• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 1,216 Views, 45 Comments

A Ghost in need - Bronycommander

March 1946. Germany is close to victory. A young recruit at Castle Wolfenstein finds something he would never expect

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Chapter 8 The American

Chapter 8: The American

When the next morning came, Helmut walked into the kitchen. Ruby had already made breakfast for them. “Good morning, Ruby.”

“Good Morning, Helmut. I made breakfast for you.”

He had Toast with coffee. Ruby learnt probably from her mother. Ruby had Toast with strawberry jam. “I love strawberry jam. Sweet and delicious.”

“I love it too. Tell me, where did you learn to make breakfast so well?”

“From my mother. I always helped her with cooking. And she loved it when I made her breakfast. Do you like it?”
“But of Course.”

Ruby took a deep breath. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes. I wanted to tell you about my nightmare I had., Then Ruby told him about her nightmare.

“Don’t worry Ruby, these… Zombies aren’t real. And no matter what will happen, I will stay at your side and protect you.” He tried to comfort her.

“I know. It’s just it felt so real.” Ruby shivered a bit.

“If you have a bad dream again, you can come anytime to me.”

“O-ok.” Ruby tried to calm down. "Funny is, I dreamed tonight that some kind of exterminators were trying to catch me with backpacks with a hose attached to it. After I escaped them, a tiny man in green clothes with a vacuum cleaner tried to catch me."

“Sometimes, our brain can get the weirdest things as dreams. Dramed once that I used a radio by playing it like a harmonica. As much I would love to take you to my work, I can’t today. But you don’t mind to be with my mother?”

“Not at all. I love the company of both of you.”

Helmut smiled, “Glad to hear it. Bye.”

But after he left he frowned. The patients in Castle Wolfenstein have similar dreams about these burning People. A coincidence perhaps?

He was greeted by Bernd. “Good morning, Helmut. Slept well?”

“Yes. But Ruby had a nightmare. It was about the same burning people that the patients had dreamed about.”

“Yes I read about it too. Nonsense! But if Ruby had a dream about it too, it could mean something.”

“Could be. But now, enough of this chit-chat. Need to stay on alert after the American broke out.”

“Right, Hans,” Helmut said before Bernd and Hans leaved.

While Helmut was alone on the streets, he whistled to kill the time. Suddenly someone turned him around. It was the American! He wanted to scream, but the American put a hand over his mouth before he could react. “Promise not to scream and I will spare you.” The private was able to understand English as he learned in case that he would be transferred to the front. Bernd could also speak English.

Helmut wanted to life. So he agreed. “You! You are the American!” He pointed his rifle at him. He was so nervous that his hands began to shake. But the American used a pipe to lower it.

“Relax kid. I have seen you before. You were with that filly Ruby. She needs you.”

“I know but Jäger did almost torture her. Because of you!”

“But I also saved her life when she fell into the water. So you owe me something.”

“Okay, you have a point. What do you want?” Helmut was defeated.

“Can you tell me where Schmidt’s baker shop is?”

“Just a couple of Blocks from here. Just this way.” He pointed at an old street.

“Thank you. What’s your name, Kid?”


“Name's Blazkowicz. You are a good guy Helmut and a good father for Ruby. Stay that way.” He said and gave him a pat on the shoulder before he left.

“This place is infested with Regime soldiers. You should be careful. Do not kill anyone unless you have to.” A male voice said to B.J. on the radio.

“What’s that? Kill as many of them as I can?”

“No I said…”

“Can’t hear you, Kessler. Lots of static.” He made some fake static sounds before he was out of sight.

Before Helmut’s mind could proceed, this Bernd found him. “Ah, there you are! Frau Obersturmbannführer von Schabbs needs us at the excavation.”


After some work, he went to the tavern to drink something. Unlike his comrades, he does only drink alcohol free. He had a conversation with two other Soldiers. “Rudolf thinks they will open the way in today,” One Soldier spoke to him.

“I know. The digging has gone really well. Helga may be pushing us hard, but she is really efficient, I have to say. And she’s not afraid to pull her sleeves up and help out.”

“I just can’t wait for it to be over,” The other Soldier said.

“What? Don’t you want to see what’s down there?”

“I mean the war. We know we will win this one. And I’m just wondering why can’t they just get it over with? So I can get back to Kristine.”

“I know. It drags a bit.”

“The allies are clearly inferior, it doesn’t make sense.”

“Yes, but did you hear about this guy that broke out of Castle Wolfenstein? An American. He must be really good.”

Helmut’s comrade was taunting, “American. He’s no match against German steel.”

“Oh I bet he’s lurking around here as we speak,” Helmut said when he recognized the waiter as Blazkowicz.
“Time for a refill. Excuse me.”

He gave Blazkowicz a sign without being noticed that he must go upstairs, as he saw the wine on the tray. “Hey, another beer!”
He sang with his comrades, before suddenly an earthquake came. He was knocked over and knocked out by falling debris.

Ruby cleaned the house with Heike. “Heike, where’s Helmut?” She was getting a little nervous.

“You know, after an exhausting Day, he goes like many other Soldiers to the Wulfburg tavern. But don’t worry, he drinks only alcohol-free and does not stay very long.”


Suddenly the ground began to shake. “An earthquake! Ruby, get to cover!” Heike shouted, but before Ruby could react, she was knocked out by falling debris.

Author's Note:

What in the hay happened? You will see. And just as side note, I am German and in the German vision, the Nazis are called the "Regime" but I left the orginal scene as links, I also loved the music in the tavern when I entered it. Beautiful.
And makes the soldiers look more peaceful, dosen't it? I think you know what the guys were that chased Ruby in her dream.