• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,616 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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Chapter: Battle.

The first and only warnings that a group of shadow-creatures received were the flapping of wings, followed by a sonic boom - loud as a thunderclap - and a dive-bombing maneuver by several trained Pegasi, led by the multicolored blur that was Rainbow Dash. Even clad in her Wonderbolts uniform, it was easy to tell it was her by the trail she left behind when she reached top speed. And of course by the rainbow colored mushroom cloud that formed as a result of the impact - an explosion of epic proportions that shredded the largest contingent of hostiles.

As per Shining Armor's plan, the Pegasi Squadron would move in first - both for intelligence gathering and for the initial assault. Intel gathered beforehand had indicated the enemy stronghold was located within Mount Everhoof in a system of caves - the entrance to which was guarded by an army of shadowy creatures and corrupted Ponies. Because the enemy lacked a large air force, the crystal forces held the advantage.

Rainbow Dash had volunteered to lead the opening attack, as it meant she could get into the action first - and because she was the most experienced in leading Pegasi. Some had questioned the wisdom behind putting her in command, as they knew her to be a brash (if not reckless) glory-hound, but their fears were quickly put to rest by the sight of her, calm and collected as she went about the battlefield - dispatching foe after foe with single strikes.

The next squadron repeated her action - blasting apart huge clusters of enemy forces with dive-bomb attacks before engaging them in hoof-to-hoof combat on the ground. Of course, among them were fighters of distinction like Rapid-Fire, the twins Search and Rescue - but to the surprise of all, joining them was Fluttershy.

Though it need not be said she was by far the sweetest, most gentle member of the Element Bearers, many knew Fluttershy could be a force to be reckoned with when angered, especially when the animals she so loved were threatened. Yet, her role was less direct - as she directed her famous "Stare" into the enemy's ranks, keeping them in place with her spiteful gaze while the remaining air-fighters went on the attack.

When the last of the Pegasi had swept in low and struck, a single, sustained note by trumpet was sounded and carried across the battlefield.

The signal was given.

On cue, hundreds of unicorns advanced - galloping in wedge formation towards the melee raging across the plain with their horns blazing. Magical energy crackled and singed the air as blast after blast was fired into the enemy mobs before the unicorns veered off, withdrew and reformed some distance away. As per Armor's plan, the unicorns' role was to lay down suppressing fire before forming into defensive firing lines.

With support fire from the unicorns and the pegasi providing air cover and harrying the enemy, it was the earth-ponies' turn. Armed with spears and wearing their brilliant armor, they trotted in disciplined infantry squares. Their advance was slower than their lighter armored comrades, but it was with steely determination that they pressed against the unruly mobs of shadows. No matter what kind of attack the enemy threw against them, the earth-pony lines held. Any time the enemy did attempt a counterattack, reserve squadrons of unicorns would put up magic shields to take the pressure off, allowing their allies a chance to regroup or attack of their own accord.

By the time the shadow beasts' reserves could assemble in sufficient numbers, the main force of earth ponies was fresh and ready.

Spears stabbing, blasts being hurled overhead and pegasi ascending and descending for a continuous barrage, the main part of the crystal army engaged Mirror-Sombra's forces.


~Shining Armor POV~

Being the Captain of the Royal Guard required certain things from a pony. First and foremost among them was the ability to keep a cool head under pressure. That and the ability to direct troops for wherever they might be needed. That was easy on paper, sure, but the real test came when you saw magical blasts being hurled at you from all directions and had to keep your shield up. And then there was when formations split, it became difficult to tell between friend and foe.

He had thought his plan was a solid one - a combined assault by all three pony tribes in a blitz, meant to scatter and overwhelm the enemy with sheer firepower, but Mirror-Sombra's army had proven much more resilient than expected. Soon after the initial attack had run its course, his warriors became embattled by an enemy that knew no fear and felt no pain. Even the corrupted ponies that were forced into service were somehow enhanced by Mirror-Sombra's mind control Magic.

Somewhere else on the battlefield was his sister and her friends, trying to force their way through the enemy ranks and into the caves. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would remain behind as long as possible before they rejoined their comrades on the inside, as it was decided their unity was their greatest strength, but everything hinged on Shining Armor and the crystal forces holding Mirror-Sombra's army at bay so they could not surround the Element-Bearers.

