• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 1,066 Views, 12 Comments

The Odd Tale Of Snow Fameuse - Grey Ghost

After finding an odd, eight legged foal, Applejack and Rainbow Dash dive head first into parenthood.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Snow gurgled, trying to get a hold of Apple Bloom's ribbon. The hair piece had caught his eye, and he just had to have it.

“Ya can’t be playin’ with that, little fella,” Apple Bloom said, chuckling and taking hold of his hoof. “It ain’t yers.” Snow whined, not understanding why she was denying it to him. “Ya can play with the other toys.” She got up and held out one of his toys, shaking it in front of him.

“Ba!” He squeaked dismissively, still reaching out for her ribbon.

“Come on little fella, ya can’t play with mah ribbon,” she stated. “Now stop bein’ fussy.” Snow whined, tears of frustration forming in his eyes. “AJ, Ah could use some help dealin’ with Snow here!” she called out, looking toward the kitchen.

“What's goin’ on?” Applejack trotted out. “Snow bein’ fussy?”

“Yeah, he won’t stop goin’ after mah ribbon,” Apple Bloom informed. “Even when Ah show ‘im other toys.”

“Ya can't have Bloom’s ribbon,” Applejack told Snow, lifting him up. Snow babbled up at AJ, pointing a hoof towards the ribbon with a pout. “Ah told ya no, Snow.” Snow’s pout intensified and he crossed two of his hooves over his chest. “Now, now, be a good colt.’ AJ smiled at him and tousled his mane. “Can’t have ya bein’ cranky when we got a visitor comin’ today.”

He squirmed a little, looking up at her quizzically.

“Ya remember the foal in the picture from yesterday? She’s comin’ over fer a playdate,” she told him with a smile. He babbled at her, his attention now on her hat. “Ya can’t have mah hat either, Snow,” she said with a chuckle, rubbing behind his ear. “We’ll getcha somethin’ of yer own soon enough.”

He didn't listen, reaching up for it. He blinked, accidentally knocking it off her head.

AJ frowned, but didn’t say anything as she picked her hat up and returned it to its proper resting place. “Now Snow, Ah done told ya ya couldn’t have mah hat.”

“He’s more stubborn than you are, sis,” Bloom giggled.

“At least he hasn’t reached Granny Smith levels yet,” AJ offered. Snow tried again, only to be distracted by a knock at the door. “Bloom, can ya get that while Ah go grab Dash?” AJ asked, trotting up the stairs.

“You got it!” Bloom saluted, galloping to the door. She opened it to find a mare holding an infant, with a batpony stallion at her side.

“Hi there, dear,” the mare greeted. “Are Applejack and Rainbow Dash home?”

“Yeah they’re upstairs.”

“Can we come inside?” the stallion asked. “I don’t want to keep our foal in the cold too long.” He pointed a hoof at the wrapped up foal.

“Course!” Bloom moved out of the way, letting them in. “Ah’m Apple Bloom, nice ta meet ya!” She closed the door behind them, shaking some loose snow out of her coat.

“I’m Night Wing,” the stallion greeted. “And this is my wife, Shag Carpet, and our foal, Moonglow.”

“They should be down in a minute, ya’ll can relax in the den,” Bloom informed, smiling.

“Thank you,” Shag said, moving over to the den and taking a seat. “It was a rather long walk just getting from the gate to the door,” she noted, adjusting Moonglow in her arms.

“Ah guess Ah never noticed,” Bloom admitted. “Was the walk bad?”

“Not at all,” Night Wing assured. “Shag here needed a walk like that after sneaking that extra muffin this morning,” he teased, poking his wife’s side. She huffed, whacking his side with her tail.

“Sorry fer keepin’ ya waitin’,” Applejack called out as she trotted down the stairs with Rainbow Dash right behind her. “Dash was workin’ on somethin’ fer the playdate.”

“I just hope they like it,” Dash commented, making a face at Snow. Snow babbled, poking his head around to look at the unfamiliar faces. His eyes settled on Moonglow and he babbled again.

Moonglow babbled back, trying to wriggle out of her mother's grasp.

“I think we should put the two on the floor and see what happens,” Night suggested with a chuckle. AJ set Snow down as Shag sat Moonglow in front of him.

“Now say hello, Snow,” AJ instructed. Snow babbled again, waving and gurgling happily at the little batpony. Moonglow returned the greeting, holding her hoof out. Snow eagerly tapped a hoof against hers, bouncing in place.

“Well they seem happy,” Dash declared, placing a small cloud between them. Moon instantly let out a happy squeal, hopping onto the cloud and curling up on it. Snow poked it, giggling as it rocked slightly. Moon let out a giggle and babbled as if she were urging him to do it again. He obliged, pushing with all his might. The cloud started swinging, causing Moon to squeal with delight.

“I made sure to get all the snow out,” Dash told Moon’s parents, gesturing to the cloud.

“Considering you’re a part of the weather team, I trusted you knew what you were doing,” Night assured, watching his daughter with a smile.

“We ain’t exactly sure what kinda pony Snow is, but we know he can touch clouds,” Dash explained.

