• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,615 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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The Calm Before the Storm

~Chapter 10: The Calm Before the Storm~

~Sombra POV~

The small army of ponies was marching to battle. Rank by rank, troop by troop, company by company, they moved in infantry squares, making steady progress. Unicorns led the way, as they were the first to cast spells - both protective and offensive, followed by Earth Ponies armed with spears. Above them were the Pegasi Squadrons floating over the battle-lines in V-formation, ready to redeploy for aerial bombardment or for intel-gathering as needed. Shining Armor wanted to leave nothing to chance. Yet, even with the small force surrounding him and his family, Sombra could not help but wonder if they were walking into a trap.

According to what Celestia had said, this Mirror-Sombra was intelligent, erudite and sophisticated. That was back when she knew him, anyway. Absorbing the evil and power of the Mirror-versions of her and her sister meant that he would now have a certain element of cunning and ruthlessness to him as well. Likely, his powers were greater than even him at his height. During their previous bouts, Sombra was the equal of Celestia or Luna individually, but their unity made them a nearly indomitable force. When either of them really cut loose and unleashed their full power, they were formidable. Most often though, they preferred to influence events from afar or watch them unfold with impartial serenity.

Now, the two sisters definitely seemed on the warpath. They had armed themselves and were marching at the army's head with Shining Armor, the Element-Bearers and with Shard, leading the way ahead of them with his locator Magic. Every so often, his son would alter their course and make them march a little more this way or that, but so far it had been a straight shot north, towards Mount Everhoof.

During the way, they passed jagged remains of old gems and tarnished pieces of stone that stuck out amid the tundra - likely the remnants of Crystal Pony settlements from before the Empire's founding. Occasionally, guard ponies would look upon them with anxious faces. Many were likely wondering just what had caused such desolation, but they kept their ranks. Though the old ruins offered no obstruction, nor were there any hidden foes lurking among them, the dread of seeing such could not be shaken off.

At one point during their rest periods, Shard sought him out and asked what was expected of him in the battle.

"You, my son," Sombra started, "will play no part in the fighting. You're not a fully trained Unicorn. You get us to the location of the mirror, and then you will stay back and remain where you are."

"But, father," Shard protested. "I am ready, you taught me how to use Magic!"

"And you are a good student." Sombra reassured him with a nuzzle to his forehead. "But you are still only a Colt. And you are my only son. You will do as I say and stay out of the fighting."

Although the look of disappointment was evident in his son's face, Shard slowly nodded and said no more of that matter. Yet, even with the guard that Shining Armor had agreed to station around him and Flurry, Sombra knew that Shard would, in all likelihood try and join them anyway. It was in his nature after all. He had a stubborn streak like his mother - but a part of growing up was knowing when to leave well enough alone. Furthermore, this was war; a matter which he understood as little as he did this other Sombra. Shard had bravely defended his father when Celestia had spoken up about the possibility of him turning back to evil, which he found endearing - but the truth was, he wasn't so sure.

If a Pony as kind and benevolent as his other self could turn to evil so easily, who was to say the same about him?

More and more though, his thoughts returned to what he'd said before - he had made his own choices. Destiny or not, it was his decision to marry Hope - to start a family and restore Princess Amore - and nopony could take that away from him. Not even another version of him.


~Shining Armor POV~

The march had lasted the greater part of a day - and still no kind of enemy contact. The Pegasi were divided into three squadrons for that very purpose. Any time one unit tired or encountered enemy activity, they would immediately go to ground and wait for the main army that the next squadron might be fresh and ready to deploy at need. As the enemy's total strength was still unknown, they would play a supporting role while the Unicorns and Earth Ponies engaged them in force. It was a well tried and true strategy in the war games before - and it was sure to play a pivotal role. They were ready.

Shining Armor was ready for it too; he had chosen to wear his best armor for this mission: Chafron (helmet), criniere, peytral - all made from tempered steel (forged by master blacksmiths) and dyed purple to symbolize his rank.

Unlike him, Sombra and his family declined the use of armor, believing it would evoke image of his past as a tyrant. Their only concession was to have a contingent of guards posted around their son at all times - and have Flurry with him too. At least he could count on his daughter to keep the Colt safe. Knowing how stubborn she was and her growing feelings for him, if Shard were involved in combat, she'd want to rush in and help him in whatever way she could. Besides that, having a colt and a filly involved in this mission was almost unthinkable. Were it not for his ability to track this mirror - Armor would have insisted that they stay behind in the Crystal Empire.

