• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 12 Comments

The Odd Tale Of Snow Fameuse - Grey Ghost

After finding an odd, eight legged foal, Applejack and Rainbow Dash dive head first into parenthood.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Hey babe, I’m gonna head out for a bit alright?” Dash called, pulling her scarf on. She had partially moved in with the Apples, not wanting to spend the winter by herself.

“Don’t be too long now, y’hear?” Applejack called from the kitchen. “Supper’s almost ready. We’re gonna be havin’ spiced cider with it too. Ah know ya don’t wanna miss out on that.”

“Ain’t no way I’m missing it!” Dash called back, slipping outside into the cold. “At least it’s not a blizzard.” The night was rather still, a light flurry drifting down from the heavens. With barely a sound, Dash pushed off from the porch, taking to the sky. She flew to the orchard, letting the brisk air nip at her as she flew. The snow covered trees glistened in the moonlight as she passed by them. She had to admit, it was a beautiful sight.

She didn’t really have anywhere to be, Tank was hibernating (which still stung), her house was locked up tight and she didn’t have the late weather shift. She continued to fly for a bit, doing some lazy loops and spins to keep her blood flowing in the cold.

“Ahh, there’s something relaxing about night flying,” Dash said to herself as she did another loop. All of a sudden, she heard a small sound, almost like a whimper. She slowed down to a hover, swiveling her ears around for the source of the noise. She heard it again, seeming to be coming from the bottom of a nearby tree. She flew over to it, and saw a grey lump poking out of the snow.

“Hello?” she asked, folding her wings, gingerly taking a step closer. The lump shuffled in the snow, tiny eyes poking out and looking at her. The thing then let out a series of coos. “Seriously?” She stared rather dumbfounded. Sitting in the snow was a foal, probably too young to walk. “Discord, if that's you, this isn’t funny.” The foal tilted its head, looking up at her with an innocent and confused expression. “Okay, so you're not him. Great.” She pulled her scarf off, gently scooping up the foal.

“Who left you out here?” she asked, wrapping him as best she could in the scarf. Her only answer was a yawn as the foal nestled into the makeshift swaddling. She eyed him for a moment before taking off again, moving back to the house. “Hey babe!” Dash called, trotting into the house, “Do we have any foal supplies?”

“Why in the world are ya askin’ that?!” Applejack asked from the kitchen.

“Uh... I found a foal in the orchard,” Dash explained.

“You what?!” Applejack exclaimed, rushing into the room. Her eyes widened when she saw the little colt. “Who in tarnation left a foal on mah property?!”

“No idea.” Dash shrugged. “Found him under a tree.”

“We’ve gotta tell somepony about this tomorrow,” Applejack said. “But fer now, we gotta put a makeshift diaper on ‘im.” She disappeared into another room for a few moments and came back with a cloth.

“AJ...” Dash stared at the foal, her scarf falling to the floor.

“Dear Faust…” Applejack said, her eyes widening as she saw the colt’s eight legs. “What in tarnation is he?”

“What are y’all two yammering about?” Granny Smith asked, waddling out into the living room. She then saw the foal and her eyes widened as well. “Dear sweet sassafrass!”

“Why are y’all shoutin?” Apple Bloom asked, walking out of the kitchen. She saw the colt as well and rushed over to him. “Well would ya look at this! He’s like a whole new kinda pony!”

The little guy whined, kicking his legs.

“Alright now, that's enough gawkin’,” Granny cleared her throat. “Ya get that foal decent, Jackie. Ah’ll get him somethin’ ta eat.” Applejack nodded and quickly tied the makeshift diaper around the foal.

“How do ya think the foal was born like this?” Dash asked.

“Probably a birth defect.” AJ rocked the foal gently, calming him down. “Did ya find anything with him?”

“No, he was just buried in a pile of snow,” Dash replied, frowning and shaking her head. “Little guy looked like he was about to freeze to death.”

“Well, he ain’t shiverin’ now,” AJ commented, taking a moment to examine him.

“Do you see anything other than the legs that are interesting?” Dash asked.

“Ah dunno. Ah ain’t no doctor.” AJ shrugged, holding the foal close. “We’ll take him to the hospital tomorrow.”

“Do… you think we should keep him?” Dash asked, rubbing the back of her head.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves okay?” AJ turned, leading her into the kitchen. Granny was there with a bowl of food.

“Ah got applesauce for the little colt,” the old mare said. “It’ll help ‘im grow big and strong.”

“Thanks Granny.” AJ sat down, putting the foal in her lap. “Say ah~” she smiled, scooping up some applesauce, holding it to his mouth. The foal seemed to perk up and opened his mouth wide. “That's a good boy,” AJ praised, slipping it into his mouth. The foal happily swallowed it down and opened his mouth again.

“He’s certainly hungry.” Dash smiled, digging into her own plate.

“Hey, ya won’t hear me complain that he ain’t a fussy eater,” AJ said as she popped another spoonful in his mouth. He ate it with a hum, licking his lips. “Yer a real cutie,” she said with a smile as she got another spoonful ready. “Who could abandon a foal like you?”