“He certainly is an odd one,” Night said before flinching. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”

“It’s fine, sugarcube,” Applejack assured, “Ah know what ya mean.”

“Well, I think a little uniqueness is a good thing to have,” Shag chimed. “It’s what led me to Night here.” She smiled and patted her husband’s shoulder.

“Ah ain't never met a strix in person before,” AJ commented, “Ah thought y’all were night critters.”

“I was at first,” Night replied with a chuckle. “But then I met a certain mare while I was making rounds. I was pretty motivated to change my sleep schedule around after that.”

“I feel ya on that.” Dash smirked at AJ, nudging her side.

“Ah think there’s a big difference between nature, and laziness,” Applejack teased, chuckling.

“You won't be saying that when I get my uniform,” Dash countered, flaring her wings out.

“Uh huh, ya still got a ways t’go before that happens,” AJ reminded, booping Dash on the nose. Dash frowned, fluffing her wings.

“So how are the two of you adjusting to being parents?” Shag asked, giggling at their exchange.

“Ah think we’re doin’ preddy good,” AJ replied, a hint of pride in her voice.

“Yeah, we’re figuring things out and I don’t think we could live without him at this point,” Dash added, stealing a quick glance at Snow. Snow was busying himself with Moon’s wing, amazed by it. He poked one with a hoof, trying to figure out why it wasn't soft and fluffy like Dash’s. Moon babbled at him, but otherwise didn’t do anything as he examined her wing. She then looked down and started poking one of his legs, examining him in return.

“Your little friend doesn't have feathers, Snow.” Dash spread a wing, tickling his side with the tips of her feathers. Snow giggled and squirmed against her. Once Dash pulled her wing away he took a moment to look between her and Moon’s wings. He made a face, concentrating on them.

“Don’t think too hard on it now,” AJ chuckled, watching him closely. Snow looked up at her and babbled. He then turned and started focusing on the little fangs poking from Moon’s muzzle. “Ya got any idea what's he's doin’?” AJ asked, turning to Dash.

“I think he’s just trying to learn,” Dash offered with a shrug. “Moonglow is different, like him, so he wants to see everything.”

AJ nodded, watching as Snow poked one of Moon’s ears. Moon babbled and returned the favor. Snow twitched his ears, much to her delight. Moon giggled and poked his other ear, her wings twitching on her back.

Snow babbled, poking her wing. He giggled when it twitched at her side, the two of them starting to poke one another to see what would happen. This went on for a few minutes until they were distracted by Big Mac entering the den.

“Hey there, Big Mac, is lunch ready?” Applejack asked, looking up at her brother.

“Eeyup,” the red stallion answered with a nod. At Snow’s behest, Mac made his way over to the foals. He leaned down, giving Snow a nuzzle. Snow babbled happily, wrapping his hooves around Mac’s muzzle. Mac smiled at the display, slowly lifting his head up. Snow let out a squeal of delight as he was lifted into the air. Mac tilted his head, making Snow slide down his neck and onto his back. Snow let out a giggle, nuzzling the back of Mac’s neck.

“Ah remember you used to love that,” AJ pointed out to Bloom, pulling her into a hug.

“Sounds adorable,” Dash commented while AJ and Bloom hugged. Mac did the same for Moon, the pair bouncing on his back.

“I think it’s safe to say that the two like each other,” Shag commented with a warm smile, watching Snow and Moon.

“AJ here was afraid ponies wouldn't like him,” Dash said, nudging her partner. “I told her Snow was too awesome not to make friends.”

“Ah’m glad t’be wrong fer once,” AJ said with a chuckle. “Ah was worried about the little fella.”

“Alright everypony, food’s on!” Granny called from the kitchen, giving the triangle a good few rings. The group all got up and trotted into the kitchen. AJ took Snow off Mac’s back and Shag did the same for Moon. “Howdy, Ah’m Granny Smith,” the older mare introduced herself, sitting at the head of the table.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Shag said with a smile. She then introduced her family to the older mare.

“Ah’m pleased as punch t’meet ya too,” Granny replied. “Now, Ah hope ya’ll are ready for an Apple Family meal.”

The couple nodded, and Granny divvied out the food. Shag set Moonglow in her lap, giving the filly some applesauce. Moonglow opened her mouth after some urging from her mother, swallowing a spoonful of the food. Her eyes lit up and she let out a happy gurgle, opening her mouth again for more.

“She seems to like it,” Shag commented, spoon feeding her some more applesauce.

“Ah haven’t met a foal yet that don’t love our special applesauce,” Granny proclaimed, puffing her chest out. “It’s got everything a little pony needs t’grow big and strong. And our family’s livin’ proof.”

AJ got Snow comfy in her lap, chuckling as he wriggled around. She grabbed a jar of applesauce, holding it in front of him to get his attention. Snow reached out, trying to grab it. AJ chuckled and opened the jar, dishing some out and spooning out a bite.

“Alright little fella, mama’s got a nice spoonful ready fer ya,” she cooed, putting the spoon in front of his face. He quickly gulped down the spoonful, licking his lips. AJ smiled and stroked his mane as she got another spoonful ready. “That’s a good boy, mama ain’t raisin’ a fussy eater. Now open wide.”

