• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 1,066 Views, 12 Comments

The Odd Tale Of Snow Fameuse - Grey Ghost

After finding an odd, eight legged foal, Applejack and Rainbow Dash dive head first into parenthood.

  • ...

Chapter 2

A knock at the door woke the entire Apple family and Rainbow Dash up. “Gah! Who could be at the door this early!” the pegasus huffed as she jumped out of bed.

“Must be the...social worker...” AJ spoke, calming Snow. The two mares then shared a look of realization.

“The social worker!” They cried.

“Okay, I’ll hurry and straighten things up, you meet her at the door.” Dash zipped off and started cleaning. Applejack nodded and trotted down the stairs. She quickly straightened her mane out and opened the door.

“Howdy, how can I help y’all today?” On the other side of the door was a large minotaur with black fur and wearing a suit jacket and black tie. His eyes were obscured by black shades and he looked down at Applejack with a stone faced expression. “Uh... come in?” She asked, stepping out of the way, holding Snow close to her chest.

“Thank you,” he said in a deep voice, crouching under the doorway and stepping inside. His eyes passed over everything and his face remained neutral. “I am Steel Will, I will be the social worker who monitors you and your family to ensure this is a good environment for the foal.”

“Of course Mr. Will.” Applejack nodded. “Would you like some tea er’ anythin? It’s mighty cold outside.”

“That would be appreciated.” He nodded and tested the couch with his hand before sitting down. “I plan on asking you some preliminary questions. They’re non-intrusive for the most part and it’s needed for my paperwork.”

“Of course.” Applejack nodded, taking a seat across from him. “Granny, could ya scrounge us up some tea?”

“Ya got it deary, Ah’ll be right back with the tea.” The elderly mare trotted into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a few cups of tea. “It’s our homemade apple spice tea. Ah hope ya don’t mind.”

“Thank you.” Steel Will lifted his cup up, taking a long sip from it.

“So, what are these questions ya wanted t’ask?” Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash came downstairs and sat next to her, showing no signs of her frantic cleaning.

“This our Worker pal?” Dash asked, snuggling against Applejack.

“I am your social worker, I’m not here to be a friend,” Steel Will said. “Sorry if that seems rude, but I can’t let my work be compromised for some reason like that. Now, the first question is about your relationship. Do the two of you plan on getting married in the near future?”

“I hope we do, I mean we’ve been together for at least three years. We’re still arguing over who proposes to who.” Dash winked at Steel, subtly gesturing to the Hearth’s tree in the corner.

“I’ll put that down as a possibility.” Stell pulled out a notepad and jotted down a note. “The higher ups prefer committed relationships when adoption papers come across the desk.”

“Can’t argue with that.” Applejack repositioned Snow, setting him between Dash and herself.

“And how have you been feeding the foal?” Steel asked looking at Snow.

“We gave him some applesauce last night, he seemed to like it,” Applejack started to explain, “After he got a little ahead of himself, we asked our zebra friend for help gettin’ one of us producin’ milk.”

“A little unconventional, but I’m sure that gesture will be appreciated when the higher ups get your paperwork.” He jotted down another note.

“He’s a grabby one alright,” Applejack commented, casting a glance at Snow, who was busying himself with her ponytail again.

“Well, the foal seems healthy, and I saw the doctor’s notes already so I don’t have to ask about that,” Steel commented. “May I look around the house? I want to make sure this is a safe environment for the foal.”

“Course,” Applejack stood up, passing Snow to Dash. “Keep an eye on him while I show Mr. Will around.”

“You can count on me, babe,” Dash said, making a goofy face and causing Snow to giggle and clap two of his hooves together. Applejack just smiled and led Steel Will to the kitchen. Granny was diligently working at the stove, humming along with her work.

“Hmm, nothing dangerous seems to be in the reach of the foal,” Steel noted as he scribbled on his notepad. “I still recommend investing in extensive childproofing. Foals are rambunctious and full of surprises.”

“We got most of that stuff up in attic,” Granny spoke up, looking over her shoulder, “Haven’t needed it since Bloom outgrew it all.”

“He means stuff to keep Snow from hurtin’ himself Granny, not furniture,” Applejack explained, “Ah can’t tell ya Ah know all about that sorta thing, but my cousin Pinkie Pie does. Ah’ll talk to her today bout’ it.”

