• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 1,651 Views, 23 Comments

One Last Trixie Up My Sleeve - Piquo Pie

Maybe Trixie has learned to be a better pony, maybe she just needs a friend, maybe she can still be Trixie in the end.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Reasons, Debts, and Absolution

"So," said Twilight, "we never did get around to why you needed my help last night."

"That's because... I mean, s-sorry," said Trixie. I can't even sit through a meal without my ego getting in the way. "I was tired and we kept getting distracted."

"I know," stated Twilight as she sipped the last of her coffee.

Get it together Trixie, show her your worth it but remember don't, over, do it!

Twilight smoothly levitated the empty cup onto the table "It was nice."

Trixie heard what now?

"I haven't talked with a real magician in a long time. I mean, I get the odd conversation with the princess or when I travel. But Zecora is the only other equine in the area that has real arcane training."

Zecora... Zecora. Why is that name so familiar?

"Even then she specializes in Zebra magic; which is fascinating by the way, you should defiantly talk to her. But I never get to just talk about whatever comes up with another—"

Zecora... Zecora. Oh?

"Zecora! Was that the zebra that helped you trick me?"

Twilight's mouth hung open as she momentarily contemplated the implications. "Oh, yeah... she was. I was actually training with her to try to get good enough to challenge you again. Then we ended up going with the trick once Fluttershy told me about your amulet."

Fluttershy... Fluttershy.

Trixie cleared her throat. "She was the meek, yellow one, correct?"

Twilight nodded bashfully.

"Good for her then."

"Wait, what?"

Trixie sipped her coffee before continuing. "She was meek, yes?"

Twilight nodded.

"Yet she managed to sneak out and contact you, despite Trixie's... authoritativeness at the time. Trixie is glad she did of course, but more importantly she stood up to me. She may not have stood up to me directly, like in a story for foals, but she figured out how to escape with the information needed to defeat The Great and Powerful Trixie. Then she found the one magician who could draw me out and, as she was present during our second duel, snuck back in and filled everypony necessary in on the plan. All without Trixie becoming wise to her actions. Trixie finds this quite impressive actually, especially for a non-unicorn. Why are you smiling at Trix... I was saying Trixie instead of I again, wasn't I?"

Couldn't she just tell Trixie like a normal pony? It's almost as if—

"It's kind of cute actually.'

The Great and Powerful Trixie is not cute. Trixie isn't either, why just the thought of how stallions treat 'cute' mares is despicable.

"Yes... cute." said Trixie raising an eyebrow.

"Oh my. I didn't mean I found you cute like that." said Twilight blushing, "I mean you are certainly an attractive mare but I don't find you attractive."

Hold your tongue Trixie girl, you can do it. Maybe she will give away something.

"I mean I find you attractive I just don't think there could ever be anything between you and me. I mean, if you were into mares that is—"


"I am," said Trixie raising a hoof to stop Twilight, "but I fail to see how that matters. You were simply attempting to give me a complement, I think. But let's be perfectly clear here. I came to you for guidance of a very different and personal sort. You bested me, The Great and Powerful Trixie, not once but twice, once when Trixie held possession of a powerful magical artifact, and as such I would like to learn something from you. However bringing in a personal relationship at any time would be quite inappropriate. As I plan on returning to a life of performing after this I cannot have a scandal hanging over my head. Nor would the Princess, I feel, want one hanging over yours. And just to be clear this applies to your friends as well. Beside I tend to have a, dominate personality and I do not think you, or your friends, would fit with that very well. So, as far as I am concerned this topic is forever closed for discussion. Am I clear?”

"Perfectly," said Twilight blushing. "I'm... my barn door doesn't swing that way anyways, not there is anything wrong with—"

Trixie held a hoof up before Twilight rambled past her point. "Understood. I thank you for your understanding and... I realize that I misinterpreted you're earlier comment. Trixie is very grateful that you have been willing to help her, but was worried that she might, that I might have done something to lead you on in some way. I wouldn't want to think that I had somehow seduced you. I have done such things in the past which is one of the reasons I came to you for help." Trixie paused to breathe in deeply, centering herself for what she had to say.

"I need to become a better pony. It has become obvious to me that I have not been any good. Sure I can dazzle the masses and even controlled near-unparalleled power once. But Trixie realizes that she has failed as an Equestrian. I have no real friends to speak of. I am not very tolerant of others. But most of all, I began to use others as I had once been used. I did not have a very good upbringing, Ms. Sparkle. Part of that was my own fault for running away from the one pony who I can remember ever trying to take care of me. Even if he was a bit lecherous he did on occasion show me kindness beyond what was required of him as my guardian. But since then Trixie always pictured it as Trixie against the world. Trixie could be the best and she could declare it to all!" Trixie declared as she stood on her hind legs and dramatically swept her hoof in the air only to lower herself a moment later, flushing with embarrassment and closing her eyes.

