• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,230 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Chapter 7: Things got complicated fast. (edited)

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long with you know life continues poking me along with, me being so slow and working on another story. Though I thought it would be best to at least finish this chapter before continue work on the other story. If you find any problems it's fine to tell me and I will try to work on it though I might be a bit stubborn on some points. Hopeful I can have it edited soon.

Along where this is the part where I basically throw most of the show out the window and try and pave my own story. Also I'm being slow on this one cause I keep thinking more and more about my new story so having trouble focusing on this one :twilightblush:.

Aron had been starting to getting hungry according to Trixie, who had been continuously nagging him about how he was moving too slowly or how he needed to dodge potholes better. He started basically zoning out most of it, only listening to her when she was giving him directions to this town they were headed to. It was not long before the trees had vanished and they were walking across the open plain towards what he could barely tell was a town. It was still being put together.

Trixie had slipped back into the mobile home once the shade had disappeared. He was guessing she didn't like the heat. She had simply said to just head towards the small town. Aron had looked around some, and was still moving slowly as he noticed what seemed to be a cloud of dust headed towards them. The one thing that came to his mind was that it was a sandstorm. Speeding up a bit, he continued pulling the mobile home towards the small town. He just seemed to beat it there , it though took him a minute to stop and notice that he's almost kicked up a sandstorm of his own from running.

Aron had let a light sigh as he saw that the sandstorm that was behind him seemed to have disappeared. He was wondering why the land around here seemed to be so hard. The first thing that hit his mind was that this was the Great Plains. He saw the sign stating the name of the town and for a minute he thought his jaw had hit the ground. They grew apples here as well. What is with ponies, why were they obsessed with apples?

"Well at least I pray that they do not have as much sugar in their food here as the pink pony of energy," he thought as he found a place to stop for the time being. When he had come to a stop and his focus was lost for a moment, he could hear his stomach growling. He hadn't eaten much since they had left Ponyville, Trixie had come out and unhitched him from the mobile home.

"There. Now you said you had an idea for Trixie to entertain foals? Well this is one of the most out of the way places that has just recently been settled," she said, pointing out the many western-like ponies who working around the town at the time being. He thought it was a good place to get started. They were busy with work or were watching the children in the town.

"Okay, we shall start at the tavern and look for the person in charge of the town. Once that is done, we can ask to set up your stage in an open area for the children to watch while their parents either have their breaks or they can finish up some work," he said softly, slipping into Discord's voice once more. "Though I will have to be silent from now on until we're alone I don't want my ability to talk to be common knowledge," He pointed out. They started to walk towards a place labeled as being a tavern.

Trixie had headed inside and chosen to order one of the specials in the tavern which happened to be apple pie. She had taken half of the pie before lowering the rest of the pie tin to him. He had gingerly taken it in his mouth before he headed out of the tavern, letting her start to work on getting herself a spot to perform.

While Trixie was busy talking with the sheriff seeming excited his guess being that the sheriff agreed with the idea, Aron was sitting to the side of the building eating the pie and the tin he'd been given. He couldn't really tell the two apart by taste, but at the moment he really didn't care too much. As he finished the pie tin off, the door opened and Trixie had ran out. She headed over to move the mobile home with a smile to rival that of the Jokers. "I guess that she got the job. Well off to explore and see if there is anything new in this town. You know, besides the western theme," he thought to himself.

He started walking around the town lightly humming to himself as he did so. After maybe a minute or two of walking he came across a large field of apple trees. "My Arceus these ponies really like their apples," he mumbled to himself as he walked through the orchard. Aron had looked from side to side as he continued walking, still trying to find out how they kept all of them healthy. It wasn't long before he came to what looked to be just a random path running through the orchard. "A path so far in who would possible u-"

He was cut off by the ground shaking underneath him. He turned and looked down the path to see a large cloud of dust heading his way. He did the first thing he could think of: run as fast as his little metal legs could carry him.

