• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,615 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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Pleasant Surprises All Around

Once upon a time, there was a young pony that wasn't like all the others.
All he wanted was a friend.
And then he found one, and she was the most amazing friend that anypony could have asked for.
He loved her. And she loved him.
But he didn't love himself.
He worried he was a monster. And how could anyone care about a monster?

That's the thing about friendship though.
Your friends are friends because they can see the great things you have inside.
They can see past looks and family and even your own worries.

And they can see the goodness in you, even if you don't see it yourself. Siege of the Crystal Empire, finale.

~Prologue. Sombra POV~

After the defeat of the Umbrum, the search for Princess Amore's scattered pieces began. For the greater part of a year, Sombra and Radiant Hope had searched all over Equestria; from the highest peaks of the Crystal Mountains to the scorched deserts of the Badlands. In all that time and through many dangers, Sombra had never once been afraid. After all, he was the former King of the Monsters - and a powerful Unicorn in his own right, and by his side was his childhood friend - once a student of Princess Celestia herself. Heck, she was a potential candidate for Alicornhood herself. There was nothing they could not handle together, he thought. Nothing terrified him.

At least until the day that Hope announced that she was pregnant.

Sombra's first thought and reaction was shock - followed by the joy of knowing he was going to be a father!

It was not long after that though that he realized that this would create its own set of problems. Hope could not travel with him so long as she carried his foal. A short talk later and a failed attempt at convincing her that staying behind in the Crystal Empire was the best course, Sombra agreed to settle there - in the very place he had grown up in and had once ruled with an iron hoof. His reasoning outwardly was that they could raise their child in a familiar environment - and hopefully prove once and for all to the Crystal Ponies that he had changed.

Therein came the hardest part of all this - having to face the glares and the stigma. None of them said anything of course, given how much he had changed - and with the knowledge he was trying to redeem himself, but it was disconcerting the way that the streets became silent whenever he trotted among them. The way that mares and stallions alike would stop what they were doing and stare at him like he was a Bug-Bear. But then, given how much he had hurt them - had oppressed them during his rule - he supposed he deserved it.

Hope was by his side throughout it all - offering encouraging words and the promise that their foal would be loved. Just like when they were young, all it took was her laughter to lighten his dark moods. When he brooded over his dark past, Hope reminded him that Celestia herself had pardoned him and that he had been given a second chance. When he was dejected, Hope gave him comforting hugs and reminded him that their task was nearly done - all it took was a few more shards and then Princess Amore would be restored.

But first came the matter of their foal's birth.

Well, that and their wedding.

Not long after Hope announced her pregnancy, Sombra had sold his armor and his regalia - no longer having any need for it - and to save up the Bits necessary for a ring. Before the Crystal Heart's dais - the very place of his rebirth into a normal Unicorn - Sombra had proposed.

Hope had accepted of course.

~Several weeks before~

"Hope, I am not much for words," Sombra began as he took Hope's hoof in his, feeling awkward.

Less so, he suspected from what he was about to do, more from the fact there were a few crystal ponies looking at him in a strange way. Not in the usual 'stare down the former oppressor' but in the 'what the buck is he doing?' kind of way.

"But a thousand years ago, you were the most amazing pony I had ever met. Right from the moment I met you, I knew I was in love. And I still love you now, today - a millennia later. You were the first pony to see the goodness in me, even when I couldn't see it myself. And now, you bear my child. A foal grows inside you - our child. That foal represents our future. If you would have me, I would gladly see that future through."

This was it. The moment of truth. The moment he'd waited for, for so long. With a bended knee and a quick spell of levitation, he lifted the small black box and opened it before her. Inside was a ring, perfectly fit for her horn - with a diamond in the band.

"Radiant Hope, will you marry me?"

Tears of (what he supposed were joy) filled her eyes. Nearby, the crystal ponies stomped their hooves in approval. Slowly, Hope nodded, and when she found her voice - it was a squeal.

"Of course I will!"

And with that, he placed the ring on her horn - swept her up into his forelegs and kissed her deeply, not noticing or caring what any other pony in the world thought of him.


In no time at all, plans were made (thanks in part to Twilight and her friends) and the day came they were to become mare and colt.

It was a small ceremony with only those that they once called enemies in attendance. As neither had any family, they had asked Shining Armor to be the best stallion - and Twilight Sparkle and her friends to be bridesmaids, with a special place of honor for Princess Cadance as the one to conduct. As with many of the celebrations they had attended, the Element Bearers had chosen to wear dresses designed by Rarity - similar to the ones they had worn for Shining Armor's own wedding. Even the little dragon Spike was there too. He had insisted on coming, after all (he said at the "bachelor party") it was by his claw that Sombra's eventual redemption was made possible - by returning the Crystal Heart.

