• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 1,651 Views, 23 Comments

One Last Trixie Up My Sleeve - Piquo Pie

Maybe Trixie has learned to be a better pony, maybe she just needs a friend, maybe she can still be Trixie in the end.

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Chapter 0: The Muddy Road of Life

CLOP - A single hoofstep echoed off the unlit cobblestone.

The Great and Powerful Trixie fears no pony. Trixie is the greatest and most powerful po... illusionist since The Great and Powerful Trixie’s mentor, The Magnificently Unparalleled Hoofdini.


The Great and Powerful Trixie neither fears nor needs anypony. Trixie is the Greatest and Most Powerful on her own. She needs nopony.


Trixie needs no friends, no family; Trixie doesn’t even need a mentor anymore. Trixie, the Great and Powerful, needs no pony other than The Great and Powerful Trixie... though Trixie is not above occasionally enjoying the company of others. Peasants and minions are pleasant on occasion.


Yes, The Great and Powerful Trixie does right by The Great and Powerful Trixie.


The Great and Powerful Trixie attended the Canterlot School for Uniquely Gifted Unicorns, on a scholarship no less. Few in history have ever claimed such a feat. And NONE of them came from an orphanage.


Fewer still have performed a half dozen feats of magic never before seen in front of Princess Celestia of Equestria as The Great and Powerful Trixie had, TWICE!

Thud – Trixie’s hoof struck unlit dirt as she veered off the main path.

But fewer still have banished an ursa, even if it was a baby.


But The Great and Powerful Trixie has performed and invented magic that has never been performed by another pony, before or after.


And The Great and Powerful Trixie was by no means great and powerful only in the ways of magic. Trixie designed, built, and pulled her own hoof-made cart with her own four magnificent hoofs.


The Great and Powerful Trixie hated pulling that cart now that The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks about it. In fact, thinking about it is making Trixie’s eyes water.

Squish – Trixie ignored the mud beneath her hoof.

The Great and Powerful Trixie admits to missing her cape and magic hat. They were passed down by The Magnificent Unparalleled Hoofdini upon his death.


And his mentor, The Showstopping Clopperfield


And his mentor, The Mighty Dough Maneing


And his, The Humorous Inspiring Penn and Tailer


And theirs…

CLOP - Trixie's hoof landed on a stone doorstep.

It would appear The Great and Powerful Trixie has reached her destination.

A tear plummeted, the sound of its terminal collision with the stone going unnoticed in the light.

Well, as Trixie's mentor use to say, no time like the present to dictate your future.


“Done,” stated Twilight to herself. Talking to herself was always a bit of an odd pleasure to Twilight; she wished it wasn’t such an ‘odd’ behavior. “Wow it’s almost sunrise. I guess Exotic and Esoteric Earth Pony Magic of the Early Earldom Tribes of the Eastern Equiopian Empire volume II entranced another equine.”


“What's this, rapping on my chamber door?” giggled Twilight, still giddy from her reading binge.

“You are lucky I was up,” stated Twilight. As she began walking to the door, she opened it casually with the violet glow of practiced magic. “Now how can…” Twilight stopped in her tracks. Before her was the one pony she never expected to see again. Trixie sat with her head held high, sniffling, with tears slowing trickling down her face.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is... apologetic for having disturbed you at this late hour, Ms. Twilight Sparkle; however, given the, shall we call it a sendoff, I received last time I graced this shanty town with my presence, I thought it might be best to call upon you at a late hour.”

Twilight stared at the teary-eyed mare. “How can I help you, Trixie?”

“I have a rather unique request, Twilight. Perhaps we could talk inside?”

“Of course.” Twilight stepped aside, “Would you like some tea?”

“That,” said Trixie, “Would be much appreciated.”

Twilight closed the door behind Trixie as she entered the well-lit library.