“Very good, I would hate to tear a foal away from a home where he seems happy, but I will if I deem it as too dangerous for them,” Steel said with a nod. “Don’t let that happen.”

“Ah don’t plan on it.” She nodded, leading him upstairs. He followed after her and his face remained neutral as he examined the stairs.

“Hmm, these are old but well maintained. Though some carpeting might be a good idea, it would cushion the fall if the foal or anypony fell down them,” he noted.

“Ah’ll talk to somepony about it.” Applejack nodded, adding another item to her mental checklist. She led him through the rooms, letting him examine things within reason.

“Well, aside from the childproofing, I can’t think of any other suggestions for your home to be deemed completely fit. By the way, the foal’s room was very well done,” Steel said as he was writing more notes.

“Thank ya kindly.” Applejack glanced at the room, sighing heavily. “We had the extra room, used to be our folks.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. The only family I have left is an obnoxious younger brother,” Steel offered. “He’s a motivational speaker.”

“Yer related to that Iron Will feller?” Applejack asked, raising her eyebrow, “Ah remember when he was in Ponyville.”

“Yes, Iron Will is my brother. We mostly see each other on holidays.””

“Ah don’t pity ya.” Applejack shook her head. “Anything else ya need to see?”

“No, that should be all for today,” Iron will replied as he put away his notepad. “I’ll be back once a month to keep checking on the foal. If you need to contact me for whatever reason, here is my card.” He pulled out a business card and handed it to her.

“Thank ya kindly.” She took the card, placing it in the inner lining of her hat for safe keeping. He nodded and went downstairs.

“Goodbye everyone, keep the foal happy, healthy, and safe and I won’t be a problem to you.” He opened the door and walked back outside.

“That went well,” Applejack let out a sigh of relief, trotting over to Dash.

“Yeah, he seems like a hardass, but there’s a good guy in there, I can tell,” Dash commented as she nuzzled Applejack.

“Ya should have asked him ta’ stay for breakfast,” Granny chimed in from the kitchen.

“Granny, he’s a busy minotaur, we couldn’t keep him from his job like that,” Applejack called back. “On the subject of breakfast, Ah bet Snow is hungry.” Applejack nudged Dash off the couch, laying down on her side. Dash put Snow down on the couch and he instantly latched onto one of her teats.

“Heh, you were right about him being hungry,” Dash commented, smiling at the sight.

“Kept him waitin’” Applejack chuckled, rubbing his head. “Mind bringing me some food?”

“Nah, I’ll be right back.” Dash trotted off and quickly returned with two plates of food. “So, once a month we’ll be getting visits from that guy. Looks like we’re gonna be busy if we wanna be Snow’s parents.” She handed a plate to Applejack.

“Darn tootin’.” Applejack smiled, gulping down her breakfast.

“It’s gonna be worth it though.” Dash quickly ate her breakfast. “All we have to do is babyproof the house and do what we always do.”

“Gotta add carpetin’,” Applejack added.

“I think we can afford that,” Dash said. “And carpeting isn’t such a bad idea. Though we’ll probably need to get a vacuum too to clean it properly.”

“Ah don’t think we have one of those...” Applejack muttered, rubbing her chin.

“I’ll get us one,” Dash assured her. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Heh, Snow’s already causing big changes in the Apple house and we haven’t even had him a week.”

“Foals tend to do that.”

“Hmm, I just had a thought,” Dash mused rubbing her chin. “You have your hat, Bloom has her bow, Mac has his yoke, and Granny has her neckerchief. I think Snow needs a little piece of clothing too to be a proper member of the family.”

“And what do you have?” Applejack asked, raising her eyebrow.

“My flight goggles,” Dash said with a grin. “The only difference being is that I don’t always have those hanging around my neck. Though… maybe I should start to fit in with the family.” She rubbed her chin again. Applejack chuckled, shaking her head.

“Don't have too Sugarcube, ya fit in just fine.” Applejack's good mood brightened further as a familiar bark echoed on from the kitchen.

“Sounds like Winona’s up and bothering Granny for food,” Dash noted with a chuckle. “Seems like some things don’t ever change.”