"Captain!" Search called from somewhere up ahead. "Enemy contact, twelve o' clock!"

"Stay in formation!" Shining Armor called back. "Pegasi Squadron, deploy! Earth Squadron, defensive positions! For the Empire!"

And he led the charge.


The first contact they had with the enemy was an attempt to overtake their leading companies in an ambush. A strong force of what appeared to be dark reflections of their normal counterparts, dressed in grey armor. Not unlike Sombra's former guard, he noted as he watched them emerge from the snow-capped hills. Yet, the ambush was itself trapped - for the Pegasi Squadrons rained down on them from above in strafing style - knocking them aside like bowling pins with their hooves before ascending back out of reach.

On the ground, the Unicorns rained fire on them with their Magic. Blasts of multicolored light and ribbons of energy ripped through the enemy line - breaking it in several places. When the Earth Ponies marched around their flanks and from behind, they were fighting an unruly mob - most of the enemy either unconscious or driven back into the hills before they were within range of their spears. ]

Yet, the victory did little to enhearten the Crystal forces.

"It is but a feint." Sombra said. "Meant more to lull us into a false sense of security than to do us much hurt."

The prisoners they captured because of the skirmish did provide some much needed information once they regained consciousness. Most were not even true warriors. They had been forcibly press-ganged into Mirror-Sombra's service by means of coercion, threats or in some cases by brainwashing; for a powerful spell had been placed on their minds that made them unusually aggressive. But it was what they described about the enemy's army that was most informative.

The bulk of Mirror-Sombra's army were not really ponies at all, but an extension of himself. Somehow, he had found a way to alter his consciousness and expand his Dark Magic into a tangible form. When this substance made contact with normal ponies, it twisted them and made them lose their minds. Thus, his army continuously expanded with every day.

After the skirmish, they set up camp and rested. In the main part of the camp, just short of where the fight had been, the Crystal force's leaders convened and listened to their captives.

"The former King has lost his mind." One of them explained later that night under interrogation. "Every day he mutters to himself about Celestia and how much he misses her. Then he snaps and goes into a tirade about how everything will be set right. And then he starts to go off on a tangent about how he'll 'alter' this world and make things his way."

"Mirror Sombra is still battling the dark essence within him." Celestia said. "A part of him remains untouched by corruption."

"Yes, but for how long?" Amore asked. "His mind is weakening. I can feel it even now." She closed her eyes and visibly shuddered. "I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading - and at the source of it all is this mirror."

"What shall we do when we find it?" Sombra asked.

"It must be destroyed." Amore asserted, her eyes narrowing in resolve. "The link between worlds must be severed forever, lest we risk another merging."

"How long do you think we have, then?" Hope asked. "Before it's too late to stop the merge?"

"A day, perhaps." Amore replied, to the worried expressions of all present. "And if that were to occur, I am afraid even I don't know what would happen."

"And the other Sombra?" Celestia asked. "What is to be done with him?"

"He must be returned to his world." Was Amore's reply. "I am sorry, Tia, but it must be done. He is simply too far gone."

"I understand." Celestia said. She hung her head at that statement, and all present shot her a sympathetic look. "I am sorry. It's my fault we are here now."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Tia." Said Luna. "As I said before, we all make mistakes. Some are large, some are small. But we are here to set things right now, together."

"Indeed." Said Amore. "Together."

~Shard POV~

While the adults were talking, Shard and Flurry sat by a campfire, swapping stories and catching up on recent events. Around them, the Crystal Ponies were busy preparing for combat; strapping on armor, sharpening spears and getting in some last minute training. Shard wondered how they had the energy for it, especially with the frigid temperature around them. The night had grown cold, even with the fire. Each breath he took froze in his lungs and emerged as a white puff whenever he exhaled, though it wasn't the cold that really bothered him; staying in the frozen north for a month had given him some measure of resistance to the cold weather. What really kept him up was how up and active Flurry was, even with the knowledge that their lives would soon be in danger.

Granted, she was an Alicorn and the daughter of two powerful royals, but they were only children. So much responsibility was down on their shoulders with this mission, yet Flurry seemed utterly, palpably content. That huge smile on her face never faded, even when he recounted how Amore had contacted him in the frozen waste.