Needless to say, that was the last bachelor party that Sombra had ever hoped to attend. He truthfully didn't remember much of it - just a round of awkward silence, followed by seemingly endless rounds of Apple-Cider and Crystal Nectar and then by more bad jokes than any of the attendants could shake their flanks at. Two weeks later and the day of the wedding arrived.

Sombra stood at the altar where the Empire's Crystallings took place - dressed in a white tux - as per Rarity's suggestion (and design) as it contrasted with his grey coat and his black mane. It itched something terrible, though that didn't bother him nearly as much as the future prospects he was facing. His mind was afire with questions. What if he wasn't a good father? He had no experience in such things - and he had never had a real family. His "mother" had turned out to be a monster. What if his foal was bullied and teased like he was? Then there was the fact that his foal would be known as the child of Sombra - the former tyrant. They might be an outcast - maybe even fall into the same dark path as their father.

No. He thought, his determination growing. I will not let my child make the same mistakes I did. They will be loved - both by me and by... Hope. - His thoughts were interrupted by the bride beginning her walk down the aisle.

And the sight of her took his breath away.

Dressed all in white (again designed by Rarity. Thank Celestia for her intervention!) - Radiant Hope was a vision. The dress was simple yet elegant in its design - hugging her body in such a way that complimented her naturally small frame without being too tight. Her purple coat's crystal reflections not only caught the light - but amplified and reflected it in a myriad of ways. Her silvery mane was held in an elaborate bun by a ring of flowers - and beneath her veil she had a small smile, which somehow made her all the more beautiful.

As she joined him at the altar, Sombra found himself returning the smile - and they both looked up at Cadance. With a wink, the Crystal Princess began her speech.

"Mares and gentle-colts. We are gathered here to celebrate the union of Sombra and Radiant Hope in matrimony. We all had thought that Sombra's heart was as black as night - that there would be no hope of reforming him...-"

The groom shied away uncomfortably, his eyes settling on the small number of guests: Shining Armor of course, bawling his eyes out - even though a position as important as his demanded a certain amount of dignity. (According to Cadance beforehoof, he always cried at other's weddings) - In his right hoof was his newborn daughter, Princess Flurry Heart - giggling to herself as she nibbled at her father's mane. She was admittedly quite the adorable little addition to the new royal family. Several times, Radiant Hope had gushed over her. Already, the baby had proven to be quite playful and cheery - much like Hope, Sombra noted. And she was an Alicorn on top of all that.

And then there were the Element-Bearers. Twilight was beaming - offering her brother a comforting hoof to the side. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and even two newcomers, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst - all watched diligently whilst Pinkie Pie... well, was watching his embarrassment with a hoof-full of popcorn that she had procured from somewhere.

"-But to our great surprise, love triumphed over darkness." Cadance continued. "And in that moment he redeemed himself by re-imprisoning the Umbrum. Now, with his second chance - he has chosen to trot down the path of redemption towards a better future. But he does not travel that path alone. Radiant Hope - his dearest friend through all these years now bears his child. And I have no doubt that, that foal will grow to be loved. As our own Princess of Friendship teaches us...."

Another wink, this one in Twilight's direction - who grinned winningly in response.

"-It helps to have a friend to watch over us. To see the better side of us, even when we cannot. So, therefore, we have decided - upon their foal's birth - we offer their family a place here in the Crystal Castle - with our daughter, Princess Flurry as their first friend."

Both bride and groom stared. Did Cadance truly just say...

"And with that, I now pronounce you mare and colt." She announced, interrupting their shared thought. "May we have the rings?"

The little dragon lifted the rings - and Cadance used her magic to levitate them onto their horns while saying, "You may kiss the bride."

It took a moment, but Sombra realized that was his cue - and he turned, raised Hope's veil and he placed his lips on hers. Gradually, she recovered from her shock and reciprocated - and the guests clapped their hooves lightly.

That was it. They were married!

And to think, he thought with some humor and a tear welling up in his eye. Both at the happiness of the moment - and the tragedy it took to get there. -it's only been waiting a thousand years.

Author's Note:

Hello there! Sir-Shining Armor at your service with my very first fanfic. I started this fic after I got the idea from the title picture, drawn by a friend of mine on DeviantArt. Granted, it's not my best work, but I promise you it will get better. Special thanks to you my fellow Bronies. You make the world 20% cooler.