It wasn't until he was nearing the edge of the orchard that it had occurred to him that he had ran along the path the cloud of dust was running down, like an idiot. He could have just dived off the path. Why wasn't he doing that rather than sitting there like a rock? After that thought he dove into what could only be considered as a very convenient bush at the edge of the orchards. He peaked out of the bushes to find out what had been running along the trail, to see that two or three large buffaloes had stopped and were looking directly at him.

He choose to stand completely still. He thought that maybe if he didn't move, they would leave him alone. His luck didn't hold out, as the buffaloes walked over to the bush. Aron did the one thing he could think of - he curled into his ball form that hid his mouth and eyes, making him look like a pure ball of iron.

"Chief, we have found what seems to be a ball of metal. Should we take it with us?" called a young possibly feminine voice. With his non-existing ears covered, he could only hear what sounded like grunts. He felt hooves lifting him up. He was soon set into what he could only guess was a bag, unrolling just enough to look around some. The bag was nearly empty, being shared only with a few other small stones or pieces of metal.

He was now in what he presumed it was a minerals bag, and was wondering why someone would walk around with it like this. He put that thought aside for now, as he peaked his head out of the bag just enough to see what was going on and to find out who he was with. He thought this place was nutty enough, but now he seemed to be in the hooves of buffaloes that seemed to be the Indians of this world.

He thought of this world as sweet and kind. They might not end up like his own, where the Indians were almost wiped out when the settlers-. His mind had just caught up with him. They were near a settlement in the plains - they must have already either turned into wanderers, been put onto reservations, or times hadn't gotten that bad yet.

Noticing that the group was nearing what looked to be a small camp up, he curled back up into his ball form guessing it would be best for now to look like nothing more than what they thought he was - a ball of iron. "Well at least I know Trixie might be having as much bad luck as myself," Aron thought. He now had no idea how he was going to get out of this position without the buffalo figuring out he was intelligent.

Meanwhile back with Trixie.

Trixie's job entertaining children was going brilliantly. Surprisingly, her illusions and fireworks were keeping their attention along with there being few other unicorns in this settlement. With her show going so well and being paid by the hour, it was nice though she was surprised by the white unicorn who had joined the small crowd of kids. She made sure to continue her performance and keep the kids interested and entertained for their parents.

Unknown to Trixie this unicorn happened to be Shining Armour who was sent to watch over the duo - though he could only find Trixie at the moment. He had not seen any sign of the little metal being that he was supposed to determine whether or not was a threat. Before he went on the mission, he'd had an argument with his marefriend who had been wanting to come with him. Of course, he could not let her. She would stand out too much. But she had taken it as a bit of an insult and as a result he had been sleeping at his parents house when he's left.

Now back with Aron.

He could try and sneak out of their camp, though he couldn't figure out how he would do so. It wasn't like he blended in as he was a walking pile of steel. He decided that it would most likely be best for him to wait until nightfall before he attempted to sneak out that way as most of them would be asleep. He thought it would be best to sleep for now so he wasn't tired out when he tried to sneak out later on. He closed his eyes and went to sleep, hoping to Arceus that nothing bad happened while he wasn't paying attention.

In his dream this time, it seemed different. His room seemed a mess. He was disorganized from time to time, but he was sure he'd never put his bed on his ceiling. He noticed what looked to be a letter on the ground, and lifting up and he started reading it.

"Dear creation, I was not able to get into your dream without drawing attention from Moonbutt, who is currently asleep. So after much more work then I thought it would take, which I blame on your thick-skull, I have left you this message. I am at the moment being stuck in place with my physical form, though my wards are crumbling with the bit of chaos you have been creating. I have left this message to tell you to do two things. The first is to create as much chaos as you can in order to weaken my wards faster. The second is that I will come and get you upon my freedom so you and I can fulfill our original deal, with maybe some extra items sent your way if you do as I ask." Signed yours truly the one and only Lord of Chaos - Discord.

Just as he had finished reading, the letter had transformed into a Pokedex that show, a small progress bar. The bar went up to his next evolution though it was still a while off. The only problem was that it wasn't labeled. Along with a list of moves he currently knew he had, he sighed presumed that this was the start of this Discord's bribe to get him to do as he'd asked. He wondered why a creature that most likely had the powers of a god would need, Discord might have wanted a change from the usual. With a shrug he started to work on putting his mind back into order, since Discord had made quite a mess getting into his mind.