"Then out of nowhere, I heard a voice calling my name..." He paused to let the moment sink in, then resumed. "And before I knew it, I saw her standing there before me. But she wasn't all there, as if she were... a ghost!"

Flurry stared, as if awaiting the punchline to a very good joke.

"Come on, doesn't that scare you?" He asked, slightly annoyed. "A Pony appeared before me and I could see right through her!"

"Yes, that's scary." She admitted. "But it's not near as scary as meeting a Shadow Pony in... the deepest, darkest cave in all of Equestria!"

She stood on her hind legs at that, raising her forelegs in a playful gesture. Then she laughed, and to his surprise, Shard found himself laughing with her. For a moment, the thought of armies and battles and fighting was forgotten - and it was just him swapping stories with his best friend again. It felt good too. It felt like nothing had really changed between them, even though they had gone a month and a half without seeing each other.

In fact, the more time he spent with Flurry, the more he wanted to be around her. Even if it was as simple as sitting around doing nothing, talking about nothing, the world just seemed brighter. Maybe this was what Mother meant when she said about having special feelings for a best friend.

"Hey Shard," she started abruptly, snapping him out of his thoughts. "-can I ask you something?"

"Go for it." He replied, tilting his head.

"Did you... think about me when you were away?"

He blinked. "Of course I thought about you, Flurry!" What an odd question that was. "I thought about you all the time!"

She abruptly turned away at that as her cheeks turned a shade of bright red. A twinge of concern flashed through Shard's mind. Did she have a sudden onset of fever? No. It was too cold for that. Or was it just his imagination?

"Flurry?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." She answered with a slight sputter. "I just..." She leaned in closer, as if to tell him a secret. To his surprise, he found himself doing the same. Her face seemed to light up as they came closer, staring into each other's eyes.

"And just what are you two doing?" A familiar voice asked, snapping them both back to reality.

Shard turned at the sound. Behind them was Princess Amore with a grin and a raised eyebrow. Beside him, Flurry let out a little squeal, turning away again.

"Sorry Princess. I didn't hear you approach." Shard said, bowing his head. "We were talking. Flurry here just asked if I thought about...-" He was interrupted by Flurry's hoof covering his lips - her Earth-Pony strength forcing his mouth shut tight.

"Oh? Did I interrupt something?" Amore asked, her grin widening. "Do not mind me. Please continue."

"Continue what?" is what Shard would have said, were it not for the fact Flurry's other hoof went behind his back and yanked him hard by his the hair on his back coat.

"I just remembered, we have... something we need to do." She sputtered, trying (and succeeding) in dragging him away from the Princess. "Very important, can't keep it waiting."

Amore laughed. "Well, whenever you are finished with your... important business, come and meet me in the command tent. Your parents have to speak to you both." And with that, she sauntered off, giving a hearty chuckle all the way.

When she was gone, Flurry dragged him a fair distance away - well out of earshot of anypony nearby before she finally let go.

"What was that for?" Shard asked, now totally perplexed.

"Are you dumb or just in denial?" Flurry asked, seeming equally as confused. Her tone and the way she pointed an accusing hoof at him made his anger rise. In that moment, he struggled to think of a response.

"Don't call me dumb, Flurry. You're the dumb one!" Lame comeback, he knew, but it was the best he could come up with in the heat of the moment. Insults weren't exactly his specialty, especially when it came to his best friend.

She laughed mockingly. "Oh, great line Shard!" She said in between chuckles. "You really are oblivious aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He demanded, giving her his best glare. Admittedly, it wasn't very good. Glares weren't his thing either. Sometimes he disliked how polite he was. Mother and Father had taught him to always be a gentlecolt, though sometimes he wondered if he should try and assert himself a little more.

"Nevermind." She said with a slight sigh. "I guess I'll have to pound it into your head another time. We'd best go see what our folks want."

With that, he and Flurry started back towards the camp - with both, (Shard especially) feeling awkward and confused.

Just what the heck did Amore mean, interrupting something? He wondered all throughout the trek back.

Author's Note:

Hello again! I know, you're probably looking forward to seeing a real battle and description, but I thought just one more filler would do - along with some exposition. Plus, I was feeling mischievous and wanted to drag out the moment a little more.

Ain't I a stinker?

Also, I thought it a bit difficult to read the lines of dialogue, so I put it in grey font so as to improve it. Let me know if I need to change it to a different color.