“Come on Winona, Ah got somepony for ya to meet!” Applejack called, adjusting her position slightly. Winona barked happily and rushed into the room, sitting in front of Applejack. Winona instantly noticed Snow and started sniffing the foal. Snow however, reacted extremely poorly. He let out a cry of fear, nearly falling off the couch. Winona let out a whimper and lowered her head with an apologetic look. Applejack held Snow close, stroking his mane. “Hush now, sugarcube, Winona ain’t gonna hurt ya. She’s family.”

That didn't seem to help at all, the poor foal wailing his head off, holding onto her in sheer terror.

“Shh, shh, it’s okay. Momma has ya. She’s not gonna let anything hurt ya,” Applejack cooed, rocking Snow gently. “Yer safe with me.”

“Jeez, he sounds terrified,” Dash commented, petting Winona’s head.

“Ah think we need to figure out how t’help Snow,” Applejack commented, consoling Snow. “Maybe Twilight knows something about this sorta thing?”

“We could probably ask the Cakes, they have more experience with foals...” Dash rubbed her chin, “Little guy’s acting like he’s been attacked by a dog before or something.”

“That’s a good idea,” Applejack said as she stood up. “Winona, go see Applebloom. Dash and Ah are gonna go to Sugarcube Corner.” Winona perked up a little, rushing upstairs to find the second smallest Apple. “Alright, let’s go talk to the Cakes.” Applejack walked over to the door and grabbed her scarf before walking out.

“Right behind ya!” Dash swiped some food off AJ’s abandoned plate. She pulled on her own scarf, galloping after her. The two walked into town side by side in companionable silence. Eventually, they walked into Sugarcube Corner where they saw Pinkie Pie behind the counter happily serving customers. “Hey Pinkie!” Dash called out, waving.

“Hey Dashie!” Pinkie waved back, passing Flitter her order of cupcakes.

“Pinkie, can we talk to the Cakes real quick?” Applejack asked, adjusting Snow. “We got a question fer ‘em.”

“They should be upstairs, just let them know you’re going up before you do!” Pinkie smiled, gesturing with her head.

“Thanks Pinkie,” Dash said as the two walked over to the staircase. They called up and then trotted up to where the Cakes were.

“Applejack, Rainbow Dash, what could you possibly want to see us about?” Mrs. Cake asked with a smile. The older mare was brushing Pumpkin’s mane, while Mr.Cake preened Pound’s wings.

“Well, we are kinda tryin’ t’adopt this foal right here,” Applejack said, showing them Snow. “And he started screamin’ his head off when he saw Winona and wouldn’t calm down no matter what we did. We felt the two of ya were the best t’ask fer advice.”

“Oh my, I’ve never seen a foal like him before,” Mrs.Cake leaned in, fascinated. Snow’s face scrunched up and he sneezed frost, coating Mrs. Cake’s mane in frost.

“Yeah… the doc doesn’t know what kind of pony he is either.” Dash helped the older mare get the frost off.

Pumpkin watched in awe, babbling something at Snow. Snow perked up and babbled back at Pumpkin.

“Look at that, friends already.” Mrs.Cake chuckled, placing Pumpkin down. She gestured for Applejack to do the same. Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared a smile as they put Snow on the floor in front of Pumpkin. Snow babbled happily.

“Has he had bad experiences with dogs before?” Mr.Cake asked, putting Pound with the other foals.

“We don’t know,” Dash replied with a frown. “I found him abandoned in the orchard during one of my night flights. We don’t know anything about his past.”

“Poor dear.” Mrs.Cake frowned.

“While we do appreciate your high opinion of us, we’re first time parents ourselves,” Mr.Cake reminded.

“We know, but we didn’t really know who else to turn to,” Dash said, rubbing her neck. “Have you dealt with anything like this?”

“Well, Pound used to be terrified of Gummy,” Mrs.Cake admitted.

“And how did ya help him?” AJ asked, watching the three foals play.

“I had Carrot sit with him one side of the room while I held Gummy on the other,” Mrs. Cake explained, “I even let him nibble on my arm to show he wasn't dangerous.” Applejack and Dash shared a smile.

“That might really help,” Dash said.

“Yeah, we could try that.” AJ nodded at the married couple. “Thank ya kindly.”

“Of course.” Mrs Cake smiled. “Do you have a name for him yet?”

“Yup, yer lookin at little Snow Fameuse,” Applejack answered with a bright smile. Snow cooed at his name, waving his arms around.

“And the little guy likes his name,” Dash said, smiling at his reaction.