Twilight stared at Trixie as a tear ran down her face and began to timidly reach out a hoof to show support.

"But!" said Trixie with disgust, causing Twilight to pull her hoof back. "It didn't work that way. I've lied, stolen, cheated. Not often mind you," said Trixie, opening her moist eyes to look at Twilight. "But I have. Nopony ever gave an adolescent filly street performer a chance; at least nopony gave adolescent Trixie a chance. I think it became more important to become The Great and Powerful Trixie then, though I didn't call myself that yet. Back then I could back up my boasting because I was a overlooked child. My fireworks were almost as grand as they are now. I knew some illusions that were impressive for such a young performer, and I knew enough about how to work a crowd to get by when others were more impressive. Sure I would learn here and there, it's why I challenge others when I perform. I basically stole their performance, their stage persona, and their tricks."

"Then came school. Trixie hated school. I had no patience. I worked my way in on a scholarship based on a few fancy tricks, a sob story, and the same crowd working skill that put food in my mouth. Trixie even cheated on her entrance exam.”

There... well... that wasn't so bad. T—I even feel better. Perhaps this was a good idea after all.

Twilight sat with her mouth agape, saying nothing, not even breathing. Twilight slowly leaned away from Trixie, the only motion in the room.

No no no! Trixie you blew it.

"Yes! Trixie has made mistakes, Ms. Sparkle," said Trixie as she hurriedly held out a pleading hoof, "Perhaps one of them was going overboard just now. But regardless, I feel better already. I spent a few weeks soul search, as is the trend in Prance these days, and besides the realization that even Trixie is above grazing for her meals, Trixie realized that her biggest life changing moments since school happened in Ponyville. They also revolved around you, Twilight."

Twilight nodded as she slowly closed her mouth.

"So, I came here for guidance. I wish to work to redeem the name of The Great and Powerful Trixie. I seek your guidance and wish to find work around this town. I will do whatever is asked of me so long as I am allowed to remain decent. I will seek shelter nearby so that I do not overly impose on you and your kindness." Trixie breathed deeply, eyes closed. "I wish to have you help me learn to better myself. I will pay for such services of course, either in services of my own or through whatever work I can get. With whatever bits I can save up I will send to those who I stole from, primarily bits that I acquired for that accursed amulet. Trixie has no wish for any legal action, but if you insist, Trixie will turn herself in and confess to every crime Trixie can remember." Trixie ended her heavy confession by bowing to Twilight, as if she were at the mercy of some, hopefully benevolent, princess.

For several minutes the only sounds were the distant shuffling of hooves in the street, and the occasional creak of a wagon wheel.

Twilight finally took the coffee in her magic and drained the cup dry in two massive gulps before poring another cup. "Trixie?"

"Yes, Ms. Sparkle.”

"Do you remember Rarity? The white unicorn with the brilliant violet mane that you turned green on the first visit?"

"The one who you volunteered when you defeated me on my second visit?"

"Yes... I think I would like to get her opinion on this proposal of yours; perhaps the opinion of all my friends. You make it sound as if your putting your life in my hooves, and I am not sure that I feel comfortable with that."

"Oh," said Trixie with lowered ears. Not like you could have predicted that Trixie. It's... It's okay. Trixie still has a card or two up her sleeve... she always does.

"T—I, um, I'm afraid I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps... let Trixie put it this way. I have made several decisions regarding my future and how I can atone, and become a better pony. One of those ways was to seek guidance from you. If you do not feel comfortable with that, then... Trixie will accept your answer. I did make a rather staggering request and you have already afforded Trixie a generous amount of hospitality. Regardless, Trixie would like to stay in Ponyville. I still plan on working, at least until I can collect enough to pay for my greed with interest."

Twilight nodded solemnly. "Perhaps that is the best place to start. I would like to talk to my friends before agreeing to help you. After all they were the ones you hurt, not me."

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Trixie embarrassed them, but Tr—" Trixie sighed and breathed deeply. "I have never harmed another. I want to make that perfectly clear. I may have descended into the well of Darkness, Twilight Sparkle, but Trixie has never gotten so dark that a little polish wouldn't shine through the blemishes. If I hurt anyone it was you. I sought you out and challenged your very existence. I violated your trust in pony kind and wanted to destroy you. And I can tell you from experience that having someone seeking your utter destruction is a deep violation of the personal freedom that we, as Equestrians, take for granted."

"Hmmm," Thought Twilight with a hoof to her chin. "Not really."

