• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,230 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

  • ...

Chapter 9 (Unedited.)

He couldn't believe he was being forced to do this. Having to sit down next to children who were continuously poking and climbing over him trying to get a better seat to see the 'oh so great and powerful Trixie'. Arceus damn he thought she had lost a good amount of that ego when the giant ass star bear had came barreling into that last town. But no, she has already got her head blown up to nearly the size of the moon. The worse part was he couldn't just fall asleep during the show since every other second there was the banging of fireworks and the squealing and shouting of the children. He could swear he was starting to form bags under his eyes, how he could never know since he was made of god damn metal!

He had been awake for around twelve hours half of which was spent rolling across the plains. He then had to deal with the pony who seemed to understand his noises without him using mimic. Which was highly suspicious, he was thinking through what could possible help that earth pony understand him. It could have been something from shows since he is in talking pony land as a walking ball of metal working for a chimera who has the power to pull someone into another universe. Though as long as he didn't talk while Time was around he should be find for the moment being.

While Shining Armor just couldn't believe that Trixie really made Aron sit in the crowd of foals! Not only that but it had listened to her even if it seemed reluctant to do so. He was not sure if that she had a deal with the walking ball of metal or if it was doing it just to stay in cover. For now he at least knew that as long as he was friends with the unicorn he should be able to stay close to his target. He was told to keep watch over Aron no matter what but Cadence would have him sleeping on the couch for a year if he didn't head back soon.

Aron had finally passed out still sitting up as he started snoring lightly as the foals around him started poking him with the forehooves. After about the fifth poke to the head Aron fell over on his side still sound asleep the foals laughing lightly at the sleeping metal pokemon. They had turned back to watching Trixie's performance, she had added in more impressive forms of magic such as suspending the ember of the fireworks, feeding them magic to keep them from vanishing, into forms of creating multiply frames of some of the rarest creatures in Equastria. From the well known hydra and manticore to the rare one such as the Ursa and phoenix she even added in a few that were thought to be legends such the sphinx.

She was glad to have such excitement from her crowd even if they were all foals, it felt great to have them cheering as she finished her act. She hid her annoyance that Aron had fell asleep during her performance though after this she was still going to have a long talk with him about where he had been! She had spent half the night searching the town for the bucking ball of iron. She smiled as the foal had started to heading off to help their parents or play some games. The only thing left of the crowd was Aron curled up with his face not visible.

She saw Shining out of the corner of her eyes and smiled, "Oh Shining, Trixie requires your assistance to get her golem back to Trixie's home till it has recharged!" With a sigh Shining most likely should have seen that coming as he had walked over and enveloped the metal ball in magic. Shining had a hard time getting a grip on him in his magic it take more contraction than most objects would.

After ten minutes of struggled grunts from Shining and Trixie's suppressed giggling they had made their way back to the small mobile home. Aron had finally woke back up as he stretched some and noticed he was floating in a pink aura I looked to see the unicorn from early and the main thing he thought was. 'Why the fuck is this guys magic pink I mean he has blue hair and white fur while from what I have seen their magic usually matches one of the two colors?'

He chose to have a bit more fun at the expense of Shining, he had used Harden doing so made him shine some and made it take even more strength to keep him suspended in the air. The effect was nearly instant as he dropped down a bit and Aron could see sweat forming on the unicorn's forehead. He had guessed that this telekinesis had counted as a some what physic type move making him resistant to it as a steel type.

After a minute Shining had dropped him on the floor as he stretched out some letting out a small yawn giving an innocent look as Trixie was laughing at the collapsed unicorn.

"You really need to work on your grip there Mr. Armor if such a small amount of magic resistance was able to give you so much trouble." Trixie said between small laughing fits.

"W-well I'm sorry I have trouble moving around the walking ball of metal that is about as heavy as I am!" Shining retorted, panting all while doing so.

Aron respond with a hurt look before closing his eyes and turning his head away, before walking off towards Trixie's room. He wanted to be out hearing range of the unicorn before letting out a very loud metallic laugh though it would be impossible to tell it was laughter.

He saw a shudder come from Shining from his laugh guessing that it didn't just feel right to him it was almost an unnatural sound. Though it made him more nervous that the creature Aron was up to something, Aron had waited in Trixie's room. Who had showed up after a minute or two, Aron had used Mimic once more to speak in Discord's voice.

"It seems that you are doing much better with your show now. You have your audience the children, now in about two days we will make our way to the next closest town which is?" Aron asked, looking up to Trixie who got out her map.

"The next closest city would be Dodge city or better known as Dodge Junction, it's more of a work town than here but that would mean they would be fine with me distracting their children while they are at work." Trixie said with a smile already imagining the money she could make their.

Aron's eye twitched some when her eyes had literally turned into gold coins, he had no idea what to say to this. 'How?!? that is not physically possible the cartoon physics of money eyes. Though I am an Aron, I should stop questioning logic at this point.' He thought to himself before shaking his head.

"So in two days we will gather up some supplies before we make our way to Dodge. Now for me I will need some scrap metal, and before you ask I don't care what kind of metal it is as long as it is metal though Iron is preferred." Aron said before making his way over to next to her bed laying down.

He hoped they would leave soon, before the buffaloes, which camp he roll/walked out of, noticed a large ball of metal was missing and assumed the closest source. This town had came and stole from them, so yeah after two days they better be running out of here.