“Maybe it was because of his legs?” Applebloom suggested.

“That’s no reason to leave a foal to freeze,” Dash said with a scowl. “Whoever this colt’s parents are could’ve put him up for adoption.”

“Well, he’s with us now,” Granny spoke, patting the foal’s head.

“Granny, we can’t just keep ‘im,” AJ said with a frown as she continued to feed the colt.

“An why not?” Granny asked, raising her eyebrow.

“Well, raisin’ a foal is a big task,” Applejack said. “And there’s a big hullabaloo t’adopt a foal.”

“I mean, do we even have the time to take care of a foal?” Dash asked, looking around the table.

“Ah gotta lot o’ time on mah hooves,” Granny pointed out. “He can be mah little helper in the kitchen.”

“Granny, I doubt he can even walk.”

The old mare rolled her eyes. “Ah know that, Ah’m old, not senile. Ah meant that Ah could keep an eye on ‘im while Ah work in the kitchen. ”

“Ah dunno...”

“Well, he does need a good home,” Dash said. “And I can’t think of a better family to be a part of than the Apple family.”

“How about we have this talk after we get him checked out?” AJ asked, feeding him the last bit of applesauce.

“Alright,” Dash said with a nod. “That sounds fair.”

“While Ah’m doin’ that, ah want ya to go out to where ya found him, and look for anything ya might have missed.”

“You got it, babe,” Dash said with a smile.

“He can stay with us tonight.” AJ ruffled his thin white mane. “Mac, ya mind gettin’ Bloom’s old cradle from the attic?”

“Nope,” the large stallion said with a shake of his head as he stepped out of the room.

“Thanks,” she called, leaving the foal to his own devices while she ate. The foal started batting at the end of her loose ponytail and giggled. “Ya like that?” she asked, letting out a chuckle. The foal’s only answer was to continue playing with her mane.

“What are we gonna call him?” Bloom asked, unable to keep a smile off her face.

“Well, we should hold off on naming him,” Dash said. “He may not be a permanent family member after all.”

“We can’t just call him ‘foal’,” Bloom argued.

“Alright, then whaddya wanna call him?” Aj asked.

“Uh...” Bloom pouted, studying him. “Octi...?”

“Bloom, that’s an awful name,” Applejack said with a flat look.

“Ehehe....” Bloom looked away, having the decency to be embarrassed.

“What about Snowfall?” Dash suggested. “I did find him in the snow after all.”

“Ah say Snow Fameuse,” Granny chimed in.

“Ah like that,” Applejack said, stroking his white mane. “ Even if it is in fancy. Snow Fameuse it is then.” Snow cooed at her, nuzzling her hoof. “Little guy, yer makin’ it real hard to say no t’keepin’ ya,” she said with a small huff.

“Does that mean we are keepin’ him?” Apple Bloom asked, giving Applejack a hopeful smile.

“We’ll see after we get ‘im checked by the doctor,” AJ said. “Ah’ll talk to the mayor and see what we can do. She might have to put out a notice fer a missin’ foal.” Applejack relaxed in her chair, letting out an uncharacteristic yelp, holding Snow away from her. “Hey now little stallion, Ah ain’t got no milk for ya.” Snow pouted and looked between her teats and her face.

“We’ll have to go to the store, too.” Dash chuckled. “Or,” she gave Applejack a sly grin, “a little trip to Zecora’s.”

“Well since it was yer idea, Ah suppose you’ll wanna drink whatever she gives us,” Applejack replied with a sly grin of her own.

“How many times Ah gotta tell you two? No shenanigans at the table,” Granny reminded, giving both of them a stern look.

“Sorry Granny,” the two said, blushing and rubbing the back of their heads.

Mac walked into the room, retaking his seat. “S’in yer room.” He nodded at AJ, digging into his meal.

“Guess that means we’re just sleeping tonight,” Dash whispered in the orange mare’s ear.

“Darn right we are,” Applejack confirmed, giving Dash a look.

“We’ll need to find him his own room soon,” Dash replied. “Otherwise we both might get cranky.”

“We can deal with that tomorrow.” Applejack pushed away from the table. “Do y’all mind cleaning up? Ah’m gonna get Snow ready fer bed.” The others all nodded and started to clean up as she carried Snow upstairs. “Ah bet yer tired.” She trotted into her room, setting the foal into the cradle. Snow let out a yawn, his head hitting the pillow. He looked up at her with a tired look in his eyes. “Let’s get ya to sleep.” she tucked him in, gently rocking him. He cooed softly and his eyes fluttered closed. “There.” she smiled, trotting quietly to the door.

“So, he asleep?” Dash asked, peeking into the room.

“Went out like a light,” Applejack said with a smile.

“So... now what?” Dash asked, shifting on her hooves.

“Well, we might be raisin’ a foal,” AJ said. “We were talkin’ about somethin’ like that fer down the road.”

“Yeah but I mean...” Dash rubbed her neck. “I’m not even a Wonderbolt yet.”

“Ah know, but Snow needs a home.” Applejack sighed. “Ah could really use yer help raisin’ him, sugarcube.”