“He seems like such a happy foal,” Mrs. Cake said with a smile.

“Only time he wasn't was at the doctor's and with Winona,” Applejack explained.

“I’m sure he’ll get over that soon,” Mr. Cake offered. “Pound and Pumpkin didn’t like the doctor’s office at first too.”

“Ah hope so.” Applejack leaned on Dash with a sigh. “Ah just hope he don't get picked on.”

“Well, you know he’s going to have at least two friends by his side,” Mr. Cake offered, indicating the twins.

“She’s got a point.” Dash beamed. “Snow is gonna have so many friends, he’ll steal Twi’s crown right out from under her!” They all laughed at that.

“Ah think Ah could warm up to the idea of bein’ the mother of a prince.” Applejack smiled at Dash. “But do ya think he’d get the normal number o’ wings and horns, or would those be doubled too?” she joked.

“He’d be the best alicorn ever!” Dash scooped Snow up, spinning around with him. He let out a happy giggle, kicking his legs about as he spun.

“And I bet he’d look very handsome as an alicorn stallion,” Mrs. Cake offered with a chuckle.

“Thank ya kindly.” Applejack stood up, adjusting her hat, “We should head back, don’t wanna take up yer day.”

“Oh you’re welcome, deary,” Mrs. Cake replied with a warm smile. “And you can bring Snow over any time for a playdate. I’m sure Pound and Pumpkin would love to keep seeing him.”

“Ah know Snow would like that,” Applejack responded, walking out of the room. Dash followed after her with Snow in her arms.

“That went well too,” Dash noted with a grin. “Things seem to be going our way so far.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now,”Applejack spoke, waving to Pinkie as they left the the bakery.

“Sorry, I was just thinking out loud really,” Dash replied. “I mean, I wanna do what’s best for Snow as much as you do.”

“We’re gonna have ta come back when Pinkie's shift is over,” Applejack commented, “You uh... know where we’d go bout' gettin’ a carpet?”

“I think there’s a store in town that sells it,” Dash replied. “I think it’s close to that Quills and Sofas store Twilight always goes to.”

“Ya’ll lead the way then.” Applejack placed Snow on her back, frowning. “Ah think we might need ta invest in one of them foal harnesses...”

“I think we’d need to get a custom one for the little guy,” Dash commented, glancing at Snow as she trotted through town. Snow looked around, his current focus being Derpy as she flittered by. Derpy noticed Snow looking at her and waved with a bright smile. Snow gurgled, mimicking her.

“Are ya saying hi to everypony?” Dash asked ruffling his mane. Snow giggled, hugging onto her arm. “Hnng,” Dash said, clutching her chest. “I don’t think my heart can take so much cuteness.”

“Don't ya go dropping on me now,” Applejack chuckled.

“Alright, I’ll hold on,” Dash said with a smile. “But you’ve gotta try being less cute.” She poked Snow in the chest with a grin. He giggled, kicking his legs. “Hey! You’re not cutting down the cuteness,” Dash teased, tickling his stomach. “Looks like momma has to punish her naughty colt.” Snow squealed, flailing his limbs around. Dash continued to tickle him, carefully weaving through the market traffic as she did. They stopped outside a shop and Dash pulled away from Snow. “There, I think you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Ya ready?” Applejack smiled, holding the door open.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” Dash walked inside the building with Applejack right behind her. They looked around, taking in all the various spools of carpeting.

“Ya know anything about this?” Applejack asked, rubbing her neck.

“AJ, I’ve lived in cloud houses all my life, carpeting is pretty foreign to me too,” Dash pointed out. “I think we should ask an employee for help.”

“Uh, excuse me!” Applejack called out to an employee that happened to be nearby.

“Yes, how can I help you?” the mare asked, trotting up to them.

“We’re lookin’ fer carpetin' fer our steps. Kind that’ll break a foals fall,” Applejack said, gesturing to Snow.

“We have a pretty good selection of plush carpeting, is there any particular color you’re looking for?” The employee asked.

“Somethin’ that’ll match our house,” Applejack explained.

“Okay, I’ll show you some of our more plush choices and you tell me when a color sticks out to you.” She led them over to a row of spools and showed them color swatches.

“What do ya think?” Applejack asked, looking over at Dash.

“Well, the white would go with the house, but it’d show dirt and stuff like crazy,” Dash replied, rubbing her chin.