The meal continued pleasantly, the group chatting amongst themselves. It was towards the end of the meal, that the foals started to show how tired they were. Moon and Snow yawned in unison, their heads bobbed and their eyelids drooped a little.

“Looks like we should be putting this one to bed.” Shag stood up, placing Moon on her back. Moon curled up on her back, letting out a long yawn. Snow babbled softly at Moon, leaning against AJ’s chest. Night stood up as well, putting a wing around Shag and Moon.

“It was lovely meeting you all,” he said. “We’ll have to do this again soon.”

“I'll see ya to the door.” Dash rose up, poking Snow’s cheek. “Say goodbye to your friend Snow.” Snow babbled softly, weakly waving at Moon. She waved back, rubbing at her eyes. The group all smiled, Shag and Night walking out the door while they offered goodbyes to the Apple Family.

“They were nice,” Apple Bloom commented, walking out into the den. “Ah ain't never seen a bat pony before.”

“Well, most of them live in their homeland in the mountains,” Dash explained. “And the ones that do live in Equestria usually stick to cities that have an active nightlife.”

“Since when are ya able to list off facts off the top o’ yer head?” AJ teased, nudging Rainbow in the side. “Ya haven’t been replaced with Twi, have ya?”

“Hey, I gotta know this stuff,” Dash huffed, giving AJ a light shove. “The Shadowbolts are our division for night shows. I might have to pull a gig with them at some point.”

“Oh relax, Ah’m glad yer puttin’ in the effort fer yer dream job,” AJ said, wrapping a hoof around Dash. “Ya should know when Ah’m just teasin’ by now.” Dash gave her a light shove, careful not to disturb Snow.

“Yeah yeah, ya jerk,” Dash replied, smirking at AJ. “Keep it up and I’ll return your Hearth’s Warming gift.” She slapped AJ with her tail, stepping toward the stairs. “Let's put the little guy to bed.”

“That’s a good idea,” AJ said, trotting by her side as they went upstairs. “Snow’s had a long day playin’ with his new friend.” She opened the door to his bedroom and set him down gently in his crib. Then she wrapped him in his blanket and kissed his forehead.

“He's so peaceful,” Dash commented, staying by the door. AJ nodded and moved to Dash’s side.

“Yeah, he’s such a good foal,” AJ agreed, smiling at her. “Ah’m glad ya found ‘im.”

Dash put an arm around her, nuzzling her neck. She kissed AJ’s neck, pulling away. “Come on, let's let the little guy sleep.” AJ nodded and the two slipped out of the room, closing the door gently.

“Ah think we got ourselves the start of a good family on our hooves,” AJ said, smiling softly and kissing Dash’s cheek. She poked her side, a cheeky grin growing on her face. “Yer havin’ the next one."

“Tell ya what,” Dash replied, her cheeky grin growing. “Let’s try that Running of the Leaves challenge again, whoever wins will choose who has the next kid. Interested?” Dash put her hoof up, spitting on it before holding it out.

AJ smirked, spitting on her hoof and tapping it against Dash’s. “Ah don't wanna hear no complainin’ when ya start swellin’ up.”

“Oh, you really think you can take on a Wonderbolt in a race?” Dash inquired with a laugh. “Sorry babe, but you’re the one that’s gonna be rocking the baby bump. But I tell ya what, I promise to take time up to help ya with the pregnancy.”

“Ain’t a Wonderbolt yet.” AJ walked by, holding her nose up. “Ya’ll just a reserve.”

“I’ll go from reserve to Captain before you know it!” Dash assured, grinning like a madmare as she fluffed her wings. “I'll have Spitfire's job in three years, tops.”

“Yuh huh,” AJ dismissed, chuckling. “Ah’d love t’see that. Tell ya what, if ya can pull that off, then Ah’ll…” she leaned in and whispered into Dash’s ear. Dash’s eyes widened, and her cheeks promptly turned purple. AJ pulled away with a smirk. “Looks like somepony’s motivated t’reach that goal.”

Dash’s look turned from shock to determination. She grabbed AJ’s head, pulling her into a deep kiss. AJ returned the kiss, closing her eyes and wrapping her hooves around Dash’s barrel.

Dash pulled away, looking into her lover's eyes. “Damn right I'm motivated.”

“Then Ah suggest ya work yer flank off these next three years,” AJ said with a wink, nuzzling Dash’s cheek. “Ya know Ah’ll be cheerin’ ya on the whole time.”

Dash just smirked, already forming a plan in her head.

Snow yawned as the train chugged along, sitting in Dash’s lap as the adults talked. He busied himself with Dash's tail, nomming on it. Dash didn’t seem to mind as she chuckled at Pinkie’s excited chatter.

“Thanks for inviting us, Pinkie.” Dash adjusted Snow, cutting into Pinkie’s ramblings. “Always wanted to meet your folks.”

“They’ll be super happy to meet you too!” Pinkie beamed. “Oh, and you’ll meet my other sisters, Marble and Limestone. They’ll all love you guys! And of course, Maud will be there.”