“Hey, I didn’t say I wouldn’t.” Dash stepped forward, pulling Applejack into a hug.

“Didn’t doubt ya fer a second,” Applejack said, returning the hug. “And hey, if we talk to Zecora like ya said, we might be able t’give Snow a sibling later on,” she joked.

“Now that sounds great...” Dash grinned, giving her a kiss on the lips. Applejack returned it happily.

“Dibs on bein’ the daddy,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“You just wanna see me fat.” Dash pouted, poking her chest.

“The freakout would be pretty entertaining.” AJ chuckled. “Though the complainin’ about not bein’ able t’fly would get annoyin’.”

“You bet it would.” Dash moved past her, making a point to flick her tail across Applejack’s muzzle.

“Heh, we can talk more about that later.” Applejack shook her head. “That’ll have t’wait until after Snow is outta diapers.” She looked down in the crib and frowned. “Do ya think he’ll be okay growin’ up?”

“What, cause of the legs?” Dash asked, climbing into bed.

“Yeah, Ah just know the other foals will mock him and he’ll have a hard time makin’ friends.”

“I like to think Ponyville is better than that,” Dash replied, getting comfy under the covers.

“Ah hope yer right,’ AJ said as she hung her stetson up and joined Dash in bed.

“I know I am.” Dash pulled AJ close to her, wrapping a wing around her. AJ snuggled in close to her marefriend and closed her eyes.

Applejack groaned as the soft cries of a foal filled the night air, dragging her out of the dream world. “Okay, okay, Ah’m up...” she opened her eyes, blinking the sleep away. She moved to step out of bed, only to freeze up, spotting another pony in the room.

Standing above Snow’s cradle, rocking it, was a tall green mare, her mane as black as night. She wore a strange golden helmet, the most prominent feature of which were the two long, backwards curved horns. After a moment, she turned her head, locking eyes with Applejack. She placed a hoof to her mouth, leaning down to tuck Snow back in. She strode silently to the door, looking back at Applejack.

“Take care of him.” A whisper flitted about the room and when AJ blinked, the mare was gone.

“What the hay just happened?” Applejack whispered. She turned to the cradle and saw Snow sleeping blissfully in his cradle. She looked back at the doorway and frowned. She then slowly returned to bed.

“Whatcha doin...?” Dash muttered, cracking an eye open.

“It was nothin’,” Applejack lied, wrapping her forelegs around Dash. “Just had to calm Snow down was all.”

“Right...” Dash cuddled up, quickly drifting back to sleep. Applejack frowned and thought of the strange mare as she slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the house’s inhabitants were greeted not with the usual rooster call, but with the hungry cries of a foal. Applejack and Rainbow Dash shot up and scooped Snow out of the cradle and quickly carried him to the kitchen.

“Geez, he’s got a set of lungs on him,” Dash muttered, keeping her ears pinned to her head.

“At least we know he didn’t get pneumonia from bein’ out in the snow,” AJ muttered as she pulled out applesauce and sat Snow down. He calmed down at the sight of food, eagerly holding his mouth open. “Heh, typical stallion, all it takes t’make ya happy is some food.” She scooped up a spoonful and popped it in his mouth.

“You’re one to talk,” Dash countered, “Weren’t you the foal who ate all the apple fritters at one of your reunions?”

AJ blushed hotly. “That was when I was still in diapers. Ah swear, Granny tells ya that story once and you’ll never let me hear the end o’ it.”

“You were still a foal,” Dash teased, snickering a little.

“Uh huh, and need Ah remind you of the ballet recitals yer folks told me about?” AJ asked with a quirked brow.

“Hey, they just made me better with my moves,” Dash retorted, doing a little spin.

“And all those photos o’ you in a tutu and yer mane up in a bun are just adorable,” Applejack pressed.

“You’re just jelly,” Dash shot back, sticking her tongue out. This got a giggle out of Snow, making him dribble a little applesauce onto his chest. Applejack chuckled and wiped the sauce off with a napkin.

“That’s fer eatin, not wearin’.” Snow gurgled a reply, opening his mouth for more. AJ smiled and fed him more. “Yer such a well behaved foal.”

“I bet that’ll change in the hospital,” Dash commented, helping herself to some cereal.

“Ah hope yer wrong ‘bout that,” AJ said as she continued to feed Snow. “Ah’ll be there to keep ‘im calm.”

“You heading off after breakfast?” Dash asked, giving Apple Bloom a wave as the filly sleepily trotted into the kitchen.

“Best t’make sure he’s got a clean bill of health as soon as we can.” AJ nodded. “Then Ah’m off to the mayor.”

“I’ll meet you after I search the orchard.” Dash nodded, pouring Applejack a bowl of cereal.

“Why do foals hafta be so loud?” Bloom asked, climbing into her seat.

“Cause they can’t fend fer themselves yet,” Applejack said, ruffling her sister’s mane. “You were the same way back at Snow’s age.”

“Really?” she asked, glancing at the young pony.

“Ya had quite the lungs on ya, little missy,” Granny confirmed, waddling into the kitchen, not bothered at all by Snow’s earlier crying.