"I don't suppose...-!" Rapid-Fire called over the din of battle. He raised his hind legs and bucked hard - catching a nearby shadow beast right between the eyes. "-That now would be a good time...-" another kick, followed by a dive and a bite to his attacker's neck. His teeth ripped through the creature's throat - spilling out a mess of black liquid. The shadow-beast twitched a moment before it faded into black smoke. With that, he spit out the piece of flesh, a disgusted look on his face. "-To voice my protest, sir!"

"Shut up and keep them pinned down!" Shining called back. At the sound of his shout, three more shadow-beasts turned and rushed at him - claws and teeth dripping with saliva. Only a moment later, he raised his shield - and the creatures found their attacks rendered useless. Try as they might, their sharp appendages were repelled. A bit of concentration on his part and the field expanded, pushing them back several feet. Just as the shield dropped, he fried all three with a single, concentrated blast.

"Roger that." Rapid-Fire replied. "Suppressing fire!"

At his order, a line of Unicorns dressed their ranks into a firing line. When the last was in formation, they opened fire. Their blasts ripped through the next wave of shadow-beasts, giving space for his troops to reform and Armor a moment to gather his thoughts.

"Search, Rescue, fall in!" The twins appeared a few moments later and saluted. From the gore and dirt on their armor, it was clear they had been fighting hard. "Search, give me a sitrep."

"Earth 2nd and Peg-3rd are advancing on the enemy's right flank. No casualties so far." Search replied. "3rd Unicorn is holding their position, two clicks to the west. They are holding but need reinforcements. Enemy troops just keep coming."

Mixed news, Armor thought. Aloud he said. "Alright, get two more squads up there and back them up. We need those fire emplacements operational."

"Yes, sir!" And with that, Search took off to follow his order.

"Earth 1st and 3rd are holding the rally-point, half a click to the south." Rescue said. "Hope is there with her son, Shard, treating wounded with the Princess' help."

"Inform all Peg-squadrons they have their LZ at the rally-point. No one dies today, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Came Rescue's reply.

"Good, now get out there." With that, Shining Armor looked out over the battlefield. The lines seemed to have stabilized - at least for the moment. Many shadow beasts had been destroyed. Now it was only a matter of time before attrition started to wear down the enemy's ranks.

"Captain Armor!" Came another voice from above. A moment later, a Pegasus landed next to him. He looked as though he were about to keel over, judging by the way his breath came in short gasps and his wings drooped down tiredly.

"Catch your breath, son." Armor said almost gently. "What's your name?"

"Flash Sentry, sir. 1st Peg, Corporal."

"Right, what's the situation?"

"Sir." The Pegasus paused to take a deep breath. "The Element Bearers and Sombra have reached the cave entrance."

"Then we need to have faith in them." Armor replied coolly, ignoring the horrible feeling in his gut. "Are you wounded?"

"No, sir." Flash said. "Beg-pardon, sir, but I need to get back to the front."

"Catch your breath, son. One more Pegasus won't make much difference."

"Yes, sir. But I'm trying to prove myself, sir. The other Pegasi...-" He paused another minute, an embarrassed expression on his face. "They don't think I can handle myself. They think I'm a coward or a fool, sir. I want to prove my worth, sir."

"There'll be plenty of chances for that, Corporal. If your squad can hold that cave, I'll personally recommend you for a medal of honor."

Flash Sentry smiled at that, nodded and hurried off to rally his troops.

With that, Shining Armor looked up at Mount Everhoof and silently wished his sister luck.

Author's Note:

Hello there. This was a bit harder to make than I thought, given that I'm used to writing humans doing battle. Still, I did the best I could, so I hope you enjoy it. This is what I think the Royal Guards should be like: Disciplined, organized, effective fighters. Sure, we can have the enemy put up a struggle because a one-sided battle either way is boring.

(Yes, Flash does have a cameo here. No, he's not going to play a role in the story beyond that.)

We're going to see Mirror-Sombra in person next chapter. You won't wanna miss it!