“Mau,” Snow babbled, looking up at Pinkie, a few strands of wet tail hairs hanging from his mouth.

“Aww, are you trying to say Maud, little guy?” Pinkie cooed, rubbing the top of Snow’s head. “Okay, say it with me, Maud.” She dragged the name out, enunciating it slowly for the foal.

“Mau!” Snow chirped, letting Dash’s tail fall from his mouth.

“Ah don’t think the fella’s ready fer makin’ ‘D’ sounds yet,” AJ offered with a chuckle. “Still, he’s sharp as a tack.” She smiled and ran a hoof through Snow’s mane.

Snow latched onto her hoof, babbling happily. He nuzzled her leg, getting a fair amount of drool on it. AJ just smiled and continued to hold onto the little foal.

“Aww, mama loves ya too little fella,” AJ cooed.

Pinkie gazed at them, releasing a wistful sigh. “I can’t wait to be a mom.”

“Do ya have somepony in mind to be the dad?” Dash asked, leaning on AJ.

Pinkie nodded, fidgeting a little.

“Aww, who is it?” AJ asked, smiling at the pink mare. “Is it anypony we’d know?”

“...Yes.” Pinkie fidgeted more, her chattiness gone.

“Well tell us,” AJ insisted. “We’re all family here, ain’t nopony gonna judge ya fer who yer pinin’ after.”


“Huh, didn’t see ya going for Twilight,” Dash commented, scratching the back of her head. “But hey, she’s a cute mare, and a princess now. So good luck with that. Have you tried asking her out yet?”

“No!” Pinkie replied, a bit louder than she intended. “I get all tongue tied when I try.” She hung her head, her mane deflating a little.

“Have you tried sending an anonymous note or something?” Dash asked. “Tell her you’re a secret admirer or something and ask to meet her somewhere. You can tell her how you feel without being there in person.”

“I could try that.” Pinkie nodded her head, starting to perk up. “But...what if she doesn't like mares?!” Pinkie hopped up, her eyes wide. “What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore!?”

“Pinkie, there’s no way that she won’t wanna be yer friend anymore,” AJ assured, patting the pink mare’s shoulder. “We’ve all been through too much together fer that t’happen. And if she ain’t into mares then ya respect that, cry yer heart out with us as yer shoulder t’do it on. And after that ya try t’find somepony else.”

Pinkie nodded, pulling AJ into a hug. Snow pouted up at Pinkie, doing his best to join in on the hug. Pinkie giggled a little, pulling Snow up so he could be in the hug a little better. The three hugged for a while, Pinkie’s mane slowly reinflating.

Pinkie’s forelock dangled in front of her face, and Snow wasted no time in trying to nom on it. Pinkie giggled a little louder this time and let Snow nom on her mane.

“I’m lucky to have you guys as my family,” Pinkie chirped, nuzzling Snow. Snow nuzzled her back, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek. A grin exploded onto Pinkie’s face and she returned the gesture, holding the foal close. “Oh, I hope my future babies are as precious as you!” she cooed.

“I bet they'll just be like Maud,” Dash whispered to AJ, snickering at the idea. Applejack suppressed her own laughter, elbowing Dash in the side.

“That ain’t funny,” AJ whispered. “Besides, if they did end up like Maud, at least they’d have killer legs.”

The shrill whistle of the train pierced the air, and it it started to slow. It pulled into the station, coming to a stop with a loud hiss of steam.

“We’re here!” Pinkie cheered, rushing out of the train with Snow in tow. He giggled as she carried him off. Snow cheered, not bothered at all as they shifted into the cold weather. The others all shared a look, chuckling as they grabbed their things. Their cheer diminished slightly as they exited to see the grey landscape. Waiting for them was Maud, dressed in her frock, with the same stone faced look on her muzzle as always.

“I’m so excited to see you, Pinkie Pie,” Maud greeted in a monotone. “You too, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I hope you had fun sledding yesterday.”

Applejack blinked, sharing a dumbfounded look with Dash. “How'd ya know that?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Maud asked, her tone unwavering. “There are specks of extrusive andesite on your hoof. It’s a mountain rock.”

“Oh she's good,” Granny whispered from the back of the group.

“How’s school going?” Pinkie chimed in, hugging her sister.

Maud wrapped an arm around Pinkie. “If you thought quartz was high on the Mohs hardness scale, wait 'til I tell you about corundum.”

“I missed you so much!” Pinkie beamed and tightened the hug. Maud blinked, looking up at Snow, who had climbed onto Pinkie's head.

“When did you have a foal?”

Pinkie giggled and patted Snow’s mane. “I didn’t,” she answered. “See, Dash found him abandoned during a snowstorm, so she and Applejack adopted him. His name is Snow Fameuse.”

Pinkie pried Snow off her head, holding him out to Maud. Snow babbled a greeting, sticking a hoof into his mouth. Maud’s eyes widened for a split second, the only indication of her emotions.

“Why does he have eight legs?” Maud questioned, her tone rising slightly.

“We don't know,” Dash spoke up, coming off more hostile than she intended. “Doc says he's some new type of pony.”