“Eeyup,” Mac agreed as he took his own seat.

“We’re gonna have ta clear out yer folks’ room,” Granny commented, moving over to put some eggs on.

“Ah guess we’ll have to put their stuff in the attic,” AJ said with a sigh.

“Ah’ll help,” Mac grunted.

“And Ah’ll help too,” Bloom said with a quick salute.

“Well, I’ll get started on my job,” Dash said, gulping down the last of her cereal, putting the bowl and spoon in the sink and rushing out the door.

“Ah’m sorry ta keep putting chores on y’all, but could ya get that done while I’m out today?” Applejack asked, looking between her siblings.

“Don’t worry, sis, Ah didn’t have any plans fer today,” Bloom assured her with a smile.

“Thanks Bloom.” AJ smiled, patting her head. They all finished their breakfast and Applejack wrapped Snow up in an old blanket before heading out the door. Bloom and Mac then went upstairs so they could complete their assigned chore.

“We’re gonna make sure yer nice and healthy.” Applejack nuzzled Snow, getting a happy coo in return. He relaxed in her hold as they walked into town. The tiny colt let out a yawn, his eyes fluttering.

“Nap time already huh?” she chuckled, ignoring most of the looks she got from passersby. She stepped into the hospital, walking up to the front desk. “Um, Ah know Ah don’t exactly have an appointment, but Ah got an emergency on mah hooves.”

“And what would that be?” The mare behind the desk asked.

“Well, last night my marefriend found this little fella out in the snow.” Applejack lifted up Snow, placing him on the counter.

“Aww, who would abandon a foal like him?” the mare asked, stroking Snow’s mane. “I’ll notify the doctor right away and he’ll see you shortly.”

“Well see...” Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. “That ain’t exactly all.” She moved the blanket, letting the mare take in Snow’s full form.

“...I’ll go get the doctor right now.” The mare jumped up, rushing out of the reception area. In less than a minute, she returned with a doctor. The doctor then picked up Snow in his magic and examined him.

Snow whined, squirming around weakly in the doctor’s grasp. The doctor’s expression softened and he handled Snow with more care.

“Easy there little guy, we’re just making sure you’re okay,” the doctor said, patting Snow’s head. He then floated over a red lollipop. “Be good, and you’ll get this at the end of your check up.”

“Ah don’t think he has teeth,” Applejack spoke up.

“He can still suck on it,” the doctor said with a chuckle. “I’m sure if you weren’t careful around him he’d try to do the same to your teats.”

“...He already did...”

“I’m not surprised.” The doctor chuckled again. “Well, he doesn’t look unhealthy and judging by the muscles in all the extra legs they’re all going to develop properly. Would you mind if I did a more thorough examination?”

“That's what Ah was hopin’ for.” Applejack nodded. The doctor nodded and led them all into a room with medical equipment. The doctor carefully examined Snow, using any bit of equipment he could to check the odd colt’s health.

Much to Applejack’s frustration, Snow most certainly did not like the doctors, the formerly well behaved foal getting rather fussy.

“Snow, calm down little guy,” Applejack cooed, patting his head. “They ain’t gonna hurt ya. They wanna help ya. Gotta make sure yer safe and healthy.” Snow latched onto her, and Applejack found it rather hard to worm her way out of the foal’s grip. “He’s got a good grip on him with all these legs.”

“It’s fine, we can finish the tests like this,” the doctor said. “And he’s far from the worst foal to come through these doors.”

“The legs ain’t gonna cause him no problems?” Applejack asked, looking down at Snow.

“No, the legs are all healthy,” the doctor replied. “And his internal organs seem to be all healthy and in their normal positioning. And his internal magic is slightly higher than your average earth pony foal.”

“Is he an earth pony?” Applejack questioned, looking at the doctor.

“I don’t know what else to qualify him as,” the doctor said. “I don’t see any wings or a horn on him.”

Applejack opened her mouth to respond when Snow sneezed, covering her leg in frost.

“...Okay, and now I think he’s a 5th kind of pony,” the doctor said, blinking in surprise.

“Okay, that's cold.” Applejack shivered, quickly shaking the frost off her arm. “That does explain why he seemed fine after sittin’ in the snow though.”

“Yes it does,” the doctor agreed. “Okay, little Snow has a clean bill of health, and as promised.” The doctor held out the lollipop to Snow. Snow blinked grasping it with a hoof.

“Thanks doc, that’s a load off mah mind,” Applejack said with a sigh of relief.

“I assume you’re taking him to the mayor’s office?”

“Yeah, gotta see if Ah can start the adoption process and see if Mayor Mare can send out a lost foal notice to other towns,” Applejack said with a nod.

He nodded, passing her a few sheets of paper. “To prove you brought him for a checkup.” She smiled, taking the papers as she handed the doctor payment for the checkup. She then tipped her hat and left while Snow happily ate his lollipop.

“Yer just a bundle of surprises ain’t ya?” Applejack asked, rubbing his head. Snow cooed and continued to eat his lollipop. “Ah’m glad yer healthy little fella, yer already growin’ on me after one day.”