He just had a horrible sense that his luck wasn't too good and they might run onto a problem that Trixie most likely forgot about. Though for now he thought it would be best to put that off for the time being, he right now was having to help Trixie plan some new tricks. Most of them involved him acting as if he was an inanimate ball of iron till she gave him a shot of magic, even know that was for the next town since people in this town already knew of him.

He still didn't really trust this other unicorn cause, one his fucking name was Shining Armor, and two he just seemed like the type of goody two shoes that would do something stupid. Though if Aron was lucky Shining wouldn't be going with them, though if Shining followed them it would raise his suspicions to new heights. Though Aron wasn't that worried it since as Trixie had conformed being a steel type Pokemon has made him have some magic resistance.

For now though he needed more rest as it seems using rollout to such an extent has severally drained him, he would regain his strength faster if he had metal to eat. Though Trixie had left to go and gather up supplies so he would have to wait for now, a nap might do him some good. If he was lucky his benefactor might have time now to tell him what he will get as rewards.

He moved a pillow off Trixie's bed before curling up on it closing his eyes. After a few minute he was back in his mind room, though he already saw the signs that his benefactor was here, such a dancing mustached banana.

"Okay, while this is random it's not too creative next time make it a singing onion that is doing opera." Aron said, before Discord had appeared taking out a cake and writing his idea down.

"Oh, that is a good one, I'll have to put that in Moonbutt's room when I get loose. Though I'm guessing you are here for me to show you what your rewards will get if you help me." Discord replied as he snapped his finger three items floated above his claw.

"This are the three item that you will get progressively with the more chaos you cause, for now you have planted the seeds in the town your in. Once, they are bloomed you will get your first prize." Discord said, making two disappear showing the disc which Aron immediately.

"Your willing to give me the TMs I need to learn more skills?!?" Aron looked up at him hopeful.

"Well, yes though it has a catch, it randomizes to the moves it will teach you from the move pool. So hope you have your lucky horseshoe when you get it." Discord replied with a large grin before pulling out a broken clock.

"It seem I'm out of time I will see you once you have earned your first prize my young apprentice." He said as he exploded into confetti.

He thought that was funny he was like a confetti cannon though he still couldn't see why he needed his help, if he could enter his mind without much trouble even if he was trapped. Along with able to form something as complicated as his form and the items he was barging for him to do his job.

Aron knew this would be almost more trouble than it was worth with a sigh he had pulled out the Pokedex that Discord had gave him on his first trip a new bar had appeared above his level bar. Simple labeled the 'Fun meter' there were four sections to the bar. Aron's guess with each bar filled he got one of the four prizes. The first bar was only at a fourth of a way filled.

He had a long way to go the bar below it though showed he was close to reach his eleventh level it seemed he was also close to unlocking a new move as well. Though with a day or so of training he should easily be able to reach this level though the only thing he could think to do for training in this little town was to hit against the trees.

He then thought of an idea if he could get Trixie to let him work with who ever is harvest the apples, she would get the bits to buy the metal he wanted to eat. Along with him having free roam through the apple orchard without worry of be found by the buffalo again.

For now though he choose to relax he wouldn't get to sleep long though, for almost an hour after he had fallen asleep. A loud argument had woke him, sounding as if Shining and Trixie got into a yelling match.

"What do you mean you want Trixie to feed you?" Trixie yelled with enough force to give a Loudred a run for it's money.

"Well it just usually common courtesy for a hostess to feed their guest!" Shining yelled back though no near with as much force.

"Trixie has barely enough bit to survive on, along with bits needed to stock food and supplies for Trixie's next destination. So Trixie says go get your own food from the saloon." Trixie yelled, with the sound of the door being flung open and something hitting against the dusty ground.

"Well at least that might make it difficult for this Shining to follow them if he wanted to, as one character would say 'Everything is coming up Milhouse'" Aron thought to himself getting ready for the new day as he had some work he needed to get started.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if it seems like I have been ignoring this story it has been a not so good year. I had got a new job in November just for the the place to close just nine days ago. So I am back to job hunting once again I will be switching back and forth between my two stories. Updating one than the other, I will try and finish the chapters as fast as I can.

Though remember I do this for fun so there are chances there will be long periods of me no posting, either from distractions, procrastination, and even just feeling as if the mood I am in would make the tone of the chapter will leave a bad taste in ya'll mouth. Once again if any of you see any mistakes just leave it in the comments and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Comments ( 6 )

Well that sucks about your job, hopefully you can find one soon. Otherwise this was an interesting chapter and I wonder just how helpful the TM’s are going to be?

Sorry about ur job and hope u find a new one. Awesome to see this story going :trollestia:

At least be happy that the chapter is out at least. He's trying his best.

I do have something to amend from one of my previous statements, though - references from the human character are definitely not immersion-breaking, as long as they fit with the situation. So that makes them a lot easier to make.

I suppose the HMs are just the natural instinct of a Pokemon player, but aside from him wanting to use Dig, is there any real reason for him to want them so badly?

Since he is an Aron, if I remember correctly, they usually live in caves digging up iron deposits which was their main food source. So my thoughts was he wanted it so he didn't have to depend on the town having some supply of metal, or if he was on his own he could dig it up for himself.

What's up with good stories and it ends up just dying

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