“Well, he’s certainly happy,” Maud commented, reaching out to pat Snow on the head. “And I think you and Applejack will be good parents.”

Snow latched onto her hoof, trying to nom on it. Maud watched the foal impassively, not seeming to be in any hurry to get her hoof back. She gave a slight tug on her hoof, only for Snow to pull it back.

“He has a very strong grip.” AJ chuckled and watched Snow wrap all of his legs around her hoof.

“I think he likes me,” Maud commented, watching as Snow held on tight and teethed on her. “Hello little Snow.” Snow babbled, getting her hoof soaked in drool.

“Heh, sorry ‘bout that,” Dash offered, rubbing the back of her head. “The little guy’s got almost as much enthusiasm as Pinkie Pie.” Snow finally let go, squirming around. Dash reached over and held Snow close to her chest. “There we go, little guy. Can’t have you falling down.” She smiled and poked his stomach.

Snow squeaked, covering his stomach up. He pouted at Dash, babbling at her with a rather irritated look.

“Sorry little guy,” she said with a giggle. “Is this better?” She smiled at him and scratched behind his ears. Snow cooed, nuzzling against her, his stance relaxing.

“Yer turnin’ into a real mama hen,” AJ commented, smiling at the two.

“More like mama eagle.” Dash puffed her chest out, her wings flaring out dramatically.

“Eagles push their hatchlings out of the nest when they feel they’re ready to fly,” Maud commented, turning her head toward Dash. Maud turned away, leaving Dash sputtering. “We should get back to the farm.”

“Lead the way, Maud!” Pinkie cheered, throwing a hoof around Maud’s shoulder. Maud nodded and started walking off.

Pinkie looked back and gave Dash a pleading look, indicating Snow. Dash nodded and Pinkie let out a squee as she scooped up the foal. The group walked along the road, the land barren and grey.

“Were we expecting a wasteland?” Dash asked, an unimpressed look on her face. “Geez, no wonder Maud's all monotone.”

“Ah was expectin’ somethin’ like this,” Apple Bloom chimed in. “Ah mean, Pinkie told the other crusaders an’ me about this place before.”

Dash frowned, her gaze locking onto Pinkie. Her family was rather traditional, would they accept Snow? She’d be furious if they felt turned away due to his legs.

“Hey Pinks, your folks gonna be cool with Snow?”

“Hmm?” Pinkie turned her head, Snow making himself comfy in her mane. “Why wouldn’t they be? He’s adorable.”

“He also has extra legs.”

“So?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “He’s still a pony. It’d be no different from bringing an alicorn over.” Pinkie flashed a smile. “It'll be okay, I Pinkie Promise.”

“Don’t forget the motions,” AJ said, smiling at her cousin.

Pinkie smiled, going through the motions, smashing a cupcake against her face. Snow let out a gurgle, reaching out from Pinkie’s mane to scoop up some of the frosting. He hummed happily and sucked on his hoof.

“Don't go ruinin’ yer appetite.” Applejack warned.

Snow popped the hoof out of his mouth and babbled at her with a pout.

“Don’cha backtalk yer mama,” AJ said, booping him on the nose. Snow babbled and gave her an apologetic look. “Much better.” She patted his head.

“Careful, he might try to eat your hoof,” Dash joked.

The group chatted amongst themselves, though it slowed down as they came to rather desolate looking farm fields.

“Ooh, looks like the harvest has been good this year!” Pinkie noted, looking out across the fields. “I haven’t seen the fields looking this lively since that time Limestone accidentally tapped into that vein of rose quartz!”

“Pinkie, those fields are empty,” Applejack pointed out.

“What’re ya talking about?” Pinkie asked with a tilt of her head. “There’s tons of sediment there. With the right conditions, they’ll form into all sorts of sedimentary rocks. And the ones deep in the ground will be metamorphic.”


“So I gotta ask,” Dash chimed in. “What do you guys do with all the rocks you farm here? Do you sell them to ponies?”

“The rocks are actually geodes,” Maud explained. “The farm rests on a set of ley lines.”

“So yer sellin’ crystals all over Equestria?” Applejack guessed.

“We grow all kinds of gems here.”

“That all sounds pretty cool,” Dash admitted, taking another look at the fields. “I guess there’s more to this place than meets the eye.”

“More than meets the eye~” Pinkie started to hum a tune, acting out... something.

“So uh, has Pinkie always been like this?” Dash asked, turning to Maud. “Ya know, with all the confusing stuff she does?”

“Ah can answer that!” Apple Bloom waved her hoof around. “She told me all about it durin’ the story of how she got her cutie mark!” She cleared her throat. “She told me that, before she got her cutiemark, that there wasn’t any laughin’ or smilin’.”

“So the confusing stuff started when she earned her mark?” Dash asked, looking at the pink mare in question. She scrutinized her for a moment or two before nodding. “Yeah, makes sense. Well, as much sense as anything surrounding Pinkie can.”

“The Decepticons~!” Pinkie finished, striking a pose. “What were we talking about again?” Snow giggled and babbled happily, trying to mimic Pinkie’s pose from his spot in her mane. “Ooh, how about another song?” Snow giggled and clapped his hooves, clearly excited about the idea.

