• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,230 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Chapter 2(Edited)

Author's Note:

Now what have we learned about leaving me out of a chapter like that?
(Is hanging upside down by my tail tied up with guards made of cake under me.) Don't leave Pinkie pie out of a chapter when there is a new person :fluttercry:
Very good you will be let down with the smell of those cakes attracts the attention of Celestia till than keep typing

The Start of Suspicions

After what to Aron and Angel had felt like hours spent explaining since Twilight had took the long route, Aron thought "For the sake of Arceus, she could have simple said they were told to keep and eye on me by the Princesses, but no she had to explain almost every detail."

Angel looked over at Aron, who was hitting his head against the wall and in doing so had been slowly starting to leave a dent. Letting out light sigh, Angel jumped over to Fluttershy and tapped her leg before pointing over to Aron. Fluttershy saw that Rainbow wasn't the only one being bored out of their mind by Twilight, since the new creature was now banging his head against the wall.

"U-um Twi-twilight I don't want to interrupt, but I think it would be best for our new friends health and Rainbow's if you finished off," Fluttershy had said very timidly pointing over to Rainbow who had a puddle of drool forming around her next to Aron who continued to make a still deeper dent in the wall.

Twilight looked at the two before giving a loud huff before saying, "Fine, I guess I explained enough already."

Almost instantly, Rainbow Dash jumped up and yelled, "Finally, we are free from the tyranny of the boring explanation." Rainbow was out the open window before anyone could say anything else, Applejack had walked out after Twilight had started taking the long path to explain it, and Rarity was on the couch getting her beauty sleep. When Aron finally heard that the long explanation had stopped he let out an audible sigh. There then followed a loud growl, as he had yet to eat.

"Oh yeah, we still haven't found out what he eats yet." Fluttershy quickly headed to the kitchen, returning with a plate containing fish, a bowl of lettuce, and an another plate with seeds.

Aron was looking at the three plates wondering if he could even eat anything since the pokemon he was usually only ate metal. He thought he would at least try all of them to see if any were filling or not. He sniffed the fish before taking a bite. Though to his and the two ponies surprise when he bit into the fish he managed to bite right through both the fish and its bones. Twilight was writing down information on him they still didn't really know what to call it and she was surprised to see that the creature seemed to be able to eat mostly anything as it at some of all three plates of food.

"W-well at least we don't have to worry about keeping certain things in stock for him," said Fluttershy lightly, as Angel bunny jumped over and ate some of the lettuce that Aron had left behind. Rarity had seemed to have left as Fluttershy was about to ask her if she wanted to go with her and Twilight. Fluttershy started walking with Twilight as they left get themselves something to eat. Aron smiled thinking it might be interesting to follow, them walking behind them as they walked into town. Upon arrival, the town seemed pretty empty. He knew the sun was about to set, but where was everyone? He saw they were heading toward a building that looked like it was a large gingerbread house. He made sure to stay as close to them as possible. So when they opened the door he slipped into the building behind them before the door shut he wondered why the lights were off.

"SURPRISE!" Shouted Pinkie and what he could only guess were dozens of other ponies, causing him to jump and giving away his presence to Twilight and Fluttershy. "P-pinkie cou-couldn't you have warned us before you were going to thrown the party?" Fluttershy said lightly. Twilight shook her head before she headed over to get herself something to eat.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise since you two are always right next to him, so you had to be left in the dark or it wouldn't have been a surprise." Pinkie said as she was hopping around Aron, in front of whom she had set a cupcake before inhaling one herself.

Aron looked a bit worried and was reticent about trying the cupcake. He had never been much of a sweets person. Hoping that his taste buds were dulled enough not to get too hyper from it. He moved his head down and tasted the cupcake curiously. Staying as still possible, he almost felt like coughing because it tasted like he just swallowed a bag of sugar. "How does that monster eat so many of these thing? It tasted like someone made cotton candy into cupcake form!" He felt his eyes twitching some as he fell over onto his side. He looked around seeing most of the ponies were busy with the party. He arose and started sneaking around the area curiously, letting out a sigh as he found a drink that wouldn't make him rot from sweetness. He started chugging what he thought looked like just some apple juice, when he was interrupted by a nearby voice.

