• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 1,216 Views, 45 Comments

A Ghost in need - Bronycommander

March 1946. Germany is close to victory. A young recruit at Castle Wolfenstein finds something he would never expect

  • ...

Chapter 5 Hospitality

Chapter 5: Hospitality

When he arrived at home, he was greeted by his mother. “Helmut! Thank god, you’re alright! After I heard about the escaped prisoner, I feared the worst!”

“No mom, I’m unharmed. And I have a guest. But please, be gentle with him as he is still shaken after he met Rudi Jäger."

He stepped aside to reveal the still sleeping ghost filly. “Ahh isn’t she cute. Where did you found her?” Helmut took a deep breath.

“This may sound crazy.” Then he told her how he found Ruby and what happened to her.

Heike so was the name of Helmut’s mother, showed sympathy and looked at Ruby with a few tears in her eyes. “So, you tell me that she was killed by her friends, only to be a ghost that can still feel and act as it was alive?”

“Would I lie to you?”

Heike knew her Son. He would never lie to her. “Oh you poor girl.” She kissed her on the forehead. Ruby awoke after a cute yawn. Heike saw that she was a ghost by her glowing eyes. “Hello little one. I’m Helmut’s mother Heike.” The elderly woman had black hair and blue eyes.

“I’m Ruby. Nice to meet you.”

Heike couldn't believe it. Her brain wasn't playing a joke, before her was a talking ghost pony. It was strange but still, her hositality got the better of her. “This may sound silly, but do you want to eat something? I made some cookies.”

Ruby’s ears stood at full attention after those words. “Since I can feel pain, yes I would like to eat something. And I always loved the cookies my Mommy made.”

“Then come in.” Ruby took a bite of a cookie and enjoyed each bite. It was understandable for Helmut and Heike, as Ruby had probably not eaten for years.

“Thanks. I almost forgot how it was to taste food."

“You’re welcome, Ruby. Do you want to tell us about your life before this happened?” Heike didn’t want to make her sad.

Ruby gave her a light smile. “Before this all happened, I had a normal life just like everypony else. I had friends, a mother who loved me with all her heart. I just wish sometimes this had never happened.” She started to cry. Helmet had taken his gear off while Ruby told them about her life before her death. He stroked her mane to calm her down. She looked up. He had brown hair and blue eyes.

“Shh it’s alright. You’re safe with us.” Ruby calmed down.

“Thank you. Even if it was just a few years after my death, it’s feels so good to have somebody’s shoulder to cry on.”

“I know. You can stay here as long as you want. I and my mother are known for our hospitality.”

“Helmut, why you don’t take some cookies too? You always liked them when you were a child.”

“Thanks mom.” He took a cookie. “I was just so focused on our guest that I forgot about it.”

“Even if you’re an adult now, you are and will always be my little boy. Father would be so proud of you.”

“I know. Ruby, should I show you our house?” She nodded.

While Helmut showed her the house she asked, “Why did you join the military? You don’t look like that you like to be a Soldier.”

Helmut was a little nervous. “I was conscripted. Every man at the age of 18 can be conscripted. I never had the chance to think what I wanted to be, before they took me. You?"

“I wanted to be a detective or to open a lost property office since I'm good at finding things. Do you have a girlfriend?”

“No. I’m just a recruit. The girls are more on veterans that have experience and are badass." Helmut looked on his watch. It was already evening.

“Time for Dinner!” Heike called from the kitchen. She made some bun for herself and Helmut and for Ruby some pretzels. They were still warm as they came fresh out of the oven.

Ruby enjoyed the pretzels. “A little bit salty, but it tasted very good. I never have eaten something that is delicious like this.”

“Thank you, Ruby. Those are pretzels. A very popular pastry in our country.” Heike smiled at her.

Ruby let out a yawn. “It may sound silly, but even as a ghost, I need sometimes sleep.”

“We have a guest room. Helmut, may you tuck her into bed?”

“Yes, mom.”

After Ruby was in the comfortable bed, Helmet saw her worried. “What is wrong?”

“It’s just…my mother. She blames herself for what happened to me. I just hope she is safe. And my friend.”

“Don’t worry; I’m sure she is safe. And so will be your mother.”

“You’re right. They will be safe, I must believe in it.” Ruby fell asleep. Helmut couldn’t help but give her a kiss on the forehead. "Strange isn't it, a ghost that still needs sleep, can feel pain and eat." He asked quietly his mother, having a strange feeling about it.

“Agreed, it's strange for me too, I was at first wondering if we both went crazy but still, you’re going to be a great father for her I just know it.” His mother had watched everything from the floor.

“But am I ready?”

“You know, your father asked me the same when you were born. And he was a wonderful father. And so you will be too.”

“You’re right mom, goodnight.” He went into his own bed. His father died when he was just 5. Still, he enjoyed every minute with him. “Don’t worry Ruby, you are safe with me.” He spoke to himself before he fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Another Chapter done. Short but I hope you enjoyed it.