The Apple family shared a look, as Pinkie started to sing about 'daring to be stupid’. The group finally arrived at the farmhouse just as she finished the song. The farmhouse itself looked rather dilapidated and almost blended into the landscape surrounding it.

“And here we are!” Pinkie beamed, vibrating as her excitement grew. The Apples, minus Snow, didn’t share her enthusiasm, staring at the homestead with wary looks. “Come on, everypony!” Pinkie shouted, looking towards the house. “Meet my super-mega-fun-derful family! Everypony, meet everypony!”

A group of ponies stepped out of the home and unlike Pinkie their colors were dull and muted. A brown stallion wearing a black hat stepped forward, looking at Granny Smith.

“Surely thy name is not but Granny Smith. I am called Igneous Rock Pie, son of Feldspar Granite Pie.”

A grey mare stepped up next to him. “Thou shalt know me as Cloudy Quartz.”

Igneous spoke up again, bowing his head to the Apples. “May Providence favor thee well, and to thy comfort our humble homestead bring.”

Granny Smith eyed them closely, rubbing her chin. “Ya’ll gabbin’ with words real funny-like.” She glanced between them. “Wh-wh-what'd you say them names were? ‘Iggy’? And I'm just gonna call you ‘Big Mama Q’!” Granny smiled, looking pleased with herself for her quick thinking.

A younger grey mare pushed her way to the front, glaring at the gathered ponies. “Gaze into the eyes of Limestone Pie. Ma and Pa may own this rock farm, but I keep it running. Cross me and—”

“Aye aye Captain Grumpy!” Pinkie Pie interrupted. “No one's gonna mess with your precious mine!”

“Or Holder’s Boulder!” Limestone snapped.

Pinkie rolled her eyes and sighed, “Everypony stay away from Holder's Boulder. There, you happy now?”

Applejack smiled at the group, turning to the remaining mare. “And you must be-”

Pinkie chimed in, putting a foreleg around the mare’s neck. “This is Marble Pie, my baby sister who's only a few minutes younger than me but she'll always be a baby to me, isn't that right? She's so excited to meet everypony! Oh, and she wishes you all a happy Hearth's Warming!”

Marble nodded and gave a small smile. “Mhmm.”

Applejack nudged Apple Bloom, leaning her head slight. “Guess Pinkie Pie always did the talkin’ for her,” she whispered.

Apple Bloom nodded and let out a giggle.

All of a sudden, there was a shrill whistle and everyone turned their head to see Pinkie standing atop a boulder. “Attention!” she called out.

“What’d I just say about the boulder!?” Limestone demanded. She glared up at her sister, a vein throbbing on her forehead.

“I'll just be a second,” Pinkie waved off. “Everypony get settled in! There's plenty of room upstairs. And then it's time for Hearth's Warming Eve dinner!” She threw up her forelegs and confetti burst around her.

Snow squealed, throwing his arms up. This caused her parents to take notice of him.

“Pinkamena, didst thou have a child without telling us?” Igneous asked, a slight edge in his voice.

“What?” She blinked, then turned her gaze up at Snow. “Oh!” She hopped down, a bright smile on her face. “Snow isn’t mine. AJ and Dash adopted him. He just likes being my hat.”

Cloudy nodded. “I am glad to hear this. If thou wishes to make grandparents of us, we would at least enjoy being informed of thy courtship. Even if thou dost refuse to visit the Pairing Stone.”

“If I was seeing somepony, I’d have thrown a party for it,” Pinkie assured, letting Dash take Snow from her head. “Alright! Why don’t we get out of the cold already?”

Everyone nodded and filed into the home. Pinkie led them upstairs and showed the Apples to their room.

“Looks like there won’t be any chance for “alone time” while we’re here,” Rainbow whispered to Applejack, taking note of the room they were sharing with the other Apples.

Applejack frowned. “Dash, we’re here fer Hearth’s Warmin’. Git yer mind out of the gutter.”

“Didn’t hear you saying that at the Apple Family reunion,” Dash reminded with a smirk, nudging her marefriend’s side.

Applejack sighed, putting her suitcases away. She loved Dash as much as anyone ever loved their significant other, but, sometimes, Dash’s randiness grated. “Dash, Ya keep that kinda talk fer when it’s the time and place.”

“Don’t worry, I’m done for now,” Dash assured. “I’ll be family friendly for the rest of our stay.” She snapped off a quick salute with her wing.

Applejack leaned in close, poking Dash’s chest. “Ya better. Ah don’t want Pinkie’s family kickin’ us out cause ya couldn’t be patient.”

“Trust me, babe, I want this to go well too,” Dash replied, putting a wing over Applejack’s back. “I can be patient if it’s for you.” She smiled a little and looked over at Snow playing with Apple Bloom.

Applejack sighed again, leaning on Dash. “I’m just really glad that Pinkie’s folks didn’t say anything bad about Snow.” Snow babbled happily as Apple Bloom bounced a stuffed animal in front of him.

“I don’t think they noticed the legs yet,” Dash pointed out.

