• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 1,652 Views, 23 Comments

One Last Trixie Up My Sleeve - Piquo Pie

Maybe Trixie has learned to be a better pony, maybe she just needs a friend, maybe she can still be Trixie in the end.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Gaining Leway

Trixie woke happily, and of her own volition, after roughly an adequate amount of extra sleep.

"Oh hey. I was just about to wake you."

Trixie looked over at the small dragon as she lazily made her way off the couch, to her hooves, and stretched.

I see the assistant is treating me better already. Trixie, you're the best.

Why thank you Trixie.

Spike covered his mouth with his left claw in a vain attempt to also cover his rising giggles.

"Hmmm?" I don't think I said that out loud?

Spike could only point to Trixie's couch head.

On the Balcony above Trixie an equally disheveled Twilight emerged from her room, prompting Spike to fall to the floor in rolling laughter.

Maybe I thought too soon. Flare Trixie, make it a strength!

Trixie dramatically placed a hoof upon her brow. "The Great and Powerful Trixie may be gorgeous beyond normal means, but alas I concede. Bed head is a mare's moral enemy. You should feel blessed Spike, for your simple, yet elegant, spines are immune to the travesty of a good rest. Naugahyde thy name is nemesis!"

Stifled laughter accompanied the dramatic delivery demanding drastic defenestration for dastardly dragons and delirious unicorns.

Twilight composed herself while Trixie patiently waited in a dramatic chest out pose. "That was quite a speech Trixie. But rest assured that my hair is in a similarly sorry state."

Trixie managed to poignantly glance casually toward Twilight, breaking down into chortling agreement.

"Alas, twood appear dragons are the superior morning creatures."

"They make good breakfast too," said Twilight descending the stairs. "Spike would you be so kind as to make us some?"

"Sure. The quiche is in the oven, seeing as it is 1:30. But you're the prodigy."

"Thanks spike." said Twilight reaching the bottom and turning toward Trixie with a slight blush.

Spike waved his claws dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. It'll be done in ten."

Even after just waking Twilight seems amiable. Maybe she is actually a good pony and last night wasn't a fluke.

"Oh quiche, that's a nice treat. Thank you Spike. And I'm pleasantly surprised to see you two getting along."

Yes Trixie, Twilight does seem honestly nice. But what's that gain her?

Spike and Trixie shared a look. Trixie managed to shrug as if she was above petty squabbling.

"Spike is easy enough to get along with once you figure him out."

Twilight giggled. "Figure out, like a puzzle?"

"More like a trick."

Spike and Twilight shared a look of confusion; Trixie rolled her eyes.

"Once you figure spike out he is easy to get along with. Once you know how to work with him you can simply follow through the steps and everyone gets along."

"Hey!" said Spike defensively. "Are you insulting me?"

"No, Spike," Twilight glared, "she's not. But that's kind of a sad way to look at a friendship."

"Yeah, it totally sounds like you’re were blowing me off."

"Spike, what were you doing when we started talking earlier today?" Asked Trixie who managed to not roll her eyes.

"I was trying to get you to move so I could clean the living room."

"And what was I doing?"

Spike blinked in silence for a second before realizing where this was going. He looked ashamed as he stared at the ground. "You were sleeping."

"Spike!" intersected Twilight. "You woke up a guest to clean. That's terribly rude."

"I know Twilight. I just, I-I was still mad at Trixie for the whole Ursa thing. And how full of herself she is."

The Great and... Trixie is not full of herself. She is merely exceptionally talented and recognizes said talent. It's not Trixie's fault others want to bask in her glory.

Twilight saw the insult resonate in Trixie's face. "And now your’re insulting her like she's not even here! This is unacceptable Spike, I expected better from you."

"Hey that was before Trixie helped me. I said I was sorry and everything. Tell her Trixie!"

"Trixie cannot Spike, for she has promised she wouldn't discuss the conversation in favor of your image, which as a performer I respect."

