, i think ye call them. I love to try different foods, exotic ones, even now that i be not among the livin'.

“You don't say?” Twilight queried, not liking where this was going.

Yes indeed. I used to enjoy many foods, though fish always held me heart. Y'see... I've never had the opportunity to try a unicorn...

“I don't think so.” Twilight said, drawing her proton wand again, aiming carefully and firing. Her target, however was easily able to dance around her shots.

Ye won't catch me like that, lass! Are ye a tad angry?” he taunted.

Hearing that, Twilight realized that she was letting her anger lead her and her fear hinder her. She focused on removing said fear and anger, and in that moment time seemed to slow for her by about 50%. with her perception thus enhanced, though hardly noticing it, she aimed a bit ahead of her target, hitting him for the first time.

Ye're getting better, lass! Maybe you'll catch me in... another ten years!” he taunted again, disappearing around a corner, but not before she got a scan off.

Pappy Sargassi


Shortly afterwards, the other Ghostbusters arrive.

Egon said, "Good work, kid. Are you alright?"

Twilight nodded. “I'm okay, but he got away.”

Ray said, "Nice going, though. You might really be the right person- er, pony for this job."

Peter added, "Yes, you have helped destroy a significant section of a five-star
New York hotel in just under three hours. And then repaired it! Your mother and I are so proud.
Aren't we, Egon?"

Everyone wisely decided to ignore that.

Suddenly a blip appeared on Twilight's PKE Meter. Egon said, "She's got something! Let's track it down!"

Twilight followed the trail around the corner that Pappy Sargassi passed around, when an explosion rocked the bar. A huge construct of some sort appeared just after, taking in many pieces of furniture, becoming a golem of some sort. Everyone was so startled that they even almost forgot to scan the gestalt before firing upon it.

Kitchen Golem

Peter said, "Egon? Ray? This is something new for us, isn't it?"

"First one I've ever seen! It's some type of highly focused anthropomorphic animator, an entity which attracts familiar objects to itself so it can materially manifest its rage!" Ray replied.

Maybe i'll get some long pig as well!” Twilight heard.

As they fired on the beastly furniture golem, they found that parts that they blasted off came back to the gigantic construct. Egon analyzed, "It's generating a field of attraction so strong that it's able to reassemble its component parts!"

Ray put in, "But it's also losing strength! Keep tearing it down!

Eventually a part of the golem started to glow.

“Twilight!” Ray exclaimed, pointing.

“I see it!”Twilight confirmed, using her magic to pull the object off of the golem, which exploded into a million pieces.

Just after, Sargassi reappeared and the five ghostbusters made short work of him, allowing Twilight to trap him.

“Try eating that.” Twilight sassed.

Peter offhandedly commented, "I thought I didn't like knives and forks flying at me. But, when knives and forks and..... other stuff become a big angry giant? That's, really, me not liking it. A lot."

Ray quipped, "Happens every day, right?"