“Ya might be right,” Applejack agreed, continuing to watch the colt play. “He was hidden by Pinkie’s mane fer the most part.” Snow got to his hooves and crouched, watching the toy Apple Bloom was bouncing in front of him. He then let out a small noise and pounced on it, wrapping his legs around it.

Dash poked at his side. “What are you? A puppy?”

Snow’s ears flattened and he went rigid for a moment at the mention of the word.

“Uh oh.” Applejack pulled away from Dash and scooped up Snow. She sat on her haunches, held him close and stroked the back of his head. “Shh, it’s okay, nothin’s comin’ fer ya.”

Snow babbled quietly, nuzzling into her chest.

Applejack nuzzled the top of his head. “Yer safe, momma’s got ya.” She pulled him up and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Ain’t nothin’ gonna hurt ma baby.”

Dash got in on the hug. “Trying to upstage me, huh?”

“Yer his momma too, featherbrain,” Applejack teased, smiling as Snow babbled happily from the attention. “But Ah’ll be the favorite.”

Scoffing, Dash took Snow into her arms. “We’ll just see about that.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, leaning over towards Big Mac. “Can ya believe they’re even makin’ parenthood a competition?”


Pinkie burst into the room, a giant grin on her face. “Everypony downstairs! Dinner’s ready!”

“Hay yeah.” Dash stood up, putting Snow on her back. “I’m starving!”

They all filed downstairs, visions of six-layer bean dip and hot rolls dancing in their head. They were snapped out of their revelry when they saw the dinner table and noticed that their were rocks floating in the soup.

Applejack frowned, taking her seat. “
“Uh, what about six-layer bean dip?” Granny questioned with a tilt of the head, eyeing the table warily.

“We have rock soup,” Maud deadpanned as she took a bowl for herself.

“Potato, po-tah-to. Double-baked pot pie, rock soup! Dinner is dinner. Am I right or am I right? Pinkie waved off, grinning at the Apples.

Applejack shared a look with her family then opened her mouth to speak. She blinked, finding a hoof in her mouth.

Dash pulled her hoof back, looking between the Apples and the Pies. “Alright. I think it’s clear that we need to have a talk about how we’re celebrating the holiday.”

“Whaddya mean?” Pinkie asked, pausing mid slurp of soup with some of the soup hovering in the air. “This is just a typical Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

Dash gave her a flat look. “Pinkie, every family has a different definition of a ‘typical Hearth’s Warming Eve.” Turning, she gestured to Applejack. “Babe, tell her how Apple’s do it.”

Applejack bit her bottom lip, struggling to find the right words to say. “Ah mean, it’s a lot like this back on our farm.” She chuckled nervously.

Dash shot her a glare. “Bloom, tell the Pie’s how Apple’s celebrate the holidays.” She narrowed her eyes at Applejack. “And be honest.”

Apple Bloom flinched, taking a step back from the couple. “Well, the food isn’t rock-based back home.” She shifted on her hooves. “Then we grab the crocheted dolls that have been passed down. After that, the youngest of us raises the flag on the pole.”

Dash raised a hoof, cutting off a rather irate Limestone. “Look, this isn’t a ‘whose Hearth’s Warming is better’. What I’m trying to say, is that, if we’re going to spend the holidays together, we should make it fun for everypony.”

Pinkie gasped, jumping up onto her chair. “That gives me an idea! Why don’t we take the Apple traditions and the Pie traditions, blend them together,” she reared up on her hind legs and made a swirling motion with a hoof, “and make this an Apple Pie Hearth’s Warming!” She jumped in the air, throwing out confetti.

Pleased with herself, Dash leaned back in her chair. She gently tapped a confused Snow’s hoof. “Your mom’s a genius.”

Snow giggled and tapped her hoof with two of his.

Applejack leaned in close to Dash, whispering, “Thank ya fer steppin’ in. Ah was worried about deflatin’ Pinkie’s enthusiasm.”

“Babe, this only would have ended badly if someone didn’t say anything.” Dash nodded sagely, giving of an aura of experience. “Same thing used to happen when the Rainbows and the Whistles tried to have a family Hearths warming.” Dash smiled and nudged AJ. “But after things broke down, we started talking and compromised. Some traditions blended together and became something new.”

She reached over, ruffling Snow’s mane. “‘Sides, I didn’t want Snow’s first Hearth’s Warming to be full of ponies yelling at each other.”

Applejack chuckled and nodded. “Yer right, Ah’d hate t’ruin his first Hearth’s Warmin’.” She smiled and gave Snow and Dash a kiss on the forehead. “Ah think makin’ new traditions with the two of ya is alright by me.” Applejack leaned back in her chair, a smile on her face as Granny Smith and Pinkie’s parents started talking things over.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Dash grinned, leaning against Applejack’s side.

Hearth’s Warming had finally come and both families had gathered around the fireplace to exchange gifts. Despite the rocky start, the day before had turned out well. Traditions were exchanged and tweaked leaving everyone happy.

Dash was leaning back on her seat, watching patiently as the presents were handed out all around. Her eyes were locked on a small box that she had gotten for Applejack. She was trying hard to play it cool and not let her nerves show.