“Maybe it should match the wood?”

With his parents just debating colors, Snow gazed up at the sales mare curiously.

“Is something on your mind little guy?” The sales mare asked, leaning down towards Snow. He reached out, booping her. She giggled and returned the favor. “Well aren’t you just a funny, little guy.” Snow giggled, babbling at her happily. “Oh, you remind me of my little girl,” she said with a smile. “I think she’s just a little older than you.” Snow tilted his head, blinking a few times. “Here’s a picture.” The salespony reached into her uniform pocket and showed him a picture of a batpony foal. “She takes after her father.” He babbled at the picture, pouting when he didn't get a reply. “Aww, I think she’d love to meet you.” She ruffled his mane and put the picture away. “I bet you’d be good friends.”

“Told ya he'd make friends,” Dash said, nudging Applejack.

“I guess ya were right.” Applejack smiled. “Snow would love t’see her sometime. Bring her over to Sweet Apple Acres sometime.”

“I have off tomorrow,” the mare offered with a smile.

“That’ll be perfect!” Dash beamed. “Oh, and we picked this color and this carpeting.” She pointed at a brown swatch and a spool next to her.

“Alright, let's schedule the installation.” The mare smiled, leading them to the counter.

“The installation can be done any time before the next month,” Dash said.

“Planning something big?” The mare asked, looking through her datebook.

“No, that’s when the social worker is comin’ back,” Applejack explained. “We wanna have the stairs carpeted before his next visit.”

“Okay, I think we can put you in for two weeks from now,” the sales mare said with a smile.

“Sounds good to me,” Applejack nodded, “Could ya try and have it early?”

“Of course,” the mare said with a smile. Does 8-10am sound good to you?”

“Sounds fine t’me,” Applejack replied, “As for tomorrow, Ah’d say stop by round' noon, we’ll treat ya to an Apple family lunch.”

“That’s too kind,” the sales mare said as she rang them up. “My husband and I will bring a dish as well. He makes a mean blackberry tart.”

“Ah look forward ta tryin' it.” Applejack smiled. “Say goodbye to the nice mare Snow.” Snow babbled happily and waved at the mare.

“Oh, Moonglow is just going to love you!” the mare cooed. “You three have a lovely day.”

“You too!” Dash called out, leading the others out. “She was really nice,” she said with a happy sigh. “Funny name though, Shag Carpet.”

“Sounds like somethin’ you’d find on a dog.”

“Yeah, but she was helpful and Snow liked her, so I think we can ignore the name,” Dash said, putting a wing around AJ and smiling.

“Ah reckon we can,” AJ agreed, leaning on her.

“Should we pick up some child proofing stuff now, or finally show Twilight, Snow?” Dash asked.

“We got time for’ Pinkie's shift to end, Ah reckon we could stop by the castle.”

“I’ve got earplugs for the three of us to muffle the excited squeals egghead makes at the sight of a new kind of pony.” Dash reached into her scarf and pulled out the earplugs, giving a pair to Applejack.

“Mah hero.” Applejack smirked, steering them towards the castle.

“Hey, you know how Twilight gets with this sorta stuff, and I don’t want Snow to get scared.” Dash knocked the door to the castle and waited.

“Coming!” Spike called from inside the castle, and a few moments later the doors opened up. “What can I do ya for?”

“Hey Spike,” Dash said. “We just wanted to talk to Twilight for a bit. Also, say hi to Snow Fameuse.” She held Snow out towards the baby dragon.

“Hey little guy.” Spike waved. “Wait... does he have extra legs?”

“Yeah, the doc says he might be a new kinda pony,” Applejack said.

“Twi’s gonna wanna see this.” He moved out of the way, letting them in. They thanked him and put their ear plugs in.

“Hey egghead!” Dash called out. “AJ and I have somepony you’d like to meet!” They heard the sound of somepony coming to them from further in the castle.

“What are you yelling about Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, rounding a corner. She was already in a lab coat, goggles covering her eyes.

“AJ and I are now adopting this little guy, Snow Fameuse,” Dash explained, holding the foal out for her to see.

“Oh congratulations.” Twilight smiled, pulling her goggles up.

“Yup, he’s already a great addition to the family,” Applejack said with a smile. “Even with his little quirks.”

“Quirks?” Twilight asked curiously. Dash peeled his blanket back to show his extra legs.