Applejack blinked at the sound of her name, looking over her shoulder to spot Rarity trotting up to her.

“Oh hey Rarity. Out shoppin?”

“Well yes, I am,” Rarity said. “But who’s that you’re carrying?” She pointed at Snow with a hoof.

“Oh him? This’in here is Snow Fameuse. Say hello ta Rarity, Snow.” Snow cooed, waving a pair of hooves at her.

“Well he’s certainly adorable,” Rarity cooed, fussing with his mane. “I’m surprised you and Rainbow are already adopting at this point in your relationship.”

“Actually, Dash found him in the snow last night.” Rarity frowned.

“Oh, how awful, how could anypony abandon a foal like that. Poor thing is lucky he didn’t freeze to death.”

“The eight legs might have somethin’ ta do with that.”

“The what now?” Rarity asked, blinking.

Applejack gently grasped Snow’s right front set of legs, waving them at Rarity. The white unicorn blinked, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to find the right words.

“You certainly don’t see that every day.”

“Makes him special,” Applejack explained, ruffling his mane.

“True. I doubt there’s anything else like him,” Rarity said.

“Ah just took him to the doctors, he definitely ain’t no earth pony.”

“Really, then what is he?” Rarity asked, scrutinizing Snow closely.

“No idea. All Ah know is, he’s got extra legs and he sneezes snow.”

“That is rather unique,” Rarity said, slowly pulling away from Snow. “So, where are you and Snow going?”

“The mayor’s office, gotta report him.” Applejack adjusted Snow, smiling as he cuddled into her.

“Then I won’t keep you two.” Rarity said with a smile. “And I think if you do keep him that you and Rainbow will make wonderful parents.

“Thanks Rares.” Applejack smiled, tilting her hat slightly. “Ah’ll see ya around.” The two waved to each other before parting ways. Applejack then trotted off to the town hall where the mayor’s receptionist greeted her.

“Hello! How can I help you?” the chipper pegasus asked, smiling from behind her desk.

“Ah need to report a lost foal and possibly start the adoption process,” Applejack replied, indicating Snow.

“Oh my. Is the little one alright?” she asked, leaning in to get a better look.

“Doc gave him a clean bill of health,” Applejack said as she handed the medical papers over.

“Excellent.” The mare looked them over, nodding her head. “Do you mind waiting while I inform the mayor?”

“That ain’t gonna be a problem. Snow’s pretty busy right now,” Applejack said, indicating the lollipop. The mare nodded with a smile, trotting off to the mayor's office. Applejack sat down and held Snow in her hooves, keeping him away from her teats. He was too busy with his lollipop, gumming on it. Mayor Mare trotted in just as Snow finished his lollipop.

“I understand you have a lost foal to report?” the mayor asked.

“That's right ma’am.” Applejack nodded, taking the lollipop stick away from Snow before he could choke on it. “We found this little fella in our orchard last night.”

“Oh my, and yet he’s still completely healthy?” Mayor Mare questioned. “He’s certainly a lucky little thing all things considered.”

“Well ma’am, he ain’t like anypony Ah ever met. Little guy sneezed ice when he was at the doctors, and that's not even getting to the extra legs.”

“He could’ve been abandoned by superstitious ponies that thought he was a bad omen,” Mayor Mare commented with a frown. “What a shame. But you wish to also file for adoption?”

Applejack paused, looking down at the odd little foal in her arms. Her mind wandered a bit, drifting back to the strange mare she had seen the night before. Snow looked up at her as well, letting out a happy gurgle and burying his face in her chest. Her heart melted instantly at that.

“Yeah, Ah think Ah’m gonna file fer adoption if nopony responds to the lost foal notice.”

“Excellent.” Mayor Mare smiled. “We’ll get started by registering Sweet Apple Acres as his foster home.”

“Thank ya ma’am, that’s a ton o’ help,” Applejack said with a smile.

“If you’ll follow me.” The mayor turned, moving back to her office. Applejack trotted after her with Snow held close to her chest. “Did his parents happen to leave a name?” she asked, looking back at them.

“We didn’t find anything like that, Dash is looking fer it where she found him though,” Applejack replied. “We’ve just been callin’ him Snow Fameuse.”

“Seems like a fitting name.” Mayor Mare took her seat, gesturing for Applejack to sit. Applejack sat down, adjusting Snow in her hooves.

“So what papers do ya need me to sign?” Applejack asked.

Mayor Mare gathered a few papers, passing them over to Applejack. “These, if you don’t mind.” Applejack juggled Snow in her hooves and started to fill out the paperwork. It took a few minutes before she was done with the last page.

“Thank you~” Mayor Mare took them, starting to look them over. “Everything seems to be in order here. I have to tell you now, you’ll be working closely with a social worker.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Applejack replied. “We got nothin’ to hide at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Good.” Mayor Mare smiled. “I think that's all for today then.”

“Then Ah’ll get outta yer mane,” Applejack replied with her own smile as she stood up. “Ah think little Snow needs some lunch.”

“Have a nice day!” the mayor called, waving them off.

