• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 1,216 Views, 45 Comments

A Ghost in need - Bronycommander

March 1946. Germany is close to victory. A young recruit at Castle Wolfenstein finds something he would never expect

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Chapter 3 Meet the B.J.

Chapter 3: Meet the B.J.

To kill the time, Helmut and Bernd showed Ruby the castle, and told her everything they knew about it, king Otto and who Helga von Schabbs was. Ruby showed great interest.

A Super Soldier crossed their way. He pointed his MG 46 at her but lowered it as Bernd said that she was a visitor.

“This was a Super Soldier. Created by General Strasse himself. After the human subjects are going through a chemical therapy, their bodies are surgically enhanced with steel and cybernetics and encased in bullet-proof armor. To purify the human subject's killer instinct, its brain is degenerated into a more primitive state, making them erratic and extremely violent. This variant has no internal batteries and needs either a wired connection that provides them with energy or a power source on his back. I don’t know how they can be controlled.
This version is also a stupid idea. The Super Soldiers we had in 1943 were better than these guys if you ask me,” Helmut explained.

“Okay. They just look scary.” Ruby was a little afraid of them.

They walked to the cellar. They heard how Hans had a conversation with a Soldier.

“So, I was laying in bed next to this girl and…”



“You were lying in bed. Not laying.”

“Laying, Lying. What’s the difference?”

"You lay eggs. You lie in bed. I assume you’re not a bird, are you?”

“Do you want to hear the Story or not?”

“It’s important to speak correctly.”

“Why do you always have to pick on everyone’s grammar?”

"Because I believe in preserving the purity of our beautiful language. Lest we descend into barbarism.”

“Well, I’m not telling the story now.”

“I’m just saying, if we…“

“Keep quiet.”

Ruby giggled, “This reminds me of my father. He died shortly after I was born... I didn’t really know him all too well... but my mother always told me how he corrected others.”

“My father also died when I was young. I’m sure my mother would like to meet you.”

A creak filled the room, the wood in the castle had seen better days. "Is this normal?" Ruby asked slightly worried, fearing that something could collaspe.

"Completly normal. This Castle was bulit in the middle ages, so it's very common to hear the wood creak here." The Marksman explained.

The Creaking did not stop, it grew more intensive, like something was about to gave out.

"Are you really sure about that?" The creaking made the filly nervous.

Suddenly the ground began to collapse, sending Ruby with a scream into the lower catacombs. “Ruby!” Helmut looked down worried. ”Is there another way down?”

"Yes Helmut, come with me, move it!” Hans said.

Ruby drowned as she had never learned to swim. But she felt how someone dragged her out of the water.

“Are you alright?” a bare-chested man asked her.

“I’m fine. Who are you?”

"William J. Blazkowicz, US military.”


“I need to find a friend of mine. Can you help?”

“Why should I? How can I trust you?” Ruby didn’t trust B.J.

“I saved you from drowning. So I saved your life.”

“Okay I get it. I’m really good at finding things so this should be no problem.”

They walked through the catacombs until B.J stopped. “You wait here. I will take care of this.”

“What do you mean? “ Ruby asked, as suddently, a small object flew by, a hiss next to her ears, followed by serveral more hisses.

“Open fire!” a Soldier shouted. B.J. returned fire with his Assault rifle. After a short firefight, he looked after Ruby. She was covering her ears.

“Damn, was this loud!”

“I know. Let’s move.”

She heard B.J. mumbling, “Don’t worry, Wesley. I will get you out of here, and then we will meet Kessler in the tavern.”

“So that's your friends name.”

“Yes. And Kessler is our contact in the village.”

After a few minutes they reached the upper catacombs. “Do you hear that Radio chatter?”

“Yes. Bernd explained that this is coming from his Headset.”

“Stay low and quiet. I take the commanders out. If they spot me, things will get very difficult.”

B.J. drew a Handgun from his holster and put a silencer on it.

“Sounds like the commanders are above us.”

“I can hear them too, Ruby.”

She stayed on cover while B.J. took them out. After that, he signaled her to come out.

They came to a cat walk. Ruby spotted something. “Hey, is this a scope?” She pointed with a hoof at it.

“Yes. Could be useful.” B.J. put the scope on his rifle.

A loud sound ringed in Ruby's ears, followed by a metallic sound as something it the metallic floor, causing the pony to yelp, jumping back in surprise and fear. “Where did that come from?!” The American shouted alerted, looking from where the shot had come from.