“Plus he can sneeze frost,” Applejack said, patting Snow’s head.

Twilight just stared, and after a moment, reached out to touch one of his extra legs. The leg twitched and he babbled at her.

“Twi.” Spike snapped his talons in her face. “I know that look but he's a foal. Just do that breathing technique Cadance taught you.”

“Sorry.” Twilight took a deep breath. “Almost got a little carried away. But this really is interesting. Where’d you find Snow?”

“Out in the orchard last night,” Dash explained, “Somepony just left him there.”

“How awful,” Twilight said, frowning and looking back at Snow. “It’s amazing he can look so happy and healthy after that. Come with me to the lab.” Twilight turned, trotting down the hallway. Applejack and Dash shared a look before following her.

“Yer not gonna do anythin’ too invasive, right?” AJ asked.

“Pinkie Promise,” Twilight assured.

“Alright, but be careful, he didn’t like the doctor’s office much,” Rainbow warned.

“I'll be as gentle as possible.” Twilight walked into the lab, moving over to one of her machines. “Make yourselves comfy.” AJ and Dash took a seat, the pegasus cradling the foal as they watched Twilight adjusted the machine. “Did the doctor check his magic field?”

“Yeah, the doc said Snow has a little more magic in ‘im than yer average Earth Pony,” AJ explained.

“I don't exactly think he’s an Earth Pony.” Twilight levitated over a small helmet, wires connecting to the machine. “I'm going to take a baseline of his field.” Snow looked up at the helmet and tilted his head as it was placed on him.

Twilight started the machine, a few lights blinking on the top of the helmet. Paper started to spill out of the machine and Twilight busied herself reading it.

“So, how does it look, egghead?” Dash asked, staring at the paper.

“The doctor was right, but, his magic signature doesn't match anything in the earth pony spectrum.”

“Well, the doc did say that he may be a new kinda pony,” AJ said.

“That may be true.” Twilight nodded.“Oddly enough, he seems to have most in common with alicorns.”

“Are ya serious?” AJ gaped, looking down at Snow. “What the hay is that supposed t’mean?”

“Rainbow, could you to get a cloud?” Twilight asked. “Any kind will do.” Dash nodded and zipped out of the lab. She returned a few moments later with a small cloud. “Now pass it to Snow.” Dash held out the cloud to Snow, who grabbed it and nommed it.

“How's he doin’ that?” AJ asked, watching in amazement.

“Girls, I think...” Twilight paused, running a few possibilities through her mind.

“Well?” Dash asked. “What do you think?”

“I think the two of you might have found a Windigo foal.”

“But don’t Windigos feed on hate and anger?” Applejack questioned. “We haven’t been angry or hateful since we found him and he’s been healthy.”

“Applejack, a lot of Hearth’s Warming is folklore. The truth is, we don't even know if the Windigos were real,” Twilight countered.

“Okay, so what should we do now?” Dash asked. “I mean, if he is a windigo, he’s still just a foal.”

“Does the possibility change your view of him?” Twilight asked, lifting the helmet off Snow’s head.

“No way!” Dash squeezed Snow close. “Windigo or not, this little guy needs us.”

“Then, nothing has really changed has it?”

“Alright then, guess we’ve gotta keep an eye on ‘im and see if his needs change,” AJ said. “Though so far, he loves applesauce and milk like a normal foal does.”

“If it's alright with you, I'd like it if you brought him in around twice a month.” Twilight gazed down at the odd foal. “Just to document his development.”

“No problem,” Dash replied. “We can bring him in as much as you want. Though you should get some lollipops if you wanna play doctor,” she teased.

“Maybe I will.” Twilight smiled.

“Ah reckon Snow would like that,” Applejack chimed in. “Is there anythin’ else you want Snow fer?”

“Is it okay if I take a blood sample?”

“You can try,” Dash said carefully. “Though I don’t think he’ll like it.” Twilight nodded, getting what she needed. Snow just kept chewing his cloud, oblivious to what was about to happen. Twilight tied a band around one of his legs. She gently held it in her hooves, sliding the needle in carefully. Snow winced and sniffled a bit, squirming as the syringe drew a bit of his blood.

“That's it...” Twilight soothed, filling two small vials before pulling the needle out, taping a cotton swab over the wound.