Applejack walked out of the office and out into town to head back to the farm house. “Yer havin’ a busy day,” she said to Snow. “How ya feelin’ little guy?”

Snow gurgled up at her, waving his hooves around.

“Glad t’see yer such a happy little fella,” Applejack smiled down at him and held him closer. “Ah hope ya keep bein’ like this fer a long time.”

“Hi Jackie!” Pinkie was suddenly in her face, smiling manically.

“Hi Pinkie,” AJ said, not bothered by the mare’s sudden appearance. “Did yer Pinkie Sense tell ya about little Snow here?”

“You have a foal!?” Pinkie gasped, bouncing up and down.

“Dash found him out in the orchard last night, Ah just had the mayor put out a lost foal notice and now we’re his foster family fer the time bein’,” Applejack explained.

“Sounds like fun!” Pinkie chirped, spinning around with Snow in her arms. The blanket fell off him during one of the spins, revealing Snow’s legs to the party mare. “Whoa! He’s a spider pony!”

“Ah don’t know about that, but he does have more legs than normal. But the doctor said he’s healthy and the legs’ll develop properly,” Applejack said.

“I think it’s adorable!” Pinkie beamed, hugging the foal close to her. Snow gurgled happily, returning the hug.

“Ah figured you’d react like this.” Applejack chuckled.

“I can throw him a party, right?” Pinkie asked, bouncing up and down.

“As if Ah’d keep ya from throwin’ an Apple family member a party,” Applejack replied with a smile.

“Yay!” Pinkie smiled, nuzzling her nose to Snow’s. Snow’s nose scrunched up and he sneezed frost all over Pinkie’s face.

“Yeah, he sneezes ice,” Applejack said with a nervous chuckle.

“T-That's cold...” Pinkie muttered, her teeth chattering comically. Applejack quickly helped her get the frost off and Snow looked at her with an apologetic look. Snow stuck one of his hooves in his mouth, looking up at them curiously. “Aww, I can’t get mad at a face like that!” Pinkie nuzzled the foal. “He’s as cute as the Cake twins.” Pinkie paused, looking at her. “Do you have supplies?”

“Ah was about to pick some up,” AJ replied. “And we got a cradle back home fer him.”

“I can help!” Pinkie smiled, placing Snow on her head. He hooked his legs around her head, making him look like a hat.

“Alright Pinkie, Ah appreciate that. Just try not to go overboard with this.”

“Just gimme a budget!” Pinkie smiled, getting into a salute.

“Ah’d say about 40-50 bits would be the limit of what we can spend at the moment,” AJ replied, tapping her chin in thought.

“Roger!” Pinkie nodded, getting a giggle out of Snow. The two mares then trotted to the store, while Snow happily babbled from his perch. “He’s a talker alright.” Pinkie smiled.

“Ah guess he is.” Applejack chuckled. “Maybe he’ll be able to keep up with you when he’s older.”

“You think so?” Pinkie started her trade make bouncing, getting a squeal of delight out of Snow.

“Considerin’ his legs and the fact he sneezes ice, Ah’d say anything’s possible fer Snow,” Applejack replied, a warm smile on her face as she watched Snow enjoy himself.

“Did you tell Twilight?”

“Not yet,” Applejack replied. “Makin’ sure he was healthy and reportin’ him to the mare seemed more important.”

“You're already thinking like a mom!”

“Ah did already have practice with Apple Bloom, considerin’…” Applejack paused, putting a hoof on her Stetson.

“I’m sorry.” Pinkie looked away, her smile fading. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“It’s fine Pinkie, you were just payin’ me a compliment,” Applejack assured her. “The only reason Ah even paused is ‘cause their anniversary is comin’ up.”

“Are you gonna do anything special?” Pinkie asked, regaining some of her cheer.

“Same thing we do every year, visit their grave and pour a bit of our best cider for ‘em and then have an anniversary party. Heh, Granny thought celebratin’ the happiest day of their lives was a better way t’honor ‘em than doin’ anythin’ fer the day they died. Ah think she was right.” Applejack had a faint smile on her face.

“That's a good party plan.” Pinkie nodded. “Can I help this year?”

“Sure, you are an Apple family cousin, after all.” AJ smiled and threw a hoof around Pinkie’s barrel.

“I’ll do my best job ever!” Pinkie promised, hugging her tightly.

“Ah know ya will,” Applejack wheezed, feeling joints pop. Pinkie released her from the death hug, resuming her bouncing. Applejack caught up to her and the two entered the Ponyville store, owned by Filthy Rich.

“You probably still have Bloom’s old foal furniture right?” Pinkie asked, trotting over to the foal aisle.

“Sure do, we figured it was best to keep it fer when Mac or I settled down,” Applejack replied.

“That puts us way under budget~” Pinkie smiled. “Grab a cart will ya?” AJ saluted and did so.

“Want me t’put Snow in the seat, or would ya rather keep yer hat?”

“I dunno, do you like being a hat Snow?” Pinkie asked, gazing up at him. Snow gurgled and clutched onto her head tighter. “I think he likes being a hat.”

“Alright, then let’s just buy the supplies.” Applejack scanned the foal aisle, trying to find the perfect balance between quality and price.