"What do you mean, not really. I hated you, I loathed you, I—" Trixie cut herself off, leaving a sudden awkwardness befall the pair. "Trixie will be quite now, and allow Twilight to explain herself."

Twilight nodded, acknowledging Trixie's resentment in lieu of convenient denial. "Well. I never gave up. I may not have known how to defeat you, but I knew there had to be a way. And I knew I could do it. I am Celestia's personal student. And though I was outmatched, Celestia had given me similarly hard challenges in the past and I had the time I needed to devise a counter strategy. But my friends... Ponyville." Twilight trailed off looking over to the window as Trixie followed her gaze.

"They are just ponies. They weren’t gifted, it's not likely that any of them are going to be more than a footnote of history. Even with all we have done, Defeating Nightmare Moon to rescue Princess Luna, defeating AND reforming discord —which was all Fluttershy by the way— even rescuing the crystal empire. They will all be a footnote in history. Sure Rainbow Dash will probably become a Wonderbolt known for her sonic rainbooms. But after a hundred years or so, when all her fans have passed on, who will remember. We are all just ponies, THEY are all just ponies. But at some point, I realized that I could be remembered as one of the great Magicians. I might be the next Starswirl the Bearded, the next Clover the Clever. Foals may be writing reports about me a thousand years from now..."

Twilight languidly rose and walked deliberately to her reference globe, pockmarked by small holes from a thousand different tacks used to mark places of interest in her research. "But I am already going to be known as the most powerful unicorn magician," said Twilight heavily as anger slowly crept into her voice. "Sure somepony will pass me someday, but I was special long before I came to Ponyville. I knew I could stand up to you! They didn't have a chance in Tarturus!" berated Twilight as she pivoted on the now sulking, teary eyed mare.

Trixie flinched; she had already backed away as far into the sofa as she could.

Twilight looked away.

"That is how you hurt them. They had never been helpless before, all their problems... I know you were possessed by an artifact, but the fact is you shattered their sense of safety, and you made them feel small. They couldn't get away. I could, I was always safe. Even if I couldn't defeat you, you wouldn't have been able to find and catch me, and I could always run to the Princess."

"Why, why didn't you. I mean for all you training why didn't you go to Celestia? I'm sure she could have beaten me."

Twilight sighed. "Because how are my friends suppose to trust me if I didn't try my best to help them, if I pushed my problems onto somepony else? How am I suppose to make my footnote in history one to inspire if I didn't do what I do best, if I didn't do better... If I can't even trust myself?"

"So you felt you had to prove the strength of your magic?" asked Trixie meekly.

"Studying. Well, studying and lecturing. It was always the joke at school that I had the wrong cutiemark." Twilight turned back to Trixie and smiled at the sullen mare. "But I think your right."

Trixie cocked her head.

Twilight smiled as she looked back out the window. "Coming back to Ponyville was the right thing to do."

Huh, guess that mare does know how to work a crowd. She even made me smile.

Comments ( 8 )

Hey, the second half of your chapter is entirely in italics, you might want to fix that.


Cause 2 times isn't enough. Dependable last minute change.


Hmm... I dunno. I get that Trixie planned and staged that little performance to help drum up Twilight's sympathy, but it still felt a little... 'Here's my life story!' That could easily just be me, but there could have been more organic ways for you to introduce her background.

You're shaping Trixie into quite the admirable mare. Her pride is he strongest personal trait, and she's using it now to make up for her mistakes and reform her life into something positive.

... I mean, if you were into mares that is—"

"I am," said Trixie

Damn. Another missed opportunity for TrixiexSpike shipping. Has the absence of shipping already been established? It's been so long since this was updated.

I had no patients.

Well no, Trixie, you hadn't received your medical license yet.


I've been quite busy. One of my jobs finished but my other got busy.

Shipping has not been ruled out. Trixie simply expressed that is was a non-option with the main 6. Things can change though, and sometimes they don't. When I write a story I aim for something that makes sense but is not always predicatble. Though there is often forshadowing.

Also thanks for your patience.

So Trixie wants to become a better mare? And Twilight is going to get the opinion of her friends on the matter? Good luck Trixie...you are going to need it.

VERY...VERY ENJOYABLE !!! A very fresh look at Trixie, to say the least. I am very intrigued to see how this story plays out. I hope Trixie isn't trying to do a snowjob on everyone. I hope she is sincere about her conviction to become a better pony. Your style is VERY refreshing, and unique. I WANT MORE...MUCH MORE !!!!! PPLLEEAASSEE CONTINUE !!!!!!

Hands down best chapter out of every fanfic I've ever read.
I nearly died at

"...I mean, if you were into mares that is-"

"I am" said Trixie

Great work, hope to read another chapter!:twilightsmile:

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