Twilight was caught off guard, both by Spikes admittance of apology and Trixie backing him up and upholding a promise, even if it did reveal her support for the little guy.

"Is this true? You two already made up?"

"Yes." Came the stereo response before Trixie added, "I think you're being a little hard on your, number one assistant here Twilight. He is just a baby dragon." Make sure Twilight see's the wink at spike. "He did apologize to me and we had a productive conversation."

"Productive?" asked the two.

"Yes, productive. Yielding results, benefits, or profits."

"I know what the definition is, thank you Trixie." Added Twilight hotly.

So vexing. "Then why did you ask the Great and... Trixie such a question?" Asked Trixie in honesty born from obliviousness.

"I wanted to know how you could be so cold!" Demanded Twilight.

"Oh, that's the definition." said Spike after thinking it through. "I always thought Twilight just wanted me to do more work."


Twilight and Trixie turned to stare at the distracting dragon. He put his hand's forward to assuage the intensity of their looks. "Hey, baby dragon remember. Still learning here."

"True." Conceded Trixie with cordial bemusement. Twilight grit her teeth.

Twilight turned back to Trixie. "How can you be so, so... Neutral after making up with somepony."

"Hey, I'm not a pony."

"Somebody." Clarified Twilight without dropping what was becoming a glare at Trixie.

"Neutral? Neutral! Trixie happened to have found Spike waking her up when she was the guest very annoying. Trixie was being nice. Like Twilight asked last night!"

"Hey!" exclaimed Spike, who was ignored.

"Trixie, he is right there." Said Twilight still glaring at Trixie while pointing at Spike.

Trixie defended herself confidently, returning the librarian's stare. "Trixie knows that. And Trixie did not say Spike was annoying. Trixie finds most creatures annoying. Trixie also did not say that Trixie disliked Spike. Trixie thinks Spike is better than most because at least he apologized."

"Apologize to Spike, since that seems to be a quality you admire!"

Trixie continued to stare at Twilight as Trixie blithely conceded. "Fine, I am sorry Spike for being annoyed at a behavior that was completely understandable and that you apologized for. Thank you."

The stare continued.

"Um, apology accepted?" Spike asked, careful to not say anything wrong.

"You seem to be getting along with him quite well. So why don't you seem to care about him as an autonomous and intelligent being?"

"Trixie was woken, up. Which, as Trixie previously stated, annoyed her. Sorry, Spike. I wanted to get back to sleep because I have been walking for three days to get here. I am tired and I am broken. So when this damnable dragon, sorry, woke me up I talked him into letting me get some extra sleep by distracting him and helping him with a problem! Again, sorry, Spike!" Trixie finished with a yell.

"Stop yelling at Spike!"

"Stop yelling at Trixie!"

"How about we all stop yelling?"

"Quiet!" They yelled in unison.

Spike flinched at the noise. "I'm going to go check on the quiche."

"Thank you spike." said the two angry mares.

As Spike left for the kitchen, the two unicorns continued to stare at each other for a moment before Twilight broke the silence. "Did we just yell at spike for asking us not to yell?"

Trixie broke her serious pose and smiled slightly. "I suppose we did."

Twilight relaxed. "We should go apologize. Obviously we still have some... issues we need to deal with."

Trixie finished lowering her guard. "Agreed, he did nothing to deserve that from either of us."

The two mares turned to head toward the kitchen.

"So," Twilight added, "How did you manage to get along with Spike. He seemed dead set on opposing you at every turn, something about not letting them get into your head."

"Oh it was quite simple," said Trixie proudly. "I helped him with a problem he had been having."

Twilight stopped, forcing Trixie to do the same. "Problem? I mean, what problem did he come to you for?"

"Oh." said Trixie casually, buying time to figure out how to hide Spike's private concerns. "He didn't come to me. But I recognized he had a issue with a, um, friend that, I sort of intervened in to give him, erm, perspective. So that he can understand the otherpony."