“Alright!” Pinkie cheered, hopping over to a seat of her own as the last gift was handed out. “I think Snowy and Apple Bloom should open their gifts first.”

Snow was sitting in Apple Bloom’s lap, batting at her mane.

Pinkie let out a giggle and popped up in front of Snow with a wrapped package. “Snowy, do you wanna open your present?~” She smiled and held out the box to him.

Snow cooed in interest, taking the box from her. He tapped on the box with his hooves, looking it over. He shook it, hearing something make a dull sound. He scratched at the wrapping paper, causing it to rip.

“Want some help?” Bloom offered, looking down at him.

Snow let out a coo, holding up the box towards her. Taking it from him, she started to pull the rest of the wrapping paper off. When the box beneath it was fully bared she sat it down at his eye level and removed the lid. Snow peeked in curiously. He let out a squeak of surprise as a stuffed form greeted him. He pulled out the item and let out a cry of joy at seeing a homemade pony doll with eight legs like him. He babbled happily and hugged it tight.

“Yay!” Pinkie threw her arms out. “He likes it!”

Dash smiled, watching Snow play with his new toy. “Pinkie, did you make that yourself?”

“Maud helped,” Pinkie admitted, wrapping an arm around her sister.

“Don’t forget Boulder.” Maud held up the stone. “His keen artistic eye is unmatched.”

“Thanks, Boulder.” Dash waved over at them.

“Does that mean it’s mah turn?” Apple Bloom chimed in, eyeing her presents and bouncing in her seat.

“Go right ahead, just remember yer manners,” AJ told her. She leaned back in her seat and covered her ears as Apple Bloom squealed in excitement. “That silly filly gets mighty loud.”

Apple Bloom leaped into the presents, disappearing from view, save for her bow. She dug around for a few moments before resurfacing with a package balanced on her head. She hopped back to her seat, causing the present to roll down her barrel and land in front of her.

Without a second thought, she tore at the wrapping paper, a big grin plastered on her face. “Alright! A new set of woodworkin’ tools fer the clubhouse!” She grabbed one of the tools and examined it for a moment. “Hmm, maybe Ah could expand it with these. Some clients have had trouble fittin’ in it.”

“Told ya she’d like that more than rodeo gear,” Dash whispered, nudging AJ in the side.

Applejack rolled her eyes, a faint smile on her face.

Marble was the next to get a gift which she reacted to by giving a warm, “Mhmm” to her parents. Pinkie then received her gift which she responded to by squeeing and giving Maud a bear hug. Then it was either Dash or AJ’s turn.

“You go first,” Dash said, motioning to the pile of presents while she leaned back on the couch. “I can wait a bit longer.”

“Well alright.” Applejack leaned over, grabbing the first box with her name on it. It was fairly small and the tag said it was from Dash. She ripped a piece of the paper off, finding a velvet jewelry case underneath it. “Dash...”

Dash did her best to keep a straight face, tapping her hoof against the floor. “Hmm?” She glanced over at the case in AJ’s hoof. “You still haven’t looked at your gift.”

Applejack gingerly opened the box, her heart skipping a beat. Inside was a gold bracelet with a band that had diamonds inlaid on it. Also on the band was a phrase engraved on it, “You’re the apple of my eye” in fancy calligraphy. AJ stared at it, tearing up.

“I know I’m not exactly the best with mushy stuff,” Dash spoke up, rubbing the back of her head, “but I figured I should pull out all the stops for you. Applejack… will you marry me?”

AJ sat frozen for a moment before she grabbed Dash, pulling her into a tight hug. “Course’ I will, ya featherbrained blockhead.”

Dash grinned from ear to ear as she returned the hug. “Watch it, hayseed,” she teased.

“Oh hush up and kiss me already.”

Dash didn’t need to be told twice. She grabbed AJ by the back of her head and pulled her into a deep kiss. The two continued the kiss for a few moments, ending it before they felt it would get uncomfortable for everyone else in the room. She took the bracelet, slipping it onto AJ’s right arm.

“So, best Hearth’s Warming ever or what?” Dash asked, flashing her a cocky grin.

Applejack shared her grin. “It’s up there alright.”

Pinkie let out another squee, popping up right behind Dash and AJ. “This is so amazing! I can’t wait for the wedding!” She gasped, jumping up into the air and seeming to hover for a few moments. “You’ve gotta let me help plan the reception!”

“Alright Pinkie,” Applejack agreed, nodding her head. “Ya got the job.”

“Yay!” Pinkie threw out her hooves and a shower of confetti spread across the room. “This’ll be even better than Princess Cadance’s wedding!”

Snow joined in on the antics, waving his hooves around excitedly.

Dash smiled warmly and scooped him up into her hooves. She cradled him close, resting his head against her chest. “Are you excited about the wedding too?” She punctuated the question by gently poking his nose.

Once the presents were all passed out, and wedding plans were lightly discussed, everyone gathered around the fireplace. Pinkie put on a conductor’s outfit and led everyone in Hearth’s Warming carols. The Apples and Dash noted that more than one of them were about rocks.

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