“This might be a little hard with the extra legs...” Pinkie commented, rubbing her chin.

“Well, putting the makeshift diaper on wasn’t so bad,” Applejack said. “But baby clothes might need t’be custom made by Rarity.”

“You’ll probably have to beg her not to make him clothes,” Pinkie snickered softly.

“Ya make a good point,” Applejack agreed, picking up a bib and smiling at what was on it. She dropped it in the cart along with a large box of diapers.

Pinkie did a quick count. “I think we could buy a toy and still be under budget.”

“Then start showin’ him toys and see what he likes best,” AJ suggested.

“Okie Doki Loki!” Snow perked up, tilting his head to the side. “Huh, do you recognize something in that?” Pinkie asked. “Do you like when I say Okie Doki Loki?” Snow babbled in reply, waving a hoof around. “Hmm, Okie.” Snow didn’t respond. “Doki.” Again, no response. “Loki.” Snow babbled again, his full attention on Pinkie.

“Huh, that's weird,” Applejack commented, looking between them.

“Yeah, there’s something about that word he likes,” Pinkie commented. “I wonder what it could be.”

“What kinda word is Loki, anyway?” Applejack asked. “Did ya just make it up er somethin’?”

“Actually, Granny Pie said it was a name. She told me it was the name of one of our ancestors who lived, a long, long, long, long time ago.”

“Really?” Applejack asked with a tilt of her head. “That’s the oddest name fer a pony Ah’ve ever heard.”

“I couldn’t tell you much about them, just the name.”

“Still, Snow must’ve heard it before to react like this,” Applejack pointed out.

“He probably just likes the rhyme.”

“Maybe,” Applejack relented. “Let’s just focus on the toy fer now.” She picked up a teething ring and held it up to Snow. Snow took it from her, nomming on it. “Ah think he likes this. Wanna see if he likes somethin’ else more?”

“We have a whole aisle to go through~” Pinkie smiled.

“Then let’s keep lookin’.” Applejack smiled and started looking through all the other foal’s toys. The two mares chatted and joked as they continued to look for a toy. Eventually, they made their choice and went to the checkout counter while Snow happily played with his new toy.

“I’ll catch ya later Jackie, I’ve got parties to plan!” Pinkie gave her cousin a quick hug before bouncing off.

“Bye Pinkie!” Applejack waved after her before looking down at Snow. “Let’s getcha home to the family. You’ll have yer own room tonight.” Snow responded with a yawn, dropping his ring. Applejack caught the ring before it could hit the ground and started walking back to the farmhouse. “Ah think yer gonna get some o’ this formula Ah bought ya and then it’s off t’bed fer ya.”

Snow babbled a reply, snuggling into her barrel.

“Ah’m gonna do right by ya little fella,” Applejack said to him as she trotted down the dirt road. “As of today, Dash and Ah are yer mamas, and that means we’re gonna make sure ya get a good life.”

“There you are!” Dash called out, zipping over to her.

“Hey sugarcube, did ya find anything interesting?” Applejack asked, adjusting the groceries and Snow so she could hug her marefriend.

“Not a whole lot, but.” Dash reached under her wing, pulling out a small stone. “We did find this.” Applejack took the stone, noting the strange symbols on it.

“Huh, ain’t never seen somethin’ like this before. But this is Snow’s so we gotta keep a good eye on it,” AJ said.

“Gotcha.” Dash nodded. “I also managed a stop at Zecora's~”

“Oh,” AJ started with a grin. “And what did she have to say?”

“That lactation potions are easy.” Dash tossed a small green vial to her.

Applejack caught it in one of her bags. “And what about that other thing we were talkin’ ‘bout?”

“That’ll take more time. Z says to check back in a week or two.”

“Glad t’hear it.” AJ smiled and gave Dash a peck on the lips. “But we can worry about makin’ a baby after we get this one outta diapers.” She indicated Snow, who was still nomming on his ring

“Sup little buddy, miss me?” Dash asked, scooping up Snow. Snow babbled and gurgled, nuzzling the prismatic mare’s chest. “I think he likes me.”

“Ya were the one that brought him in from the orchard,” AJ commented. “But he’s been very affectionate today. He liked Rarity and Pinkie too.”

“How could he not?” Dash asked, bouncing Snow, “Our friends are awesome!”

“Oh, we found somethin’ out about Snow,” Applejack said. “He sneezes ice.”

“So... he’s not an earth pony?”

“Nope, he’s somethin’ the doctor hasn’t seen before. We’re the proud mothers of a new type of pony,” AJ said.

“That's awesome!” Dash beamed. “You’re almost as amazing as me!” Dash smirked at Snow.

“Heh, Ah figured you’d react like that,” AJ said. “Anyway, we gotta get Snow fed and put to bed. And then, we can go to bed too.” She winked at the pegasus mare.

“In the middle of the day?” Dash smirked, “Tryin’ to get caught?”

“If Ah was tryin’ t’get caught Ah’d have suggested the livin’ room couch.” AJ smirked back.