"Hey Applejack, have you seen the barrel of hard cider that you brought for us when we stopped at Nightmare party?" Pinkie asked as she looked around.

"It should be right over here." Applejack said as they walked over and that it was on its side with something shiny sticking out of the barrel.

"Hey Fluttershy what happens when an animal drinks hard cider? Because I believe that new critter just drank the whole bucking barrel of it!"

Aron's head felt like it was spinning having never drank before, he tried to get up only to fall over rolling up into a ball. He started using Rollout without thinking about it, but being drunk he could barely gain any speed. He seemed more like a small metal ball than an animal. Fluttershy was chasing him around as Twilight observed, taking notes on the behavior of the now quite inebriated creature.

"It seems to be able to compress itself into a ball-like form and roll around. I'm not sure if this is natural or if it is because the creature has consumed an entire barrel of hard cider," Twilight had written down. She gave a nod to it as Fluttershy finally caught him grunting to pick him up until Pinkie pie had came over and lift him for her.

"Well, it seems this little guy is out of it for the night. You want me to help you take him to your cabin Flutters?" Pinkie said with a smile. Not really having any trouble carrying the small Aron Fluttershy gave a light nod as she and Pinkie walked out. They start heading toward Fluttershy's house. Aron had finally unrolled but seemed to be passed out from drinking that much. "For a little guy he sure can drink a lot that barrel was nearly three times his size, poor thing is going to have a large bucking headache in the morning."

Meanwhile in Aron's dream his head was already pounding so hard he thought that someone had taken a jackhammer to his head. "Ugh did anyone get the number of the semi-trailer that hit me, because I think they missed a spot. Never mind it hurts there now!" He sat up some and saw he was in what used to be his room. "I guess this is my mind since no one in this world seems like they would have any technology like this." He gave a light stretch as he walked over to his computer, hitting a few keys to bring up a random villain song he liked. He started lightly humming along to the song as he walked around not able to do much since he didn't have hands. He blinked as he looked around feeling like something was watching him. He took in a deep breath before using a loud Screech until he saw a shadow fall to the floor covering its ears taking the form of one of the ponies.

"What are you doing in here? Haven't they taught here there are such things as privacy? I am pretty sure that my mind is as private a place as you can find?" Aron almost growled, unsure if they could understand him in his dream, though from her surprised look he guessed she could.

"We are just doing our job of watching over the dreams of our subjects we saw this one though it had a different color in the dream realm, one that we have not seen before!" The dark pony had yelled so loud that even the song and the Screech he had made earlier paled in comparison.

Aron had quickly covered his non-existent ears with his metal nubs. "Okay, just stop yelling or I will become deaf I am literally less than three feet from you." After Aron said this Luna was taken back as she didn't know how the creature even hear her with no ears, or if she was that loud.

"Okay, now that you are not yelling me to death, how about you tell me who the fucking hell you are and why you are in my mind?" Aron said, regaining his serious tone as he sat down even knowing the pony was already towered over him.

"Well as we said we are the watching over the dreams and our name is Princess Luna. Now what about yourself, mysterious creature? You are the unknown here not me," Luna had replied in a voice which, whilst still loud, was somewhat quieter than before.

"Well the only information I am willing to give up to a stranger such as yourself would be my name I guess I will just stick with 'Aron' for now until I think of one that is more fitting. Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to relax some and want some privacy since I have had ponies around me all day?" Aron said, in his calm voice. He continued softly humming the song that was on before Luna had come in.

Luna had left feeling it would not likely worth trying to push her luck any further even if it was a pain in her flank to not get a straight answer from someone. She had let out a loud sigh as she continued her duties, thinking of how this Aron acted so much like his creator not only acting as if he was just playing a game, but making a pointed effort not take her seriously.

Celestia was looking over the letter her student had sent her. The creature had not seemed to be much of a threat, yet as this was a creature made by Discord it was likely to be unpredictable. She looked out at the statue of Discord, "I am not sure what he had planned for this creature but I will make sure that it does not cause any harm to my little ponies!"