“From the tower over there!” Ruby shouted as she saw a glint from it.. Before the Marksman could fire another shot, he was killed by B.J. with a headshot, causing the Marksman to fall off the tower.
He used a lever to open the entrance to the castle. “Now we can go in. Wesley should be in there.”

But as they stepped in, a Super Soldier on a balcony spotted them. He jumped down and fired at them. Ruby quickly got to cover. B.J. saw the power source, a blue "Ball" pulsing with electricity on the Super soldier's back and fired at it. Due suffering significant damage, the power-pack shut temporarily down, causing the Super Soldier to drop in his knees, giving B.J. a chance to take him out. He took his pipe to remove the chest plate after the Soldier was disabled, revealing his heart.

Again he fired at the power source until the Super Soldier dropped again on his knees. After this was done, he destroyed the heart of the Super Soldier by ramming his pipe into it. Ruby saw steam came out of the Soldier, he stumbled before dropping on his knees. He exploded. She had to throw up after she saw the remainings of the Super Soldier, armor parts, blood, bones and organs were left in a bloody mess.

“Sorry. Not used to something like this.”

“It’s alright.” In a control room B.J. used a switch to open a gate. An alarm sounded. “Stay here until I cleared the area.”

“Yes, B.J.” Ruby was covering her ears from the screams and shots, and hoped that Helmut wasn’t one of the soldiers who were killed by B.J. when the alarm stopped. Above a kitchen, they overheard a conversation.

“Feels like Jäger has been torturing that Englishman for hours in the theatre now, he still hasn’t talked.”

“I know. Never seen anything like that. Everyone crumbles to Jäger.”

“What if he actually doesn’t know anything?”

“Well, then he should make something up! I know what Jäger is capable of. I’ve seen it. He can drag out the pain forever without actually killing a man. I think…He’s a little bit crazy.”

“Yeah. I’ve never seen anyone so attached to his dog as he is.”
“Should continue this conversation over a beer at the tavern after our shift.”

“I’m short on cash at the moment.”

“Don’t worry. I just tell that stupid bartender Kessler to put it on my tab. Then I never pay him back.”

The soldiers laughed. “Right! Carry on!”

While the American took the commanders out, Ruby stared into the fireplace as she could saw herself into it, until B.J. tapped her shoulder. “Everything alright?”

“What? Oh, just lost in thoughts.” She replied.

Three moved to a room where a soldier looked over a fireplace. “Wasn’t this fireplace supposed to be fixed last week? Damn, incompetent idiots not doing their jobs properly.”

“Sounds like a typical regime soldier,” B.J. whispered before killing him by smashing him against the fireplace.

“Just for your information: Helmut is NOT a typical soldier but a caring young man.”

“I know Ruby, didn’t mean to hurt Helmut’s dignity.” As he saw a skull; he couldn’t help but to imitate Shakespeare. “Helmut, Poor Ruby.” He chuckled as he laid it down but it fell from the table. “Oops.” He picked it up and putted it back on the table. Ruby had to suppress a giggle.

They came into a Library. B.J. took the guards out while Ruby waited. They saw a portrait of King Otto. “There appears to be a room on the other Side.”

Ruby looked around until she saw something that looked like a key. “That a key? Mister Blazkowicz, I think I found something.” She showed him the key.

He put the key into the lock and the portrait moved to the side. “This castle has a lot of secrets. You’re really good at findings things. And Blazkowicz or B.J. is just fine.” He patted her mane.

Ruby blushed. “Thank you.”

They found Wesley in the anatomical theater. Before Ruby could go, the door closed preventing her to follow B.J. She tried to open it but to no avail.

After a while she heard a message. “Attention all guards. I want every goddamned one of you to assault the anatomical theater. There is a filthy rat on the run in there and I want him squished, right now! Move it!” An Alarm went off. She heard Gunshots.

After a while, there was silence. Before she could do anything, she was knocked out.

Author's Note:

Oh no, seems like Ruby get captured!

I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard the grammar conversation. As for the Super Soldier, compared to his counterpart in Return to Castle Wolfenstein from 1943 who could use 3 weapons and didn't need a power source, the Old Blood veriant is a technical setback if you ask me. The Alarm I used was the closest to the Alarm used ingame I could find. If somebody knows where I can find the right one, please tell me.

If you're wondering why Ruby had to throw up, Let's just say, it was her last meal before she died. And you should know why she was staring into the fire.