“Touche~” The two walked into the farmhouse and sat Snow in a high chair. Applejack then pulled out the baby formula and the green potion.

“Hmm, should Ah go with the formula, or the natural route?” AJ asked, holding both of them up.

“We both know he’s gonna keep trying,” Dash said, tickling Snow with her feather tips.

“Then who’s gonna drink it?” the farm mare asked, removing the cork on the vial with her teeth.

“Hey, I have to be able to fit into uniform,” Dash countered, wriggling her hips.

“Yer just sayin’ that ‘cause ya want a taste too,” AJ teased as she downed the potion. Dash raised her eyebrow, sneaking a glance under Applejack’s legs. Applejack licked her lips and looked down at herself. “Ah don’t feel different yet. Is it workin’?” She shuddered, letting out a long groan as pressure built up under her teats. “Never mind.” Applejack then sat on her haunches and held Snow to her now swollen teats. He wasted no time at all, latching on and suckling away noisily. “He’s got the appetite of a real Apple alright,” AJ said, stroking his mane with a warm smile on her face.

“That's gotta feel weird...” Dash reached out, poking one of Applejack’s swollen teats. The farm mare bit her lip, holding back a sound.

“A little,” AJ replied. “But there’s somethin’ about this that feels like it… deepens the bond between Snow an’ me.”

“Well that's good.” Dash smiled, sliding up besides her, wrapping a wing around Applejack.

“Hard t’believe we’ve started a family of our own already, huh?” AJ asked, not looking away from Snow.

“Yeah, but hey, we’re gonna be a better family then whoever left him out in the cold,” Dash stated, resting her hoof on Snow’s head.

“Yer darn tootin’ we will,” AJ agreed. “We’re gonna be the best parents in Equestria.”

“Damn right we are!”

“Watch yer language around the foal or yer sleepin’ on the couch tonight,” Applejack warned.

“Sorry....” Dash laughed sheepishly, rubbing her neck.

“No worries, sugarcube,” AJ said, kissing her cheek. “We’ve all got adjustments t’make fer this.”

“You know, I gotta ask, how does the Apple clan react when you get a new family member?” Dash asked. “Do you guys just call an impromptu family reunion or just save it for the real get together?”

Applejack smiled and chuckled. “Imagine an entire family of Pinkies that have just found a new pony in Ponyville.”

“You know that reminds me, is like my family a part of the Apple family now or is it just me?”

“Oh, yer family is more than welcome t’join in the reunions,” Applejack replied, smiling. “Though ya ain’t an official Apple until one o’ us decides to propose and we tie the knot.”

“Just so you know, I’m not changing my name.” Dash crossed her arms, giving her a firm look.

“Ah wouldn’t ask ya to,” AJ assured her. “Ya don’t need apple in yer name t’be an Apple. Just look at mah Aunt an’ Uncle Orange.”

“Just so we’re making sure.” Dash nodded her head, placing a kiss on Applejack’s cheek.

“Besides, Rainbow Apple’s an awful name,” AJ teased, returning the gesture.

“You're right, Apple Dash is much better,” Dash shot back.

“Hmm, that ain’t half bad actually,” Applejack replied, rubbing her chin with a hoof.

“So its agreed, you’re the one whose gonna change their name.” Dash nodded in mock agreement.

“Ah’ll think about it.” AJ smiled and gave Dash a brief kiss on the lips.

“Heh, think you’ll be able to get any chores done with those things dragging on the ground?” Dash teased, glancing down at Snow. Applejack picked up Snow and patted him on the back a few times. Snow burped, making a face as he spit up a bit. Applejack just smiled as she quickly cleaned him up.

“Ah’ll learn t’make do,” AJ replied. “Plus, it’s more fer you to ogle when ya think Ah ain’t lookin’.”

“I’ll have to beat all the pervy stallions off with a stick.” Dash grabbed the broom, doing a series of mock fighting moves.

“Mah hero.” AJ pretended to swoon. “However can Ah repay ya fer protectin’ me?” She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at the other mare.

“I dunno, whatcha got in mind?” Dash asked, leaning on the broom stick with a grin of her own.

“Wanna start with some preenin’ and see where things go from there?” AJ asked as she stood up from the table.

“Hey, we have to be responsible.” Dash cleared her throat. “Let’s get Snow to sleep first.”

“Ah know.” AJ walked by Dash as she exited the room. She then flicked her tail against the pegasus’s nose. Dash grinned stupidly, trotting after her. AJ trotted into her parents’ old room, barely containing a gasp.

Mac and Bloom had gone way beyond what she had asked, setting up all of Bloom’s old foal furniture, even her old mobile had been attached to the ceiling above the crib. AJ smiled and shook her head as she put Snow in the crib, tucked him in, spun the mobile and rocked him to sleep.

“Whoa, they made this place awesome.” Dash walked around, taking everything in. “I’m surprised they didn’t paint the place too.”

“Musta ran outta time.” AJ chuckled as she stepped away from the crib.

“So... preening?” Dash asked, giving her wings a flap.

“Ya got it,” AJ replied and followed her out of the room, both of them soon ending up in their bedroom.