“What a strong colt you are,” Applejack soothed, kissing Snow where he had gotten his shot. Snow babbled at her, hugging her muzzle. “Ah know ya didn’t like it, but it’s to help ya,” she cooed, stroking his mane.

“Snow’s tough like his mom's.” Dash smiled, patting Snow's back.

“Yer darn tootin’!” Applejack beamed. “And when he gets old enough, Ah bet he’ll out apple buck even Big Mac with those legs o’ his.”

“Already planning to exploit him huh? How very evil of you,” Dash teased.

“You got it, call me, Nightmare Jack!” AJ let out an “ooo” and waved her hooves in front of her. Snow giggled in delight, waving his own hooves around.

“Oh great, you got him repeating your lame jokes now.” Dash rolled her eyes, though she had a large smile.

“You two are naturals at parenting,” Twilight complimented.

“Thanks, egghead,” Dash replied. “We’re kinda playing this by ear though.”

“Ah think we’re doin’ preddy good.” AJ smiled, bouncing Snow gently.

“Here’s hoping we keep it up,” Dash said, putting a wing around AJ.

“We better get goin’ Twi,” AJ said. “We gotta start mailin’ out letters.”

“Yup, gotta let the Apple family know there’s a new member,” Dash added, getting up.

“Need any help?” Twilight offered.

“Ya can if ya want,” Applejack replied. “Faust knows there ain’t a shortage of Apples.”

“Then count me in!” Twilight grinned, teleporting them to the farm. Snow shook his head, looking a little dizzy.

“Easy there little guy,” Dash said, rubbing his back. He babbled softly, looking up at her. “I know it felt weird, but you’re okay.”

“Come on ya’ll two, we got a buncha letters ta write.” Applejack turned, trotting into the house. Dash and Twilight followed after her, Snow settling back into Dash’s hooves.

“I’ll go get the stationary,” Dash said, passing Snow off to AJ and rushed upstairs.

AJ sat down, setting Snow in her lap. “Comfy?” She asked, looking down at him. He babbled happily, cuddling up against her. Judging by the squish that sounded as he moved, he was overdue for a change. “Gimme a moment Twi, Ah need ta get Snow clean.”

“Take your time, I’ll help Dash get started on the letters,” Twilight replied.

AJ nodded, grabbing some foal supplies as she trotted to the bathroom. After getting the colt cleaned up, AJ washed her hooves and returned to the den. Dash and Twilight were started on the letters, talking between themselves about the next member to write one for.

“Whad Ah miss?” AJ asked, sitting next to Dash.

“We got letters sent out to Braeburn, Aunt Applesauce and uh…” Dash paused, tapping her hoof against the table. “Who else have we written one for, Twi?”

“Aunt and Uncle Orange,” Twilight added.

“Thanks, so that’s who we’ve sent out letters to so far,” Dash said, smiling at AJ.

“We still have a mighty lot to send out.”

“Then your butt better start writing,” Dash said, giving AJ a quill. “Because I wanna be able to sleep tonight.” AJ shook her head, taking the quill in her mouth. It took them the rest of the day, but by supper time they had finished the last letter. “Ugh, I’m so hungry,” Dash groaned, putting down the last letter in the pile with the others.

“Yer stayin’ fer dinner Twi.” AJ looked at the alicorn, not asking her opinion on the matter.

“As if I’d pass up an Apple family meal,” Twilight said with a smile, getting up from her chair.

“Ya go get Spike first, he deserves a good meal.” AJ got up, putting Snow on her back. Twilight nodded and teleported out of the room, returning with Spike a few moments later.

“So, what’s this about me not doing the cooking tonight?” Spike asked with a grin.

“You're getting an Apple family meal.” Dash smirked, ruffling his spins.

“Sounds good to me,” Spike replied. “Granny’s almost as good a cook as Mom.”

“Don’t let her hear you say that.” Dash shook her head frantically. “She’ll take it as a challenge.”

“Sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Twilight giggled.

“Not something I want to go through again!” Dash shuddered.

“Ah told ya not t’say yer mama’s spaghetti was better, but ya didn’t listen,” Applejack said, trotting towards the kitchen. Dash rolled her eyes, hovering after her.

“Ah swear, the two of ya are too young t’be bickerin’ like an old married couple already,” Granny commented, shaking a wooden spoon at them. “Hay, ya ain’t even married yet.”