"Well, it could have been worse, I guess. Chaos technically isn't pure evil, though from what I have seen around here they really are not good at seeing shades of grey. Maybe it's just the ponies that do that," he mumbled to himself. He was glad he didn't have to worry about the royal pain in his almost non-existent neck, as she was asleep in the morning time it seemed. Though causing chaos intentionally could get him pushed further into his villain role, with his luck he might cause it unintentionally since he was always accident prone. Also he had a feeling that Trixie would most likely be as pissed as hell when she got done searching the town only to find that he wasn't there.

He felt so sorry for whatever sap she was able to rope into looking for him with her. She was most likely going to talk the poor pony's ear off. He sometimes wished he knew where his sense of hearing came from, because it would be hard to ignore someone if you can't cover your ears to block them out. She was getting better at not bragging as much over the day or two of their walking together - though he thought that was just because her pride had been hit back down to a decent level after running away from the bear and the encounter he'd had chasing the bandits out of her home.

Meanwhile back with Trixie.

She was almost steaming at Aron, who was nowhere to be found. It was already nearing sun set before she was able to convince the only other adult not tired out to help her look for him. Her excuse for her companion being made of metal was it was her first attempt at a golem though it tended to wander off when not watched. She thought maybe she was lucky that Shining had chosen to believe this, as the two of them searched the town up and down, looking in almost all of the buildings.

They couldn't find a trace of him until they had asked the pony in charge of the orchard who told them with a large yawn. "Y'all talking about that large ball of metal? Yep, I saw it go into the orchard around evening. I think it might have been picked up by those buffalo? I saw them stop for a second before they continued on."

This made Trixie and Shining's eyes widen, as Trixie still needed him to help her make her way back up to the top of the entertaining game, while Shining was more worried that this would cause aggression between the new settlement and the buffalo tribes. He knew he was intelligent but that he was creation of Discord. As such could destroy the already unstable peace of this area, since the buffaloes and the ponies in this town had been having arguments over land and the increasing size of the apple orchard.

Shining was trying to find a way to get him back without them causing an all out fight between the settlers and the buffaloes. He could see if they were just willing to give him back, but they would most likely want to trade for him yet having not idea what they would ask for his return. "I think for now we should wait until morning before we try and to talk with the buffalo tribe since we would most likely put them on edge if we showed up at night," Shining said to Trixie as he walked her back into town toward her mobile home.

Trixie looked like she was about to argue for a minute, before seeming to think it over. She let out a sigh of annoyance as she saw that he had a point. She gave him a nod before looking at him. "By any chance do you need a place to stay the night, because Trixie happens to have an extra room you could use, if you like?" she asked, as she was about to open the door for him.

Shining stopped in place before facehoofing. He had forgotten to look for an inn when he showed up because of the rush to confirm the information that they had been spotted here. "Well, I guess one night won't be too bad I kind of forgot to look for an inn when I got here this morning. I must have gotten a bit distracted by your show," he said, rubbing a hoof behind his head as he followed her into her home. He was wondering what there was to lose, what is the worst that could happen? It was just one mission to watch a magician and a creature shorter than Spike.

Trixie was internally squealing thinking that maybe her luck had turned around since Aron showed up. The problem now, though, was getting him back without herself getting in trouble. She had led Shining into a small guest room which had just enough space for the bed, large enough for somepony to stretch out and a small empty trunk for personal belongings. "If you need Trixie her room is just next door. Just give the door a knock and Trixie will do what she can to help," she said with a smile, as she made her way to her room lightly humming as she swayed her hips while she walked away.

Shining had made his way into his room before letting out a sigh, thinking this was going to be more difficult than he'd originally thought it would be. He had forgetten that he needed an inn room when showed up, now he was staying with a mare who might be trying to tempt him. He also thought that this really would not help his marefriend let him back into the house if he showed up with a mare following him.