I don't think I have ever seen that emotion on a pony before.

"Well. I suppose that's a good thing, of course. But which friend could you have seen a problem with? I'm fairly sure that if any of our friends came by the ensuing, uh, 'discussion,' would have woken me up."

Send me to the moon! I need to avoid telling the truth. But she would totally catch me in a lie. Which means I have to divert her attention, like a trick. Can't let her figure it out... or can I.

"Actually Twilight. I am not sure I should talk about this without Spike's permission."

Twilight smiled with happy surprise. "Well then let's just go ask Spike."

Yes, lets go ask that rascally little dragon.

The two sorcerers trotted into the kitchen where their target was putting the quiche back into the oven.

"Spike, oh Spike."

The individual in question looked over surprised, but happy, to see two smiles, one honest and happy, the other slightly forced and curious, coming directly toward him.

"Uh, yes?"

The two ponies stopped in unison as Twilight followed through with her questioning, "Trixie here was just telling me about the help she gave you."

Spike looked quickly between the two, slight worry on his face. Trixie noticed, Twilight either didn't see the gesture or didn't show she did. "And Trixie here didn't want to share too much without your permission. So I figured I would just ask you."

Spike looked toward Trixie, searchingly. Trixie shrugged as if to wish him the best of luck and apologize.

Suddenly spike smiled.

No no no no—

"Well of course Trixie can tell you whatever she wants."

—Ponyfeathers. Well I guess if he gave me permission then I won't violate his... whatever it is that we have.

Twilight looked at Trixie, slightly confused, presumably as her inquiry was again redirected.

Spike smiled, nervously at Trixie.

"Well, okay then. Spike voiced that he felt like he was only your assistant. He misses hanging out with you and was wondering why things changed from when you were back in Canterlot."

Twilight frowned a moment before looking at Spike, she wasn't smiling anymore. "Spike, do you really feel this way?"

Trixie stepped back slightly, away from the private moment.

Spike looked down. "I... Don't know. I mean- I like being your assistant. But when we were at school we would spend some time together, relaxing. Sure sometimes we were reading about history for school work, but we spent time together doing other things too. Like Doughnut Joes, taking a walk in the park. Now we only seem to spend time together when we’re doing chores or working."

"But we watched the meteor shower just last month."

"No, we didn't Twilight. That was two months ago, and it wasn't just you and me, it was you and me and Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash, and all our other friends. I miss just spending time with you, you and me. No work, nopony else. No offense Trixie."

"None taken."

Twilight was obviously taken aback. "I... I... Two months? Are you sure?


Spike blinked, Twilight began counting. "I've had.... 1, 2...4,... 7. Seven friendship reports. Oh spike. It has been two months hasn't it?"

Friendship reports?

"Uh, yeah?"

"That's, that's, unacceptable."

Spike and Trixie shared a confused, uncomfortable glance.

"I'm... I'm..." Twilight sighed, "I'm sorry spike. I guess I just got caught up with my other friends." Twilight stepped into Spike and gave him a loving, if slightly uncomfortable, hug. "You’re the most important friend in my life spike. You were my first real friend, and I'm sorry."

Well, that was certainly over dramatic. I don't really think Spike needed that much dra

Spike fully embraced Twilight. "I've missed you to Twilight."

ma. Well at least The Great and Powerful Trixie was able to help. That should cover my stay for the next few days with Twilight.

"I need to get this down in a friendship report."

Spike rolled his eyes

A what now?

Twilight broke the hug, resting a hoof on spikes shoulder. "Hey, I think Rainbow said something about The Wonderbolts being in Canterlot next week. How about you and me see if we can get some backstage passes from The Princess?"

"Back... Back... Twilight you’re the best,"

And with that Trixie made a quiet, not that it needed to be, getaway from the kitchen. After checking on the breakfast of course.

Author's Note:

Big thanks to y1fellas for jumping in and editing as my previous editor has become to busy, silly life.