“That just means we’re perfect for each other,” Dash shot back, taking her seat.

“Why do ya think Ah let ya keep eatin’ our food?” Granny teased, starting to set the table.

“Cause ya like me.” Dash smirked, puffing her chest out.

“That Ah do, ya remind me of my son,” Granny said with a soft smile. “That boy was always puffin’ his chest from all his wins at the rodeo.”

“He sounds like a great guy, wish I could have met him.”

“Ya wouldn’t be sayin’ that if he were really here.” Granny chuckled. “He was bigger than Big Mac, and woulda questioned you up an’ down the house fer datin’ his little girl.”

“There was someone taller than Mac?” Dash turned to look at the stallion in question, wearing an incredulous expression.

“Stronger too, Ah’m pretty surprised Applejack’s mama was able to handle… well ya know,” Granny said, making a subtle motion with her hoof to avoid saying anything in front of Apple Bloom.

“Can we please talk about anythin’ else?” AJ all but pleaded.

“Fine, fine, Ah’ll stop before ya become redder than Big Mac.” Granny chuckled and finished setting the table. “Eat up, y'all.”

“This is really good!” Spike chirped, taking a bite of some fritters.

“Hands off the fritters, AJ’s gonna want all of those,” Dash teased, nudging her marefriend in the side.

“Yeah, and Dash is gonna give us a demonstration of her ballet dancin’,” AJ smirked evilly.

“I can do that no problem,” Dash waved off. “Ballet took my flying from good, to amazing.”

“I had no idea you took ballet,” Twilight commented, munching on a slice of Apple bread.

“Yup, my mom enrolled me when I told her I wanted to be a Wonderbolt,” Dash explained. “I hated it at first, but once I started seeing results, I loved it.”

“Just doesn't seem like you,” Spike added.

“Reading wasn’t like me either, but we all saw how that went,” the pegasus retorted.

“You getting chased by the guards.” This caused everyone at the table but Dash to start laughing.

“I was going to say with me loving it,” Dash said with a flat look.

“Come on Dash, ya know its funny.” AJ grinned, nudging her in the ribs. Even Snow was laughing, why he had no idea but he loved the happiness on display.

“I sure wasn’t laughing during that chase,” Dash replied, a smile creeping onto her face.

“But you are now,” AJ pointed out, sharing her smile.

“There was a mare chasing me that was barking like a bloodhound,” Dash pointed out. “It’s hard not to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.” Snow babbled, apparently voicing his own opinion. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve got a silly mommy.” Dash chuckled and leaned over to nuzzle Snow.

Snow latched onto her muzzle, nuzzling her back with a coo.

“That colt is such a mama’s boy,” Granny commented with a soft smile.

“He’s got two great moms, how could he not be?” Dash smirked, kissing Snow’s head. Snow babbled in agreement, kissing Dash back. The whole table dawed, smiling at the little colt.

“Ah think Ah can live with havin’ a mama’s boy,” AJ commented with a smile. The rest of dinner passed quickly and by the end, Snow was nodding off. “Looks like Snow needs t’be put to bed. Ya’ll get home safe tonight.” AJ turned to Twilight and Spike with a smile.

“Thank you for dinner Applejack.” Twilight smiled, gathering her things.

“Yeah, it was great.” Spike climbed onto Twilight's back, giving her a thumbs up.

“Good night everypony, I had a wonderful time,” Twilight said, turning to leave.

“Say goodbye Snow,” AJ cooed, rubbing his back. Snow babbled and waved his hoof at the two as they left the Apple home. “Come on Snow, time fer bed.” She rubbed his head, walking upstairs. She placed him down in his crib and wrapped him in his blanket.

“Good night little guy,” Dash cooed, kissing his forehead. “Sweet dreams.” He babbled in reply, his eyes fluttering closed. The two mares smiled and quietly exited his room. “We’ve only had him a few days and I already love him so much,” Dash commented with a warm smile.

“He’s a charmer alright,” AJ agreed, gently shutting the door.

“I bet all the little fillies will fawn over him,” Dash said with a chuckle.

“Ah bet yer gonna be the one ta chase em’ off.”

“No way, I’m the cool mom,” Dash waved off. “You’re gonna be the one to scare ‘em away.”

“We’ll see.” AJ smirked, trotting into their room. Dash joined her, closing the door as they settled in for the night.